It Was Just Pretend...

By _Sterek_24

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Stiles likes to think his life is semi normal. Not completely but semi. He could deal with werewolves, banshe... More

🔆 Author's Note 🔆
Chapter One: Scheming
Chapter Two: Honey I'm Home!
Chapter Three: The Cover Story // The Stilinski Dinner pt. 1
Chapter Four: The Stilinski Dinner pt. 2
Chapter Five: Too Many Hales.
Chapter Six: The Brown's Have Arrived!
Chapter Seven:Dinner With The Brown's
Chapter Eight: Dinner pt. 2
Chapter Nine: Stay Away From Hale.
Chapter Ten: Done!
Chapter Eleven: Are You Dating Isaac?
Chapter Twelve: I Think I Love Him.
Chapter Thirteen: I Need New Friends.
Chapter Fourteen: Peter's Big Mouth.
Chapter Fifteen: Heart To Heart
Chapter Seventeen: You're Family.
Chapter Eighteen: You love me?
Chapter Nineteen: Because of Socks?!
Chapter Twenty: Erica No!
Chapter Twenty One: Something's Not Right.
Chapter Twenty Two: What Have You Done?
Chapter Twenty Three: I forgive you.
Chapter twenty Four: They'll Find Me.
Chapter Twenty Five: Let's Make A Bet.
Chapter Twenty Six: Stiles Ran Away.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Out Smarted.

Chapter Sixteen: Fairies are real?

540 33 17
By _Sterek_24

Vote and comment lovelies 🤎🫶🏼🤎
Lmk if there are any mistakes // typos.

Tuesday Peter called yet another pack meeting. He also invited the Brown's to be a polite host.

"Why this meeting?" Lydia is the one to ask to get the ball rolling with this unplanned meeting.

"Why the rush, Lyds? Got a hot date?" Allison jokes with a knowing smile and a wink.

"Oh my god! You totally know something we don't. Spill it Argent." Stiles is no better than the girls at this point with the gossip. His life is a literal nightmare, sue him for having some fun before he dies a gruesome death.

"I promised I wouldn't say anything. Sorry Stiles." The huntress apologies with a grimace.

"Lydsss." Stiles bats his eyelashes to his friend.

"It's Parrish."

"Jackson!" Lydia hisses. "What part of 'secret' did you not understand?"

"It's - it's not really a secret if half of us know." Isaac adds.

"It was kind of obvious." Liam agrees.

"Oh, you mean like how you and Theo were obvious?" She snaps back.

"Oh my god! Parish? As in my dad's deputy? That Parish? Parish who turns into literal fire? Him?"

"Yes, Stiles. The only Parish we all know." Lydia says slowly like she's talking to a child.

"Huh." He shrugs.

The women narrowed her eyes "huh what?"

"Nothing. It just makes so much sense now is all. That's who you were talking to when I called you that one morning. He asked if you were coming back to bed."

"Ladies', if you're done with your little teenage gossip can we get back to the reason I called this meeting?"

"Of course, Peter. The floor is yours." Stiles bows dramatically then falls onto the arm of Derek's chair. Gotta keep up appearances since Avery is right there.

"Thank you. I just wanted to update you guys. There was a fairy last night. It has - "

"A fairy? Awesome!" "Is it still here?" "Why didn't you call or text us?" "Fairies are real? Great! Yet another thing that goes bump in the night." "What did it want?"

"If you settle down I can answer all of your questions." Peter waits patiently as the pack calms back down. "Fairies are indeed real, I have only ever seen two in my lifetime. This one makes three. They were nice. He is not still here, I asked him to leave the Hale - McCall territory and he - I think his name was Luca. Anyway, he wanted the almighty alpha Hale and his mate, He wanted to drain your guys' power."

"Okay am I the only one noticing the words "was" and "wanted?"

"This is why you're the smart one, Stiles." Peter praises.

Lydia clears her throat as she crosses her legs and throws her strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Yes, of course, you also Lydia."

" You killed him didn't you?" Erica accuses.

"I did indeed."

"Why exactly?" Avery is the one to ask this stupid question while glaring a hole into Stiles.

"Were you not just listening to me? This fairy wanted to take my alpha and his mate to fairy land to use their power. I killed a threat when it did not leave. That's what I do; that is my job as left hand man. Did that sum up your question?"

"I don't even have any power, Peter." The human reminds the man.

"Yes, well, not yet - "

"What do you mean not yet?" Scott and Stiles demands to know simultaneously.

"I mean once Stiles and Derek are mated he will have some power.  And when I say some I mean just a tiny bit of power."

"Like what?" The human stresses when the older wolf clearly was not going to continue.

"You'll have a little more strength, you'll be drawing it from Derek. You will be able to feel the mating bond more... intimately. It's not the same as a pack bond, not exactly. You'll be able to find each other if you focus on the bond to see though each other's eyes. You both will feel each other's emotions through the bond as well."

"Woah!" Says Scott truly amazed and intrigued.

Avery rolls her eyes. "They're not even together. Sure you guys hold hands and hug. The normal couple-ly things couples do. But neither one of you has initiated a kiss, not once since we have arrived to this shit town."

"Watch it, Avery." Allison warns darkly.

"No, no. I don't think I will. If you two are as together as you say, prove it. Kiss right here, right now."

'Okay easy enough.' Stiles thinks to himself. He just... he doesn't want to kiss Derek without his permission. He knows how consent is a huge deal for him.

"Leave them be. Why would they need to pretend to be in love? Why go through all that trouble?" Lydia speaks angrily on behalf of her friends.

"Oh, geez, I don't know, red. Maybe to get out of a marriage I was promised."

And okay, for the last time, Stiles is the sarcastic asshole damnit!

Stiles takes a deep calming breath. He places his hands on either side of the alpha's face. Stiles really hopes Derek gets the hint and pulls away if he so wishes too.

As soon as Derek felt the human's warm, soft, yet sweaty palms he flinches a little. He has not been touched with such gentleness since his childhood when his mother put her hands on his cheeks just as Stiles is now telling him his blue eyes are just as beautiful.

Derek is no stranger to women or men and he has had felt hands on all parts of his body, but his touch; Stiles' touch made him feel like he belonged. Made him feel loved.

The wolf searches the boys face as to make sure he was okay with this. He then leans in when he nods. Stiles closes the gap, it was simple and chaste. Derek's lips are unbelievably soft. His scruff scratches his face, but it's nice. Really nice.

Stiles' lips are cracked and little dry but they're soft just the same. His hands are a nice anchor on his face.

They both smile into the kiss after a few moments. Just as Derek was about to deepen the kiss Avery gags.

"Okay, so you kissed, still doesn't mean I believe that you - Stiles bagged a hottie like Derek."

"Way to ruin the moment, asshole." Cora growls.

To be continued.

Vote and comment babes 🫶🏼♥️🫶🏼

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