Chapter 42

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Joven wakes me up, way too early, and we get our veils and candles and head down to bridge. I'm huge, exhausted but no way am I missing Heif marry into my family!

I've gotten to know my Uncle Henry and the rest of the family, it's comfortable, and the best part is having Karmony truly be my best friend, and cousin. I still stop by and visit Hannah and enjoy relaxing with her assorted teas. Jean turned 18 and graduated high school. She's taking the summer to finish her Native American art project to be displayed first in Dewstone, and then at an art Gallery in Burlap, as well. She's also teaching a few classes at my art studio this summer.

I've had to take a break from my anime' drawing, as I am unable to reach the drawing tablet, for the size of my belly. Joven finally quit asking me my pseudonym, which is kind of funny... you would think he would just read the sign over the front door of my art studio, and he could put all the clues together.

Joven hurries me along, as I waddle, and we get to the main area for the Wedding Ceremony. I grow nostalgic thinking of Joven and I just last year. The room is illuminated with over five hundred candles and the Mist swirling around the bridge.

I can see three couple on the bridge, but my eyes remain on Heif and Karmony. The Reverend says the words that were said at my ceremony, and I squeeze Joven's hand. I hold my breath, until I see Heif kiss his wife and the Mist returns back to circle around everyone ankles. Joven manages to get us to the bridge, planning on congratulating the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Heif Gordon-Douglas. They had requested the name be hyphenated, in respect for all the Douglas family had lost, and the City Council one hundred percent agreed.

Just as we reach the steps, we stop, hearing Karmony give a loud shriek!

Heif has hoisted her over his shoulder and taking his bride away. Looking to see if Karmony is horrified by this Heif passes us with his bounty.

JOY! Pure joy radiates from her face and she's pounding Heif's back, calling out as she goes...

"Bye dad, Bye mom.... faster Heif, FASTER!!!"

Both Joven and I are laughing so hard when they leave, with the rest of the room... until... I'm not....

"Joven! Joven!" I grab my stomach and yank on his arm, "Get Hannah! Get the doctor! The babies are coming NOW!" 

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