By capricornkai

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When Amberle Onyx Fell puts her life in danger at the most critical time during the destruction of The Other... More



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By capricornkai




"June 29th..." I murmured as I crossed off the date on my makeshift calendar.

Since the start of my time here in 1994, I'd been counting down the days in the hopes it would help me stay connected to the real world. But this day in particular had been circled in advance to remind me of its importance, a message written inside the square:

'Enzo's birthday.'

Sighing softly, I rubbed my face in frustration. After the night I'd been attacked by the Shadow Realm, I'd decided to take a break from practising any darkness manipulation in order to recharge and prepare myself in case it happened again. But somehow, if anything, I felt worse than before.

It was like I had some kind of parasite - the more I tried to eat or sleep it away, the more it drained me.

However, no matter how exhausted I was, today was all about Enzo and I'd be damned if I let him down. Determined not to allow whatever was going on with my body to ruin my plans, I forced myself to get a grip and do everything possible to make the day special.

After brushing my teeth and hoping a shower would refresh me, I scrubbed my body and hair, grateful I'd at least found the energy to shave my legs last night. I covered my face and neck in make-up like clockwork, hiding the corpse underneath. I then put on a pair of ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie, finishing off with some perfume and throwing my hair up in a claw clip.

Once the laces of my sneakers were tied, I hurried downstairs, eager to get started. Making my way into the kitchen, I grinned at Enzo who was sitting at the breakfast bar, stereotypically drinking a cup of tea and eating crumpets.

"Hey," I greeted him, grabbing a carton of apple juice out of the fridge.

He eyed me suspiciously with a smirk. "Someone's sprightly this morning."

"Busy day ahead," I replied easily before chugging some juice. "Gonna get some groceries."

Placing down his mug, Enzo made a move to stand up. "I'll come with you-"

"Ah, nope, nope!" I cut him off, holding up my palms as a hint for him to remain in his seat. "You stay right there, Mister." Offering him a reassuring smile, I said, "Just relax. I can handle it."

He frowned. "I spend every day doing nothing, at least let me-"

I pointed warningly at him as I headed towards the key rack. "Stay."

Enzo held up his hands in surrender, dark brows almost touching his hairline. "Understood."

Grabbing the car keys, I turned to leave the kitchen.

"Wait, what about breakfast?" Enzo called after me.

Waving him away, I simply said over my shoulder, "I'll eat when I get back."

Before he could argue any further, I hurried out of the Boarding House and got into the Porsche. The last image of Enzo haunting my mind as I drove towards town was that of his disappointed face watching me rush away from him - and on his birthday of all days.

I was riddled with guilt, but I knew it would be worth it when I saw his face light up as I handed him his gifts.

First on my to-do list: Enzo's presents. I tried a few different stores in town, struggling to decide what to get him. When I eventually settled on his gifts, I was relieved to move on to the next part of my day, praying he would love them no matter what.

Driving slightly out of town, I made my way to the store Enzo and I always got our groceries from. Pulling into the parking lot, I hopped out of the car and hurried inside, grabbing a shopping cart on my way.

Wandering through each aisle, I focused on gathering just the necessities - you know, Cherry Coke, mountains of chocolate... and I guess some ingredients for cooking would be useful. Approaching the bakery aisle, it took me a few minutes to choose a cake before finally picking one and placing it into the cart with the rest of the food.

In the party & celebrations section, I grabbed some candles to go on Enzo's cake, a balloon, a gift bag to put his presents in, and, of course, a birthday card. Surprisingly, they didn't have a card for someone who was turning 136, so I settled on a funny one - it had two sprinkled donuts on the front with the message: 'Happy Birthday! I donut know what I'd do without you!'

It took me a good few minutes to stop laughing long enough to place the card in the cart and exit the aisle. Comedy gold, if you ask me.

Just as I was halfway through the next aisle, a noise coming from the card section made me pause. Reversing back, I hurried towards the sound. Taking in the sight before me, I couldn't help but let out a gasp.

All along the floor were dozens of fallen cards, right where I'd been previously standing.

