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Every ounce of my worry ever since I saw the fresh bruise just above her left cheekbone really starting to messing with my focus throughout this meeting

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Every ounce of my worry ever since I saw the fresh bruise just above her left cheekbone really starting to messing with my focus throughout this meeting.

I would be lying if I say that I wasn't expecting her to walk into my office the second she found out about her front job, of course she'd throw a fit over it and I know because it's the only way I can make sure she is serious in finding the stolen ring, it's the red and purple bruises that I didn't expected to see on her.

" We have stated this in the agreement during the last appointment," says one of the secretary pulling me back to the meeting, it's been at least an hour since its begin and Stark's team missed nothing on asking questions and being paranoia.

For once I couldn't careless about the deal for setting up some system off Stark's newest office upstate, not that it's not important- Stark Industries always been the big money client, but they're also Steve's client, which he's been the one handling on them in the last four years up until he texted me earlier this morning to take over on his today's meeting.

If it weren't for Steve's emergency call, I would've skipped it. I have enough on my plate between my own work, looking for my mother's ring and Sharon.

" It's in our company's best interest that you accept the full rundown," Steve's secretary, Claire says filling in, and it's obvious whatever they're talking in the last five minutes I'm for sure have stopped listening. " Mr Barnes, could you agree on-" Says one of the secretary, told to be truth his name already slipped out my mind awhile ago, I stop him halfway in the same time my phone buzz with a text.
" Security set up boss, anything else?"
" Is she there?" I reply,
" Nope, didn't get the honor," Lang reply's in second.

I look down over my watch, cursing under my breath on how long this meeting has stretches out, " Mr. Barnes, could you agree on-," Says the secretary before I look over him," I assure you, Mrs Potts will get the best deal out of it," My lips curve, not enough to classify as a smile but enough to broadcast my thoughts that this meeting should've been over at least twenty minutes ago.

" Now if you excuse me," I say as I shift on the chair the second I see Steve waving just outside the meeting room, shit.
" You know when you called in for emergency I definitely didn't expect this," I point to the bracer around his left hand," You good?" I ask shortly, Steve chuckles as he shrug a shoulder,
" Are you kidding," He sigh," tried to set up nat's new pilates machine yesterday, one of the pole pierce over my palm- no I'm not good, Buck," Steve says with a grin as if his injuries was nothing,
" Don't wanna compete with her trainer huh," I say jokingly before Steve laughs.

" You've got a minute?" Steve says looking over the meeting room," Yeah, meeting should've been done ages ago anyway," I shrug a shoulder and start walking away," You should've mentioned how paranoid these clients are," I continue before noticing a files folder on his good hand," What's this?" I ask before Steve closes the door behind him as he continue walks inside," This," He says holding out a files as he continue walking to my desk.

AFTERGLOW - JAMES BUCKY BARNES FANFICTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang