The Four Musketeers (Fruits B...

By Miyamusubi

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"Even when the world doesn't need us, we live for the people who do" "So do you need me?" "Of course I do."... More

Chapter 1: The 12 Zodiac Animals
Chapter 2: A yankee
Chapter 3: A Place To Call Home
Chapter 4: Family of the past
Chapter 5: Greetings and Goodbyes
Chapter 6: A Life Without You
Chapter 7: A Knight
Chapter 8: More Friends
Chapter 9: New Years
Chapter 10: When Spring Comes
Chapter 11: An Old Friend
Chapter 12: Secrets
Chapter 14: What the Heart Wants
Chapter 15: Grave Visit
Chapter 16: Lake House
Chapter 17: Accepted

Chapter 13: Talk of the Future

645 46 3
By Miyamusubi

" was so boring!!!" Amy complained as the girl sprawled out on the ground staring at the sky. Her cheeks puffing up with frustration. 

"Well what can you do, its the beginning of the school year.  Plus its our last year of middle school, the teachers are going to start forcing us to think about which schools we want to attend.  Then they are going to push us to start worrying about which careers we want to do."  Chizu huffed out as she plopped down besides the girl.  

"Time really passed by, huh?  I felt like it was just yesterday when the three of us met and became friends.  The seasons really do change too fast." Kaede commented with a small smile as she stared at the falling flower petals from the trees.  

"I know, right?! It's so unfair! I feel like I haven't had enough fun!"  Amy complained as she rolled on the ground making Kaede giggle and sit down next to to Chizu.  

"I think you had a bit too much fun.  Didn't you say that your parents' scolded you for not doing your chores and reading too much novels."  Chizu picked at her nails as she said this.  

"Hah!?....Well yeah-- But-! I did fine on my finals!  I passed with all B's and A's!!" Amy yelled back as she sat up and dusted off her clothes before grabbing her lunch box and opening it. 

"Yes, good job."  Kaede ruffled the girl's hair and grabbed her own lunch as well. "Don't tease too much Chizu , especially when you passed thanks to our study group~" the orange headed brunette teased back with a smirk. 

"Oi! Kaede!"  Chizu grumbled with a blush across her face.  Soon enough the girls busted out laughing. 

Eating their lunch, the three girls calmed down and laid down on their backs, looking at the bright blue sky. 

"So do you guys have in mind for next year?  You know what school you want to go to?" Chizu questioned as she glanced at the two girls next to her. 

"Hm....Not sure yet. But I do know that I want to go to the same school as the two of you!  I think it would be so much fun!" Amy cheered with a smile.  Her face glowing in excitement. As she closed her eyes she could just picture the three of them wearing their new school uniforms and hanging out.  Then the three of them would be talking about boys and maybe getting boyfriends, as she thought about this her face began to get hot. 

"My parents probably want me to go to another private girls school.  They want me focused on school, yada yada.  All the same stuff as usual."  Kaede grumbled and Chizu mumbled out about the same thing being for her as well. 

"But it would be so much fun if we all could go to a mixed gender school right!? Like that should be our goal for this year!  We need to convince our parents to get into the school we want!" Amy got up and raised her fist in the air.  

"I think you just have boys on your mind, Amy" 

"I think she does...You can totally see it on her face.  But you know, Chizu, that might not be so mad after all.  I kinda want to go against my parent's wishes." 

"Oh now you're talking, Kaede.  I taught you so well." Chizu smirked as she ruffled the girl's head.  

"So~~ What do we think?"  

"I think we got ourselves a deal."     



"Ok so which school are we talking about here?" Kaede began as the two girls looked at her. "I need to know ahead so I can start coming up with good reasons to tell our parents." 

"Oh I never thought about it...." Amy mumbled as she plopped back down on the ground. 

"Whatever, it shouldn't be too hard. Let's just look them up." 


Yawning, Kaede stretched her arms as she made her way back home after parting with her two friends.  

"Hm, what should I do?  Should I go to the park today?"  Kaede mumbled as she switched the arm which she carried her bag.  

As she was stuck in thought, an annoying and loud voice yelled from a distance, gaining her attention. 

"KAE-SAN!!! It is I, AYAME!!!!" 

Blinking in shock, Kaede quickly turned to her right to see the familiar flamboyant white haired boy.  Seeing that it was just him and their other friends, Shigure and Hatori, trailing behind. 

