Chapter 8

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He may not have intended to violate me, but it sure feels like he did. Our bathtub elixir time, looked more like a scene from a high school wrestling match between two possessed squirrels fighting over the last nut on earth. Only the "nut" was Heif! I can't believe he did that to me! At one point, I attempted to stand, while he talked to Joven. He actually pinned me against the bathtub wall, grabbing my hands, like I'm ready for a cavity search from a police officer. Only to once again, get me back into the waters. But, oh sweet revenge shall be mine, the fact my skin does look a little better, doesn't matter!

Heif took the master bedroom and left me to my privacy in the spare bedroom. Having not packed for this little adventure, I demanded Heif allow me the dignity of having my father send over some clothes. He simply pointed to the closet and said his mother stays here sometimes. I'm now dressed in a shirt from the dark ages, with elastic stretch pants that I had to safety pin in the back to keep up. To make matters worse, when that heifer threw me in the bathtub, my cell phone had been in my pocket, and now I'm unable to contact my dad, Hattie or anyone. I'm locked away in a dungeon with an ogre guarding the entrance.

I tiptoe down the stairs, surely the ogre sleeps, it's close to midnight. I make it to the front door, but then realize I have no additional light. I can't risk turning anything on, so I squint to see if there is an override switch. When this day started, I saw myself safely incased in Joven's arms this night, with his undying gratitude. Not, dressed like a cabbage kid from the 1980's!

"Here will this help?" I jump as the room is suddenly flooded with light, I turn and look at the ogre, who's holding a screwdriver, "you can try and beat it or maybe remove it, would you like me to help you?"

"Ugh!" I scream and push him back, "why do you have to be so mean?" He simply raises an eyebrow and replies, "Why do you?"

I march away from the door, pacing the living room. Agitated, but also tired, I've lost any patience I never had to begin with. All my life I feel it's been a struggle, especially since "that time." Control over things, is the only way to calm the inner Karmony. Lack of control makes me become a little bit crazy.

"Listen," Heif begins walking towards me with hands now empty, "I'm tired, you're tired, let's just get some rest, okay?"

"Let me call my parents," I ask, trying to sweeten my usually hateful voice, "they will take me off your hands."

"Then what? You may have destroyed a civilization today, and I don't think Burlap is ready for your kind of crazy," he adds stopping in front of me. "So, let's just get some sleep."

"You sleep, heifer, I'm just fine." I say crossing my arms across my chest, mentally daring him to touch me again.

"Last chance, sleep or I'll make you rest." Heif moves his right hand, to rest inside his pocket. He thinks to threaten me? What could he possibly have in the pocket?

"What? Throw me in the bathtub again, no thanks, and neither of us sleep that way." Changing tactics, I smile, uncrossing my arms and wave them down my body, "look at me Heif, I'm not going anywhere. It's freezing cold outside, and I'm dressed for Woodstock. You go on upstairs; I'll sleep on the couch."

Rolling his eyes up to the ceiling, he mutters like he's trying to channel some superhero from another dimension to come and help him — then he swoops in, and yep! Up over his shoulder AGAIN! I'm getting really tired of this position and let him know it by taking both hands to slap his back.

"Thanks, babe, those muscles have been getting a workout today," he laughs.

"I am not your babe!" I scream, beating his back a few more times, "and where are you taking me?"

Making no reply he carries me back up the stairs to the spare bedroom. He plops me down on the bed, and then calmly hands me his cell phone. YES!! My mind screams, happily accepting Heif's cell phone into my grasp.

"Can you hold this for a minute?" he asks, but I'm already scrolling through his contacts, looking for my dad's cell phone number.

Click! Click! Quick as a wink, that Heifer has put me in HANDCUFFS!!!

"You have got to be kidding me, really ???" I'm starting to scream at him again. "What do ya'll do in these safe houses, that make handcuffs a staple? What's next; a gag?"

"Don't tempt me, woman, I need to sleep" he says while kneeling in front of me with his hands near the floor. "You need to sleep, so this is the way it has to be?" so stunned by the handcuffs, I move to late, and he's tied my legs together!

"Heif, buddy, you are losing it!" I try to reason with the now insane ogre, "untie me, and I won't tell anyone." Until I get home, then I'm putting this all-over social media!

"Karmony, I may look stupid, but I ain't. This rodeo ends now, your hog-tied and ready for bed." He picks me up and lays me back on the bed, "Sweet dreams sweetheart," and closes the door behind himself.

Thinking he will finally leave me alone; my handcuffed hands start trying to untie the knots around my ankles. Thank the Mist for kick-boxing and yoga, I'm extra flexible and I'll be out of this quick as a blink, but this time I'm trying the back door in the kitchen.

"Oh, and Kumary" Heif pops his head back inside my room, "to answer your question. My dad was also the Product Manager to the Granary. Joven and I would play here as kids, and our favorite game was cops and robbers. Some of my toys are still around, and we also read books on knots. Don't tire yourself out too much trying to escape, we've got things to do tomorrow," and he's gone again.

"I HATE THAT MAN!!!!!!!!!" I scream to no one in the room.

After struggling for a half hour or so, I finally fall asleep. My dreams are filled with thoughts of Indian drawings, waters that seem to drown me, and of Heif in that wet t-shirt earlier today, odd??

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