Youth Transformed

By AmethystsParks2

375 61 0

In the conclusion of this Dewstone Series, the waters in the Mist have shifted and things that should have re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 33

6 1 0
By AmethystsParks2


As we exit Dewstone, my parents are walking in front of me, when I feel a hand slide into mine. Raising my head sharply I see Heif, walking beside me. Too tired or emotionally drained to complain I leave his hand in mine.

"Karmony, your parents need some time alone, come home with me," Heif whispers in my ear, as goose bumps dance upon my arms. He's right, dad is still weeping, and mom is too. They need some time alone. Giving them each a kiss, I promise them I will see them tomorrow at the appointed time at Reflection Room.

Heif and I walk hand and hand to his house, this time I'm not over his shoulder. It does feel odd to enter on my own feet with an upright view.

"We need to talk," Heif says and walks me to the couch.

"Will this be involving ropes or washcloths?" and relieved when he laughs and shows me his open hands.

"I know today has been hard on you, and I don't want to add to any emotional distress, but I have a couple of questions."

Thinking he wants to know about the diary, I nod my head for him to go on.

"I know you have the birthmark" and holds up his hand to silence me, "the second time I placed you in the elixir waters, your wet shirt rose up and I saw your lower back" and he laughs, the little devil.

"Well, thank you for not telling my dad that, not sure how I would keep him from killing you," I respond.

"Karmony, why do you have a butterfly tattoo behind your left ear?" I jump up from the couch ready to storm to the front door, but his words stop me, "STOP!" he sighs out loud, "Please sit down" and he gets up and tries to lead me back to the couch, but I'm not budging, "if you trust me, I have an idea," and I nod yes.

Silently we climb the stairs together, still holding hands. We got to my old room, and he directs me to change into a shirt and a pair of shorts I had left behind, when I packed in a rush on Christmas Day.

I hear him in the master bathroom, and walk in. Heif is bent over and adjusting the temperature of the water and adding the elixir oils. I take a minute to appreciate the fine view. He's found candles from somewhere and has lit a few. He reaches behind my shoulder and turns off the lights, and then climbs into the over-sized bathtub. After he is all the way in, he holds up his hand, as if silently inviting me to join him.

Trusting him is something I have learned to do, so I accept his hand and climb in. He's placed a thick towel between our bodies, and he pulls me back against his chest. In the glow of the candles, I see his Purity Ring, as I begin to lean back.

Slowing he scoops warm water and let's run down my arms and it feels so delicious. So relaxed, this feels so right, like I've waited my whole life to get to the point, to be in Heif's arms.

"Karmony, I'm going to talk for a little bit, and if you feel like it, I would like you to talk about anything you want," Heif whispers but it seems to echo in the bathroom.

"I know the tattoo of a butterfly means beauty, change and freedom—" he pauses and runs more water down my arms, "I know you are fiercely independent, and want to be in control of everything around you, as if not having control will cause you harm—" again he pours more water down my arms—" I know you teach self-defense classes—. and I know I've never seen you with a man, heard of you with a man, and I know you don't wear a Purity Ring." He must've felt me tense, because his arms come around and give me deep pressure in a bear hug. I can feel my body relaxing—.

Can I really trust Heif? The walls I've worked so hard to erect, having determined never to marry, could I let those convictions go the first time I feel temptation? Had I married Joven, it would have been in name only. But I know Heif, and he would NOT accept a marriage in name only, with no physical joining. Honestly, I couldn't be trusted not to jump Heif the minute we said our vows.

"Heif, I've never said any of this, my parents know a little bit" he remains silent but continues pouring water down my arms, "I was your typical kind of girl, playing with friends, getting into normal kinds of girl trouble. Hattie was a year younger, so we played together a little bit" taking a deep breath, trusting Heif I plunge forward, "when I was in 8th grade, I had made some friends in UpAbove. I'd go up and play in the park and hang out with them. One day, I went up looking for them, but they weren't there." Deep breaths, Karmony, deep breaths, "there were a couple of guys playing basketball and they noticed me when I walked by. They, uh, um...."

"It's okay Karmony stop if you need to," Heif whispers in my ear.

"No, it's time... the right man, the right time, to release and be free", I say and continue on "They grabbed me and dragged me, one guy had each arm, and they took me off towards some alley. I guess Stan or Hank saw it on video, because both of them were on those two guys pretty fast and my dad arrived right after that. My dress, the one I'd picked to show my friends, that my parents had bought me for the Purity Ring ceremony, was ripped and," by now I'm shaking and Heif is just hugging me so tight, "and um... they had my panties off and that's how everybody found me."