"Hey, its been a while."  Kaede greeted them with a smile.  

"Hope you've been doing well, Kaede.  Did you read any good books over break?"  Shigure questioned as he grinned and twirled his book bag around. 

Smiling, Kaede opened her bag and pulled out a book before chucking it at him.  The gray headed boy caught the book and grinned before flipping through it.  

"Its a new series I enjoyed. Hope you three had a good break as well."  Kaede responded with a smile as she nodded her head towards Hatori. 

"Of course!!! I missed you though my dear, Kae-san!!"  Ayame shouted as he twirled and started walking next to her. 

"Hah?" Kaede raised her brow as they  walked along the street. 

"Kae-san!! Isn't that cute~ I like it better than Numa-san!"  Ayame cheered as he spun around and grinned at the girl.   Listening to the boy's words, Kaede smiled slightly at the nickname and shook her head. 

"Sure, Ayame.... So anything special that occurred today?"  Kaede questioned as they strolled down the street towards their regular spot at the park.  This has been a regular occurrence for them,  meaning Ayame talking Kaede's ear off as Ayame's two friends trail behind them, adding a bit of their thoughts here and there.  

Ever since Ayame had claimed that they were friends, they would bump into each other at the half way point and Kaede would join them after leaving Amy and Chizu.  However, after spending her time with them over the past two years, Kaede noticed something:  they avoided physical contact with her.  Not that she minded but thought it was peculiar.  

But she also took note of how if any girl had come close to them when walking on the street or even a girl who came to confess to any of the boys, they would keep their distance.  Taking note of this behavior, Kaede never questioned them and simply respected their personal space. 

After all, she wouldn't like it if anyone came and touched her too. But after hanging out with Chizu and Amy, she had gotten used to physical affection from her friends. 

Observing her other friends, Kaede simply smiled and enjoyed the chaotic atmosphere that came about.   

With a huge smile, Ayame exclaimed in joy as he reenacted what had happened during the day.  Listening to the energetic boy brought an amused smile to her face as it was a change in pace to her dull and normal life on her way home.  

Finally, the group made it to the park and the group plopped themselves on the benches. 

"So where do you all plan on going after middle school?"  Kaede questioned as she peaked as the three boys, with her sitting next to Ayame on her right and the other two on her left on the next bench. 

"Hm... Probably another private male school.  We still have the rest of the year to figure out which one though.  Don't need to worry about it~"  Shigure answered with a smile as the girl nodded her head.  

"I see, well you all are probably planning on going to the same high school then, right?   You all have known each other since you were young."  Kaede asked another question as Ayame fervently answered and Hatori sighed in annoyance. 

"Unfortunately, we've been stuck together since we were babies.  Growing up together and going to school, seeing these two every second."  Hatori huffed out as he stared at the sky. 

Hearing his loathsome answer, Kaede smiled and chuckled.  "I can imagine how tired you'd be.  But I think its a bit nice and exciting."  She responded back as Shigure nudged Hatori playfully. 

"Hey, you would be so lonely without us! Aya and I need to have our grounded friend to keep us afloat!" 

"Indeed! Tori-san! I am forever grateful to have you by my side with Gure-san!  Our friendship will last for an eternity and we will be together forever!!!" Ayame shouts with sparkles radiating off of him.  Hearing his words, Hatori inwardly groaned and he covered his face. 

"Oh what joy."  

"Hahaha!~"  Kaede laughed at the trio as they turned towards the laughing girl, it was always a rare sight when they see her laughing and smiling so happily.  

"Oh, what's so funny Kae-san?"  Ayame questioned with a smile as he enjoyed seeing this  expression on her face. 

"You guys are too funny.  Truly like a comedic trio. I think you'll never truly grow old of each other, perhaps piss each other off but... Hatori will never push you guys away."  Kaede grinned at them as she leaned against the bench and stared at the sky with a smile. Her mind thinking back to an orange haired yankee.

"I'm a bit jealous."  She whispered before looking back at Ayame who was quiet. Just as she was going to ask if he was alright, he exclaimed happily and grinned at her. 

"I just remembered! What school do you plan on going to Kaede? What are your plans for the future?" 

