Remnant of Void & Flame (Honk...

By BraveArmament

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She had made a contract, one that binds her across time and space to a power beyond her comprehension. Now, s... More

Volume I - Prologue
Volume I - Chapter I
Volume I - Chapter II
Volume I - Chapter III
Volume I - Chapter IV
Volume I - Chapter V
Volume I - Chapter VI
Volume I - Chapter VII
Volume I - Chapter IX
Volume I - Interlude (Weiss I)
Volume I - Chapter X
Volume I - Chapter XI
Volume I - Chapter XII
Volume I - Epilogue
??? - Elegy of The Withered Blossom (I)
Side Story - Echo (I)
Side Story - Echo (II)

Volume I - Chapter VIII

520 19 4
By BraveArmament

A bead of sweat trickled down the side of her face as Pyrrha lunge forward, once again attempting to land the first and only blow she required to achieve victory. As was expected by now, her attack was met nothing but empty air as her opponent smoothly slid away from its path. She huffed in annoyance, her frustration growing with every passing second.

One hit. She just need to land a single solid hit to be declared victorious.

She had thought her opponent was simply being over-confident, but as the fight had dragged on, she reluctantly acknowledge that perhaps that confidece is well earned. Even now, her adversary has yet to draw her weapon, relying solely on evasive maneuvers and body movements in order to fend off every one of her strikes.

Pyrrha whirled forward, sending a hail of strikes towards her foe. Once again, her opponent slipped away from her blade, this time with a poetic grace that left her almost mesmerized, each move reflecting a mastery of combat beyond her comprehension.

She stumbled for an instant, her breathing now more labored than before as the fight had progressed into its sixteenth minute. The shock of witnessing a new technique and the fatigue that comes with extended physical activity has sap far too much of her energy. Both her footwork and swordplay slowly deteriorated as time went on, forcing her to adopt a more desperate approach; one which she realizes will most likely resulted in another failure.

Still, despite her best effort, she has yet to even come close to scoring a single hit. The frustration she had kept bottled up slowly but surely bubbled over, as sweat dripped from her brow and spilled down to the ground. Each of her attempt only served highlight the disparity between their skill, as her opponent evaded every attack with nary an effort exerted.

She leap back to take a breather and plot her next move. In stark contrast to the frenzy that had just ensued, her opponent simply stood unperturbed. Their stance relaxed as they waited for her to recover. She expected them to launch rapid assault the second she faltered or paused, to take advantage of her moment of weakness, however not once did that happen.

It was... humbling to say the least. To know that someone only a few years older than her can fight with such skill. Yet, at the same time, it only serve to strengthen her resolve. To prove that she was deserving of the titles which had been bestowed upon her...

She took a step back before giving voice to this internal resolution with a stirring battle cry as she launched forth into another barrage of attacks; each one thrown with newfound focus and determination.


Kiana swiveled gracefully as she evaded each kick and slash, her feat so swift that even the most observant person would be hard pressed to track her movements. She watched as the champion took a step forward, her blade cutting through the air with cold precision. Kiana's eyes followed its every move like a hawk, taking in every subtle shift in angle or speed without fail...

Though still far from perfect, it was undeniable that the redhead had improved greatly since their fight began. Even this attack was executed with remarkable grace, arcs smoothly transitioning into straight lines while stepping around imaginary boundaries before connecting onto solid ground again; an elegant dance that spoke much of the champion's innate talent and tireless practice. She would've definitely qualify as a B-rank Valkyrie had she been enrolled in St. Freya.

Yet, despite her best efforts and tireless dedication, the reality still remains. The small movements she made during combat and the slight waver in power behind each of her attacks betray the champion's lack of experience compared to her own. The disparity between their skill was simply far too great.

The arena had long since fallen into silence, with only a few voices echoing from time to time in faint support and encouragement. Even the students of Sanctum Academy could tell that the fight had already long been decided, their cheers for the champion slowly disappear as they watched her valiant yet inevitably doomed attempt at overturning the match by sheer strength and tenacity.

Kiana allowed herself a faint smile as Pyrrha pressed on with her assault, continue to single mindedly strive for perfection in each act she committed. While it's true that skills cannot be measured only through battle prowess alone, Kiana still felt a certain admiration for this young woman who stood before her and fought despite knowing full well how outclassed she was.

The flurry of sword and feet moved with ever-decreasing intensity, as Pyrrha once again seemed to be slowing with exhaustion. Her attacks gradually grew weaker and less precise, though not once had she stopped or paused in her onslaught. All throughout the fight, despite faltering limbs and will alike, she remain unwavering in her dedication. It is an admirable trait, she thought to herself, as her smile grew warmer and more genuine.

