The Four Musketeers (Fruits B...

By Miyamusubi

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"Even when the world doesn't need us, we live for the people who do" "So do you need me?" "Of course I do."... More

Chapter 1: The 12 Zodiac Animals
Chapter 2: A yankee
Chapter 3: A Place To Call Home
Chapter 4: Family of the past
Chapter 5: Greetings and Goodbyes
Chapter 6: A Life Without You
Chapter 7: A Knight
Chapter 8: More Friends
Chapter 9: New Years
Chapter 10: When Spring Comes
Chapter 12: Secrets
Chapter 13: Talk of the Future
Chapter 14: What the Heart Wants
Chapter 15: Grave Visit
Chapter 16: Lake House
Chapter 17: Accepted

Chapter 11: An Old Friend

872 39 3
By Miyamusubi

"Your aunt is coming tonight?" Kyo questions as Tohru nods her head in happiness. 

"Yes! Shigure gave it an okay! Aunty has been trying to settle things at the hospital since she got back from Fukushima. Though she spent time with us during the winter and bits here and there, her work load is lightening up!" Tohru exclaimed as she began to cook, somehow the thought of her leaving the house escaped her mind. Though she's been staying at the apartment on weekends when Kaede had it off, the conversation about housing has not yet been brought up. 

For Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki the idea had merely went over their heads after the fiasco with Tohru's other relatives. 

"I'm looking forward to it! Your aunt was so kind to leave us a gift from Fukushima! And she even watched over you and the boys! How sweet!" Shigure announced as he flipped a page of the newspaper. 

"Yes! She's really is! I love her a lot!" Tohru smiled as she sat with the Sohma's a bit before getting up to prepare a meal. 

"Oh but we've seen her a bit after school for the past couple of weeks since school started again." Yuki mumbled out as he thought of the young woman who would greet the group after school and treat them out and hang out with them. A small smile found its way on his face as it was refreshing. 

"Yeah. Though her little teasing are annoying sometimes! She even picked up on the whole "Kyon Kyon" thing thanks to yankee girl!" Kyo annoyingly stated as he laid on the porch. 

"Aw don't be upset, Kyon Kyon." Shigure teased and earned a smack. 

After a while, Tohru finished up and started placing the food on the table. 

"Do you know when your aunty is coming, Tohru?" Shigure questioned as he placed the paper on the ground, watching Tohru bring in some other dishes. 

"Hm, she said she'll be here at 6:30. But knowing how work is she might be a little late." Tohru answered as they looked at the clock seeing it was already 7:00, she was running late, even when Tohru's cooking took a while. 

"Eh its no problem, you just finished cooking so she should be here soon." Shigure commented as Kyo stood up from his spot and closed the doors. 

"Your aunt is a doctor right?" Yuki asks as he leans his head on his hand. 

"Yes! She's an all rounder, mostly working in the ER at the Tokyo Hospital!" Tohru answered making the Sohmas widen their eyes slightly. 

"That's a well known hospital for some of the best doctors in Tokyo! I didn't know your aunt  worked there! How amazing!" Shigure smiled and complimented the girl's aunt. 

"She really is! She is always working so hard and always finds time for me!" 

Just as Tohru was about to tell them more about Kaede, the bell rung. 

"Oh would you look at that." Shigure grinned as Kyo eagerly waited to eat. 

The Sohmas remained at the table while Tohru got up happily. 

"That must be her!" Tohru cheered as her feet made its way to the door. "Aunty!" 

"Hey, Tohru! Sorry I was running late, some last minute stuff popped up. Plus I stopped at the bakery for desserts." Kaede apologized as she handed Tohru a bag full of pastries and desserts. 

"Its no problem, I just finished dinner not too long ago." Smiling, Kaede ruffled the girl's head as she took off her shoes and shrugged off her long brown coat, leaving the woman in her beige work pants and black button up. A lanyard with Kaede's ID dangled from her neck as she followed Tohru into the house, Kaede held her coat and purse in her arms. 

"Aunty's here and she bought desserts!" Tohru announced as she walked towards the dining room and smiled at the Sohmas. Stepping right behind her, Kaede grinned as she waved at the two teens boys before her eyes landed on a familiar face. 

Widening her eyes slightly, Kaede's voice got stuck in her throat as the man shared the same look. However, a different flash of emotions was swirling inside. The gaze was short but it felt like a couple minutes. 

