Untamed (bxb)

By dreammcatcher

384K 17.9K 4.5K

Ash is a fashion model, not by choice but the desire of his projecting mother. People think he's too cocky fo... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
1. one-night stand
2. probation
3. recognition
4. exhausted
5. friends
6. unexplained
7. off limits
8. denial
9. storm
10. abandoned
11. headbutt
12. blood
13. handjob
14. rejected
15. lick
16. idiot
17. ghost
18. suck
19. bonding
20. kisses
21. delicious
22. heartbroken
23. liar
24. sorry
25. unfixable
26. beg
27. worthless
28. care
29. opposite
30. grateful
31. redeemed
32. relationship
33. darkness
34. body
35. bruised
36. paranormal
37. furious
39. silenced
40. love
41. heart attack
42. numb
43. date
44. mine
45. identity
46. happiness
Exclusive Chapters
New BxB Book!

38. re-enact

6K 301 85
By dreammcatcher

re-enact (verb)
1. act out (a past event)

It's taken five days for me to feel back to normal, luckily my arm isn't broken but they kept it in the sling so that it heals better. The only part of me that is struggling to heal is the constant flashbacks and raging goosebumps when I think back to that day.

Chills. Actual chills.

Bodi has been texting me non-stop, making sure that I'm okay and my recovery has been going well. He gave me space to be at home, be looked after by my parents but that's the last thing I wanted. I wanted him to be here and give me a cuddle in bed.

The hospital requested that I get victim support. I laugh at the victim part because I was violated by things that people don't even believe in. That will be a one way ticket to the mental detention facility.

Even my mother encouraged it. She didn't necessarily believe what happened but after a while she accepted what I said, she listened and she tried to help. She still is which I am grateful for. I don't want to keep thinking about it.

I just want it to be erased from my memory so I can move on.

Bodi being one of the people who can distract me from my own mind. He'd ring me late at night and we'd stay on the phone until I fell asleep because being in the dark and alone felt like being in a horror movie. And funny enough, a few nights ago I was the star of that show.

Carol popped over to see how I've been and graced me with the information that the council are deciding to drop the manor for those on probation, it's going to be taken over by a third party company instead. At least I know I don't have to go back there, Bodi either.

That place will give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

We agreed that I'd go back to my placement as soon as possible, I want this tag off my leg more than anyone. The quicker I get to having my hours completed, the quicker I can move on from this awful time of my life.

Except Bodi, he's the only silver lining in all of this.

I turn up at the probation office a day later, being instructed that I'll be on the streets cleaning litter, scrubbing graffiti and making sure the town is immaculate. If anything I preferred it like this, a bigger group, more witnesses.

When I'm directed to the location of other people on probation, I pray that Bodi is in the same group. Or he's around at least. I haven't seen him in what feels like forever and I've never missed someone as I've missed him.

I hope he feels the same.

My feet hurry past a group of people scrubbing off black words underneath a bridge, then I notice others picking litter out of hills of grass. Oh how the other half live and we had to deal with a manor, but at least me and Bodi got some alone time.

Where is he?

"Need some help with where you're going, Cherry?"

I whip my head towards the sound, my eyes falling upon Bodi's warm eyes and welcoming smile. He's holding a pair of litter pinches between his hands and a bin bag. I push off my feet and walk straight towards him, falling into his body.

"Easy," he chuckles and wraps his arms around me. "How are you feeling? Are you better?"

My head nods in response, wanting to feel this close to him for a few moments more. I didn't even care if people could see us, I need this. It's not even a want anymore.

"I'm okay," I mumble into his overalls.

He rubs a hand down my back and I reluctantly pull away. Then when I stare back at his perfectly rosy lips, so fucking kissable. I want to lean forward and smother him with my own but I stop myself.

Not here. Definitely for later.

"You sure?" We both drop our hands and I inhale.

"Yes, I needed to get out of the house. My mum was driving me crazy."

Bodi cracks a smile. "She just cares about you."

"I know."

"Hey!" A voice behind us startles me and Bodi steps closer. "That doesn't look like work, use those tools and pick up some litter! I want to see those bags full within the next hour."

"Come on," Bodi grazes my arm with his gloves and beckons his head to the hill full of other pickers. "We can talk up here."

I follow Bodi because I don't want to be with anyone else. "Are you okay?"

He turns to me and picks up a crushed can of Coca-Cola. "Yeah," he nods but then looks away. "I guess."

"You guess?" I tilt my head. "What's been going on?"

His body language speaks volumes. Closed off. I don't like this side of him.


The hairs at the back of my neck begin to stand. I hate not knowing things. Especially if it involves Bodi, I don't want to seem ignorant because I had things going on. He's just important and now I'm freaking out in my mind.

What the fuck happened in the last five days?