Perhaps it was time to take things up a notch...

Kiana slide back to avoid another attack, taking a slight step away from her opponent as the tip of her blade inches dangerously close to her face. Then with perfect timing she quickly leaned in and retaliate for the first time since the match began, sending a quick and powerful kick flying towards the champion's chestplate, the rotational movement releasing both momentum and energy.

She watched intently as Pyrrha raised up her shield in defense, just barely managing to block off the attack that had enough force behind it to not only send her flying but also leaving behind a sizeable dent on the surface of her shield.

The force of the kick seemed to have shocked the champion, allowing her to quickly close in and deliver a strike that send the redhead staggering backwards. She quickly follows up with another kick that would have landed had Pyrrha not sidestepped away at the last second. With each movement, she moves faster and more gracefully than before; her attacks flowing into one another like the cresting waves of an ocean storm, swift yet deadly...

But as quickly as it had arrived, the wave receded. Leaping back, Kiana opened the space between them, inviting her foe to gain some much needed room to gather and regenerate her strength if only briefly.

The champion looked at her strangely for a moment before realizing that she may have been offered an opportunity for respite; one which she wasted no time in taking advantage of. She raced towards the opposite end of the field with speed almost indicative of desperation; an emotion clearly visible on her features even from where Kiana stood, watching silently from afar.

The champion relaxed her stance, panting heavily as she took a moment to collect herself. It was then that Kiana spoke up, her voice gentle yet stern.

"You have yet to use your semblance..."

It was a statement, not a question, and one made with such certainty that it caused Pyrrha to pause in her recovery. Her body tensed as she look at her in shock, eyes brimming with surprise at the revelation.

"Y-you knew about my semblance?" The readhead stammered in disbelief. "How?"

"It's not really that hard to tell. The recording of your past fight provided me with more than enough information." Kiana replied calmly with a shrug of her shoulders. "Though I admit I am surprised that you could keep it hidden for so long."

"I-I..." Pyrrha stumbled over her words, still wrestling between shock and confusion at how exactly Kiana managed to uncover her secret. "How did you figure it out?"

"Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?" She could feel the corners of the her lips curled into a faint smile, her eyes hidden behind the mask briefly flickering with amusement before slowly changing back to a more solemn expression. "Regardless, you can rest assured. There is little to no reason for me to share such information with anyone."

She could see the other girl heaving a sigh of relief, her posture slumping slightly as her pent-up tension slowly dissipated into thin air.

"Is that why you refrain from using your weapon?" The young redhead smiled wryly while gesturing towards her weapons.

Kiana look down at her armaments, the single katana resting on her left hip and a pair of pistol holstered behind her back.

Nue of the Shadow and Fafnir Flame.

She had recreated them using the power of Reason, shaping them from memories residing within her mind. Each of them a perfect replica, down to the most intricate detail. And while she might have recreate the pistols out of a whim, the katana hold a much deeper meaning.

A certain nostalgia filled her eyes as she begun to caress the hilt with a gentle fondness, reminiscing on what the weapon represent.

'If saving you is a sin, I'll gladly become a sinner'

A faint smile crept onto her lips as memories began appearing within the boundaries of her consciousness once again. Despite all that had happened, Kiana couldn't help but continue to hope and pray for a chance at redemption in the form of one final reunion before they part ways once more.

"That is a part of it, yes..."


The arena then fell back into silence once again while they stood gazing upon one another, each lost in their own thought and contemplation. The tension was palpable, almost as if the stillness of the air had produced an aura of anticipation between them.

"If I may be so bold as to make a request..." The young champion finally broke the silence, her tone laced with hesitation. "I would be honored if you could fight me without holding back."

The redhead smiled almost shyly, an odd combination of excitement and apprehension visible behind her eyes as she waited for her reply. Kiana looked on without saying anything, taking in the words said as she surveyed her expression and finally came to her own decision.

Slowly, she moved her right hand to the hilt of her blade and drew it out from its sheath. Gleaming crimson metal reflected the pale light in the arena, an impossible beauty that defies all sense of reason or logic. Kiana remain silent, simply using her left hand to pull out one of her pistols, twirling it around before letting it come to a rest in her hand with a flawless gesture. A faint glow can be seen emitting from both of her weapon.

The arena remained silent for several moments before it suddenly filled with a cryptic aura emanating from the mercenary, purple energy waxing and waning like waves that buffered across the surface of reality and distorting space itself...

"You asked me to stop holding back..." Kiana spoke as she slowly began walking towards her opponent, her pace calm and calculated.

Just as she passed the midpoint of the arena, something seems to change within her. In but an instant, she moved with a speed that borders on the impossible. One moment she was still walking, and the next, she had all but disappeared from sight.

