
By World_of_romance011

72.5K 1.4K 362

A second chance to make things right... "Look me in the eyes baby doll,and tell Me you hate me" Tears wells... More

My works


2.5K 61 12
By World_of_romance011


I zoomed out on the maids who neatly folds my clothes into the luggage's.  I know I am going to regret agreeing to his request, but I know deep down it's all for the best.

"Good morning ma"

I smiled "You are here early"

"It's almost eleven am ma"

My eyes widened "Shit, guess I really zoomed out. I forgot to feed the kids"

"I took care of it"

"You mean to say drystan and Aleksander are still here?"

He nods and I waste no time in running out of the room, I soon got to Yulia bedroom.

"Hey kids"

They all ran to hug me, my heart warms in happiness and I ruffle their hair.

"Dad said you are dropping me at home" drystan spoke cutely.

I squat in front of him "Not only that, Yulia and I are moving in"

He squeals "I will have a playmate now!"

Yulia tilts her head "Really mommy?"


I carry Aleksander in my arms "Do you miss your mom and dad?"

"Yes I miss them alot but they promised to buy me lots of chocolate"

I caress his face "You excited?"


We all step out of the penthouse few hours later, Aleksander was fast asleep in my arms while drystan and Yulia were held by Matthew.


I grin "Kostas!"

"Missed me much ma?"

I giggled "I am just surprised that you are still working for Ivan, devoted much?"

"I can't find a more better boss than him,he pays me well"

"Well that's nice,shall we?"

The luggage's were loaded in the boot, Matthew sits in the passenger seat. While the rest of us sits at the back, the car drives off and I notice a van in front of us and one at the back.

"Your don shouldn't have brought that amount of security"

"It's necessary ma, your safety matters a lot to don"Matthew says.

I roll my eyes "I don't need him to care for me"

"Who is a don?" Yulia asks.

"When adults are talking, you shouldn't speak"

She pouts "Okay mom"

"Ma Crystal, when don told me to come pick you and the kids up,I was shocked. I am glad you are back,we all have missed you" kostas said.

I run my fingers through Aleksander hair as he sleeps "Your don messed up years ago"

"I know ma, but please give him another chance to make things right"

I lean my back on the seat"No"

He sighs "I am sorry ma, but please think about it"

I don't bother responding and the rest of the ride to the mansion was in silence. I could feel my chest squeeze in pain as the car pulls into the driveway, a tear slip from my eyes remembering the last time I was here.

I understand, have a nice and happy life.

I couldn't stop the tears that slips from my eyes when I remembered his last words to me as we departed. I don't want to relish on those memories, but I just can't help it.


I wipe my trail tear off looking forward and saw Ivan, I step out from the car and a maid carries Aleksander away.

"I am tired, can you show me my room?"

He sighs "The kids are already in, but I want to have a word with you"

"I am not interested"

He cups my face "I am sorry for bringing you here, I know how you must feel right now"

"You have no idea how I feel" I seethe out taking a step back and his hand dropped to his sides.

"Why can't you see that things are going to get better soon now that you are home?"

I snort a laugh "Home? you call this home?"

"Baby doll"

I shook my head fighting the urge to cry "Just take me to my room please"

He sighs deeply "As you wish"

As we enter the house,all the maids were lined up in one line and the guards in one.

"Welcome back ma" everyone said in unison.

I smiled seeing a lot of familiar faces around me and realized nothing much has changed. I walked up the stairs and my breath seized as I recall running down this very stairs with tears in my eyes.

I cleared my throat "Where are the kids?"

"You spaced out in the car,so I asked Alfred and Mathew to take them to their room to rest"

I nod slowly "I am going around town tomorrow"

He pause on his step "It's not safe"

"We made a deal Ivan"

"And who said I agreed to all the rules? You couldn't have possibly thought I did right?"

"You got to be shitting me"

He just ignores me and continued walking, he saw I was still rooted on my spot. He sighs before carrying me in his arms and my eyes widened in shock.

"Put me down you asshole!"

He hissed "Stop cussing"

"And what are you going to do about that? Shove your dick in my mouth to silent me?"

He smirks "Seems like a great idea"


We got to the third floor and he push his room door opened and I frowned wanting to have my own personal space.

"What is the meaning of this Ivan? I requested for my own room"

He lies me down on the bed "Your room is being upgraded as we speak, so for now sleep. When you wake up, I will take you to your room"

He was about to leave when I grab his wrist "Please I don't want to be kept as a prisoner in here, I want to be able to work and go out"

He sits at the edge of the bed "Crystal, I can't let you out. Now that you and our daughter are back with me, the enemies must have been informed and lurking around the shadows. You mean a lot to me, and I wouldn't want to endanger you"

I pout "How about working from home"

"Fine. You will be in charge of Ivan and co"

I frowned "I don't want to be involved in your illegal business"

"Trust me, this is purely legal. My manager will come around to explain how it runs tomorrow and you will work as the CEO from home"

"But how can I work from home without the workers knowing who I am"

He sighs "I don't want you to be exposed to the public eyes"

I rolled my eyes "You need to stop trying to act like my boyfriend or my husband. Your place in my life is nothing but the father of my child and nothing more. You have no place in my heart, and neither do you have the right to decide for me"

He shuts His eyes tightly "Stop it,no matter how hard you try to crack me up it won't work. I already permit you to date who your heart desires, but I won't let you leave the house"


"Take it or leave it Crystal"

I sighed "Fine, we have a deal. But when Yulia insist on going out, you ain't going to stop me"

"If she wants to go out,then we will go as a family"

"Don't tell her about you being her father"

"That I can't promise. Now get some rest,I have to get back to work"

He doesn't wait for my response and exits the room. I lean my head on the pillow with a deep sigh, how am I going to survive living in this house with him?? The feelings I buried years ago, I don't need them coming back.