"I wanted to tell you this in person because over text I didn't want you getting anxious by yourself and let it affect your recovery," he blurts out and I step closer. I want to reach for his arm but I refrain.

Clearing my throat so he finally meets my eyes. "Tell me."

Bodi licks his lips and looks up at the cloudy sky. "There is a video of us online."

"A video?"

"A sex video of us online."

My lips part at the same time my eyes widen. "W-What do you mean?"

When Bodi's eyes cloud over with anger I have no idea what to think. How could there possibly be a video of us online? I know he'd never secretly film us. Why would he when he can have me whenever he wants?

"Reese," his voice is hoarse. "I went to a gathering over the weekend. I used his phone to change the music and a notification popped up. It seemed strange so I clicked on it. It's a video of us from the manor, on the sofa. He filmed it through the window."

It feels like all the air has been knocked out of my lungs. There has always been something off about him and now it's confirmed that he's a certified psycho.

"Oh my God," I press a hand to my forehead. "Oh my God."

I let that information sink in. A video of us. Fucking. For anyone in the whole wide world to see. I'm sure my face pales by thirty shades, even in this heat I could pass out from the drop in blood pressure.

Bodi steps closer. "I'm trying to sort it, I've emailed th–"

"There is a video of us fucking online..."

He slaps his lips together, staring at me with forgiveful eyes. "Yes."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I begin to pace, now unable to catch my breath. "Holy shit."

"I'm sorry, Ash," he sounds guilty but that only makes me feel worse. "I wish I never introduced him to you. I fucking hate him. Beyond words."

A hand presses to my chest and I attempt to calm my racing heartbeat, before I break out into a panic attack that I won't be able to control in front of loads of people.

Bodi leans forward to grab my hand and it relaxes me, I focus on my breaths and his eyes never leave mine. "It's not your fault," I say after a few moments.

"I feel like it is."

Watching Bodi's lips slip into a devastating frown has me wanting to rip Reese's eyeballs out for being such a shit friend. He's also committing crimes for that matter, he could get done for some serious time for revenge porn.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles again.

"Stop." My fingers reach to grip his overalls. "Fuck Reese, fuck that stupid video. It's not your fault."

Bodi's face crumbles but I remember it's both of us going through this shit. It takes two to tango and one bullet to murder a man. That man in question being Reese.

"You emailed the site?"

"Yeah but fuck knows if they'll even get back to me." He links his little finger with mine. "I tried to delete the video when I saw it but I needed his password to his account to delete it, I wouldn't be surprised if he had copies as backups in case anything happened to it."

I chew on my lip. "What about your dad?"

The mention of his father has him inhaling so sharply I expect him to pass out. But then he shakes his head. "I'm more worried about your career, Ash. I know what your industry is like, something like that could block you from modelling for certain brands or even being picked up by agents."

"Bodi," my voice is harsh even though I never intended it to be. "It's the same with you and boxing. They're both important but we can get through this shit together. No matter how awful it is, it's affecting us both. Neither are more important than the other."

Bodi nods but lowers his head and I hate that he's beating himself up about this. "You're right," he says quietly. "I just didn't want you to get dragged into this."

I give his overalls a strong tug and his warm eyes invade mine. Oh God, that face.

"I wanna kiss you so bad right now," I mumble without thinking.

And then Bodi takes me by complete surprise by leaning forward to leave a quick chaste kiss on my lips. That will be enough fuel to get me through the rest of the day.

The smile on my face is clearly infectious because he's replicating the same movement. "You never fail to surprise me, Bodi."


We step back from one another and turn to look at the probation officer.

"I don't want to have to ask you again."

"Shit," he curses under his breath and we get to work despite having other things to think about. "We can talk about this later."

I invite Bodi back to my house after getting signed off from probation. My parents are out because I'm not home, which means they can finally make themselves busy rather than caring for me every second of the day.

We sit at the kitchen island and I fix us some food and a drink after our long day of collecting litter like classic criminals.

"Can I see the video?" I ask as I place down a glass of water in front of him.

Bodi raises his eyebrow. "You really want to see it?"

"I want to see how bad it really is."

He huffs out a breath and digs for his phone. It doesn't take long until he taps away at the screen and turns it around to me, I sink into the stool beside him and we watch it together.

There is no denying that it's me because I'm laying down on the sofa and my face is directly in view. Bodi on the other hand, it's the back of his head. And those hips thrusting into me.

My face floods with blood because I've never seen a video of me having sex before and it's a strange experience. I praise the Gods that there isn't any sound because I know for a fact I'm moaning like it's my first orgasm.

Bodi's cock can make you feel all sorts of things.

"Wow, literally my face is the whole show," I comment, dragging a hand over my short hair.

He sighs from beside me. "I know, that's why I'm trying so hard to get it taken down."

