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" FLASH NEWS UPDATE ABOUT THE PENTHOUSE FIRE NYP HAS DECLARED THE FIRE ACCIDENT CAUSED BY A LEAK GAS, we have Robin reporting from location," I hear the voice coming from Grace's tv which still running with the low volume, my attention slip in a h...

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" FLASH NEWS UPDATE ABOUT THE PENTHOUSE FIRE NYP HAS DECLARED THE FIRE ACCIDENT CAUSED BY A LEAK GAS, we have Robin reporting from location," I hear the voice coming from Grace's tv which still running with the low volume, my attention slip in a half between that news and the wireless bug I'm trying to detach off Grace's dress that she wore last night, because between the thousands dollar I just spent for the ring and then the fire, I did let her walked out for a few minutes before I decided to ran after her,
I throw the bug to the table as soon as I managed to pulled out one of the wire to disconnect to whoever had it on, it's easy to disable the thing, way easier to tap it on someone given how small and slightly transparent it look with a contact lens alike.

" Can someone put a pause on that," I hear Grace whisper before I notice she have her full attention on the TV screen, I sigh a breath and move myself to the remote over the counter while Wanda knocking herself out with the bug before I move from the kitchen, down to the living room where Grace take a step forward, closer to the TV before I notice what she's been looking at, or who for exact.

There's a woman sitting by the back of an ambulance behind the reporter looking space out," What's wrong?" Asks the guy that I don't have any intention to catch his name of ever since he walks into Grace's place, but given the resemblance between him and Wanda, it's easy to tell how he's her twin brother.
" Wait, is that?" Wanda says as her footsteps approaching into the living room, I move my eyes away from the TV as I look where Grace is crossing her hands over her chest in the same time her eyes furrow over the screen, adjusting her eyes to the woman sitting on the back of an ambulance just few feet behind the reporter," Grace, that's the woman that came to you in the club few nights ago," I hear Wanda's voice echoes in the background the second my eyes lands over a dark red triangle shape thing come smashing through one of the windowsill.

Grace, she is the first one my instinct leads me to the second I saw the brick coming through her window, my body reflex hurry to pull her out of the way and down to the ground as I ducked her under me, covering her head with my arms until I hear the brick broke into half after knocking few things off Grace's bookshelf.

I look over her for a good few seconds, making sure she is well and the brick doesn't hit her before my unspoken questions gets an immediate answer when Grace looks over me with a mutual expression we shared- What the fuck just happened?
I hurry through the balcony door, down to the fire escape and bolt past the pedestrian as I hurtle into the street, not thinking which direction I'm taking or who I'm trying to run after because all I can focus on is to find and catch the punk who just threw the brick off the window.

A dark figure starts running on the opposite direction by the intersection when he catch a sight of me coming to his direction, I rush my way toward the figure under the black hoodie- ignoring the fact I just brush into few people as I keep my eyes on the suspect, because from what I've been gathering this is not the first time someone trying to attacked Grace and her place, the bruise still on her face tells me the brick most likely the third time this shit happened to her.
" Excuse me," I sigh in a rush as I come passing next to an old lady by the traffic light and continue running over the left corner heading to 23rd st before I realized where the figure I'm running after heading to,
Male, at least 6'0 ft- coldury dark brown coat.

AFTERGLOW - JAMES BUCKY BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now