The entire arena seems to quake as crack spread upon the floor where she had been standing before. She reappeared behind her opponent in the blink of an eye, her weapon raised and ready for action.

"I advise you to do the same..."


Weiss could barely believe her eyes as she watched the battle unfolding before her. The mercenary's performance was mesmerizing and awe inspiring, every movement smooth and precise. The force of each attack shook the very foundations of the arena. Yet despite this raw power, her bodyguard retained an elegant grace that could not be denied; a lethal combination if ever she had seen one.

The instructor acting as a tour guide standing beside her could only stare slack jawed as they watched on together in complete silence. No longer was there any boasting or praises for the champion of their academy. The arrogant and prideful look once held on the instructor's face had been replaced with an ugly frown, clearly showing of the disdain and shock she felt at the loss of her prized student to an outsider.

She herself had expected the mercenary to be on even ground with the champion, or perhaps even lose the match entirely. After all, it is no secret that Pyrrha Nikos is highly skilled and experienced, even capable of besting combatants several years ahead of her. This was clearly not the case as she imagined it would be.

It only left her with more questions than answers, some of them too much for the young girl to comprehend. Even the Schnee database, which is known to possess the most comprehensive information in the world had failed to turn out anything pertinent. Other than her age, her expertise and her weapon of choice, she had failed to discover anything about her bodyguard, not even her real name.

It was as if she had never existed to begin with...

She watch as the mercenary's blade flows with deadly accuracy, parrying each incoming attack with ease before launching her own. The sound of her blade as it cut through the air could be heard even from where Weiss and the instructor stood, cleaving its own unique melody in the arena. It sang with a shrill yet melodious tone, punctuated by echoing clangs as metal met metal and sparks flew from each encounter. In perfect harmony to this symphony of destruction, one could hear the champion's loud roars of defiance when the bodyguard performed her elegant finish on each exchange and gentle taps whenever she backed away or shuffled around mid fight.

Pyrrha moved with all her usual speed and skill, parrying blow after blow in vain effort to gain a foothold in the fight. It was an effort that ultimately proved fruitless however, for the sheer power of her opponent always left her several step too slow and forced her on to retreat ever more dangerously before finally being knocked down with a simple swipe of the mercenary's blade.

A quick glance at the screen above the arena shows that less than a minute have passed since her bodyguard choose to draw her weapon. Weiss let out a small sigh as she finally tore away her gaze away from the match and back to reality, focusing on nothing but the silent contemplation in her mind. They have traveled together for only several days now and yet already so very much has occurred which only begs further inquiry into who exactly her bodyguard really is…

It was a curiosity which, in that moment of silence and reflection, Weiss had firmly resolved to pursue. With each puzzling question came a burning desire to uncover the answer hidden just out of her reach.

Perhaps it was a foolish venture, nothing more that a mere flight of fancy. In truth, it matters little. Her interest have been piqued and she would have it no other way.


They march back in silence, their footsteps being the only sound that echoed through the dimly lit corridor. It was quiet... too quiet in fact. While it might not be that unusual, she had expected the academy to be much more crowded, considering that it is, in fact, one of the only five Primary Combat Schools in the entire world.

She also remember doing a quick search on the network a few months back, revealing that at least two hundreds students ends up graduating from each combat school every single year, which means that there should be no less than six hundred students in the academy.

For it to be this quiet strikes her as nothing but odd...

"Excuse me, Mrs. Dawn..." Kiana spoke at last, turning towards the guide who was walking just ahead of her. "Is it usually this quiet here? I thought academies such as this one would be bustling with activity."

Her voice is calm yet somehow still carries a certain sharpness to it, more than enough for the woman in question to consider her words carefully before providing an answer. Their guide looked back and blinked once as if considering how she should respond, before finally nodding after several moments of thought and speaking in a respectful tone.

"Yes, well, you see... it just so happen that this is an especially busy time for us. Most of our Faunus students have been given the special task of accompanying other teachers and classes outside the city of Argus, which is why the academy are a bit more empty than usual." She informed them, glancing back at the young heiress with a guilty glance. "And, uh, no disrespect to Miss Schnee here, but we believe it would be for the best considering the fact that we are currently... hosting the esteemed Schnee family at the academy."

"None taken..." Weiss replied, her expression neutral yet Kiana could easily make out a faint glimmer of irritation, no doubt caused by their guide's lack of tact and their implication hidden between those words. "That is completely understandable."

