Chapter 14

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The next morning is a beehive of activity. Colton: Bethany's husband, brings Hannah by and drops her off, and then takes me to the airport.

Saying good-bye to Pann was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but if it means fixing our world, then I at least have to try. Passing through security I get the usual comments about having 21 tiny vials, but nothing much is said because Dr. Woolsly puts his medical papers and prescriptions included, so it is passed for medical reasons.

We take off from Charleston and I have a direct flight to Grand Haven Memorial Airpark. I text Pann and my parents to let them know I arrived, then I rent my car and quickly arrive in West Mooring. Using my GPS, I locate my rental down close to the beach. After reading the poem a few thousand times, and doing some history research, I know there is a lighthouse located right off of Lake Michigan. Surely, the historical archives are located somewhere near that lighthouse. The scroll with the poem was old, and I'm hoping it's still here and hasn't been moved to a new location.

Spending the rest of the day, I unpack, and take my two-hour elixir bath and have food delivered to my room. I had requested and got a room with a view of the Lighthouse, so I stare at it while I'm eating. Looking around the room, it's been decorated in a nautical theme, complete with fake oars and captains helm, but it's quaint and very comfortable.

I give Pann a call and hear about her day and then decide to go to bed early. Tomorrow should be an exciting day, I hope. Or I'll find out I'm on a vacation, due to a hoax played upon Dewstone. Tossing and turning, already use to having my wife next to me, sleep is difficult, but after an hour I pass out.

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