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Everything goes quiet beside the faint ticking sound of the table clock over my bookshelf, I let out a subtle breath that I was holding back before I look at him over my shoulder," Last night was a mistake," I say under my breath before I reach fo...

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Everything goes quiet beside the faint ticking sound of the table clock over my bookshelf, I let out a subtle breath that I was holding back before I look at him over my shoulder," Last night was a mistake," I say under my breath before I reach for the dish soap, partly blaming myself more for letting my guard down with a flask of vodka last night.

For a moment I let the silence falls back between us, just long enough until I hear James letting out a sigh of breath behind me," Look, I don't know what you're dealing with," James starts after what feels like a long minute," But clearly you need someone to talk things out with," He continues in a more casual tone as he carries another dish from the table to the sink, I pull my plate off his hands with irritation starts to creeping up inside of me and turn myself around from him as I continue scrapping the not-so-dirty plate over the sink.

" Tell me did you drunk last night for the blank out?" James's question taking me aback as I shot him a look over my shoulder, letting him to know that he starts to getting on the last string of the patience I have left after he seems to peg me as someone with a drinking problem, which I don't.

" I miss the part where it's any of your business," I look over him as he leans his waist against to my kitchen counter, a dish cloth ready on his hands as he watches over me," Just answers the question, Grace," He says with a brief nod," Now you sounds like my aunt," I scoff bitterly as I shove the plate to his chest where he catches it midair but the water drips to the shirt- Pietro's shirt that he's been wearing since last night anyway.

" Didn't know you have an aunt," James blurt out as he puts down the plate, I chuckle as I look away from him," Well that shows my point exactly, we're not friends," I shove another clean plate toward him only for him to catch my hand under the dish cloth along with the plate I'm still holding, my gaze darts from his heaving chest to the steel blue eyes looking down at me, staring at me as if he's looking for some answers to his unspoken questions before I pull my hand off him quickly, " Look, I'm just trying to help," He says with a muscle twitch by his jaw when I steal a quick glance over him by the corner of my eye,
" Well, I don't ask for it and I don't see how that's any of your concerns," I scoff as I turn around and starts wiping some water spill over my sink in the same time I hear James's footsteps walking closer behind me," Maybe you don't, but," James stops halfway before I wash my hands and turn the faucet off," Never mind," James says under his breath after a good ten seconds of silence, I let out as sigh of breath as I look over him," Well if you don't have anything else to say, feel free to leave," I say daring him spitefully before he lets out a ghost of smile making a show by the corner of his mouth.

To my surprise James nods, just briefly as he walks closer to where I'm standing, leaving a small space between us with his steel blue eyes fixated on me,"Look, I get it you're just protecting yourself with that wall you put up," James pauses, pulling a ghost of smirk by the corner of his mouth," There's nothing wrong with being cautious," I say in whisper as move my eyes all the way up to find his eyes,

AFTERGLOW - JAMES BUCKY BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now