Anidita - Kuchh Toh Hai...

By ksaurav15

34.8K 3.4K 1.5K

What happen when a father of a 6 yrs daughter married a widow woman to save her from society....??? How will... More

PART 1- (Meet Them)...
PART 2-( Describing her..)
PART 3- ( Everything changed..)
PART 4- (Flashback.)
PART 5- ( Post Wedding Rituals..)
New cover...
PART 6 - ( Accepting New Relationships...)
PART 7 - ( Back to her self..)
PART 9- ( Maa..)
PART 10 (Agreed)
PART 11( An adorable bond)
Part 12 ( Anirudh's Mission)
PART 13 ( Bondita is Pregnant?)
PART 14 ( Anirudh stands for bondita)
PART 18 ( Anirudh Accused Bondita.)
PART 19 ( Bondita to save Antika)
PART 20 ( Bondita's sorrowful condition.)
PART 21- (Distress RC's.)
PART 22- ( Guilty Anirudh.)
PART 23- (Villagers blamed bondita.)
PART 24 ( Anirudh's befitting reply to Villagers.)
PART 25 - (Her detoriating health, his regret.)
PART 26- Bondita met someone special...
PART 27- Bondita's past.
PART 28- Meenakshi's sons.
PART 29- Shubham's good bye.
PART 30- Meenakshi's words to Bondita.
Part 31 ( Bondita's befitting reply)
PART 32( Irritated Anirudh)
PART 33 ( A Normal day.)
PART 34 (Meenakshi's last day with RC's.)
PART 35 (Meenakshi's lesson to barrister couple).
PART 36 ( Mother-Daughter Reunion)
PART 37 ( Some peaceful moments.)
PART 38 - Cravings.

PART 8 - ( Their Conditions..)

823 94 25
By ksaurav15

Don't forget to do inline comments and vote... Do share it also if you want....Happy reading....


It's been 9 days, since bondita joined court, still nobody comes to even ask her for their case to fight.. It's not like that she don't know that it is not easy for her to regain her power here but what disappoints her was even the person for whom every barristers declined to help them is also not ready to accept her proposal of helping them... In culcutta also during her starting days, she gets this type of treatment but later there are people accept her proposal but here nobody wants.. They can request, cry and beg for other barristers to help them but nobody wants her free help also..
There whenever she gets upset,shubham encouraged her saying one day, everybody come to her only, all she have to do is have patience.. But here, nobody is with her to console her.. She felt so lonely that she wants to cry hard in someone's embrace, tell her misery to them, ask them why they don't want to see a women working but she has no one and moreover,she can't show others that she is weak otherwise they will say, despite of how much women become independent but they falls weak only working in between males..


" what happened bondita?" trying to ask shubham 10th time but she is not ready to tell...

" shubham i don't want to go court now.. " said she making him shock..

" are you mad? What are you telling?? Why you don't want to go? " asked he hugging her making her look at him..

" no one wants me there. No one consider me a barrister also.. Nobody brings their case to me.. And if some comes rhen other barristers dont want to fight with me.. They just pass there laugh on me and disgusting glares and talks ill also.. " complained she

" ohh so this is the problem.. Then fight for yourself.. Don't you know how to fight? Everyday you fight with me like a junglle billi then what happened now? " said he trying to ease her mood, who glared at him and tries to move but he pulled to himself more..

" ok ok ok.. Sorry.. But seriously bondita.. How can you lose this earlier? You fought and come to here with your hard work, then why are you losing hopes now"

" this is not early.. It's been almost 4 months still I am not getting any case.. They still thought that I am weak women, who don't know anything about work.. " complained she..

" and you are proving them right by quiting your work.. You are giving them righ to laugh on you now.. Don't you? " said he to her who looked down...

" then what can I do.. I am fed up with all this.. " said she..

" all you have to do is have patience and don't lose hope.. When you don't stop in your earlier days of struggle, then why to stop now.. Fight with them, go to court everyday, show them that you are not weak, wait for the right time and when that time comes then nobody will stop you.. One day they all only will bow their head in front of you and appreciate you. And also they dont fight with you because they are scared what if you win then their male ego will hurt..Understood?? " asked he giving her reality check who nodded in yes and said now she will never lose hope and if she ever feel like this, always comes to him to get some sense..

" you will help me na always? " asked she to which he promises he will always, all she need is just remember him and she will get solution...