I gulp as I push open Yulia room door, she was fast asleep and her soft breathing makes my heart swell. I sit at the edge of her bed and I caress her face softly, being this close to her in my home makes me feel something I haven't felt before.

Her eyes slowly opens "Sir?"

I smiled "You don't have to call me sir, how about Ivan?"

"Mom says to respect my elders"

"How about calling me dad like drystan does?"

She frowns cutely "Dad?"

I smiled softly "Yes. Or you could call me uncle Ivan"

"Okay I will call you dad"

I caress her face "I will make you the happiest for agreeing to being my daughter"

"Yea!!! and I finally have a brother"

I lie beside her on the bed "Do you have a father?"

"Yes, he is watching over me in heaven"

I feel a sting by her words "What if I told you he isn't in heaven?"

"Then Why isn't he here with me?"

"He is somewhere a little far, but he will be here soon."


I nodded "He will be here soon, for now can I be your dad?"

"Yes!!! and you are going to buy me a lot of toys and ice cream!"

"Yes I will, like that?"


For the first time since I found out Crystal was pregnant, I feel happy. Holding my daughter in my arms as she sleeps is a sight I want to see for the remaining years of my life.


At the age of 18, I was sold by my so called family in order to pay off their debts. I was lucky that Ivan took me in, the image Crystal clear in my head.


I was roughly pushed into a cell with about ten other boys. I cried hard as I knelt down on the cold floor, I haven't eaten in about three days and I could feel my strength slowly slipping away.

"Shut up!!" One of the men growled out in anger.

I was fed up of their bullshit and spoke up "Fucking piece of shit,who the hell are you to tell me that?"

He opens the cell dragging me out by my collar "I am going to tell you who I am!!"

I was thrown to the ground and a whip comes crashing down on my bare back,a cry rip out from me because it hurts so bad. I protect my face with my palms as he repeatedly whips me,I was no longer able to cry and laughter echoed around the room by those disgusting men.

"I a-am so-rry" I begged helplessly.

He pee on my body before stripping me fully naked, I scream in pain as water was poured on me, making the pain unbearable.

"Leave him" a timid voice spoke.

"Greetings young don"

The boy kneels in front of me "Are you okay?"

Seriously kid! Does it looks like I am okay? I couldn't even speak. The boy looks nothing more than sixteen, and I could see pain in his eyes despise the strong facade he tries to put on.

"I want him" the young boy spoke.

"But young don...

He cuts the man off "I want him, and he will be trained under me"

"Yes young don"

He kneels in front of me "What's your name?"


He nods "Fear not martakis, you will be safe now"

I only managed to nod before slowly losing consciousness, but I knew I was safe and I would finally be at peace.


I sighed as I take a large drag from my cigar,I haven't felt pain ever since that day. But her Betrayer made me feel pain, I was never one to love because I was never loved. I was sold by my family into slavery and now I am living a good life, and they are buried six feet's under.

You killed them martakis

I chuckled, indeed I ended their miserable lives. Mom became a prostitute because she was deep into gambling and had a lot of debts to pay. Father was an abusive fool, so of course I couldn't spare his life. My sister was too young to understand what was going on back then, when I returned after three years she was ten. I couldn't take her with me,so I brought her to an orphanage and she is living a peaceful life now.


I clutch my fist and down the shot of whiskey "Leave"

"Please just try to hear me out" she tries Again.

I finally look at her and her eyes are swollen due to tears, and she slowly makes her way over to me but stopped as I glared at her.

"Have you buried your lover yet?"

She cries "Babe, I admit I cheated on you but I am willing to do anything to make you Forgive me for my wrongdoings"

I rose to my feet walking up to her and slamming my lips on hers,I kissed her with so much rage and bite her lips hard until I tasted her blood, she whimpers in pain.

She push me away "You are hurting me"

I pull her back to my chest and she tries to free herself "Quit fighting, we both know that you are not capable of defeating me"

"Please forgive me for my mistakes,I was blinded by lust and I didn't like the idea that I have to have only one dick to fuck me for the rest of my life"

I was furious by her words and push her hard, she falls down and cried out in pain. I shouted in anger and pain and smash everything that was in sight.

A hand grab my wrist stopping me "Please don't do this to yourself martakis, I was wrong. But I can't bear to see you hurting like this,I am sorry"

"Sorry?do you know the agonising pain I felt when I saw you kissing vladislav?it crushed me" my voice broke "You kept on lying to me and secretly seeing him behind my back! am I not good enough for you? what sin did I commit for you to treat me this way?"

She cups my face sobbing "I am so fucking sorry, you did nothing wrong. I love you and you are too good for me, you deserve better than me but I am so selfish for not wanting to let you go. You mean everything to me, I love you and I know I fucked up real bad, but please give me a second chance and I swear with my life that I will never cheat on you again. I will change for the better and be a devoted wife to you,if I ever repeat my mistake in the future, I am giving you the permission to end my life in the worst way. I love you martakis Dublov and I will never make you cry anymore, just please give me a second chance to make things right"

I sniffed "Kill you?"

She nodded "My life is in your hands, marrying you was the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't want to lose you"

I lower my head "I will try to forget about it, but it will take some time"

She pecks my lips "You're worth the wait"

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