By chapterofmine

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Former Ballerina, Grace Marlyn lives in between two worlds- A full time waiters and an occasional hustler in... More



159 10 2
By chapterofmine


I look at him for a moment, still thinking if I was imagining things or not for him to be here. But he really does, actually here standing in front of me wearing a more casual suit compared to what he wore last night and a more tired looking eyes which still staring at me as if they're pleading for me to not taking another step away from him.

" What are you doing here," I mutter under my breath before I turn my eyes looking over my left where the front desk is, hoping Jane or the other customer who's occupied the table just outside the sliding door to this private area can't hear any of this.

No, this is not happening, he's clearly toying with me. I can't let him spend another second, not here where my job is at risk. Just because I started this as a front for my hustle cover doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it- not when it's also have been giving me a more reason to not spending more time at Melina's.

" You need to leave," My jaw tighten as I grab his arm quickly, try to pull him to the direction where the front door is, but of course he doesn't even make a single move. " No," He shakes his head slightly, before I take a step backward, " We need to talk," James bring his hand into his back pocket as he continue facing me. " You know we're obviously done talking with what happened last night." I say coolly, as I quickly turn around and walk away from him.

" Sit down, thief," He says with a shallow chuckle under his breath that stopping me on the spot right just right before I reach out the glass sliding door separating the private area to the rest of the restaurant, I feel heavy and frozen in place like my feet are trapped in the concrete floor.

I shot a look at him as I turn around, my body heat quickly rising as anger start to build up inside of me, he is toying with me, I know he does and with that tone within his voice, he probably thinking he has the upper hand on whatever game he's dragging me to play.

" Call me thief one more time I dare you-"
" Enough," He shakes his head, stopping me from finishing my sentences before he grins," Look, you don't have to keep acting tough," James chuckles before he pulls the corner of his mouth as he stares at me.

He let out a rush of breath before he finally looks away, " You have no idea the length I had to go through just to find you here, so please, Grace, sit down." James chuckles before his expression changes by the way he says my name, like he despises the word coming through his mouth.

I cross my hand over my chest as I try to calculate my next move on whatever plan he might been  hiding behind all those pleases. Still, I'd be lying if I say I'm not enjoying the way he's begging me to sit.

" Yeah? how do you find me?" I begin, my voice is sharp but it slightly lost in my throat before I finished it, slightly. " I'm not answering anything before you sit down," James says as he drag the empty chair and motion me to take the seat, I scoff before I look up at him, " And I'm not going to sit down until you answer my questions." I say harshly making him to look up at me, staring at me like he is running his next move inside his head.

My first guess would be Yelena, he did mentioned it just last night how he would have hold that on for a leverage, part of me hoping he doesn't actually went to find Yelena, for what it's worth I don't need him to involve her in any of this- because it's already bad enough for me to let Yelena doing her own side hustler.

" Listen, I'm not here to threaten you," James says after a good ten seconds, he shakes his head slightly before he looks up at me- " You being here already threaten me, the least you could do now is to tell me how do you find me here?" I say quickly as I watch him letting out a sigh and shake his head.

For a second I hold my breath the moment I hear the door slides open behind me," Is everything okay here?" Jane's voice fills the room followed by her footsteps, I turn my head around and find her with two glass and a bottle of wine," Are you okay, Grace? you seem a bit flushed," Jane asks as she walks toward the table," I'm fine," I say as I let a subtle breath out, watching Jane pour the drink by the table.

" Sit down, Grace," James says bringing my focus back to him the second Jane left the room, I shake my head daring him as I lift my chin up. " Fine, I went to Dean," James let out a long sigh as he says it, I should've feel relief to hear him not actually going to Yelena to find me, but the fact that he really did went to Dean just tighten my clenched jawline even more." Don't worry, I didn't tell him anything about you being a thief," James says quickly stopping me from saying a word.

" Why should I be worry over something you don't have any prove of," I tell him, a half lie, because part of me did worry that he might've slipped out and told the fragile old man everything, exposing how I'm not just another waiters at a high end restaurant in upper east side area who he shared a lot of personal memories with over weekly dinner-

I let out a subtle breath as I watch him circle the table and take the other empty chair for himself as I stay in the same spot, James grins before he leans closer to the table. " Sit," He says it like a command this time, " No, I'm good here." I say shaking my head. " Just hear me out first," James says again,
" Please." He continue with his pleases as he keep his eyes on me, his steel blue eyes taunting me to take the seat.

