Misery Returns

By Scrin245

3.1K 166 36

A young boy who never knew his parents or anyone else finally meets more of his own kind. But will this pack... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

1.3K 20 3
By Scrin245

Chapter 1

His heart raced as he got closer to his kill. The scent of the deer filled his nostrils, he didn't know what the animal was called, but his wolf knew it was food. The deer was close in front of him, he jumped over a log and pounced. His claws caught the deer, and the sudden weight brought the deer down. He had only seconds before the deer would get back up and fight him. He quickly jumped around to the animal's neck and bit down, he shook his head violently, snapping its neck. He stepped back looking down at his kill, he raised his head, unleashing a howl for his victory.

He grabbed the deer and started to drag it back to his den, where he has lived in for many years. He couldn't speak a word of English, but why would he need it? He didn't talk to anyone, he was all alone...alone for so long. He couldn't remember the first time he saw the apple tree that had supplied him with food for the first few years of his life, but he knew it was home. The apple tree would still give him food, but he could hunt now, he was efficient at it too.

As soon as he was home he started to eat, still in his wolf form. He had learned from a young age that he couldn't eat what he hunted unless he was in his wolf form. Only food that he picked or was soft, could he eat in his human form.

The young pup's den was perfect; it could support him when he was tired; give him shelter when bigger predators were around; give him a place to sleep and rest in; there was a pond close enough that he could walk to it human form and if he was in danger still manage to run back to his tree and hide.

With his stomach full he changed back into his human form. The only thing that he has ever owned was a pair of pants, that could stretch with his body into his wolf form. They were torn, but they allowed him to stay warm. The forest was coated in snow for three months out of the year anyways, but he didn't need to wear them. However, for some odd reason he felt he had to wear them, the compulsion was always there to cover himself up in anyway, but he never knew where it was from.

He yawned and went into his small den, he curled up on a little space where he had put fur, feathers, grass, and leaves, to make a bed for himself. He used a deer hide for a blanket, he was soon asleep.

In the morning he woke with a smile, he didn't know why he was happy, but he just was. He crawled out of his den and stretched. He climbed his tree and grabbed and an apple, he took a bite and scanned the area for his supper tonight. He couldn't see anything from where he was so he decided after he finished the apple, he would go and sniff around. A twig snapped from close by. He froze and looked around, checking for any animals.

He took one last bite of the apple and tossed it away in the opposite direction of the noise. He jumped down and turned into his white wolf. He slowly made his way over to the noise. As he got close he could hear some noise, he couldn't tell what it was from. To him it sounded like animals talking to each other in some weird way. He crept closer to the noise, he crawled on his belly and poked his muzzle out of a bush and saw three wolves. Two were the size of bears, the second was a normal wolf size. He started to back away knowing that he couldn't win and his tree was the safest place at the moment. He twig snapped under his back foot.

The three wolves looked in his direction and started to sniff. He quickly sprang up and ran from them. He could hear their footfalls as they started to run after him. He got to his tree just as the three wolves caught up to him. He started to growl as he backed up against his tree. His fur started to raise on its end, his den was behind him, but it wasn't safe with three big wolves there. The same sound started to come from them again, he couldn't make it out at all. A shift came from the wolves, they turned into humans. He stared in disbelief.

He slowly turned into his human form, they were all bigger then him. It was two males and a female. The smaller one was a male, one of the bigger ones were a male, and a female. Their mouths started to move, but he couldn't make out any of it, he tilted his head to the side in confusion. They started to talk amongst themselves, he slowly started to move around his tree, trying not to draw attention. As soon as the tree was between them, he turned back to a wolf and bolted away from them.

He wasn't that far away when he heard them running after him again. He quickly turned back to his human form and started to climb the closest tree. He hid up there, hoping that he wouldn't be spotted. He had climbed every tree and got his scent every where each week so that if a predator was after him he could hide himself easier without them being able to find him. It had always worked unless they saw him before he hide. He watched as the wolves ran by, he let out his breath, but they stopped and turned around. They turned back to their human forms and looked up at him.

By the way they were making their noises, he could tell that they weren't going to hurt him, but he was still scared. Wolves were excellent predators, as well as bears, but a wolf that was the size of a bear was even scarier. He just watched them. The smallest of them started to climb the tree, that's when he knew it was over. He climbed higher, hoping that he couldn't get him. He got to a branch that snapped from his weight, he couldn't get any higher up now. He glanced down to the boy still climbing, a growl came from deep within him.