"Kaede." Shigure mumbled underneath his breath as held a look of surprise still on his face.  His expression slowly went back to normal as the two other Sohma's watched Shigure's expression in curiosity. 

"Ah,..."  Kaede whispered softly as she gave Shigure a polite smile before tearing her gaze away from the man.  .   

"Kaede how was work?" Yuki spoke up as she moved her attention to the other boys. She  chuckled and gave a small bow to the Sohmas as Tohru put the snacks in the kitchen

"Busy as usual. Thanks for asking and having me over once again." Kaede began as she sat across from Shigure, putting her coat and purse off to the side, Tohru quickly sitting next to her. 

"Thank you for the food." the group chanted as Shigure would continue to look at Kaede during this moment, the woman feeling the gaze but decided to close her eyes along with Tohru. 

As she opened them, the familiar gaze and eyes stared at her. Letting a small huff out, Shigure smiled at her. 

"I don't know if you remember me, but it's nice seeing a familiar face from old times.  Shigure Sohma." Shigure finally spoke as he gripped his chopsticks and began to pick up food. 

Hearing his introduction, Kaede acted slightly surprised with widened eyes.

"Ah I wondered why your face seemed familiar.  Its nice seeing you again Sohma-san.  Its been a while since we last saw each other.  I didn't expect for you to be the guardian over these boys. I hope you've been well....Oh how forgetful of me.  Kaede Katsunuma, Tohru's aunty." Kaede smiled as usual, the teens sharing the same confused look. 

"Oh just call me Shigure."  The man replied with a smile as the two adults greeted each other, seemingly close yet distant. 

The three teens looked back and forth between the two adults as Kyo addressed the elephant in the room. 

"So you two know each other?!" The orange head yelled as he gripped his chopsticks harshly, staring at the two with wide eyes, much like the other two. 

"You know Shigure, Aunty? I didn't know that!"  Tohru exclaimed in shock, her eyes sparkling for a moment before her mind went to the Sohma secret. She wondered if she knew as well. The other two boys thinking the same thing.     

Kaede smiled and chuckled lightly as she ruffled Tohru's hair.  "Something like that." her response was vague and played off their relationship as almost non existent. 

"We went to the same high school~  We were also classmates." Shigure added as he explained simply, his eyes glinting with certain emotions but kept them hidden underneath his usual  smile.  His smile slightly strained as he took in her words.

With a nod of her head, Kaede smiled and said nothing. Kaede's eyes scanning and reading Shigure's expression. Her lips tugged up a little. 

"Now don't worry about us~ How was school today? Anything interesting? Fun?" Kaede changed the subject smoothly and Tohru beamed with excitement as she told the woman all the things that Uotani and Hanajima talked about, the little things that happened during her day. 

The Sohma's watched their interaction as Kaede listened carefully and nodded attentively. A the little rambles and stories that Tohru told, Kaede smiled and giggled at them all. 

"Oh that's quite an eventful day. I'm glad you had fun, Tohru." Kaede finished as she gave the girl a peck on the forehead before turning towards Yuki and Kyo. 

"How about you two? Did you manage to sneak in a move against Yuki? Or did that just go bad, Kyon Kyon?~" This earned a irk mark as Kyo furrowed his brows and swallowed his food quickly to reply. 

"Quit calling me that! Hah, there's no violence allowed in school. I save it until the best moment." Kyo grumbled out as Yuki rolled his eyes. 

"Yes, good luck with that....But my day has been good, Katsunuma-san. A little busy with student council and especially with the new year coming up." Yuki replied with a princely smile as he put down his rice bowl. 

With slightly widened eyes, Kaede chuckled and reached over to ruffle both the boys' heads, before rubbing Tohru's. 

"That's good to hear. You all are working really hard, keep up the good work. I'm very proud of you." Kaede complimented the teens making Tohru smile wider as she leaned into Kaede's touch, while the two Sohma boys had wide eyes and blinked sheepishly. The two turned their heads off to the side, while Shigure watched with slight amusement.  His eyes gleaming with emotions as he took in the familiar smiles and expressions of Kaede but also the different aura that surrounded her.   

"Its nothing, really...." the boys mumbled out and coughed making the girls smile at their endearing behavior. 

"But to think you guys will be second years already. Time really flies!~ " Kaede pipped in and smiled at Shigure to make it seem less awkward between the two.   