The phone remains in his hand as the video plays out, then I come onto my stomach as Bodi pounds me like it's his last fuck in the world. Jesus. How did I walk after that?

"You have to admit," Bodi swipes a thumb across his bottom lip. "It's kind of hot."

I gawk at him and slap his shoulder. "That is not what we should be paying attention to right now."

Bodi's smile slips slowly but I know he's trying to lighten the mood. "You're right."

"No," I cut over him. "You're right, it is kind of hot."

Then Bodi releases a deep chuckle, one that shoots straight to my throbbing cock. "May have jerked off to it the other night," he admits but doesn't show any signs of embarrassment and fuck me, I want to mount him on the kitchen counter. Right here, right now.

"You did?" My expression widens in shock.

"Yeah," he shrugs like it's nothing. "I didn't see you for ages and that part where you come all across your stomach lives rent free in my head. Literally, I think about it and I get instantly hard, watching it is even better."

I shake my head but there is a wide grin on my lips, leaning forward to wrap my arms around his neck. Bodi glances up and I press a kiss to his lips, his fingers kneading into my waist.

"My parents don't get home for another hour or so," I mumble into his mouth. "So we have some time to recreate that video, but with me on top."

Bodi hums with caution. "Only an hour? What if they come home sooner?"

"Don't worry, we'll hear their car pull up," I reassure him.

"Better barricade the windows in case Reese is about," he jokes and I pull away, staring him down. "Too soon?"

"Too soon."

Then we both smile at the same time and our lips mould into one, clothes flying in all sorts of directions. Desperate to finally get some skin on skin action because I have been deprived from it for far too long. Bodi makes sure he's careful of my arm and gently takes it out of the sling.

"But I'm not joking, shut those blinds."

So I do and rush back to Bodi, pressing my lips to his carved stomach. Flashing off those gorgeous abs that could be seen in some kind of men's health magazine. God, I've missed these abs.

"Remember when you said you wanted to watch me jerk off?" He rolls my head into his hand and kisses along my collarbones.

I gasp at his question. "How could I forget?"

"Well," he takes my throat with his large hand. "How about I suck your cock whilst jerking myself off?"

My knees almost snap from the joints, the visibility of my length sticking through my boxers at the idea of those visuals. "Fuck yes," I pant as he nips at the sensitive part of my neck. "Please."

Bodi chuckles into my skin which vibrates every part of me. "As you wish."

He drops to his knees and pulls the fabric of my boxers along with it. My cock emerges from the waistband, staring him directly in the face. When he licks his lips I almost lose my soul to the devil, God this is better than any fantasy.

I watch him fist his hard length in his right hand, fucking into his palm before extending his tongue and taking one sweet lick of my tip. Instantly I shiver, closing my eyes and using the counter behind me for support.

Then when he widens his mouth and slips it down my length I grunt, fisting my fingers into the back of his dark hair. I snap my eyes open and look down, he's working his own cock at the same speed as he's giving me head.

In perfect rhythm.

"Oh God, Bodi," I groan and bite down on my lip. My eyes fixate on his own hand, he gives it a squeeze and I notice pre-cum forming at the tip. "You are going to kill me."

His mouth vibrates which sends shivers through my spine, feeling the head of my cock right down the back of his throat. Then he speeds up, wetness only making me harder by the second. I had no idea that was even possible, but Bodi could do anything to my body.

When he keeps his eyes on me, wild and full of lust I almost spill over into his mouth. But I clench my stomach, stopping myself before I even get the chance to fuck him. His strokes on his own cock is too much for me, the sight could make me come without any foreplay.

"Bodi," I hum and throw my neck back. "If you don't stop it's going to be game over."

He pulls his head back, exhaling a low chuckle. "So soon?"

"Very soon," I catch my breath.

"Fine, as you wish."

I grip Bodi by the chin and pull him up from the floor. "Let's go to my room," I entice him with a deep kiss. "There won't be enough room for us here with what I want to do with you."

The devious and troublesome smile that covers Bodi's smile has my cock throbbing. We both reach down to grab our clothes frantically and storm straight upstairs into my room, slamming the door behind us.

Once we're in the comforts of my room, curtains shut and slight darkness swarming us, our lips find one another again. Battling for dominance, passing the power between us with our tongues until I push Bodi against my bed. He falls flat onto his back and I crawl over his body, worming my way between his legs.

I flick my fingers into the waistband of his boxers and pull them down. Leaving us both completely naked, blood rushing and hearts pounding. When I lean over to my night stand and retrieve some lube, Bodi's eyes are glowing with anticipation.

When I squirt the liquid onto my fingers I spread Bodi's legs and dip my hand between his crack, swirling the tips around his sensitive hole. "Fuck," he hisses. "It's been so damn long."

"Too long," I clarify before sinking my fingers inside of him with one fluid motion.

