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We're at least twenty miles outside of town, away from the crowd as the trees start to covering each sides of the road as if they're hugging it, not a single houses can be seen from the road and the tiny lamps on the mailboxes are the only clues t...

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We're at least twenty miles outside of town, away from the crowd as the trees start to covering each sides of the road as if they're hugging it, not a single houses can be seen from the road and the tiny lamps on the mailboxes are the only clues that people live down here as the road to Dean's house slowly turning into a pitch black of darkness with less and less road lights around, I'm leaning my head against the passenger window of James's car as both of us letting the silence gets thicker by the passing minutes.

" You didn't take the wrong turn are you," I mutter as I keep my head looking over the window when we come down to a more quiet road where the trees blend together with the night you can hardly see most of the driveway, and as much as I don't want to talk to him I rather not to get myself lost in an unfamiliar area at 11pm with the least person I want to get lost with," No," I can tell he shakes his head slightly before letting out a breath," It's just up ahead," James continue and I nod once as I look over the window hoping the silence could stretch out, but instead James's switch on the left blinker before he clears his throat,

" I'm sorry," James starts to my surprise, I don't need to ask what he's sorry about to know the answer, that Maria Hill whose profile he dig up about- Maria Hill, the name means absolutely nothing to me except for the fact it shouldn't supposed to be because the way she knew the name nobody have called me with for the last six years when she stopped me back in Zemo's club should've meant something, " Gracelyn?" I remembered her called, I close my eyes shut hoping for anything to comes back but instead nothingness greet me like a regular.

" Look, I'm sorry about the picture, I shouldn't have shove it to you like that," James says before I scoff dryly," Don't bother," I mutter in the same time he drives us to a more windy road," Well, it's does for me, and I want you to understand that I wasn't trying to dig up into your past," James continue as he finally look away, I hum underneath my breath once as I keep my eyes up ahead," I was just looking into that woman's- Hill's profile," He continues in defense, I sigh a breath once and shift on my seat as I look over the window," I said don't bother," I pause," I'm here to look up for Paul to help Dean not talking about any other problem, whatever explanation you want to say it doesn't matter," I continue as I hold myself together with a knot it my chest tighten by the picture sitting inside James's car compartment, begging for me to take it out and stare at it until I remember something, but instead I take a deep breath in before a dim of light finally make an appearance as soon as James's car start to slowing down and pull over down the pebble road, circling what looks like an old forgotten fountain.

" This is where Dean lives?" I ask to no one but myself as I try to taking all in everything, two tall brick columns looms by both side of the driveway that never seems to end, I crane my neck just slightly, trying to see the length of the ground but the dark garden just stretched out with less and less outdoor lights, for a second I stop and thinking how this place might have been the most beautiful yet haunting place in broad day light," Yeah," James says from his seat," He's been up here in the past eight years," He continue in the same time I shift on my seat the second he turn the car off," You okay?" James asks shortly," Yeah," I mutter as I take off my coat before reaching for the door and get myself out of his car.

AFTERGLOW - JAMES BUCKY BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now