• Forever • Jiyoo ff

By jiunique

2.3K 160 108

- Yoohyeon suddenly wakes up from her 3 year coma, forgetting most of her memories. Now she has to remember e... More

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315 15 26
By jiunique

' ' ' ' '

"Mom what are you..." - Yoohyeon didn't continue speaking after seeing her mother tearing up while slowly getting closer to her and hugging her. Yoohyeon didn't hug her back but just stood there in utter shock.

She was now very confused. How did her mother know about this place? What was she doing here? Wasn't she in America? How could she possibly be here.. right now?

"Why are you here? Where's Minji? Did the others know about this too?"

The questions just kept on coming and coming until Yoohyeon's mother had to stop her and sit her down on the bench.

"Yoohyeon, my child... I think it's time for you to know." - Her mother held her hand and stared at Yoohyeon eyes.

Yoohyeon looked at her a bit scared. She had never seen her mother being so concerned and worried about her.

"What is there that I should know?" - Yoohyeon asked. Her mother sighed before answering her question.

"The real truth.."


"Please pick up.. C'mon c'mon..!" - Mrs. Kim's anxious voice was heard. She was walking in circles in a hospital's hallway, waiting for someone to answer her call.

"Hello? Mrs. Kim?" - The person from the other line finally picked up the phone.

"Minji! Oh my god you need to come to the hospital right now! Yoohyeon got in a car accident, please!" - Mrs. Kim was on the verge of tears, screaming on the phone while everyone around was staring at her worryingly.

"Wait but.. I just had an argument with her what do you mean a-"

"It doesn't matter! Tell me when you're here but please just.. just come here.." - The woman hung up and waited for her daughter's girlfriend to make her way here.

20 minutes later

"Where's Yoohyeon?"

A running girl's voice was heard echoing through the silent hallway. Mrs. Kim who was crying just hugged her and pointed at the surgery room. Minji's eyes widened and she demanded to know what was going on.

"Yoohyeon.. My daughter.. got in a car accident after leaving.. your house." - The mother tried to keep her composure and calmly explained the whole thing. How a young girl named Handong helped Yoohyeon and called an ambulance and notified her the moment they reached the hospital. Minji was just speechless. She stared at the surgery room and stood in a single spot, without moving nor reacting.

But that didn't sit tight with Mrs. Kim. She was happy that Minji was taking this information in without panicking but at the same she was surprised - she didn't show any emotions.

"Why do you look so.. expressionless? - Mrs. Kim asked Minji with confusion in her voice.

"I.. I don't know how to feel.. I'm just.. I don't know.." - Minji silently said and dropped on the ground crying her eyes and soul out. Mrs. Kim got closer to her and pat her back. She remembered that Minji mentioned they were arguing a while ago so she thought about asking the latter what was going on before the accident.

"Minji.. what were you two arguing about?" - Mrs. Kim nervously asked, wanting to know what could possibly be the reason that led to this. Minji tried her best to calm down but just spurred out words that almost made no sense because of how much she was crying.

"She doesn't- like she just.. doesn't love me anymore she- broke up- she doesn't love me- I couldn't explain- I cheated!"

Mrs. Kim was left in shock. "Minji cheated..?". It was the only thing she understood. She helped Minji get up from the ground and sat her down on one of the hospital benches.

"Minji please calm down and explain what happened."

Mrs. Kim was being calm but really serious about this. She wanted to know what had happened.


. . . . .


Yoohyeon's loud voice was heard in a big street with no one around but her and Minji. It was hers and Minji's anniversary and she had bought her chocolate and flowers, wanting to surprise her love.

She was on a business trip to Japan and wasn't going to be there with her for this year's anniversary but she thought of doing a secret surprise so the two could spend some time together.

What she didn't expect was that there was a big party happening at her house. Minji was really popular around town and was known to be a really outgoing person. Yoohyeon doesn't usually mind it because she enjoys the parties too but felt a bit uneasy since she didn't know about it and it was happening on their special day too.

She entered the house and looked around to find Minji but she was nowhere to be found. She looked in their bedroom, the living room and kitchen but she wasn't there. When she made her way towards the backyard she didn't expect to see her biggest nightmare forming infront of her own eyes.

"M-Minji?" - Yoohyeon uttered to herself while looking at her girlfriend smiling while talking to a random man. She noticed that Minji wasn't really like her usual self. She could possibly be a bit drunk but knew that Minji wasn't the type to drink when Yoohyeon wasn't around. Yoohyeon made her way to her but the next thing that happened left her frozen in a spot and heartbroken.

The man and Minji kissed.

Yoohyeon just looked at the two before Minji noticed her presence. Minji's face went completely pale. She tried her best to get out of the man's grip and quickly ran to Yoohyeon who was trying to walk out the house to her car and leave.

"Yooh babe please wait!" - Minji was calling out for her but Yoohyeon didn't stop. She wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible and sob until she has no tears left to cry.