And now all she is doing sitting at one corner of the court is to wait for the correct time again just like earlier days and prove them her efficiency... Prove them who and how she is..
Getting tired she thought to roam around the court and outside,when she witnessed mother and daughter duo eating food together and have bundles of clothes... looking at them, seems like they were travelling sales women.
The duo is happy together and talking and this reminds her of her both mother who gave birth and the one who loved her not less than own mother...
She is thinking what must be they two are doing in their life.. She knows that after her wedding sumati doesn't stay at their old home, with sumati's brother and sister in law but mostly went on travelling with old aged peoples on tirath.. So she hardly gets time to meet anyone...
But now the question is what meenakshi is doing there..

" what maa will be doing? How is she? How is she leaving alone? No one is there whom I can ask about her. Dugga maa, please be with my maa..take care of her health..protect her from every pain and suffering.. Protect her dugga maa..." prayed she and went back to her seat..

In culcutta,

Meenakshi is working in kitchen when heard a voice from window.. She looks there but no one is there.. She after a minute again heard a voice and this time went there and saw naitik ( same men who helped meenakshi..)..

" beta naitik you here??? What are you doing here at this time? " asked she scared at the thought of someone saw them then he too will gone along with her..

" kaki maa. I am here to give you information of baudi. " said naitik which literally brought tearful smile on her face..

" what information beta.. How is my bahu? She is fine na? Her new in-laws don't create problem na? " asked she many questions in one breathe which made her cough badly..

" kaki maa first relax and take a breathe ( she takes a long breathe relaxing her). Now listen, eveybody there is nice with her.. She has even started going court again.. And I think no one has problem with baudi's work there.." said naitik while meenakshi prayed to dugga maa to be with her daughter like this only while he continued - and you know what kaki maa? Baudi's new husband is a also a barrister and that too great barrister..

Meenakshi said sadly - barrister? Just like my son .. But I am happy that this time too she gets someone who can understand her.. May be accompany her also in her resolution..

Naitik - may be..

"but thank you beta.. You did alot for me.. I will always be indepted to you.. " said she joining her hands but he hold her hands puting on his head..

" what are you saying kaki maa.. Do mother thanks their children?? ( she nodded in no) no na?? Then why you are saying like this.. You know how much I respect and love you.. I had never seen my real mother but you give me love like a mother.. And shubham dada and bondita baudi too helped me in my bad days then how am I not going to help my baudi? So from next time don't make me feel outsider by thanking me." said he asking to give him blessing only... She cried and feels Shubham in him while he too looked at her with concern..

" and also kaki maa, why don't you go away from here? Why are you living in this hell? Why don't you ask baudi for help? Why kaki maa? " asked he as he knows how everyone in this house is making her life hell..

" no beta.. I am bound to live with this and I don't want bondita to take tension for me.. She should remain happy not sad.. God gave her a chance to once again live. That's why I don't want anyone from this family to disturb her life.. "

" then ask help from your jamai na.. Sakshi didi will help you definitely.. I know.. Live with them maa."

" no no no naitik. It's a sin to live in the house of your jamai and beti.. I am not doing this.. "

" ok but can't you come with me.. I am neither your bahu nor your jamai..i am your son na then come na. I will not tell anyone just run away and come with me. I will arrange everything for you kaki maa where I work.. And you know na I work in outside area of tulsipur only then you may see baudi also. Just think once kaki maa" requested he in hope that may be this time she agree..

" no. I will not go anywhere.. This is what my life is now and I am bound to live like this only. So don't spoil your life for me.. Even if one person also gets to know about this then you too will get punished.. And I don't want anything to happen with my second son also.. And swear on me dont u dare to tell anyone about my condition also.. " ordered she while he nodded in yes reluctantly..

He left from there after sometime while she said that next time she will gave him some more things of bondita to give her secretly and he stop bsould be careful coming here...


At night,
Everyone except the ladies, are sitted in dinning table for dinner... When all of a sudden kaka called bondita...

" ji ksj.. "

" Bahu I want to say you something.."

" Now what kaka wants..what happened to him?" asked batuk to somnath who nodded in no..

" don't know.. Let's see.. " said somnath munching food..

" stop blabbering against me nalayako and eat silently.. " ordered kaka shouting at somnath and batuk glaring them who looked down continuing their eating...