I mean, I could've easily set the cards wrong when sifting through them, especially after being so distracted from the humourous ones. It was probably just a coincidence, that's all.

Nevertheless, even as I moved along, I remained vigilant.

I barely made it three feet before I heard more strange noises coming from somewhere nearby.

"Enzo?" I called out, praying to hear his stifled laughter. "Is that you messing with me?" Continuing to slowly push the cart, I added, "Because if so, I promise it's nowhere near as funny as you think it is."

Without warning, the sound of a balloon popping suddenly echoed loudly around the store. I jumped and let out a shocked squeak, clutching at my chest as I tried to calm my heart rate.

"Wow, okay, buddy," I said, leaning against the cart to catch my breath. "Was that one really necessary?"

It was growing increasingly obvious that this wasn't Enzo screwing around, after all, but possibly the mysterious stranger I'd seen a month ago. Holding onto my vervain necklace, I was relieved to find I was still wearing it, anxious about what kind of creature he could be. If he was a vampire, at least he wouldn't be able to compel me.

But in the grand scheme of things, was that really the worst thing I had to be concerned about?

It didn't matter what he was. I was exhausted, yes, but I was ready to fight if I had to. Sure, looking back now, I definitely should've eaten something to build my strength. However, what's been done cannot be undone - I would have to make do.

"Does this mean you're ready to introduce yourself?" I asked, urging him to come out of hiding. "Look, I even have a cake to celebrate."

I couldn't help the nervous excitement building up inside me. Even after all the games this guy had played with us, his existence was undeniably intriguing. Dangerous, I sensed, but part of me liked that.

What sounded like a radio a few aisles away suddenly blasted, making me jump out of my skin again.

Actually, you know what? I take back everything I just said. What an asshole!

"Really?" I groaned, officially sick of being spooked. "I don't have time for this today so if you want to make yourself known, just say hi."


Guess not...

"Whatever, I'm outta here," I announced, heading towards the exit. "Buh-bye, dude!"

I didn't stick around to pack the groceries into bags, instead hurrying to the car. As I opened the trunk, however, the carousel just outside the store began to spin, seemingly by itself.

Growling in frustration - and slight terror - I quickly loaded everything into the car with trembling hands before getting into the driver's seat and speeding away without a second glance.

I was slightly shaken up on my way home, I had to admit, but I put on a brave face nonetheless. Nothing was ruining Enzo's day.

Once back at the Boarding House, I checked the inside was clear before grabbing a few bags and filling them up with groceries. I carried the bags and Enzo's gift bag into the kitchen, then packed away the groceries. I stuck the candles 1, 3 and 6 into the cake, lit them with a match, and blew up the balloon.

Finally, I called out for him. "Enzo!"

It took him only a few seconds to arrive from the library before he entered the kitchen.

I blew a party blower, holding the balloon and cake in my hands. "Happy Birthday!"

Enzo appeared a little overwhelmed as he took in the sight before him. "This is, um..." He blinked, his brown eyes glistening. "This may be the most thoughtful thing someone's ever done for me," he admitted with a soft smile. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." I grinned, moving closer to him. "Quick! Blow out your candles and make a wish!"

Both of us chuckled as the vampire did as he was told.

"I considered getting you a Victoria Sponge, you know, to honour your roots," I explained, placing the cake onto the countertop. "But in the end, I decided on the chocolate."

Enzo arched a brow, a smirk playing on his lips as he folded his arms across his chest. "Let me guess... because it's your favourite?"

I merely continued to smile. "I will neither confirm nor deny."

He shook his head in playful disbelief.

Handing him the gift bag with the presents and card inside, I said, "Now, I didn't get you much so please don't expect anything special."

"You're joking, right?" Enzo questioned in awe. "Nobody - and I mean nobody - has ever wished me a happy birthday, nevermind given me a gift and everything else along with it."

My grin only broadened. "Well, in that case, I'm proud to be the first."

He mirrored my features before pulling out a small navy box from the bag. Lifting the lid, his eyes widened as he gazed at the shiny watch inside.