But Minji was good at running and managed to stop her lover before she got inside her car. Minji hugged her but noticed that Yoohyeon didn't reciprocate the hug. When Minji pulled out of the hug she saw that her girlfriend's fists were slowly crushing the flowers she had bought for her.

"Yoohyeon please listen I-I swear I wasn't the one that did it, he was trying to flirt but I-"

She was interrupted by Yoohyeon dropping the gifts on the sidewalk and crouching to the ground but not breaking any eye contact with Minji. Her eyes were filled with tears but no sound was coming out from her.

"You... Why did you let him kiss you?" - Yoohyeon asked, leaving Minji terrified because the way she said it. Yoohyeon was way too mad to even care about anything else. She just wanted to know why her lover would do such thing to her.

"Look Yooh, I.. I'm sorry.. That wasn't meant to happen I was just talking to him and-"

"If I didn't get here sooner, something else would've happened. I saw your smile Minji. You liked it, didn't you?"

Yoohyeon yet again interrupted her but this time Minji was the one dropping on the ground next to Yoohyeon and crying.

"Why aren't you denying it!?" - Yoohyeon screamed. Minji just looked at her and held her hand. Yoohyeon pushed her hand off and took out a small box she had in her pocket and threw it infront of the latter. Minji's eyes were widened.

"Y-You were planning to propose..?" - Minji quietly spoke with guilt, staring at the small box and taking the ring out to look at it. It was made of silver and it had a small heart made of rose quartz as a sign of love.

Yoohyeon looked at Minji, still mad at her but couldn't help herself but still be worried for her. She got up from the ground and kneeled infront of Minji. Minji was staring at the latter with swollen and apologetic eyes. Yoohyeon wiped her tears and looked at her.

"You are my first love and my only love, but I can never forgive you for this..."

"Yoohyeon please.."

"No Minji.. Please let me dislike you after what you've done.. I cannot love you after knowing I'm not the only person whose lips you've kissed in this relationship.."

"Please forgive me.. I love you too much, I can't live without you.."

Minji was holding onto Yoohyeon sleeves and begging. She didn't want this relationship to end like this - she never wanted it to end.

"I thought you were the one Jiu... I loved you and trusted you so much and you do this.. Please just forget about me now and let me forget about you. Goodbye..."

. . . . .

Mrs. Kim was listening to Minji explain the occurrence. She was so surprised to hear such thing from Minji. No one expected her to do such thing.

"You hate me too now, don't you Mrs. Kim?" - Minji looked at Mrs. Kim's surprised face and couldn't face her out of guilt.

"No Minji, look-"

Mrs. Kim spoke but Minji quickly interrupted her by apologizing. Minji felt disgusted by herself and ashamed. She wiped her tears and quickly walked out of the hospital without saying anything else.

The worried woman tried to stop her but Minji didn't want to hurt them any more than she has and didn't show herself even once after this incident.


Yoohyeon was now crying but her tears were fully camouflaged with the rain. Her mother told her the true story of what had happened with her and Minji and why they had broken up.

Yoohyeon wanted to scream at her mother for lying to her. She didn't believe anything but her returning memories were proving that this is all indeed true. It seemed too impossible.

"I'm so sorry, honey... I'm sorry you had to find out like this.."

Her mother hugged her one last time before giving her the flower she was holding this whole time. It was a white cauliflower - the same one Gahyeon gave her.

"W-Why are you giving this to me?" - Yoohyeon stuttered while staring at the single flower. Her mother didn't answer her but only pointed at the tree. The woman took her hat and umbrella back and left her daughter alone without answering any more incoming questions.

Yoohyeon looked at her mother's silhouette slowly walking away from the scene. She turned to look at her friends but they were almost not visible because of the fog. She wiped her tears and walked towards the tree.

She noticed a small birdhouse hanging there. When she took a closer look she noticed a small lock with a cute puppy carving. She took out the box she got from the cinema in her jacket's pocket and opened it. A small key that seemed to fit the birdhouse's lock was inside. She took it and put it in the lock and turned the key.


The lock was unlocked and a opening was revealed with a note inside. Yoohyeon took it out and quickly unfolded it to read it.

"My Yooh, you're finally next to me.. I know it's not the meeting you expected. I'm sorry for yet again disappointing you. I want you to know just how much you meant to me and how much I missed you everyday. I just couldn't forgive myself for everything I've done to you even though you trusted me with your whole life and loved me unconditionally. Please forgive me for breaking your heart and leaving you so soon.. I'll never forget about you and I'll wait for you in my next life so we can yet again be together.

-Love, your Jiu."

Yoohyeon read the letter carefully. What does she mean by next life? Can't they be together now? She looked at the flower again and the letter.

Then it hit her.

She looked around and noticed a pretty carved stone peeking out from the ground. Yoohyeon got closer to it and saw a name carved on it...