The boy looked up at him, the bigger two started to say some more things. The boy said something back. He took this to his advantage to break a branch off and toss hit at the boy following him. It hit his arm and broke, the boy yelped in pain. He climbed quicker and grabbed the little pup by his ankle and tried to pull him down. He kicked at the boy's hand trying to get his leg back. A loud crack filled the air as the branch he was holding on to broke, he let out a yelp as he fell out of the tree. He landed on his back and tried to get up, but pain sprang from his back.

The two bigger ones walked over to him, he growled more and started to back away. Each movement brought more pain. He closed his eyes waiting for them to kill him. He felt them touch him, and left him up. He waited, he could feel them walking, but to where? He opened his eyes and saw the male carrying him, the female was off to his right. The smallest of them was walking to the males right. The female looked at him, her mouth started to move and make sounds, but he didn't know what she was trying to say. He didn't understand how they talked to each other. She looked up at the male and said a few things, he nodded and looked down at him with a smile.

His back still hurt from falling so he couldn't try to escape, but it wouldn't help at this point. The way the male was holding him was comfortable, a sense of peace fell over the boy. He slowly curled up and rested his head on the male's chest. He could hear a low beating sound from inside the male, he knew that he made the same noise since he could hear his own after a lot of running, but the male's beat was somehow soothing. His eyes started to close again as he fell asleep in the male's arms.


>Kobe Barron's POV<

The little boy was asleep in his arms, his light brown hair was long. He smiled down at the little boy in his arms. "Why do you think he was all alone out here dad?" His son asked.

"How would I know, but I would have to guess for a while since he doesn't know what we were saying," Kobe said glancing at Kai, his son.

"We have to get his hair cut," Tatiana said, Kobe smiled at his mate, and wife's words. "Don't laugh at me, it is long and you can't say otherwise."

"I know that its long, but let the boy wake up before you do," Tatiana nodded. He noticed his son glancing at the boy with a smile. His son was always trying to be noticed, but he didn't have to try, with his red hair he stuck out enough, but being gay was a little worse, since people picked on him, but Kai was a strong boy. His father had watched him grow up so he knew that Kai could handle anything.

He had brown hair, while his wife had blonde. They all shared the same blue eyes, and when their wolf was present, or they were in wolf form, emerald green. Their pack had just moved here so it was hard for any time to let their wolves out, so when they got the chance they took it.

The boy moved a bit in Kobe's arms, he smiled down at the brave little pup. "He's so small," his wife commented, with a smile. It was true, the boy might be three and a halve feet tall and that's it. Kobe couldn't believe how light the boy was too.

"Ya, and he's real light," Tatiana nodded.

"What do you except? He did live in the wild for god knows how long," Kobe nodded. They walked in silence for a little while. Kai was still glancing over at the boy with smile.

"Where is he going to stay?" Kai suddenly asked.

"We found him, so he is are responsibility, so with us," Kobe said, being the alpha was good for something's, such as making sure he got his way, when needed.

"So will he be like my brother?" The joy in Kai's voice was enough for Kobe to realize that his son wanted it to be.

"We'll see, the boy doesn't even know what he is, probably, just look at how he reacted to us," Kai nodded in agreement, "before we do anything, lets get him home." Their new home was only a few minutes away. "Sweetheart, can you go and get the spare room ready for this little guy?" He asked Tatiana, she nodded and smiled, she ran ahead.

"Do you think he has a name?" Kai asked, I looked down at him.

"He doesn't speak, you really think he knows his name?" Kai stuck his tongue out at his dad. "Real mature."

"I am mature."

"If I didn't have a little kid I'm my arms, I'd so smack you," Kai yelped and ran ahead. Kobe sighed and continued the walk to his house with the presses bundle. When he got back home, he walked to the guest bedroom and laid the little boy on the bed, Tatiana was standing off to the side. Kobe tucked the boy in and left, Tatiana followed, closing the door so just a crack was left open.


