Cold || All Of Us Are Dead ||

By FanFictionWrite_r

356K 10.5K 4.3K

A girl named Y/n L/n who's cold towards anyone and everyone no matter who you are or what you've done for her... More

Blood On Your Hands
The Past
Goodbye Gyeong-su...
Jealous, Ji-min?
Principal's Office...
Music Room
Was it really betryal?
Messages And A Kiss
Nam-ra's abilities
The Plan
Refusing To Die
The First Joke
Sick Of You
Aftermath Of A Fight
I Give You Mercy
New Members
Confession Gone Wrong
A Ruined Promise.
Little Sis
Thank You For Keeping Her Safe
Pinning The Blame
For The Last Time...Cheong-San
We'll fight together
Saved...but at what cost?
Question (Not a Chapter)

Rooftop Fire

6.4K 207 56
By FanFictionWrite_r

It's now dark and everyone was sat next to the campfire. You're sat next to Su-hyeok and Wu-jin as they insisted on sitting next to you and an entire argument broke out until Cheong-san mentioned you could sit next to both of them. They grumbled a bit but eventually settled down on each side of you

"Dae-su." Su-hyeok speaks up as Dae-su was next to him

"Yeah?" Dae-su mumbles

"How was your audition?" Su-hyeok questions

"They said I have to lose weight." Dae-su mumbles with his eyes closed making your jaw clench

"They're assholes. You're a good sin— you're fine." You murmur the last part as Dae-su smiles brightly at you.

"Sing for us. I wanna hear it." Su-hyeok insists as he smiles at you before turning to the fire again. Your eyes are already on the fire.

"Just forget it. I don't want it." Dae-su mumbles

"I actually really like that song." Joon-yeong admits as you turn to Dae-su

"Is that so?" Dae-su questions finally looking up

"Mm-hm." Joon-yeong hums

"Really?" Dae-su interrogates

"It's really nice. You sing well. It'll cheer us up." Wu-jin compliments as he looks over at Dae-su. Your eyes dart to Wu-jin who looks at his best friend giving him a genuine opinion. A small smile spreads across your face as you look at Wu-jin. He turns to you and you look down. Su-hyeok glares at Wu-jin as he blushed

Dae-Su's song:

"Let's go once it's over. Let's go anywhere. Once we're done studying 12 hours a day. Once the annoying sounds are over. Let's go hand in hand. Let's not run. Let's try walking slowly. Is that drool or sweat pooled on the book? No one notices the plop, plop. The plop, plop. The falling rain drops. What is boiling? Simmer, simmer. It's Mum's deonjang stew. A bowl if instant noodles. In front of the TV which plays nothing but static. Let's go anywhere together."

The song ended. Everyone joined apart from you, Nam-ra and On-jo. You wanted too, though you didn't know the lyrics as your Father thought it was useless to be learning and remembering songs. You leaned your head on Su-hyeok's shoulder as he sang and Wu-jin grabbed your hand and placing it in his lap. Yet the two never glared at each other they were to busy enjoying the moment not wanting to ruin it. You had a small smile on your face as you stared at the glistening fire as the song replayed in your mind. You really do enjoy these people's company even after all the arguments you've all been through.

You all sat in silence enjoying everyone's comfort. Your hand still in Wu-jin's and your head still on Su-hyeok's shoulder as he rested his head on yours. He kissed your head lightly. You furrow your eyebrows. You may have kissed in the music room but that didn't confirm being together as a couple. At least you don't think it did. You're not the best at the relationship stuff.

"It was such a nice song." Hyo-ryung is the first to speak up

"Didn't you say that it sucked?" Dae-su mumbles

"Well, now that I actually listened to it, I think it's kind of nice." Hyo-ryung admits

"That was encouraging, Dae-su." Joon-yeong mutters

"How long...have you two been smoking for?" On-jo questions you and Nam-ra

"For me, eight grade." Nam-ra answers as you remain quiet

"And you?" On-jo questions as you bring your eyes to her. The fire reflecting in your eyes.