" so bahu I am telling that I don't like your one thing.. "

" what ksj?? Had I done any mistake? Or you don't like my prepared foods?" asked bondita in a shaking voice, little scared as she gets some memory of her previous in-laws on her prepared food...

All looked at her with confused face seeing her scared.

" tell na ksj.. " asked she

" bahu don't you think, you should not call your pati barrister babu?" asked T.K while other except childrens and bondita, understood what he wants..

" then what will I call him" asked bondita confused..

" anything but not barrister babu.. " said T.K

" kaka now don't start your lecture on this topic.. " saying anirudh but ksj stopped him and asked to sit silently..

" but what will I call him then.. " again asked she..

" you are married, you can call him pati parmeshwar, pati dev, babu, ae ji, oo ji, anything you want.. You can choose.. " suggested T.K while others looked a thim in disbelief hearing cringy names..

" baap re.. Kaka didn't married still knows how wife used to call their pati " said batuk while laughing silently..

" yes.. " said somnath with a shocking face..

" you know what batuk. Even ksj gave me these names to call somnath ji.. But I choosed somnath ji.." said vaishnavi making them shock..

" thank god vaishnavi.. U saved me from these funny names.. " said somnath while batuk is laughing like a mad silently..

" what names are these didi.. " whispered ankush to antik..

" I also don't know.. But sounds funny isn't it?? " said antika to him who nodded in yes and laughed secretly...

" I never ever called shubham with this type if names then how am I going to call him like this.. Nooo.. I am not.. " thought she in mind making faces..

" kaka what are you saying.. " saying anirudh but again kaka Interuppted - told you na to sit silently then why are talking..

" these names are so bad.. I will not not going to call him like this ksj..." said bondita..

" hain na?? Then call me anirudh only.. " said anirudh but both ksj and bondita shouted in no and looked at each other..

" I can't as you are elder than me.. I can never call you with name.. " Said she making ksj happy who looked at anirudh giving him winning look, who rolled his eyes in disbelief..

" indirectly baudi told us that dada is old men.. " said batuk laughing hard but gets a slap from anirudh on his head..

" ksj everyone calls him by barrister babu only then why not I? Asked she..

" everyone can call but not you. And they called him like this because they respect him as a barrister.. " saying ksj..

" so I too respect him very much for whatever he did for me.." said she while anirudh looked at her..

" ok but don't you think, you should not follow what others do.. You should call him differently na?? You only tells na that we should not do what others do.. Then?? " said ksj trying to convince her, who went into deep thinking..

" hmm.. U are right ksj.. I think I should call him something else.. " said bondita thinking what to call him while ksj gets happy seeing his victory atleast in this matter..

" ok then from now onwards I will call him birristera babu.. " announced she making all look at her with confusion while anirudh almost choked hearing this...

She looked at all and then asked what happened ..

" are you serious.. Birristera?? " asked anirudh..

" haan bahu, what name is this?" asked ksj..

" yes baudi.. This name feels like raste me bidi pi kar pada hua koi babu ho( feels like any babu laying on road after having cigarette) .. " said batuk laughing only to get a glare from anirudh...

" ksj you only told me change, so I did.. Now you are asking what is this?? " asked bondita to ksj while all except anirudh, looking at them that who will win..

" yes but this name?? Why? " asked ksj..

" you only told na something different. So this name is better than any other name like you suggested ksj.. And shotti nobody calls him like this.. " said bondita pinching her throat..

" nobody is childish like you to call me like this.. And I am not going to allow anyone to call me like this.. Not you also... Just wait.." murmured anirudh to himself glaring at bondita but batuk heard..

" u said anything dada? " asked batuk while anirudh glared him and said - yes.. I said shut up and eat silently.. ( stuffing a morsel in batuk's mouth angrily..)

" but bahu.. " saying T.K but bondita interruptes him saying- now you decide ksj whether I will call him barrister babu or birristera babu?

T.K at last agreed with her while all looked at him in disbelief how he got convinced.. Bondita thanked him happily and all started eating again... Batuk and somnath are teasing anirudh calling him birristera babu, who is groaning in anger looking at them as if he will kill them if they meet him alone... Then all of sudden the happy, teasing environment gets changed, when bondita turned to go kitchen, and all heard something unexpected...



That's all for today.
Hope you liked it..

Comment down ur views and vote up the part also as it give motivation to write..

Till then byee..
And thanks for reading..



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