" You're exhausting me, Grace," James sigh," And believe me I'm not enjoying this any more than you do." James says as he let out a rush of breath,
" Well, finally something in common," I say immediately as I let out a fake laugh," So why are you even bother to come to Dean just to find me," I shrug my shoulder, looking at him.

James expression slowly begin to turn into something I can't read as he nods toward the empty seat, demanding me to take it. I take a good ten seconds before I walk closer to the empty chair across from him, taking my time to remove the cutlery away off the table to avoid things I might regret doing before I finally sit down.

James pulls the corner of his mouth with both of his eyes still fixed on me as he takes one of the wine glass with one hand, just before I notice he has his left hand pressing the waiters call button.

" What are you doing?" I can hear the panic within my voice clearly for once, " Relax," James says before I hear the door slides open, I don't have to turn around to see who walks in to know that it's Gary.

He glares at me with a menu sheet and the tablet in his arm, I turn my eyes away from him only to meet James's grinning at me mischievously.
" Is there anything I can help you with, sir?" Gary says nervously as he slightly curtsy next to James who's clearly have completely ignore him.

James stares at me for a good five seconds, before he clears his throat and turn his head to look over where Gary been standing- " Gary," James begin,
" Yes, sir," Gary says in second. My heartbeat beats faster by each seconds because at this point James could easily say anything he wants to get me fired and Gary won't even question anything.

" Do me a favor and take Grace's coat or whatever she bring here, she will be leaving early tonight." James stares at me as he says it, " There's no need Gary, I'm not leaving," I say quickly, still trying to compose myself together. " Bring her things out, she will be leaving with me, it's important." James says with a nod before he shots a look at me.

" And I would like one apple tart to go, heard a lot about this place having the best one in Manhattan," James says pulling the corner of his mouth keeping his eyes on me.

Anger built up inside of me as I wait for Gary to closes the slides door from the corner of my eyes before I turn my eyes around," Funny when you said you're not here to threaten me, I didn't expect forcing me to come with you is within your plan," I chuckle bitterly before James leans forward to the table and grins," Chase to the point James, what do you want?" I snap, frustrate by the situation because I know he didn't just called Gary in to get my things and an apple tart.

A light flashes in his eyes before he leans back on his seat, taking his time before he nods his head slightly,
" You know what I want, Grace," James says so casually before he let out a rush of breath and push his chair back before he gets up.

" Did you hit your head this morning? someone broken in into my place and stole my stuff remember, I don't have your ring anymore." I say in whisper, just loud enough for him to hear as I try to hold myself together, clearly there's no use to pretend anymore now he found me here with my full name on the staff chart.

" Yeah well, that's the thing, Grace," He chuckles,
" I've been having my suspicion to whoever stole it seems most likely already knew where you kept your jewelry box," James says as he leans closer to me.

There's something intimidating in his eyes before he shakes his head with a small bitter laugh like I'm not following, " And right now you're the only person who seems to got more leads to find your box, which happened to have my ring in it," James takes a step closer, just enough to block my way out.

" So maybe it's better if we stop playing your game and actually start looking for it," James suggest before I finally let out a genuine laugh," You must be really desperate to admit that one to me," I chuckle,
" Yeah well, one of us have to be the adult in this situation." James nods, I watch him pulls his hand out of his pocket, pulling the sleeve slightly as he checking on the dark leather watch on his left wrist.

I shift on my seat as I look up at him,
" Funny because I was thinking the same thing since last night," I scoff, shaking my head before my eyes catches his, James's eyes scan my face with the slightest hint of frustration that matches mine.

" I had that old jewelry box for years and not even once someone even bet an eye on it let alone steal it," I hiss, with an obvious annoyed tone within my voice," At least up until I had your ring," I pause, watching his expressions, until I realized I've been clenching my jaw so tight it slightly start to feel stiff.

" I can't help but thinking how maybe someone knew you lost the ring and hired a guy to find me better than you do and steal it off from me," I say bitterly as I push his chest to create more space between us before he continue suffocating me by his presence.

" Perhaps it's your fiancé," I say still watching his unreadable expression, " Have you maybe think of that? " I ask rhetorically, as I tilt my head to look up at him. James eyes darken as he looks down at me,
" So now you're accusing my fiancé " He asks under his breath.

Maybe- I don't know, obviously I had my suspicions until I met her in person, unless her kindness was just a front that comes with her profession.