Kiana herself simply stared wordlessly back at the woman, offering no response as she simply digested the information given to her. While the explanation seemed reasonable, there was still something within her that refuses to be calmed. Perhaps it had been their guide's nervous response or perhaps simply her own instinct trying to tell her otherwise, but either way she couldn't shake the feeling that something just isn't right.

Regardless, there is little she could do at the moment. No matter how much she doubt, doubts are all it would remain until further evidence present itself. Which means that, for now at least, all she can do is wait and observe.

That being said, she still found herself keeping a lookout as the group walk in silence towards their destination. Their guide escorts them through the academy and towards the lobby. Waiting for them is the other person tasked with protecting the Heiress, Indigo.

The woman stood tall with her hands clasped behind her back and gave them a respectful nod when they arrived. Weiss returned the gesture before smiling in response, her eyes showing a familiarity between the two that came not from mistress and subordinate, but more like old friends.

"I see that you have finished your business." She spoke, her voice carrying a subtle hint of warmth as she approached the other bodyguard. "Have you been waiting long?"

"No, Miss Schnee. I have just arrived a few moments ago." Indigo replied with a shake of her head before glancing away with a slightly guilty look. "Also, Master Schnee has informed me that we are to go back first as he still need to attend some party with the Headmaster. He orders me to escort you back safely so... here I am."

"A party this early?" The Heiress scoffed in response with a roll of her eyes, clearly unsurprised by the news. "I suppose that is to be expected. Well then, lets not waste anymore time. If you could please lead the way, Mrs. Dawn..."

Without another word, the group started to move again. Their guide taking point to lead them towards an elevator at the back of the lobby and straight down into an underground garage. It was quite dark, with only a few light source scattered around the area.

Kiana had no problem making out the various vehicle parked around her however, each of them being adorned with the Schnee's sigil and guarded by a few unfamiliar soldiers in all white armors. They offered no salutation as the group pass and simply remained standing tall with their hands hovering near their weapons, ready to intervene at a moments notice should some trouble arise.

"This way, Miss Schnee..." One of the guards gestured towards the limousine. "Your transport has already been prepared, as well as a few escort compliments. We will ensure that you arrive back at your lodging without any delay."

"Very well..." Weiss nodded before glancing at their guide. "Thank you for everything, Mrs. Dawn. Please extend my sincerest gratitude to the headmaster and staff of Sanctum Academy for hosting us so kindly."

"It's been a pleasure Miss Schnee..." The woman spoke respectfully in response before bowing her head. "May your travels be ever safe."

The heiress silently nodded her head in response before taking a step towards the vehicle, both Kiana and Indigo following after. The guards opened the door in unison and waited for them to enter before sealing it shut, no doubt making sure that nothing is amiss.

She took a seat on one of the lavish sofas, sighing softly as she goes over what has happened during their visit. Thankfully nothing too eventful had occurred and everything until now appear rather... suspiciously peaceful relative to what her mission here was supposed to be.

She watched her surroundings as they moved, taking in the sights as the sun start to sets down. The warm orange hue of the sky brings a tranquil calm to the area, soothing the tension in her body a little. She takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, pushing away any lingering doubts and worry she might have.

In the end, it's probably just her paranoia... She thought to herself, leaning back in the sofa as she settle into her seat.

As expected, the journey back was just as mundane, the car slowly journeyed through the streets in silence. Their guard escorts remained vigilant, always ready to intervene should any danger arise.

*beep beep beep*

However, it was at that moment that her ear caught something.

*beep beep beep*

At first it was nothing but a faint beeping sound, too soft for anyone else in the vehicle to make out. Even Kiana only heard it thanks to her enhanced hearing.

*beep beep beep*

But something about that noise struck her as oddly familiar, one that is eerily similar to the sound of a bomb...

*beep beep beep*


It was at this point that the realization hit her. There was no time for hesitation or second thoughts. Kiana immediately responded, her body going into motion before her mind had the chance to catch up with the situation.

The power of the Herrscher of The Void surged through her body, allowing her to open a portal leading outside. She lunged forward in a burst of speed, grabbing the Heiress while at the same time turning on her communicator and shouting out a warning.

"Bomb! Everybody out of t-"


She did not manage to finish her warning, however, as the bomb detonate, engulfing the car in an explosion of smoke and light.


Author's Note: Yeah, I know... not even sure why it took so long to begin with. And I know the fighting scene sucks. I'm still learning, so bear with me. Don't even know if I'm satisfied with the chapter or not. It kinda feels lacking compared to what I usually wrote. Anyway, some people keep asking me to just skip over everything and go straight to RWBY main story. What do you think? And no, I'm not going to write some honkai porn, so stop asking... Like, seriously...

Disclaimer: Honkai Impact 3rd belongs to miHoYo; RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.

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