"Okay, so I know it's frozen in time right now but I thought it would be a nice little symbolic touch that when we get outta here, it will start working again," I elaborated, a little nervous that he would hate it. "See it as hope for the future."

"I see," Enzo said with a nod, the smile never disappearing from his face. "How sweet. Thank you."

As I helped him attach it around his wrist, I gestured for him to keep going.

"There's more?" he wondered, taken aback.

I shrugged. "Just an extra something."

With his free hand, Enzo pulled out a vinyl record filled with songs from the fifties, scanning the cover excitedly.

"I didn't know what era you liked the most so I just picked whatever looked like old people music," I admitted.

He rolled his eyes lightheartedly. "Considering the fact I was born in 1876, this is fairly modern in comparison."

I sucked in my lips to hold back the laughter threatening to escape. "Mhm, yup, sure..."

Enzo snickered, placing the empty box, vinyl and gift bag onto the countertop. "The gifts are wonderful - so thoughtful," he murmured, reaching up to caress my cheek with his thumb. "Thank you, darling."

"You're welcome!" I giggled as I trapped him in a tight hug. For once, he didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around me.

When I finally pulled back, I announced happily, "The fun's not over just yet."

He arched a brow at me quizzically.

"Let me cook a nice dinner for us to have together," I offered. "But you have to stay out of the kitchen - I'm doing everything, you don't get to lift a finger."

Enzo appeared to think it over before finally nodding. "Alright, I'll allow it-"

"Score!" I cheered.

"But," he interjected before I could get carried away, "only on one condition."

I rolled my eyes. "You and your damn conditions," I grumbled, placing my hands on my hips expectantly. "What do you want this time, buzzkill?"

"I'm instituting a dress code," Enzo replied with a smirk.

Grinning at the idea, I simply said, "Deal."


That afternoon, I waited for dinner to nearly be done before hurrying to get dressed.

I'd decided on making spaghetti in honour of Enzo's appreciation for Italian cuisine. With only a few minutes left until it was ready to be dished out, I ran up to my bedroom and finished getting ready.

At first, I was unsure what to wear - it had to be pretty; something special, I knew that - but it wasn't until a certain note flashed in my mind that everything became clear.

'I like you in blue.'

The answer was suddenly so simple. Grabbing a pale blue satin dress with straps, I slipped it on, admiring my reflection in the mirror to make sure it worked with my skin tone.

I was a little paler than usual due to my recent magically-induced medical issues, so l covered my chest, arms, hands and neck in a light coating of make-up and bronzer to hide the reality underneath from Enzo. I also wore natural-coloured tights on my legs, a pair of clear heels on my feet.

My hair had been in loose rollers since returning from shopping, keeping them in while cooking so they had time to take effect. Finally, I pulled them out before spraying some hairspray through the spiralled locks to set them in place. After one last spritz of vanilla perfume that had faded throughout the day and adding some accessories to finish off the look, it was time to head back downstairs.

Much to my surprise, Enzo was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me, standing in a tux, the watch I'd gotten him still on his wrist. For a moment, we stared at each other in awe, never having seen the other person look so glamorous before.

"Well, don't you scrub up well," Enzo teased with a flirtatious smile.

Chuckling as I reached the bottom step, I replied, "Not too bad yourself, Lorenzo."

Smirking, he offered out his arm to me. I linked mine through his as we began to walk towards the kitchen.

It seemed that while I'd been getting dressed, Enzo had also been busy. Candles were set up all around the room, a few on the dining table beside a bucket of ice with a bottle of my favourite wine inside. In the corner of the kitchen, a record player was playing the vinyl I'd given him.

"Aw, you beat me to it!" I cried teasingly.

Enzo chuckled. "You know I couldn't help myself."

I gave him a playful nudge, gazing up at him. "Such an incurable romantic."

He merely winked at me.

"At least I get to dish out the food," I said, heading towards the stove.

Enzo smiled. "You cooked a delicious meal - you deserve the honour."