"Indeed it does! I remember as if it was just yesterday when these boys were this tall, walking around like baby chicks." Shigure teased as he began to reminisce the old days that they all had including the young woman. The eldest Sohma scanned the woman once more as he noted how much she has changed in the past years. Her hair that was once at her shoulders became long down to her waist. Her facial features and body had matured, becoming quite pretty. But at the same time she remained the same, the familiar and faint beauty mark that rested below her eye, the soft gaze that held lots of emotions.        

While the woman's mind thought that the man has not changed at all except looking a bit older. He was still handsome as the other Sohmas and held the same exact look that was calculating and keeping something deep hidden. A light and playful smile that covered his emotions and hidden agendas.

Soon the group finished dinner and Kaede helped Tohru clean up the dishes. 

"Oh! Why don't one of you go shower and we'll be ready for dessert." Shigure recommended to the two boys as Kaede nodded her head in agreement. 

"It'll take us a while to clean the dishes, so go ahead and shower. Plus I bet you all have homework and studying to do. So I'll get out of your hair after dessert." Kaede told them as she walked out of the room with Tohru. 

With a sigh, Kyo stood up and went first. 

Hearing the two girls wash dishes, Yuki took a glance at Shigure who continued to steal glances at the woman. 

"So, did you know that Katsunuma-san was Tohru's aunt?" Yuki questioned as he found it to be quite strange. It was strange that it was such a small world. He felt suspicious of Shigure, did he plan this?

Shigure looked away and gazed at Yuki, his head resting in his palm. 

"No, it was a pleasant surprise. I never thought Tohru would be Kaede's niece.  Looking at them I can see the slight resemblance but very different at the same time...." Shigure's eyes narrowing slightly as he racked his memory to think of all their times together. 

"Normally I would find it hard to believe you, but seeing your expression I'll take your word." 


"This is delicious!" Shigure exclaimed as he put a hand on his cheek, all of them eating the pastries that Kaede bought. 

"Yes! Did you go to Mimi's bakery?" Tohru questioned as she felt familiar with the taste, her eyes shimmering with happiness and her cheeks full like a squirrel. 

Kaede giggled at the sight of her niece as she wiped off the crumbs on her face. 

"Yes, I called it in earlier this morning. I made sure we would be able to eat delicious snacks!~" Kaede smiled and took another bite of her tart. 

The two boys finding enjoyment in the pastries as well.  

"I didn't know that they made a grapefruit pastry as well." Yuki commented as he found it delicious. 

"They even have milk bread...Its tasty." Kyo mumbled out. 

Hearing their comments made Kaede happy as she grinned at their expressions. 

"I'm glad you all enjoy it. It's my favorite bakery." Kaede popped the last piece of her tart in her mouth and hummed, Shigure taking another glance at her before smiling to himself. 

The group soon finished off the pastries and Kaede sent Tohru off to go take a bath before it got too late, but not before assuring that she would stay a bit longer. 

As Kaede watched Tohru run up stairs, she turned her attention to the Sohmas and her eyes became a bit serious. 

"Sohma, thank you once again for taking in Tohru. I'm really grateful to you and your family." Kaede began as she offered a bright smile and intertwined her hands together. Her expression would then slightly become a little more serious.  

"Its nothing~ Tohru's been such a sweetheart and has been a huge help." Shigure stated with a wave of his hand and returned the smile of his own. 

"Yes, Tohru is a kind girl. I love her from the bottom of my heart. But I wouldn't want to trouble you, Yuki, or Kyo any longer. You've all done me such a huge favor in taking care of her and keeping her happy." Kaede began as she hinted at the topic she was about to bring up. The teen boys tensing and widening their eyes. 

Kaede picked up their reactions, body movement, and emotions. The most notable one was Kyo. 

"I've mentioned this issue briefly with Tohru and we both agreed that we would discuss things once issues have settled down and once I've returned. But now that I've returned to Tokyo and settled things with the hospital, I won't be as busy anymore. And timing couldn't be better when I finally get to meet the guardian of this household. So, I feel that Tohru should come back to live at my apartment." 

As Kaede finished her sentence, Kyo hit the table with his fist as his emotions were bubbling. Kaede didn't flinch and merely glanced at the boy before looking at Shigure. The young woman didn't falter and listened to the faint sound of the water from above. 

"I see. Well you are her aunt after all." Shigure began as he too noted the children's behavior and wondered if they would fight back to get Tohru. His eyes then returned to Kaede as he tried to read her, but to no avail there was nothing. "It was wonderful having Tohru over but I'll be saddened by her departure once more"

Before Kaede could say anything else, Kyo slammed his hand on the table once more and stood up. His expression full of confusion, anger, and mixed emotions. 

