Chapter 13

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Please, anyone who's listening, please just let me die! As I once again bend over the toilet, everything in my stomach is gone.... And I'm left with dry heaves.

Knock! Knock!

"Wife, do you need anything? Can I help?" Joven asks through the closed door.

I woke up feeling okay and smiled to wish Joven a Merry Christmas... then, what can only be described as in inner volcano of acid mucous, rose up inside of me demanding to be released. I ran from the bed, and barely made it. After the first few "eruptions" I thought I'd be done, as any previous food items had already packed up and vacated the property of my stomach. But alas my body must enjoy the jerking and needless convulsions as it continues with the motions, even though there is nothing left to eject.

"Go away Joven, don't you dare open that door!" I yell between heaves.

"I feel I'm partly to blame here, and I should be helping in some way. Water? Ice chips?" he asks again and twists the knob to the bathroom door. PARTLY to blame??? Sheesh!

"Joven Ainsworth if you open that door, I will personally take that Purity Ring necklace and choke you with it!" I scream, which causes my headache to increase. But my threat did the trick, and he retreats. I've heard noises from below, and know his and Heif's parents have arrived, but not Michael as he is spending the holiday with his own parents. Ugh! I feel worn out, worse than if running a marathon with my tongue dragging the asphalt as I drag my body along. I slowly push off the offending porcelain shaped cylinder and manage to get to my knees and then my feet. I look into the mirror over the sink.... THIS is pregnancy? Where's the "glow" I heard about? I demand my "glow" NOW! I look horrible, but on a good note, I no longer doubt Joven's prediction of impending motherhood.

I drag my sorry bum back over to the bed, and crawl inside the blankets, pressing my face into the sheets for some coolness.

Knock! Knock!

For the love of mist! Why can't he just stay away!!!


The door handle moves, and I'm ready to throw Joven's pillow, when in pops my mother-n-law's head.... Oh Pann... not good...not good at all....

"Hello, dear, that was quite a welcome" ... and she nervously walks into the room, "you have Joven downstairs cowering in the corner, with his father trying to make him understand hormones and pregnancy and such."

I really could care less where Joven is, I just want to be left alone and to feel better. Well, correction, I do want Joven close enough to know the misery I'm in, in case he ever tries to talk me into another baby!

"Of course, I went through this when I was pregnant with Joven," she comes closer to my bed and gently places a cloth on my forehead.... Thank the Mist! Relief! It feels so good... and I start to cry....

"There, there.... I know it's hard to believe, but it will all be worth it. Holding your baby, well; it's just the best feeling in the whole world. You just have to get past the worst part."

"I thought LABOR was the worst part?" I ask with a croaky voice.

"Oh dear, yes, that part is not so much fun either," she says with a shake of her head. It's like she a one-woman killer of dreams... pop! You will be sick. Pop! You will hurt. Pop! You will want curl up and wish the world away.

"I'm just going to leave this cloth with you, and I'll keep Joven downstairs for a while. You get some rest and shoot up a flare if you need something," she adds in attempt to see my smile. Quietly she exits the room and I'm left alone with my wet, cold cloth of relief. I must have fallen asleep, because by the time I'm awake I can smell the feast being prepared downstairs.

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