Pointing to the dining table, I instructed, "Sit down, I'll bring it over."

He chuckled, choosing a seat. "As you wish."

Once the sizeable portions of spaghetti were placed onto each of our plates, I brought them over to the table and set one in front of Enzo.

"For the birthday boy."

"Thank you," he chuckled, grinning down at the food with sparkling eyes. "This looks scrummy."

Sitting opposite him, I cautiously asked, "Does that mean it's good?"

Enzo let out a silvery laugh. "Yes, Blondie."

I exhaled in relief. "Phew." Grabbing the bottle of wine, I poured some into each of our glasses. Raising mine in the air, I made a toast. "Here's to celebrating the grumpiest, most sarcastic vampire I've ever met, second only to Damon Salvatore."

Enzo snickered, tapping the rim of his glass against mine. "Cheers."

And with that, we both knocked back our drinks.

"Mmm," I hummed in delight. "You always choose the best wines."

"What can I say?" Enzo teased, stroking the stem of his glass. "I have exquisite taste."

I snorted, refilling the glasses. "Except in music."

"I would find that comment highly insulting if it hadn't come from a millennial with the musical knowledge of a five-year-old," he shot back easily.

I blinked. "That's offensive. I'm offended right now."

Enzo merely snickered, picking up his cutlery, ready to dig in.

"What generation were you born in anyways, old man?" I asked, mirroring his actions. "Do they even have a gen name for the Jurassic Age?"

He rolled his eyes, twirling pasta on his fork. "Hilarious." Eating a mouthful, he replied, "I think the term is the 'Missionary Generation'."

I nodded slowly as I chewed. "Sounds fancy."

Enzo scoffed. "Well, Victorian England wasn't all it cracked up to be, shall we say?"

"That must've been hard," I murmured, keeping my eyes on him as I gauged his reaction. "Living a life so unjust at such a young age."

"It wasn't exactly a walk in the park," he admitted. "But for a while, life was much more fulfilling after being turned - aside from the relentless, aggressive hunger, of course."

"Of course," I chuckled.

Enzo arched a brow, searching my features. "Not something you would be interested in pursuing?"

"What, becoming a vampire?" I wondered, almost choking on my spaghetti. Collecting myself, I shook my head. "Nah, not for me."

Enzo returned his focus to his plate in an attempt to appear less interrogatory. "My apologies if I'm intruding... but do you mind if I ask why?"

"Well, other than seeing everyone I care about suffer the consequences of their own existence or that of their loved ones, it's just something that's always been drilled into my mind, you know?" I shrugged. "Dad's orders."

"And do you always do as your father tells you?" Enzo questioned suspiciously, his eyes flicking back up to meet mine.

I frowned in thought, using my fork to play with the pasta. "I respect his choices, just as he respects mine," I replied. "As dysfunctional as it may sound, considering the people I surround myself with, somehow it works." Sighing, I added as an afterthought, "Well, up until now that is."

Enzo hummed in humour. "Until you got sent to a version of Hell with a charming British vampire who happens to have dodgy morals and an inclination for the blood of pretty blonde girls, you mean?"

Sucking my teeth in playful frustration, I calmly said, "Because it's your birthday, I'm choosing to ignore that comment instead of throwing my fork at you."

He smirked. "I appreciate that."

I giggled behind my hand, unable to take my eyes away from his face. God, he looked so good.

We gazed at eachother for a few moments, just enjoying the ambience and the other person's presence.

Suddenly, Enzo leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table. "What do you dream of, Amberle Fell?"

Not much, just creepy shadows that try to strangle the life out of me, what about you?

I didn't say that, of course. Instead, I replied, "Hm?"

"When we get out of here, what are your plans?" he elaborated, his features sparkling with intrigue. "Bucket list items, goals, desires - tell me everything."

I gasped mockingly. "Did you just say 'when' we get out of here and not 'if'?"

Enzo rolled his eyes in humour. "Answer the question, smart-arse."

Chuckling, I said, "I wanna live, you know?" I took a sip of wine. "I want to be successful, travel the world, have fun with my friends, protect my family and take none of it for granted." Grinning, I added, "You?"

