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" It's okay, Grace, breathe in- just take it easy," A voice came from my left in the same time I opened my eyes, it took me a moment to adjust to the light as I woken up, and a few more seconds afterward for me to slightly move my head around to s...

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" It's okay, Grace, breathe in- just take it easy," A voice came from my left in the same time I opened my eyes, it took me a moment to adjust to the light as I woken up, and a few more seconds afterward for me to slightly move my head around to see where I was.

My whole body felt numb, at least up to point I couldn't fully move my feet," Grace, I'm Doctor Palmer, how are you feeling?" The woman walked closer before she paused with a subtle nod, I tried to sitting up but a stab of pain over my left waist stopped me halfway," Let me," She said as she walked to the other side of my hospital bed and grabbed the bed control to adjusted the head end, I braced myself as she brought me slowly to a reclined position and took a deep breath in from the oxygen wire under my nose.

" Does this okay?" She asked before I nodded weakly in the same time I closed my eyes shut," My head hurts," My voice came out broken and weak before I opened my eyes and Dr. Palmer nodded her head," That's perfectly normal, I will give you something for that," She said calmly as she took the medical cart from the edge of my bed," Your aunt is on her way, we called her earlier to come here," Palmer said as she took the chair next to the bed,
" My aunt?" I asked with a long exhale," Yes, Grace, you were in a car accident three days ago- we had to kept you asleep for a little while until you're on a more stable condition," Palmer nodded as she looked at me.

Emotion rushed within me in seconds as I tried to hold myself together," What?" I muttered under my breath as I looked away only for my eyes to laid on a few medical machines stood up on the right side of my bed," It's okay, you're okay now," She tried to calmly told me to take it easy but to found out you've been in a car accident was anything but easy.

" Listen Grace, it is a procedure for me to inform you what happened to you," She nodded after I managed to breathed in," But if you want to wait for your aunt I can get back later," Palmer continued with a soft smile on her face, for a second I felt my panic decreasing slowly," You can tell me now," I said weaker than before as I briefly nodded at her," Your last medical result shows us a minor concussion, it can cause some temporary confusion, erratic mood swings or a short term memory lost," She continued as I looked at her," Memory lost?" I swallowed a lump in my throat as I asked the rhetorical question, Palmer looked at me and took several seconds before someone she nodded

My head started to felt heavier as I worked my way through my own memory, digging up on anything I could remember from three days ago- but nothing came thought.
Palmer continued with more explanation about my condition which I have partly listened as a heavy weight suddenly pressed down against my chests,

" Grace, could you tell me anything you remember before the accident?" Palmer asked calmly, I sucked in a rush of breath as I looked over the window,
" I'm sorry I-" I said hesitantly, I tried to keep myself together before something shifted all in once and suddenly I remembered the car- the accident,
" Do you remember where were you three days ago?" Palmer asked calmly, she waited for my answer as if she had all the time in her hands.

AFTERGLOW - JAMES BUCKY BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now