"Me?"  Kaede began as she blinked at his outburst but shrugged it off.  "Well today, my friends and I started researching what school we want to go to.  All of our parents probably want us to continue going to an all private girls school.  But we were thinking about going to a co-ed high school of our choice. "  

"Why, what wanted you guys to change?"  Shigure pipped in.  Tilting her head, Kaede stared longingly at the sunset and falling leaves that came into her vision. 

"To be honest I want to go to a school of my choosing.  I want to chose something for myself this time, perhaps going to an all gender school is a way for me to rebel and spite my parents."  Kaede chuckled as she tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear.   

"But for the far future....I want to go somewhere far.  Far away from here, far far away to get away from everything.  Perhaps when I'm older I'll go and live in America."  Kaede turned her head to look at her friends and saw them staring at her.  


"That sounds incredible Kaede!! America! A place where wonder and dreams occur! How exciting!"  Ayame exclaimed as he stood up and twirled.  Watching him, Kaede smiled and shifted in her spot 

"What about you, Ayame?  What do you plan on doing in your future?" 

"Something flashy! Something extraordinarily flamboyant and ignites something deep within the hearts of people!!~"  The white headed boy cheered as he waved his arms out and imagined what that future would look like. 

With a smile, Kaede chuckled along with the other two boys.  "You might be a great actor or something in the art."  The girl commented before looking at the other two Sohmas. 


"Hahah, I don't know what I want to do...Maybe something that doesn't take a lot of effort.  I like to cruise and chill.  I do like reading so maybe something within that field."  Shigure grinned as he crossed his arms behind his head. 

"Of course you would say that.  You want to take the easy road of things."  Hatori retorted as he then turned to look at the girl.  "I would probably become a doctor or something like that.  Its what my family does, so I see no reason to change." 

Hearing his answer, Kaede nodded her head in understanding.  "Well I wish you both luck in your  future.  I hope you can achieve what you want."  Kaede smiled as she turned her attention back onto  Ayame who twirled around like he was in his own world, mumbling things about the future. 

"This isn't too bad.  I hope to continue doing this, its fun with you guys."  Kaede whispered softly as she stared at Ayame with wonder.  Catching her words, the two boys looked at her, observing her expression before letting out a small smiles themselves. 

"Sure."  Shigure responded. 

"Oh that reminds me, I brought a new game today!" Shigure dug in his bag and pulled out a stack of cards.  "Its called poor man, rich man!  Oi Aya!! Stop goofing off, we're playing a game!" 

"Poor man, rich man?? What is that, I never played that before."  Kaede questioned as she leaned towards Shigure and looked at him with interest. 

Grinning he pointed at himself.  "This master will teach you everything you need to know Kaede!" 

"Sure, after I had beat you countless times Shigure."  Hatori quipped making Shigure pout and cross his arms. 

"Fine, you won't play then!" 

"Aw come on Shigure...Or are you just scared he'll beat you?"  Kaede teased as she leaned back against the bench. 

"Ohh~ She got you good!" Ayame giggled like a school girl before grabbing the cards. 

"Ok let's play!!  Here are the rules, Kae-san!" 


"Hah...I'm home"  Kaede slipped her shoes off and glanced to see her mom talking on the phone, while her father wasn't even home yet. 

Frowning, Kaede trudged her way up to her room and plopped on her bed. 


Clinking of plates and the utensils resounded in the quiet room as the three family members ate in silence.  

Kaede's father eating with the usual frown on his face, her mom taking not so subtle glances at her and the father, then her who was looking down and focused on eating.  

"S-so how was your day, dear?"  

"Fine.  Busy as usual."  the man bluntly spoke as he gave a glance towards his wife and then to his daughter in front of him. 

"How about you, Kaede?  What did the teachers have to say?"  the woman smiled awkwardly and had a look in her eyes as almost pleading her to bring up the mood. 

"It was okay.  The teachers talked about thinking about what high schools to enroll in." Kaede answered as she looked at her parent's expressions and tightened her hold on her chopsticks. 

"We will have a school picked for you."  Her father spoke as Kaede lifted her head and opened her mouth. 

"Dad...I was thinking about choosing my school this time.  I was thinking about going to Kaibara Municipal High School.  Its a private and has good ranking."  Kaede spoke, she was going to explain more but her father's hand slammed against the table. 

"Kaede, I won't repeat myself.  You will listen to us."  

Clenching her fist, Kaede looked down as he mom did nothing but quiver and try to appease her father. 