"Something along those lines," Enzo replied dreamily with a soft smile. He tilted his head as he studied me. "Do you wish to find love?"

I shrugged. "I guess so. I mean, it's what we all want eventually, right? To be loved by someone the same way we love them?" Sighing longingly, I murmured, "Isn't that everyone's true motivation in life?"

Enzo locked his gaze onto mine. "And you believe there's someone out there for all of us?"

"What, like, soulmates?" I wondered, taken aback by the direction our conversation was headed.

Enzo knocked back the rest of his drink. "However you prefer to call it."

Frowning, I stared at my plate as I answered truthfully. "I don't know... but it's nice to think about, that it's possible to find your one true match and spend forever with them." A smile spread across my lips at the thought. "Imagine an eternity of passion, kisses, slow dancing in the rain." My eyes flicked back up to meet his. "Who wouldn't dream of that?"

Enzo hid a secretive grin. "Well... we may not have any rain right now, but..." Suddenly, to my utter shock, he stood up and offered his hand out to me. "May I have this dance?"

When I stared up at him in awe, he winked.

"What kinda girl would leave a guy hanging on his birthday?" I teased, giving in. Taking his hand in mine, I replied, "It would be my honour."

'You Belong To Me' by Jo Stafford was playing in the background as Enzo helped me to my feet and pulled me against his body.

He pressed his right palm against the middle of my back and held my hand in his left. Like muscle memory, I placed my other one on his shoulder.

As we slow-danced to the music, I found myself instinctively moving my chest closer to his, desperate for the least amount of space possible between us.

Staring deeply into his eyes that continued to hold mine prisoner, the words began rolling off my tongue and I couldn't stop them. "If I tell you something, do you promise not to get mad?"

The crease between his brows deepened in confusion. "Why would I be mad?"

"Just promise," I begged.

He nodded once, expression serious. "I promise."

"I'm taking a break from researching," I admitted quietly. Worried he would start to argue, I quickly added, "I know you wanna get home and so do I, trust me, but I'm exhausted, you know?" I gulped. "I need to recharge."

"Honestly, darling?" Enzo murmured as his hand began to sensually slide to the small of my back, just above the bottom of my spine. "That's the best news I've heard all day."

"Really?" I wondered, shocked at how calm he was being, especially considering the risk to his future. "You're not angry with me?"

"You've been overworking," he said softly, roaming his gaze over my features as we continued to dance. "We'll get out eventually, and you locking yourself away is doing more damage than good." His lips curled upwards at the corners. "Right now I'm just happy to spend time with you."

I grinned. "Me too."

Suddenly, he dropped me into a dip without warning, causing me to let out a shriek of laughter. When he finally pulled me back up, our faces landed only inches apart - a lot closer than friends should be - and I gasped softly, taken aback.

Enzo hovered his lips near mine teasingly, his gaze flicking between them and my eyes. My breath hitched in my throat as my entire being ached to close the distance between us and allow our mouths to finally connect.

But I didn't. No matter how much I desperately wanted it, I refused to make the first move. I wouldn't be able to handle the rejection if he turned away.

We searched each other's eyes for a moment, our shoulders sinking almost in contentment; peace.

He gently brushed his palm against mine, using his finger to trace circles on the sensitive skin. His actions were driving me wild, turning me on like crazy, and I was seconds away from screaming, Just kiss me, you idiot!

What if we did cross that line? Would it be the best thing that could've happened to us? Or would we ruin what we had, causing the rest of our time here to be filled with awkward tension and long silences?

For a moment, I truly believed it was worth the risk to find out.

We continued to sway slowly to the music, Enzo resting his cheek against my temple, holding me close. With my lips near his ear, I knew fully well he could hear my breathing pick up, my heart rate increase.

And he confirmed it by chuckling lowly as I gulped.

Slowly, sensually, Enzo trailed the tip of his nose along my skin and down to my neck, kissing a sensitive spot.

Suddenly, a small, breathy groan escaped his throat, his lips parting to inhale softly.