>little boy(name will be chosen after he learns to speak)<

He woke up and stretched, he noticed where he was and got out of the bed. He landed on the floor and started to sniff out where he was. He started to whimper when he couldn't smell his home. He could hear the wolves that brought him here, but they were far away. He looked around the den chamber he was in. It was so different from his den chambers in every way. He went back to the bed he woke up on and started to sniff it. The smell was so weird, he had never smelled something like it before. He started to whimper more and more at the strange new place. He was to far from home, he wanted his tree.

He could hear footfalls approaching him, he quickly ran around the bed and hid. He heard a creaking sound and more footfalls approaching him. The male poked his head around the bed and looked at the boy. The boy backed up, whimpering. The man lowered himself to the boy's level and started to say soothing thing to him. The boy only whimpered, tears sprang from his eyes. The man said something, his tone was enough for the little wolf to know he was worried. The man extended an arm to the boy. The boy only whimpered more.

The female appeared, she made a noise and went up to the boy and picked him up and started to rock him. The boy didn't struggle but let the women, he started to cuddle up to her. The man soon was on the other side of the boy. He looked up at them, they both smiled down at him. His wolf felt at peace with them. The women started to carry him out of the chamber and down a passage way. He looked at the things on the side of the tunnel. Soon she was walking down hill, but it was bumpy. He looked down at the odd looking ground.

After the odd hill, she placed him down on a piece of wood. The smallest one was sitting near him. The little wolf started to look around where the women placed him, the place smelled of food...and a weird smell, he didn't like that smell. Another whimper escaped him, the women started to comfort him again. He just wanted his tree back, he wanted his den. He started to whimper loudly. The women started to rub his back gently.

He could hear the strange sounds that they were making. He watched as their mouths moved. The smells were starting to bug him, they smelled nothing like his home. He whimpered more, and started to squirm. The women looked down at him. He got out of her arms, he started to get to his feet. He bolted for a way out of their den, he wanted his den. He looked down one of the den tunnels, he could see a exit and a tree. He quickly started to run, he hit something and fell backwards. He jumped back up and felt around until he touched something.

He started to push against the invisible force, he whimpered loudly when he couldn't get out of the den. He heard someone walk up behind him, a hand fell on his shoulder. He pushed against the force more, still whimpering. It started to move under his fingertips, he smiled and pushed harder, something touched his finger from the side, he yelped and backed up. He moved forwards slowly, the force was gone, he ran out to the tree. He sniffed in the fresh air. He curled up under the tree, the women walked out and sat near him. The smallest one changed into his wolf form, his wolf was black like the other two.

The smallest started to crawl on his stomach towards the boy. He got up and changed into his wolf, the smallest got closer to him, he swatted at the smallest muzzle. The smallest rolled over onto his stomach, he pounced on him and started to bite him. The smallest yelped and threw him off. He pounced again, a pair of jaws bit down on his neck and lifted him up, he started to whimper. The female had picked him up by the scruff of his neck, she started to carry him back inside. He started to squirm and growl, he didn't want to go back inside! The women dropped him, he scurried over to the tree, he turned his back to them and started to dig.

The smallest pushed him out of the way and started to help. When the smallest was out of sight under ground he could hear the women start to make some sound, the smallest came out of the hole. He quickly darted down the hole and started to make some tunnels and two chambers. He popped his head out and saw a pile of something. He moved over to it and sniffed it. He pounced on it, he sank down on it, he whimpered. He jumped off, the male was there, he grabbed it and shook it out. He perked up at the sight of a deer pelt like thing, he grabbed it in his teeth and dragged it down into his den.

He brought it into his sleeping chamber and made it into his bed. He heard a weird high pitched noise at the top of his den. He came back out to see something that smelt good. His tail was wagging as he started to fill his stomach. It was so much different to the cold food he ate, it was warm, but not body heat warm. He finished and went back into his den to have a nap. The day went by like that, he would eat then sleep. His back still hurt so he didn't want to adventure today.

The three wolves would sit by his den, and just make their noise over and over again. Whenever he would pop out of his den they weren't talking to anyone. He'd bark at them, and they would only smile and make a few noises. He didn't mind it after a while since it meant that no predators would come after him. So when night came and no one was there, he whimpered once, then went back into his den to sleep for the night.




Hope you enjoyed. And don't put any comments for how the boy couldn't talk and it was weird. It's a new style I'm trying, and I think it is working just fine. And for anyone who is curious what the boy's name is..........................................he doesn't have a name. I might put a little chapter in explaining his past. But please comment for questions based on the other characters or the world!

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