Bodi's fingers claw at my bed sheets and I study his face, twisted with pure pleasure. I pull them out and push them even deeper, stretching his hole to get him ready for a session of hard fucking.

Oh how much I have missed his sweet little asshole. So tight and needy.

He grunts and I bite down on my bottom lip, using my other hand to pump his cock until pre-cum is covering my fingers. "Oh fuck," he throws his head back and relaxes into my touch. "Come on, Ash. Just fuck me already."

A small chuckle passes from my lips, I've never seen him this eager. In the palm of my hands. I pull back my fingers and cover my growing cock in the cool liquid, stroking myself as he watches.

"You ready?"

"Yes," his eyes are darker than black. "So fucking ready."

I suppress a smile and line the tip up with his asshole, slowly, very slowly I push my way inside. Bodi's eyes almost roll into the back of his head at the first thrust, I call that a success. His hands move from the sheets to my ribs, then to my back. Clawing at my skin as I move in and out at a gentle pace.

"Holy shit," he growls, gripping the back of my neck and forcing my lips onto his.

He can barely kiss me. He's stuck in a trance of my cock, so I devour every one last of his moans and I grunt at his low whimpers. I lean down on my forearms and spread his lips with my tongue, kissing him deep until he's gasping for breath.

Only now just realising that my bed is slamming against the wall, having picked up my pace. Bodi's breathing becomes irregular as I pound him over and over, his gaping hole stretching for me.

"Ugh," I nip his chin. "That's it. Fucking take my cock."

Bodi moans louder than I've ever heard him before, the legs of my bed moving so quickly beneath us that I'm sure it's going to make a dent in my floor. "God, Cherry," he grunts. That nickname doing all sorts for my ego. "You really trying to make me come this soon?"

I chuckle into his neck and bite his shoulder. "Maybe. Or maybe I just want to see you bust your load across your stomach."

And with that I take his cock between my fingers and stroke him at the same pace as my thrusts, staring him directly in the eyes and stripping him back raw. So much vulnerability and trust, I don't think I could ever have such honest sex with anyone in my life.

Bodi is the exception because my body answers to him like he's a God.

"Ugh, fuck. Ash," he almost draws blood from his lip with his teeth.

My thrusts become more aggressive, punishing. Thank the Lord my bedroom isn't on the side with our neighbours, that wall is about to come down any second as I can feel my cock pulsate inside Bodi's tiny ass.

"Trust me," I clench my core. "I'm not going to last long either."

Bodi's thick, black eyes nod back at me. He lays there and takes his pounding, God I can't take this any longer. My hand speeds up and he whimpers, before I know it he's breathing harshly and cum is shooting across his stomach as I destroy his ass.

I follow instantly after, staring down at the white stains across his skin. He shakes from his orgasm and mine hits me like a truck, stars invade my gaze and suddenly my voice is ripped from me.

Everything explodes and then configures and explodes again. Both of us moaning and thrusting and existing. Holy fuck. I collapse down onto Bodi's sweaty body, my cock slipping from his hole and his arms now moving to hold me close.

"Well that was embarrassing," Bodi's deep voice cuts through the air.

"That makes two of us," I kiss his pulse. "But we haven't seen each other in a while."

He hums in agreement. "This is true."

"We're going to be alright, aren't we?"

Bodi pushes my head up from his shoulder, cupping the side of my face with his hand gently. He runs his thumb across my cheekbone whilst flicking his eyes over every little detail. "Of course we are," he says sincerely. "We have each other, don't we?"

"Yeah," I offer a small smile.

"Then that's all that matters," he holds me tighter. "No matter what happens to our jobs or our lives, we'll still have each other and that's what I value the most."

The warmth that I can feel inside my heart could heat Antarctica. Our lips brush with a simple kiss, calm from the storm of a few seconds ago.

"Who would have thought... two criminals meet at their probation placement and end up together in bed like this." I say lightly.

He narrows his eyes. "We slept together before then."

"Yeah but you know what I mean," I draw out my words. "What was the likelihood of that?"


"Exactly," I grin and Bodi laughs after me.

"Slim but lucky."

"Lucky is an understatement." I murmur before I am rolled onto my back and smothered in kisses.

Read the rest of the story, epilogue and bonus chapters over on Patreon!

Link is also in bio!

Author's Note

Hello my loves, what did you think of this chapter?👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼

I adore how Ash asked to see the video and then decided to take maters into their own hands by doing it again hahah, the bond that these two have is unbreakable!🥹❤️

What do you want to see next?

There is a total of 46 chapters, an epilogue and bonus chapters!

Don't forget to leave a vote, it truly means the world to me!

Love Savanna x

Insta: SavRose.x
Patreon: dreammcatcher
TikTok: SavannaWritess

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