"6th grade...I started when I just turned 12. Haven't been able to stop since." You admit looking back to the fire

"I had no friends and a lot of stress back then." Nam-ra continues. You didn't want to comment on why you smoked so you stayed quiet

"Did you ever need a friend, though?" On-jo questions

"I'm not sure. I can't really tell." Nam-ra replies staring over the fire

"You always put up a wall. You'd wear your headphones all day, and you never said anything. Wasn't it because you hated us?" On-jo questions as everyone looks at Nam-ra

"I never hated you guys. I just...didn't have any friends." Nam-ra denies

"Well...I never really liked you. I thought you didn't talk to us, because we were beneath you. But every time we'd comment on you Y/n would be there to defend you." Hyo-ryung admits as Nam-ra looks at you surprised. You just shrugged and kept a neutral face. Yet this one wasn't cold.

"I kind of hated you. There were times that I wish you just disappear. But like Hyo-ryung said...every time I could even say anything bad about you, Y/n would snap her head towards you as if it was a warning for you to shut up." Joon-yeong mumbles as you bite your lip

"Aren't you close? You're the top two students. Coming to think of it, Y/n how come your nowhere near the top 3?" Ji-min questions

"I didn't want to be put on a leaderboard. I purposely got questions wrong so I could keep myself to a pass but not to a fail." You admit as your face goes to your normal cold expression.

"That's why I hated her. No matter how hard I worked, I was always second. But it's okay now. I think I was able to come in second, because of Y/n for getting answers wrong on purpose and Nam-ra." Joon-yeong lightens up as you nod

"Hey. Second's good too. I can't even be 20th. Right?" Dae-su mumbles fist bumping Su-hyeok

"If Su-hyeok put in the effort, i'm sure he can" You grumble and Su-hyeok looks at you amused.

"You saying i'm smart?" He questions

"I'm saying you can be smart. But you act stupid." You say looking up at him. You rest your chin on his shoulder as you take your hand out of Wu-jin's to set it in your own lap.

"Well you'd be the first, I bet if you didn't purposely put in the wrong answers." Su-hyeok mutters to you as your nose's touched from how close you are to each other. You curse under your breath and press your shoe's against Wu-jin's knee making him freeze and become flustered. He didn't move so you were unaware of your action and continued to stay in the position.

"Hey. Don't compare yourself to Joon-yeong." Hyo-ryung scolds Dae-su

"I was just saying. Why do you always get on my case whenever I say something? Wait a second. Do you like me?" Dae-su questions

"Shut up, you moron!" Hyo-ryung scolds again as she slaps his arm. Su-hyeok looks down at you to see you already focusing on the fire again. He wraps an arm around your waist using each other's body warmth to keep each other warm.

"I'm just going to put it out there, so you don't get hurt. I like somebody else. So don't like me." Dae-su proudly admits

"I don't like you! I'm not interested in you at all." Hyo-ryung hits him twice while denying everything he said

"Dae-su. Who do you like, then?" Joon-yeong questions as Su-hyeok and Dae-su grin while Wu-jin frowns annoyed.

"He's, he's a total freak." Wu-jin insults

"He likes your sister, right? That's why he calls you brother-in-law?" You murmur as Wu-jin looks at your's the first time you look frail...vulnerable. Someone who needs to be protected at all costs no matter what. He smiles but it instantly turns to a frown remembering the conversation. Su-hyeok chuckles and nods while pointing to Wu-jin.

"Ha-ri from Archery? You're insane." Ji-min says shocked

"I go crazy when i'm in love. She's like my little cupid." Dae-su coos as Su-hyeok chuckles and Wu-jin glares at him

"Stop it. If we get out of here alive, i'm gonna tell my sister." Wu-jin says as he smiles at Dae-su

"Will you really tell her?" Dae-su questions

"Yeah." Wu-jin confirms

"What?" Dae-su says happily as he places a hand over you and Su-hyeok reaching over and grabbing Wu-jin's arm

"To shoot and kill you. I said not to like my sister." Wu-jin threatens

"You can't do that to me, future brother-in-law." Dae-su groans pulling him making Wu-jin be on top of you and Dae-su be on top of Su-hyeok as they playfully fight each other but unfortunately you and Su-hyeok being stuck in the middle of it all.

"You...hey!" Wu-jin groans

"Will you tell her? Promise?" Dae-su continues as you and Su-hyeok fall flat on your backs watching the two on top of you fight.