"But dad, Kaibara is known for--" The sound of chopsticks clanked against the table as they fell in front of Kaede.  They had hit her face. 

"Enough of this Kaede!!"   

Hearing the sound of the chair scratching against the floor, the man stood up and grabbed Ryuka by her collar and shoved her down to the floor. Wincing at the impact, Kaede held her should in pain. 

"Ah, dear!! Please!"

"Go to your room." 

"......Yes."  Dragging herself off the floor, Kaede held onto her arm and made her way up to her room.    

Closing the door behind her, Kaede walked to her bed and laid down.  Her eyes were glazed with darkness as the pain in her arm slowly began to fade. 


Later that night, Kaede's mind swirled with countless thoughts. 

"What is it that I want to do in the future?"  Kaede mumbles softly to herself as she lays her head on her desk staring out of her window.  After multiple conversations with the Sohmas, Amy, Chizu, and her parents, Kaede wondered should she follow the simple route of what her dad does - a business man.  Or should she be a teacher?  

But the occupation really didn't matter to her at all.  Closing her eyes she remembered what she had told the Sohmas. 

"For the far future....I want to go somewhere far. Far away from here, far far away to get away from everything. Perhaps when I'm older I'll go and live in America" 

Her own words echo within her head as she wanted to escape from this prison, this hell.  Lifting her head from the table, Kaede cleaned up her desk and put away her books and materials.  Softly opening her door and stepping down the stairs, she sat at the dining table with a cup of cold water. 

Her eyes watching the clock and shifting to the door.  Kaede's hand fiddled with the bandages on her arm and then shifting to the ones on her cheek. 

'It was this time when Kyoko would come home, marching through that door and I would be making her dinner.  She would eat as I patched up her injuries.  Her figure flinching every so often and her smile..... Her smile that would brighten up this room as she said thanks for the meal' Kaede thought with clenched fists. 

Closing her eyes and holding her head, "I wish I could walk out that door.  I want to leave too."  the girl mumbled before letting a deep sigh escape her.  Standing up, her eyes became desolate and empty as she then placed the cup in the sink and walked back up stairs. 

'Yes, it doesn't matter what I do in the future as my career.  I just want to leave and go far away.'  Kaede thought as her mind drifted back to the day as she watched her sister leave with that man.  Her bright smile as they held hands and walked together. 

"How nice would it be..." Kaede mumbled as she shut the door and walked away.  


"Morning!--" Amy paused as she then quickly grabbed Kaede's face and smushed it between her palms. "What happened to your face! And your hand!"

"C-calm down, Amy! I tripped and fell when I was at home. I'm okay." Kaede smiled as she grabbed her friend's hands off her face and held them in her own.

"Is that so? Well you should be more careful! You're so clumsy, every now and then you show up with some bruises and things. I wish you would treat your body better." Amy huffed and squeezed her friends' hands with care.

Seeing that expression on Amy's face, made Kaede feel glad that she had a friend like her.

"Thanks, Amy. I'll be sure to pay attention."

"That, or I should start teaching you some skills on how to be agile and swift. Maybe even how to protect yourself and punch some jerks in the face!" Chizu spoke as she rubbed the top of Kaede's head with a mean grin on her face.

"Hahah, that would be helpful as well~" Kaede laughed.

"So, anyways did you guys talk to your parents about the school thing?" Chizu questioned as she sat down in her chair in front of Kaede.

Gulping, Kaede chuckled lightly and shrugged her shoulders. "Turned me down immediately, said "we will chose for you", and then that was the end of the conversation."

"I feel ya, same thing with me. But it was more of a "what happens if you play around the entire time if you chose the school?" and then more nagging came along." Amy pouted as she rested her head on the desk and sprawled her arms out.

"I'm not any better. My old folks were like "don't worry about it, you need to focus on your studies. Besides you are doing way better in this girls school then you ever were in your co-ed elementary school" But the thing is, I have you guys here. Not those little shits back in elementary." Chizu grumbled out.

Hearing their rejected proposal, they sunk their heads lower and groaned.

"Let's try again next time. I'm sure we will find a way to get them to agree!!" Amy yelled.

"Yamagata-san! Class is starting! Please don't yell!" The teacher announced as they closed the door and made their way to the board.

"Yes, sensei...." Amy mumbled out as her two friends patted her on the back.  

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