Kim Minji

"N-No.. Impossible..."

Yoohyeon's hands were shaking. She touched the stone and immediately started crying loudly while kneeling infront of it.

Her friends immediately came rushing to her and saw how invulnerable Yoohyeon looked. They all teared up and went to hug her.

"We're so sorry for not telling you sooner... It was Minji's last request before.. this.." - Sua spoke while caressing Yoohyeon's head.

"Why didn't you guys stop her!? S-She.. she could've been alive now and waiting for me to recover and I could've been with her again! Why!?" - They didn't dare to look at Yoohyeon's eyes and just kept on sobbing while hugging her. No one could've predicted that this would've happened to Minji and Yoohyeon knew it but didn't want to accept it.

The group were now a crying mess. No one wanted to comfort Yoohyeon, not because they were scared, but because no one really knew the kind of pain she was going through. They all just wanted to let her know that they'll be there to make her feel better whenever she needed them.

Hours have passed and the rain had stopped. It was late midnight and no one was outside. No one but Yoohyeon. She didn't leave the tombstone for a little second and just stared at it while remembering her past every time she thought of Minji.

"Do you remember when you almost choked on chocolate milk because you thought it was too tasty? It was so funny how you never bought the milk again because you didn't want to experience that again."

Yoohyeon laughed at her own story but that laughter died off in seconds and she was silently staring at the stone again. This whole thing completely changed her perspective of a good future. She didn't want to live a life without Minji by her side.

"You're still here?"

A soft voice from afar was heard. Yoohyeon turned around and softly smiled at the person walking towards her - Siyeon.

"I'm just having a chat with Minji and just.. talking.. Gosh, I miss her so much.."

Yoohyeon bursted once again. Siyeon crouched next to her friend and gave her a big warm hug, trying to calm her down.

"I know Yooh... we all miss her."

Siyeon had her friend in her arms, not letting her go. She didn't want her to feel like this. She wanted Yoohyeon to be the bright puppy again but everyone knew it wouldn't be the same as it was.

"Can you tell me how it all happened? Why was my mum here and how did all of this get planned?"

Yoohyeon spurred out of nowhere after wiping her tears. Siyeon sighed and told her everything there is to her questions.

"Minji was devastated after everything. The whole break up, you being in the hospital. She didn't eat, didn't drink, didn't sleep. It was a whole mess and when we decided to check up on her we saw a small note that was left on her desk... a suicide note."

Yoohyeon was listening without any interruptions. Siyeon was tearing up and Yoohyeon wiped her almost tears from her eyes. She told her to continue speaking. Siyeon sighed and continued the story.

"Her body was found next to this tree and she was buried here. Everything was set up by herself before commiting suicide and she told us in a note that the day you wake up we need to act dumb and not tell you anything and that you should be the one to remember and find out."

Siyeon pat Yoohyeon's head and leaned her head on her friend's shoulder.

"I know this is a lot for you to process but we just did whatever the note said. I'm really sorry Yoohyeon.."

"It's okay, since it was Minji's last wish of you guys.. I don't know if I'll ever be the same without her.."

A minute later a loud voice was heard from behind. A group of four was walking towards their way. They all hugged the two girls curled up in their own world and smiled at them.

"If Minji saw us right now, she would've been happy to see us all together." - Dami silently said to Yoohyeon. In reply she got a smile from the latter and a pat on her back.

"I'm sure she would've been.. But I'm glad I'm not alone in this."

Yoohyeon got up and massaged her knees after crouching for almost 2 hours. She took the flower that was next to the tree that her mother had given her and walked up next to the tombstone and placed it infront of it.

"I'm not going to forget about you Kim Minji, but I want you to know that I won't be alone. I have five amazing people with me who will support and love me just like how you did."

Yoohyeon spoke to Minji's tombstone and was close to crying but felt like something, or someone, tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw the smiling faces of her friends. The faces of people who are like her family. The feelings they felt were all mutual and she knew just by their looks that no matter what, she'd always have them by her side.

"So.. Should we go back home now?"

Yoohyeon said and got an answer from all of the girls at once. She ran up to them with a smile in her face and they slowly walked towards the van to return back to Seoul and continue living their lives.

Yoohyeon turned her head to look at the tombstone one last time and told the girls to go towards the car. She ran towards the big tree and looked for that one box she opened a while ago. After she found it she looked at it and saw another object with a note tapped to it. She took it out and placed it next to the tombstone of her lover.

It was the ring she had given Minji with an answer to the proposal -
"Yes, I will marry you Yoohyeon."

Yoohyeon took a last glance at the stone and turned around to see Siyeon waving at her like a maniac and telling her to hurry up. Yoohyeon laughed at her and ran towards the car where all of her friends were.

"Kim Minji, you are a very special person to me. I will always love you. Your memory will live with me for the rest of my live..."


' ' ' ' '

The end.

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