"Kyo! Mind you manners!" Shigure shouted. "Where are you going?!" 

Watching his reaction along with Yuki who looked down at the ground with a glum expression made Kaede smile. 

"Hold on there, Kyo. I'm not done speaking." Kaede interrupted before Kyo could run out the door. The said boy froze and gave the woman a mean look. A look that said "what else is needed to be said". Unfazed as usual, Kaede gave him a warm smile and shifted her gaze to Yuki. 

"Come, sit back down. The next couple of words I have to say concerns you two boys." Kaede stated before the boy stood at the doorway for a while before sitting back down. The young woman held an amused look as the boy listened and turned his head away from her. 

"Do you enjoy having Tohru around? What exactly makes it different whether she lives with you, versus when you see her at school?" Kaede began as she unfolded her hands and rested her head on one of them. 

The two boys looked at her with slightly wide eyes before fidgeting with their hands. Kaede waited a bit but seeing as no boy wanted to talk, she shifted her gaze back to Shigure who watched with amusement. 

"I see that neither of you want to elaborate. Then I'd assume it doesn't matter if I take Tohru back home with me.  I thought it upset you Kyo as you got up and was about to storm off." The boys furrowed their brows and Kyo clenched his fist with a slight red tint on his cheeks.

"Well is this what she wants?" Kyo began as he glared at her. "When her family called her back, her other aunt called for a detective to check her background...They looked down at her for living with us and said all sorts of things....They made her cry...but she didn't want to be there.--"  the boy elaborated. 

Hearing his words about the detective made Kaede furrow her brows in distaste, her mind thinking about beating her sister's in- laws to a pulp. But as she continued to listen her face became soft as the boys talked very gently about her niece and what Tohru wants. 

"She is a very kind and is selfless, always thinking about the happiness of others. So if it came to what she wanted it, she might not say it at all. But, at the last moment when she cried she said she wanted to go back home with us, the Sohmas,....and her aunt."  Yuki pipped in as the boys grit their teeth and decided to finally look up at the woman. They were expecting a twisted and furious expression but were rather met with a warm and gentle expression that invited them. A warm feeling spread through their body, it was similar to the smiles and comfort Tohru gave.   

"I see...You boys have truly understood Tohru and consider what she wants. Not many people are like that...its quite hard to come by friends who are like you. I'm glad." Kaede began as she gave a comforting gaze. On the other hand, Shigure clenched his fist and continued to watch the group.    

"For Tohru, I'm willing to cross the ocean and toss everything away to keep her happy and safe. I would do anything. But even so, I can't always be there to protect her, no mater how much I want to. So during times when I can't be there, I was relieved to hear that two boys came to Tohru's rescue. Two young boys who came barreling into the Honda household and whisked her away from her evil aunt and cousins. The two heros who saved the princess and took her back home.~" Kaede teased  and watched as the two boys became flustered. Shigure grinning in amusement, finding the story quite interesting. 

"Where did you hear such a thing?!!" Kyo yelled out in embarrassment.  

"Tohru's grandfather. Despite being airheaded and absent minded at times he has a good memory for certain things. Quite wise and has a way with words too.  I loved how he told me that he called his family "unpleasant people" and didn't think it was wrong at all."  Kaede laughed joyfully as she wiped some tears away. 

The Sohma's watching the young woman closely and listening to her every word. 

"Tohru's grandfather is a sweet man and I entrusted him to take care of her during the time I was away.  But it seems I was left out of the loop in some aspects, so I'm glad that she was able to meet you and have a place she can go back to.  Even I can agree why you two would be mad after seeing that wretched sister-in-law and children."  

"While I am Tohru's guardian, I will not force Tohru to do anything she dislikes or force her into anything. She has her own life and I will not restrict her freedom. If she decided to stay here with you all, I will respect it. After all, why did you think I let her continue staying here after winter break? I saw how much you all mean to her, how happy you make her, and how much joy it brings her. I'm not willing to take such things away. Its fine to be selfish sometimes and ask for things." Kaede finished with a gentle smile on her face as she summed up her own feelings and reasoning, while also letting the boys know that being selfish at times is okay. That they too can ask for things.  

Shigure smiled and closed his eyes. Her words resonated with him, they always have. 