"My dad scooped me up, pulling my dress back down and as we walked away, looking over his shoulder I saw Stan and Hank both beating the crap out of the two basketball players. I guess they were okay, I never asked about them, and it wasn't discussed." Heif relaxes his arms some and I finish my story, "So my dad got me into therapy, and that's when he started buying me whatever I wanted. Probably not the best idea," and I shrug. "The night of the Purity Ring ceremony I was in Burlap, just finishing a therapy session. When, I turned 18 I went to UpAbove and got the butterfly tattooed behind my ear, my parents never knew."

I'm expecting some comment, or for him do something to show that he heard me. Maybe, some comforting words or another hug.... nothing.... utter silence.

And that's when I feel it.... Heif's chest is shaking, and it's bouncing against my back. Quickly turning my head, I see my once in a lifetime Hero, Heif, bawling like a baby. I raise forward and he makes a grab for me, but I'm too quick. Turning around I straddle him and climb on top, his arms circle around me, holding me tight as he continues to cry with tears running down his cheeks, and then I cry with him.

We sit in the tub just holding each other, tears finally slowing down, and the water cools. We both get out of the tub and start drying off, and he tilts my chin up and looks into my eyes.

"Can I hold you tonight, Karmony, nothing more?" he asks and I nod yes. We go our separate ways, change clothes and meet back in his room.

"Feels weird with no handcuffs or ropes." I tell him, laughing.

"They're in the night stand, shall I get them?" as he joins me laughing.

We pull back the covers and both get in, he opens his left arm and I crawl into him, and cradle my body into his. My fingers find his Purity Ring and I begin playing with it.

"If it bothers you, I can take it off" Heif offers, but oddly, it doesn't bother me, normally any mention of the ring upsets me.

"No, I'm good. I'm proud of you, a lot of men lose their ring visiting in UpAbove." I say, while twirling the ring around.

"Well, I thought about it, I am a guy, but about five years ago I saw this beautiful girl, that I heard was studying to be a dental hygienist, and I knew.... I knew she was the one for me." Great! He's going to get me crying again.

"Karmony, why didn't you get your Purity Ring the next year with the next class?" oh, he would ask that question, ugh!

"I um... well... I felt dirty. Yes, I know I had nothing to be guilty for and yes, I know they didn't actually do.... You know... the um... stuff", my face must be so red right now, "but, I still felt unworthy."

Turning his body into mine, and running his finger down my forehead to my cheek, we look eye to eye. With the moon, shining through a window, I can still see his eyes.

"My heart chooses you, Karmony, and I will join with no other. If you deny me, I will still want no other, I don't care if you don't have a ring, and I wouldn't care if you weren't a virgin, even though I will be thanking Hank and Stan for defending and saving you." He pauses then reaches up and removes his necklace and ring and has me open my hand. He places the ring and necklace in my hand.

"What is this Heif? You can't do this, it isn't time? Even though we may never get our Dewstone back, I'm hoping the Mist we will."

"Karmony Douglas, I give to you my Purity Ring, to hold, until our vows are spoken before our family and friends, in the Mist above the waters. To know that I will love no other and I only join with you, will you accept my Ring?"

Oh... he sure enough made me cry, again.

"Yes, Heif, I accept your Purity Ring," he releases a breath he had been holding, "I will hold it safe, until our vows are spoken, and know that I will love no other and will only join with you for now and beyond."

My hand closes around the ring and I press it into my chest, feeling his hand come up to cup my cheek. Looking into his eyes, his face comes closer and his lips brush against mine.

Oh, heavens and stars! I see stars! The pressure builds as Heif keeps his lips pressed to mine, and I move my hand with the ring to his chest. He pulls his face back a little bit and I open my eyes.

"Whether I had been your first or not, I only want to be your last," he says and brings his face back down to mine, and my eyes close again, just reveling in the sensation. I pull back and he looks down concerned...

"Umm... can we do that kind of kissing with tongue, I've wondered about that for years," I smile, happy he can't see my blush.

"Absolutely Karmony of mine," and his hand goes behind my neck bringing me closer to him and deeper pressure. He opens his mouth and that's my cue, opening mine as well. Our tongues meet, and I feel my body melt into his, the two of us so close together. Not sure where one stops and the other begins. The kiss deepens, as does his tongue into me. Tilting my head, the other way, I begin to roll on top of him. This is wayyy better than any book I've ever read!

"Whoa! Whoa!" Heif says and pulls back... in my lust filled haze I look down at him, "I'm only human Karmony, we need to slow down or that ring you hold, will be thrown across the room and we be joining tonight!" he says with excitement.

Laughing I roll back off of him and we agree sleep is needed. Heif gets up and puts the giant blanket he had used days earlier and puts it back between us. Both of us turning on our left side, ankles touching, we start to drift off. I have his necklace on and we both have the goofiest grins on our faces.

"Be sure and bring the handcuffs and ropes on the honeymoon." I whisper, then hearing him groan, we both fall to sleep.

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