" I don't know, but why don't you just leave and ask your fiancé about it." I say instead as I push the chair away to stand up from my seat, turn my heel around and walk away, out the sliding door and rushing toward the double door leading to staff area.

It didn't occur to me that James is following behind me before Gary stands in front of me nervously with my coat and my old-worn leather backpack in his hands.

" The apple tart will be just right out, Sir," He says with a nod as he look right past me to where James is standing five feet away behind me. " Take the coat out front, Grace and I aren't done talking," I hear James says it so confidently before Gary quickly curtsy and start walking away, still carrying my things with him.

" What's wrong with you," I sigh the second I know it's only the two of us left by the hallway. " You, what is wrong with me." His jaw tighten, James takes a step closer.

I grin as I look at him, part of me really do enjoy the way he's been begging but I know better to not let this stretches any longer, I need to come up with something for him to leave but instead his eyes meet mine in the same time I catches his.

" Look, I know you're looking for the box," He says as his body heat slowly creeping around me, James takes a step closer, his eyes locking mine as they're looking down at me, " I know you're looking for it the second you left your place last night, probably the same reason why you turn the place around besides to side track me." James says in whisper, just enough for me to hear him within the small amount of space between us that he still left behind.

" And I also know no one knows how thieves work better than the thief herself, so why not we put things aside and just work together to find it," He nods, not leaving my eyes as he says it, my pulse begin to beat faster as I recall whatever happened last night. " You get your box back, I get my ring, everybody wins." He continue.

" Or what are you gonna call the cops on me if I refuse?" I ask, crossing my hands over my chest.
" Because I don't see why I need to work with you when I can find my jewelry box on my own and sold your ring afterwards like I should have done earlier." I say slightly still frustrated over the fact I didn't sold the ring before any of this happened but still eager to bait on him to take my advantage.

" What do you want? " James asks after a good five seconds, I lift an eyebrow as I look up at him, amused. " I don't know, what do you have beside a security company?" I chuckle, finally enjoying the situation now I have the upper hand.

" So you've been digging on me," He smirk, it took me a good ten seconds when I realized what I just said, " Of course, I need to know who am I dealing with," I say flatly as I push my way through him.
" Well, do we have a deal?" He takes hold of my elbow- my arm tingle slightly at his touch.

I look at him for a moment, because my suspicion with the break in made me feel like I shouldn't trust him- none of this would happened if it weren't for the ring, I know that clearly. But on the other hand, it's not everyday some multi billionaire asked me for what I want, especially when it's clear that I'm the one leading on this dance, otherwise he won't be here begging for leads to find his ring.

" That depends," I breathe out," How far are you willing to go?" I say coolly, I push the double door open and hold it halfway. " Oh, what about your fiancé?" I pause," Like I said, she could've been behind it," I say bitterly over my shoulder before James walks closer to the point I have to look up at him, standing this close next to him without my heels just made me aware of the difference between our heights.

There's a sharp intensity in the way he's looking at me that brings a knot in my chest, " I don't like what you're accusing about my fiancé," He says under his breath, " But she's mine to concern," He says it as I watch him put it all together.

James takes the other door handle to open it wider by my left, he stares at me for a good ten seconds before he nods, " You've got an hour to show me whatever leads you've got," He nods, " Outside, thief," James says, pressing his hand against my back as he motion me to walk first.


It's only past 10:12pm when I'm back in my apartment building, glancing around into the quiet street, secretly hoping no one's watching us as I trying to catch a glimpse of any movement.

" So what happened to the guy from this morning?" James's voice fill the quite around us right before I open the front gate, I shot a look over him as I unlatch the iron lock," Just to be clear you're only here strictly to find the ring, I'm not gonna answer unrelated questions." I say harshly as I continue climb ahead up to the stairs to the fourth floor.

" You better come up with a good reason why on earth is your fake ID- Harper Claine was online this afternoon and listed at downtown hospital, are you okay?" Wanda ask quickly the second I open the door.


Wanda stands just five feet in front of me, her eyes on me the whole time, barely blinking before I wince slightly at her, just enough for her to understand that we've got a problem without giving too much away. I let out a sigh of relief when she nods just a second before I hear James heavy footsteps finally catching up behind me. I watch her eyes moves from mine to exactly where I know James is standing behind me just right outside the door because I'm still blocking the way.

For a second I feel like there's a sudden strangeness by the way Wanda's eyes staring at him, but then her expression quickly change into a wider smile on her face as she held out her hand, " Hi, I'm Wanda," She says lightly.

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