Yuki and Kyo stared at the woman in mild shock and amazement, while listening to her they felt their hearts tightening, warming, and fluttering all at the same time. As they stared at her, Kaede left the comforting atmosphere surround them. 

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Tohru called out as the girl noticed the quietness but it wasn't awkward. 

With a smile, Kaede waved the girl over and had Tohru sit. Standing up, Kaede took the towel from around Tohru's neck and began drying the girl's hair. 

"Ah! It's okay aunty! I got this." Tohru reached up and Kaede chuckled as she shook her head. 

"Relax~. Besides, all of us were talking about whether you want to come back and live with me or continue staying here. By the looks of it, it seems that the Sohmas  won't mind you staying here longer. I won't mind whichever choice you make." Kaede informed as the teen boys stared at Tohru eagerly before looking away. 

Tohru widened her eyes and fumbled with her fingers upon hearing Kaede's words. With a few minuted of stuttering, Tohru put her head down low and pondered on her options. Seeing her reluctance, Kaede wrapped her arms around Tohru with her head resting on top of the younger girl's. 

"Its okay. You can tell us what you want. We'd be accepting of it no matter what." 

Tohru slowly brought her hands up to hold Kaede's. 

"I...I want--I want to live both with aunty and the Sohmas. I'd like us to all live together....I know its selfish of me but I want to keep being with the Sohmas and you, aunty. I want us to be like a how it was." Tohru mumbled the last part really quietly but Kaede heard it loud and clear. Kaede's eyes widened slightly before rubbing Tohru's head affectionately. 

"Well, I think that's doable. We can decide what days you want to stay with the Sohmas and days you want to stay with me. Or something of the sort. What do you think, Sohma-san?" Kaede questioned Shigure as she sat back down after drying the girl's hair. 

"That won't be a problem at all and please call me Shigure.  Though you are also welcome to stay here as well, Kaede. The more the merrier~ But you'd have to share a room~" Shigure replied as he smiled happily. In response Kaede's eyes widened along with the others in the room. 

"I couldn't intrude anymore than I already am." Kaede responded. 

"No, I insist. It would be quite lonely to not see your family when you get home from work, plus it limits the amount of moving Tohru has to do.  She can still stay at your apartment, but on the days when you are tired, you can stay over here to be with Tohru." 

Looking into his eyes, Kaede found herself trying to figure out what the man was thinking. With a soft sigh, she smiled back at him. 

"Well, I suppose if my presence doesn't bother Yuki and Kyo it will be okay. But, I'd like to make it clear that Tohru will still be staying over at my place as well, like I said earlier. Then on the occasion I will be staying over here. Of course, the boys and you are welcome to my place anytime." 

"It sounds like a plan!~~ Well then why not make it tonight to mark your first day of staying over, Kaede! Tohru, why don't you show Kaede to the bathroom so she can freshen up." Shigure announced as Kaede twitched slightly at his last sentence, finding it a little disturbing and irritating. 

With a huge smile, Tohru nodded her head as she dragged Kaede up stairs. 

While Kaede was showering, Tohru came back down just in time to join the Sohma's conversation. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Shigure? Does she know the secret?" Kyo questioned as Tohru sat back down. 

"No, she doesn't know." With a wave of his hand, Shigure hummed and shook his head.    

'Rather she can't...after that incident, the chances of her remembering are slim.' the man thought as his eyes glazed with emotion.  

"Ah, don't worry! I haven't said anything and I won't! I'll keep it a secret!" Tohru inputted with a determined expression. 

"Yes, yes~ I'm counting on you Tohru~" Shigure hummed out as he got up and excused himself. The two other Sohmas sighed and felt worn out. 

Tilting her head, Tohru hummed and wondered what was wrong. The teens engaging in a conversation before going up finish homework and call it a night. 


When everyone was sleeping, Kaede walked down the stairs and poured herself a cup of water as she leaned against the counter. 

"Oh can't sleep?" a voice spoke within the darkness and Shigure appeared. Gazing at his figure, Kaede tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"I was just a bit thirsty. Plus its unfamiliar to me to sleep immediately." Kaede explained as she took another sip. 

"But I heard you stayed over a bit when it was winter vacation? Oh and thank you for the gifts. They were really delightful~" Shigure approached and got himself a glass of water as well. 

"Yes, I did.  I apologize for my rudeness of not asking you before staying. But I'm glad you enjoyed the snacks. Though I'd have to ask why are you staying up so late?" Kaede's eyes trailing over Shigure's figure as she read his expressions and body movements. Giving her that same smile, Shigure chuckled softly. 