Recognising the tell-tale signs of a hungry vampire, I whispered, "Do it."

Enzo's body stiffened in my grip at my words. Making it easier on him, I affectionately took hold of the back of his neck, tickling the top of his spine with my nails.

"It's okay." I dipped my head back to give him a better angle. "Feed on me."

His breath trembled as he struggled to hold back.

"I know you crave it," I murmured.

Moving his lips back up, Enzo kissed my earlobe. "What I crave..." he whispered in my ear, "is you..."

Trailing his mouth down my throat as he pressed yearning kisses against my skin, he finally opened his jaws at the perfect spot and sank in his teeth.

A quiet moan escaped my lips as Enzo began to drink from me. The sting only lasted a few moments before the reality of what we were doing finally registered in my mind.

Something about the act was passionate, just like the first time. In fact, it was the most intimate we'd ever been.

Enzo was very careful as he held my body tight against his, wrapping both arms around me. He didn't allow any blood to trickle from the wound and ruin my pretty dress, using his tongue to stop any spillage.

He let out a few desperate groans while he fed, the sound vibrating near my ear sending chills of pleasure down my spine.

Finally - sadly - Enzo pulled back. He ran a thumb along his lips to wipe away any blood, pressing his other palm against the open bite wound.

A dazed smile spread across my face as I stared up at him, slightly giddy.

And then the room began to spin.

"Woah," I breathed, blinking a few times as I tried to right myself, my eyesight darkening.

Enzo frowned in concern, checking me over. "Are you alright, love?"

"I'm fine," I assured him with a nod, dismissing him with a flick of my wrist. "I just need to sit down for a moment."

My words were slightly slurred but thankfully Enzo didn't comment on it. Instead, he hovered near as I made my way back towards my seat, preparing to calm down for a few minutes.

He'd drank my blood - it should've been expected that I'd feel at least a little dizzy.

But only inches away from the dining table, a sudden severe wave of nausea washed over me and I let out a gurgling groan. Then, without warning, I stumbled towards the ground and vomited a sea of black.

And then I collapsed.



The instant Amber fell to the floor, I leapt after her, catching her in my arms before she hit her head.

By the looks of it, she seemed to be having some kind a seizure.

Black liquid similar to the consistency of tar had poured not only from her mouth but now also from her eyes, ears and nose.

Holding her tightly and propping her up in my lap, I began to panic. Had I taken too much blood? Was it my fault and she hadn't been able to handle it?

"Amberle!" I yelled, tapping her face in the hopes of stirring some sort of reaction from her. "Amberle, wake up!"

Lifting my wrist to my mouth, I instantly bit into the skin before pressing it against her lips.

"Come on, darling, drink!"

She didn't respond, nor did she intake my blood. Amber's body continued to shake uncontrollably, her eyelids twitching without any sign of consciousness behind them. Red stained her lips, mixing with the sickly shade of black already making itself at home.

"Amber, open your eyes!" I begged, attempting to rouse her again. "Please wake up!"

Then, all of a sudden, she became deadly still.

"Amberle?" I whispered in horror.

No reply. Heightening my senses, I listened for a heartbeat, terror gripping hold of me when I picked up only a very slow, very faint thump-thump coming from her chest.

"No, no, this cannot be happening," I gasped out, my stomach churning at the sight below me. "I promised I would save you!"

Desperate to try every method in the book, I resorted to a human method: CPR. Maybe she would respond better to that.

When nothing happened after several chest compressions, tears began to well up in my eyes. No time to let my emotions get in the way right now, I blinked them away.

"Argh, come on!" I growled, refusing to give up.

Amberle, however, remained unconscious, her body loose and limp in that grotesque way fresh corpses became.

"I'm sorry," I whispered repeatedly as I stared down at the broken girl, "I'm sorry."

Hugging her body tightly against my chest and pressing my cheek against the top of Amber's head, I rocked her in my arms, finally allowing the tears to flow relentlessly as I became overwhelmed with panic.

I'm so sorry...


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