"Yeah. To kill you." Wu-jin snaps

"Stop it. Seriously. I love her." Dae-su grumbles as Wu-jin winces in pain. Wu-jin has one knee on either side of you and a hand on one side of your shoulder as the other was on Dae-su. Everyone chuckling at the two best friends bickering above you.


Everything calmed down you and Su-hyeok were able to sit up again and Su-hyeok wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you in between his legs and resting his chin on your head as you leant back on his chest not bothering of the stares you got. You were sat beside Wu-jin but Su-hyeok moved so Wu-jin could be next to Dae-su as you stayed in between Su-hyeok's legs.

"My mum and dad prepped everything for my transfer. They said to go to Seoul. But I really didn't want to go there. I wouldn't have had any friends, and I was afraid of the Seoul kids. I didn't know what to do. Then On-jo gave me a great idea. She said I just had to cut school for five days. Then the principal can't write a recommendation. So that's what I did. It's all thanks to On-jo...that I didn't have to transfer. I should've just gone to Seoul. Then none of this would have happened to me." Ji-min opens up. On-jo smiles and holds out a peace sign with her fingers but slowly puts it away as she heard the last part

"People have always sister was an archery prodigy ever since she was little. So our parents only cared about trying to get my sister onto the national team. They never paid attention to me at all." Wu-jin admits as you look at him

"I'll give you all my attention, brother-in-law. Don't be sad. You have me." Dae-su tries to comfort but get's pushed over by Wu-jin.

"And me." You say surprising everyone as you hold out a hand which Wu-jin gladly takes as he smiles at you. You return it but yours is a smaller smile.

"Thank god that I have Dae-su and Y/n." Wu-jin chuckles as he kisses your knuckle and let's go. You smile at the kind gesture and turn your head towards Nam-ra

"I don't really have anything to say. I wouldn't really know...but I feel like I made friends. It also feels like I've always had a friend in secret..." Nam-ra mumbles looking at you. You salute to her and nod before looking away.

"Me and...On-jo...I just...well...I just want some water, really." Cheong-san shrugs and you mentally groan

"Not stuff like that. Be completely honest." Hyo-ryung whines

"Be completely honest. Do you like someone?" Dae-su questions and everyone turns to Cheong-san

"Mm-hm" He hums

"You do? For real?" On-jo questions completely oblivious

"Yeah." Cheong-san confirms

"Why do you keep stalling? Do you have a crush?" On-jo teases

"Uh, pretty much." He mumbles

"Pretty much? What does that mean? Who is she?" On-jo urges as everyone looks at the two

"No one." Cheong-san backs out

"Who is she? Do I know her? Who is it?" On-jo continues to push on the subject

"You. It's you, On-jo. I like you." Cheong-san admits making you smile as you sit up a bit

"Hey. Stop that. He doesn't mean it. He's just kidding. I mean, we were friends and neighbours since kindergarten, that's all. Stop joking." On-jo stammers and you frown and roll your eyes at her denial

"I'm not joking. Ever since I was six years old, i've always liked you, On-jo. And I always will." Cheong-san continues as On-jo looks at him

"Awesome." Dae-su mumbles

"I need some air" You whisper to Su-hyeok and he nods letting go of you. You stood up and went to the roof's edge leaning on it and turning round to watch the group from afar. You see On-jo go to the back corner and Cheong-san following her. Honestly you felt bad for him as if that were you, you'd never show your face again. You watched the two not knowing what they're saying but still wanted to see if anything interesting happens.

Cheong-san leaves with a defeated look and On-jo seems to be crying meaning it didn't go well at all. You sigh as the two parted ways. You hear an odd sound from over the roof but decide to ignore it as you think it's zombies. That was until large hand clasped around your throat dangling you from the roof. Your feet completely off the ledge as you stare into a face that was completely covered in blood. Fear overtook you and you once again squirmed in his hands

"Y/N!" Cheong-san yells as he starts running towards the two of you.

"Don't." You grunt out gripping onto his arm as he grins widely at you...

"I always knew you were scared of heights, darling..."

Long chapter cause the bonfire is such a wholesome moment, istg!!!

Word Count: 2414

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