"I'm a writer~ So I stay up and write whenever I have inspiration. Though I'd love to talk more and catch up, I wouldn't want to keep you after all you work at the hospital and wake up decently early. Quite surprised you ended up at the Tokyo Hospital, you are a very busy woman." The man took a sip from his cup and took off his glasses. His eyes trailing over her figure, taking in her surprised expression.  He took in that expression and searched for the things that has changed. Whether it her emotions, expressions, way she carried herself, etc. He wanted to see how much she has changed since she left. 

"Hahah, I'm surprised to hear you became a writer. I'm glad you are doing well, Shigure. I'll let you work so you don't loose your inspiration. Good night and thanks again. I'll see you later." Kaede giggled softly and placed her cup in the sink. She gave the man a warm and gentle smile that she always used to give, the man's eyes widened slightly as he felt his heart warm.  

"Hm, good night, Kaede." He hummed to her as he watched her make her way upstairs. With a smile on his face, he leaned against the doorway and closed his eyes. 

"I never thought it would be so nice to see you again....Its been too long. I guess I have my inspiration of the night, I should work before it slips away from me once more." Shigure mumbled to himself as he walked to his office and closed the door. 

Within that room of messy papers, stacks of books, and other things, however on one shelf it was kept clean. On that shelf held the man's important documents and other nick knacks. One of the things was a single picture frame that held an image of four teens: three boys and one girl staring into the camera. 

That was the last day the four of them were happy and smiling. It was before things started going downhill. 


Bonus scene:

"Hm, Kaede I was quite interested in hearing about what happened at Tohru's grandfather's place." Shigure inquired with a grin, earning an irked Kyo and Yuki. 

"Hm, was it really the grandfather who told you?" Yuki pipped in as he took a sip of his drink. 

"Yes, old man Honda did tell me. I went to see him when he got back from Hawaii. The two of us had a nice conversation over tea. While I "talked sense" into my dear sister-in-law and nephew, they stepped out of their boundaries with Tohru after all." Kaede showed a different smile that held a bit of evil intentions. 

"Oh~ Do elaborate, Kaede~" Shigure encouraged as he leaned forward. He enjoyed these things even more so when he found new sides of Kaede. 

"Hm?~ Well I did berate them for the things they accused and acted. But I felt that perhaps they wouldn't learn anything, so might've made things a bit hard for my dear nephew." Kaede twirled the tea in her cup as Kyo furrowed his brows. 

"What did you do?" 

"I do happen to know some people in the police force. After all, the one who is quite suspicious and most likely to act like a criminal is someone who hires a detective on their own family. Don't you think so?" Kaede had a calculative smile as she changed it back to her sweet one. Shigure began laughing while the two boys gulped and looked away. 

"So you ruined his chance to become a police officer?!" Kyo shouted in disbelief. Kaede blinked owlishly at him and tilted her head. 

"I never said that. I merely said I have a couple friends in that occupation, meaning I have no intention on helping the boy out. If he has potential and the will to get in, then so be it. But by means he will not get in easily either. So he'll have to work hard." After hearing her, the two boys sighed in relief as Shigure only continued to laugh harder. 

"I can't believe you two!! Kaede, would never do something like that!" Shigure calmed his laughing down as he wiped his tears. 

Hearing that, Kaede chuckled a bit and laid her chin on her palm, a knowing smile on her face. 

"Well, I wouldn't like to go to that extent. But if he had gone any further in terms of berating or harming Tohru or yourselves, I wouldn't hold back. Besides, its not like I care about my sister-in-law, she has the same opinion about me. The only ones I admire is grandfather and Katsuya, my brother-in-law." Kaede began as she ruffled the boys' hair.

"I would be willing to throw hands for anyone who is precious to me. You guys included. So don't be afraid to let me know. If anyone lays a hand on you or troubles you, I'll take care of it." 

The teen boys widened their eyes, feeling their hearts warm. Feeling the slight redness on their cheeks, the two boys turned their heads off to the side. 

"Y-yeah I would be more worried for the other person instead." Kyo retorted back causing Shigure and Kaede to laugh. 

The two adults looking at each other and smiling in amusement. 

"Oh I would be too~" Kaede teased out happily. 


Hey guys!! Merry Christmas!! 

Thank you all so much for supporting this book!  Please take care and have a happy holiday!! Love you all! <3 


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