Chapter 31

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"Yes" I nod to Heif and the others assembled in the Reflection Room. "It took me longer than it should have, but I have the answer."

A noise from the back and everyone turns their head, as Charles, Peggy, Grace, my mom, Karmony's' mom, Dr. Woolsly, and lastly Susan enters the room.

Allowing everyone time to get settled, I begin again, with my trip and what I discovered.

"There is a lot more to say on this subject, but for now, I will skip the lighthouse, meeting Robert and all that I learned and just get to the part that we need for right now." I grasp Pann's hand a little tighter, realizing she's been through so much and things are fixing to get worse, "the Mist can return, and the waters reversed, just as Karmony said."

The room erupts in a gasp, and I wait for all the murmuring to stop before I continue on....

"The Indians that first inhabited this cavern, fought a war, they couldn't win. They grew to resent the white settlers, that were buying land and other natural resources with money they brought from overseas. Our three Ancients, became friends while on their voyage to America, and struck out to find their fame in gems reported to be in these mountains." I pause for a moment, making sure everyone is understanding.

"The three ancients each carried a silver spoon with a crest symbol from their home countries, of England, Alfred Ainsworth, of Scotland Richard Douglas-Hughes and of Ireland Christopher O'Malley. Unbeknownst to them, before the Native Americans left this cavern to be relocated to the west on a reservation. They placed a protection shield on their Sacred Cave, but we call it, of course, the Forbidden Cave."

"That should any silver, from across the ocean, pass into the sacred cave, the grounds will shake, the waters shall move, the blessings from the Mist will leave and Mother Earth will be displeased."

"Dad, will you please tell the story of the wedding ring I gave my wife on Summer Solstice?" I turn to look at dad, who stands up and faces everyone.

"Following the betrayal and leaving of the Ancient, which I assume is Christopher O 'Malley," and I nod my head yes "my forefather had his spoon melted here, in the cavern and forged into a ring, adorned with amethyst, rubies and emeralds." Then dad sits down, and I continue on.

"'We don't know what exactly happened to the descendants of Christopher O'Malley, we are left with the direct descendant of Richard Douglas-Hughes" I then turn to Henry, "Am I right to assume that is your forefather?" and everyone turns to Henry as he nods yes, "then" and I look sadly, at my wife, knowing that it will break a piece of her heart, to see me enter the cave with Karmony, taking a deep breath I repeat again "then, according to what I read and was told, your youngest descendant must enter the cave with Alfred Ainsworth's youngest, which everybody here knows is me."

I can see the eyes looking around the room, waiting for the first person to break the silence. And the sound I hear, breaks my heart, my wife turns in softly to my arm and begins to weep. Not wanting to add to her torture, I continue on quickly.

"When two direct descendants join hands in the sacred cave, holding a token having their essence, and a sacrifice is given, only then will Dewstone be returned to us." Gasps fill the room, but all I feel is an arm tug, before I catch Pann, who has fainted again.

Dr. Woolsly rushes forward, and we lay Pann on the wooden pew, backing up to give the doctor plenty of room. Looking around I see everyone has broken into smaller groups to talk and Billy and Hattie are sound asleep in a pew a few rows back. Henry is with Karmony, Susan is talking to Michael, and Rory, while Joshua talks with council members. Heif walks over to my side and gives me a side hug.

Youth Transformedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें