Chapter 15

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"Joined with yours and shall have no other." I whisper again, as I turn over in my own bed at my parents' house.

After Heif untied the gag and removed the rope from my mouth and hands ... he left out the front door. I took the knife, that he had left on the counter, and cut the rope holding my tied legs to the chair. Assuming he has gone to hunt down Hattie and Billy, I wasted no time climbing the stairs and filling my suitcase with all my stuff from his guest bedroom. Going into the bathroom, I take a couple of vials of elixir, leaving the rest for him. I'm pretty sure my parents will have enough for me. I leave behind my hair products, soaps and lotions, not wanting to take the time to dry them off and pack them securely.

Bundled into my new coat, mittens on, and my Neti pot in my bag, I open the door and look around. Being grabbed by Hattie had been terrifying, so I make quick work of walking back towards the city park. Once at the park, I turn right and go another three blocks down and then left. My parent's safe house had been in our family for years, as a matter of fact, this is where I discovered the history of who I really am.

Normally getting home brings me joy, but upon approaching the front door I can't muster any excitement. Feeling like I'm being stared at, and hoping the Mist it isn't Hattie, I turn around and looking at the street behind me. My eyes are shocked to see Heif leaning against a light pole. He waves his hand in a silent good-bye and turns and walks away. My heart seems to take a small crack, and I rub it subconsciously.

I knock on the door, and it's quickly opened by my mother, who immediately embraces me and pulls me inside. No matter how old you get, home just always has a certain smell that feels safe and like love encased in every wall.

"Henry! Henry! Our Karmony is home!!!" my mom yells and I hear fast approaching footsteps, and my dad is hugging me also. We spend an hour or so catching up, some of the things they say don't make much sense, but too tired to figure it all out; I say I'm still feeling kind of sick, and I head off to bed early.

Not wanting my parents to think Heif a liar, I let them give me some cough syrup, but decline a visit from Doctor Woolsly.

So, now, I'm left tossing and turning... my mind should be on Joven, but no.... the meds kick in and I drift off to sleep with bad dreams of Hattie and Billy catching Heif and I'm not there to help him. I awake, twisted in my sheets and more tired than the night before.

Walking downstairs everything feels so different, I feel different and again...I don't like it! I was only with Heif for five days, but it felt like five weeks.

I walk into the kitchen, give my dad a kiss on the cheek and ask my mom if she would like some help with breakfast. The room goes quiet, and both my parents are looking at me oddly.

"What??" I ask, with my hands out in a confused gesture.

"Nothing dear, we were just thinking you would want breakfast in bed like always," mom says and then hands me orange juice to pour into everyone's cup.

"Oh well, the medicine Dr. Woolsly had me on, did the trick, and I'm feeling much better," I say and head to get the plates from the cabinet. Could the Heifer have been right? Am I really so selfish?

Mom finishes cooking and we sit down to eat. It feels good to be home, but oddly empty.

"So, what have I missed since Winter Solstice?" Might as well address the elephant in the room.

"Well, we had meetings and such, been busy keeping all fellow Dewbies circulating into Dewstone and getting their correct elixir portions," dad says and takes another bite to eat.

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