
By World_of_romance011

72.5K 1.4K 362

A second chance to make things right... "Look me in the eyes baby doll,and tell Me you hate me" Tears wells... More

My works


4.2K 66 5
By World_of_romance011


Striding into my office, I straightened my collar before pushing the conference door open. All the men in the room immediately stood up, and I took a seat before gesturing for them to sit.

"What's this rumor going around town, huh?! You all know I hate gossip the most,"

Martakis spoke. "Don, we can't stop them."

"It's my private life, and I won't let anyone speak of it," I said, my voice firm.

Marcos, one of the men in the meeting, sighed. "How about you remarry? That way, the rumors will subside."

I laughed. "And who are you to decide for me?"

"I am sorry, Don," Marcos said, his eyes widening as I gestured to my men.

"Take him out and deal with him."

They dragged him out of the room, ignoring his pleadings.

"I won't remarry. I'm perfectly fine being a single dad to Drystan. So, the next time any of you choose to gossip about me, consider your family lives. Dismiss."

They all walked out of the conference room in silence, except Martakis, who stayed behind. "What do you want to say?" I asked him as I poured a shot of whiskey.

"With all due respect, sir, am I allowed to speak freely?" he asked, his voice cautious.

I gulped down the shot. "Go ahead."

"What Marcos said earlier wasn't so bad. You're the Don, and a Don needs a queen. If you're not accustomed to the idea of remarrying, then how about you get Crystal back? You know where she is."

I scoffed. "Just because you're married to my sister doesn't mean I can't shoot you dead for poking your nose in my business."

"Try to consider my words. Don't you think leaving her out there with your daughter is dangerous? You have enemies everywhere, Don."

"She's perfectly safe in the Netherlands. I have men watching over her and my daughter."

Martakis sighed. "You need her. You haven't been yourself since she left you four years ago, and I know you still love her."

"What do you know about the love I have for her? You need to know your place in this house, Martakis. I'm still your Don."

"Forgive me, Don. I'm deeply sorry."

I shook my head. "Take care of things here. I need to go to the mall to get a gift for Drystan."

He nodded, and I walked out of the room and out of the building. Kostas opened the car door for me, and I stepped in.

"Where to?"

"The mall."

Drystan was five years old today, and it was also the day Alina died. He kept asking about his mom, and I thought today was the right time to take him to visit Alina. After all, he had the right to know who his mother really was.

"Kostas," I said, snapping out of my thoughts. "Yes?"

"We're here."

I nodded, stepping down from the car and putting on my glasses to avoid drawing attention. I headed into the kids' section of the mall and picked out a few gifts for Drystan,a kitchen set and a kids' boxing set. The sooner he started training, the better.

"That much?" Kostas snickered.

I shrugged. "It's his fifth birthday today, so I have to spoil him."

He smiled, driving the car off and heading back to the house. The gifts would be delivered soon, so while we waited, I decided to take Drystan to visit his mother.

"Daddy!" Drystan screamed, running over to me.

I picked him up. "Hey there, bud. Where's Alfred?"

Alfred sighed tiredly. "Here and exhausted as always. Your son is a pain in the ass."

I glared at him. "Language. How's the birthday boy feeling?"

Drystan grinned. "I'm officially a man like you now! I can do whatever I want now."

"Really? Then can you beat Alfred up?"

Alfred's eyes widened, and Drystan nodded his head. "I'm going to kick his ass." Alfred burst into a fit of laughter, and I chuckled, ruffling Drystan's hair.

I secured Drystan's seatbelt in the backseat before getting in the front and driving off. You can do this, Ivan. Drystan deserves to know who his mother is.

"Daddy, where are we going?" he asked.

"You'll see," I replied simply.

We arrived at the cemetery, and I parked the car. I carried Drystan in my arms, leading him to the graves. He tightened his grip around my neck, and I could tell he was scared.

"Listen to me, Drystan, you have nothing to be afraid of. You have me, ain't I your hero? I will always protect you, no matter what."

He grins, nodding his head. "You are more than a hero, Dad. I love you."

I kiss his forehead. "I love you too, son."

We arrive at the section where the late Dimitris are buried. My eyes lock onto Mother's tombstone, and Dad is buried next to her. I decided to honor Alina by burying her in the Dimitri cemetery,after all, she is family.

I squat down in front of Alina's grave and place Drystan in my lap.

"Dad," he says, clearly confused.

I smile softly at him. "Meet Alina, she's your mother."

"Mother? Then where is she?" he asks.

"She's in heaven, watching over you from above."

He frowns cutely. "Can I see her?"

I shake my head. "You will in years to come. But she's in your heart, guiding you in the right direction. Your mom made some mistakes in the past, but who doesn't make mistakes? She was a good soul, which is why you turned out to be great."

"But you're kind, Daddy."

"I'm not kind, Drystan. You're too good for me. I don't know what good I did in my past life to have a son like you."

He smiles warmly. "I love you, Daddy."

I kiss his head. "I love you too. Do you want to drop by the ice cream parlor before heading home?"

"Yes! I want chocolate ice cream!"

I lift him up. "And that you shall get. I'll fulfill all your desires for the day."


Drystan is fast asleep in my arms, and I sigh, caressing his hair. I love the fact that he brings light into my fucked-up life. Crystal opened my heart to love, and I'll be forever grateful to her for it.

I open my phone, and the lock screen brings a painful smile to my face. It's a picture of Babydoll and me from our trip to the Amalfi Coast. She has her lips locked with mine, and my heart clenches in pain. I tighten my grip on the phone. I miss you, Babydoll. I miss you so damn much.

The following weeks fly by quickly. Drystan is about to begin kindergarten. Am I nervous? Of course, I am, but I have no idea why. Oksana strides over to me, grinning. "Drystan is going to school tomorrow. How do you feel about it?"

"How else am I supposed to feel? I can't keep a guard with him during his classes. What if something happens to him? What if someone tries to take him from me? How am I supposed to feel then? I'll be devastated. I can't bear to lose him."

She lights a cigar for me, handing it to me before speaking. "You're being nervous for nothing. Drystan will be fine. Nothing will happen to him."

I sigh. "I know, but still. I have the right to worry about it. The what-ifs are the only thoughts running through my head. I don't think I should ever let him leave the house. I should consider giving him home lessons."

"Don't you dare do that to him, Ivan. He deserves better than that."

"I know, I just feel worried."

She takes the cigar from my hand and takes a long drag. "Just shut up and listen to me for once. Drystan will be safe from harm."

"How about letting him begin when he turns six?"

"Ivan!!" She exclaims.

I chuckle, running a hand over my face. "Fine, I won't worry anymore."

"Good. I'm dropping Aleksander off with you tomorrow. I'm done babysitting him. Damien and Vera better get their asses back. I have to take care of my own baby."

I quirk my brow. "You have a child?"

She rolls her eyes, taking another drag from the cigar. "No, dummy. Martakis is my baby."

I scrunch my nose. "How can Martakis be a baby? He's a full-grown 29-year-old man."

"So? I can still treat him as my baby."

"If you're that excited to have a baby, then have a child."

"Nah, I can't afford to take care of a child. They're a pain in the ass."

I roll my eyes. "They're cute."

"Never in my life would I have expected those words to leave your mouth."

"Well, Drystan changed me."

"More like she changed you," she mutters under her breath, but I hear it.

I grab my blazer, standing up from my chair, and am halfway out of the office when she speaks, stopping me. "I know you haven't fully gotten over her, and the feelings are still there. Why can't you just admit that you miss her? I can bring her to you if you want."

"I can't force her against her will."

She smirks. "But I can."

I just laugh it off, leaving my office. Lebedev runs over to me, panting heavily. "D-don," he stutters.

I frown. "What?"

"My mom was rushed to the hospital. Please permit me to go see her."

"Let's go together. Which hospital?"

"Your private hospital, Don."

"To the Dimitri hospital," I say to Kostas as we enter the car.

"Okay, Don."

We soon arrive at the hospital and are led into Maja's room. She sees us and smiles warmly.

"Mom, I came as soon as I heard. Are you okay? What did the doctor say?" Lebedev asks, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine, and thank you for coming, sir."

I move closer to the bed. "What's your diagnosis?"

"Just fever, sir. The doctor said I need rest and should refrain from doing any hard work for now."

"You see, Mom, I keep telling you all the time. But you never listen to me. Please let her have bed rest for two weeks. I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Hush, Lebe. You shouldn't ask anything from Don."

I cross my arms. "Maja, you've faithfully worked with me for years. Don't you think it's time to step down and take a break?"

She shook her head in horror "Please,don, I am strong. I just need a day or two of rest. I really love my job, and it pays well."

"Mom," Lebedev sighs. "What about an assistant for you? Or someone to temporarily replace you?"

She sighs. "I don't want to be replaced."

"You're not going to be replaced, just find someone who will assist you."

Lebedev smiles. "How about Annalise? She'll be more than willing to help."

I knit my brow. "Who is Annalise?"

"My niece," she replies.

"Do whatever you want, just don't let her slack off on her duties."

"She won't. Let me give her a call," Lebedev says.

"Get well soon," I say to her, turning around and leaving the room.


"I want to stay with you, Daddy. I don't want to go to school," he pouts.

I sigh, squatting down in front of him. "You have to, son. It's really important for everyone to acquire academic knowledge."

"What is that?" He frowns cutely.

I chuckle. "Don't worry, Drystan. You'll find out when you're fully grown up."

"I am already a man," he says, puffing out his chest.

I button his shirt. "Yeah, I know you are."

Stepping outside, Oksana stands with Aleksander close to her. He sees me and runs over to me with his tiny legs.

"Uncle IvI!"

I ruffle his hair. "Ready to spend a day with your Uncle IvI?"

He nods enthusiastically. "Yes!!"

"Alek!!!" Drystan runs over to Aleksander, and they hug each other tightly.

"Aww, they're so sweet. I wish they become a couple," Oksana gushes.

I roll my eyes at her silliness. "They're cousins, Sana."

"So?" she replies, shrugging.

"It's not possible," I say, chuckling.

"Nothing is impossible, dude. See ya in five days," she says, winking at me.

I frown. "Where are you off to?"

She grins mischievously. "You'll see."

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