Spider-Man and The Esper

De Omegaknight14

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A hero from different universe unknowingly arrives in the One Punch Man universe. He holds a dark past with h... Mais

Character Bio
1. The Strongest Heroes
2. The Lone Cyborg
3. Practice Bout
4. The House of Evolution
5. Evolution Ends, Burning Building
6. The Deadly Ninja
7. The Meteorite, Spider-man Meets Fubuki
8. The Sea Folk
9. Unyielding Justice
10. You're Not Alone, The Dark Past
11. The Class-S Meeting
12. Dark Matter Thieves
13. End of Dark Matter
14. Helping Out the Spider
15. Spider-man vs Class-S
16. Training On The First Day
17. Day Off, Shopping
18. Meeting The King
19. Looks Like We Got Competition
20. The Spider's Mind
21. Bomb Incident
22. Gift Of New Life
23. Crossing The Street
24. Breaking Point
25. Questions and Bank Robbers
26. Hospital visit
27. Birthday Surprise
28. Injury
29. Breakfast, World Trade Center
30. One Thing After Another
31. Spider-man fights Sonic...Again
32. The Winter Festival
33. Livestream
34. The Hero Hunter
35. Absolute Carnage
36. Forest Battle
37. Crazy day
38. Mobilize
39. Rematch
40. I'm Here
42. A Hero or Monster? Part 2
43. A Hero or Monster? Part 3
44. A Hero or Monster? Part 4
45. A More Greater Threat
46. Absolute Evil
47. The Hero Vs. The Villain
48. Sacrifices
49. First Steps of Redemption
50. The Day Has Finally Come.

41. A Hero or Monster? Part 1

97 5 3
De Omegaknight14

As the hero Flashy Flash and the monster Platinum Sperm collided, Flashy Flash's kick blocked by Platinum Sperm's forearm and Platinum Sperm's fist sailing past Flashy Flash's head, Garou lept high into the air. Garou slammed into the ground with as much force as he could muster, launching hundreds of bits of rubble into the sky. Flashy Flash was the first to take advantage of the new terrain, bounding higher to get a superior angle. Garou was hot in pursuit, and he could feel Platinum Sperm charging after him.

The three of them darted back and forth between debris faster than any human should be able to move. In just a few seconds, Garou covered more distance than a race car could travel in an hour. Garou battled with Flashy Flash, the hero putting the pressure on with every attack. He jabbed at Garou's throat, launched spinning kicks intended to cleave his skull, punched at Garou's diaphragm, his attacks relentless and precise. Flashy Flash was an assassin, trained to kill.

But Garou had been trained to fight.

Garou deflected Flash's jabs, countered his kicks, and blocked his attacks. While Flashy Flash was undoubtedly skilled in the art of offense, his defense was painfully lacking. He relied too heavily on his speed to win him any battle, and that's what would cost him this fight. He was used to winning his battles with a single attack. He was not prepared for drawn out battles against opponents with superior abilities.

Garou had been punching up his whole life. Man did it feel good to give it back to the self righteous assholes who wouldn't hesitate to punch down on him.

Flashy Flash lunged at him, and Garou deflected his desperate kick. A silver appendage wrapped around Flash's throat, and tossed him away. Garou lunged at Platinum Sperm, striking him with an open palm that sent him flying through the debris. Platinum Sperm snarled at him, whipping the appendage on his head out at him. Garou grabbed it as he jumped towards the monster, spinning Platinum Sperm around and throwing him at a large rock. Platinum Sperm landed against it with an oomph before Garou landed on him with a punch to the face that shattered the rock and sent the monster flying.

Garou instinctively dodged, the tips of Flashy Flash's fingers just barely brushing against the side of his head. There was a pressure on his back as Flashy Flash landed on his spine, and pushed off him. Garou was sent tumbling, but he came back an instant later. Flashy Flash whirled in the air, his heel aimed at Garou's skull. Garou deflected his erratic kick and lashed out with a punch. Flashy Flash managed to catch it on his forearm, but couldn't block Garou's kick to the side of his ribs. Flashy Flash went flying, his trajectory redirected when Platinum Sperm punched him.

"Garou!" Platinum Sperm shouted. "Flashy Flash is weakened due to losing his main weapon. The smart play would be to concentrate our joint attacks on him and finish him off. Then we can move on to our one on one battle. Whaddya say?"

"Ganging up on him, eh?" Garou said. "Got it."

Garou landed a powerful blow to the side of Platinum Sperm's head. "Like I'd ever take orders from you, you fucking halfwitted henchman!"

Platinum Sperm howled at him, as Flashy Flash pounced on him, landing powerful blows to his face again and again. Platinum Sperm defended himself, using the appendage on his head to create defensive rings in front of his body. Garou followed the pair, jumping from rock to rock as hero and monster clashed ahead of him.

Garou could feel it. It was almost in his grasp. The ultimate technique he had been searching for. Not the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist or the Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist. Not the Exploding Heart Release Fist or the Tiger Fanf True Fist. Not the Purgatory Abyss Fist, the Lake Breaking Ice River Fist, or the Fool's Path Mountain Range Fist. Not the Ultimate Fist of the Yatagarasu. Not the Pressure point Killer Fist. Not the Poisonous Ogre Fist. Not the Lone Fist of Prosperity. Every battle he has fought has brought him closer to this. He'd absorbed all these into his own perfect technique. The perfect combination of offense and defense, of precision and power. The culmination of all his years as a martial artist. And since it was this technique that would elevate him to the Disaster Level "God" he would call it the Monster Calamity God Fist.

No, wait.

Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist.

In order to dominate this world as "Absolute Evil" and beat down humanity into an abyss of despair, something as unreliable as God must be defeated as well.

Garou caught up with the two of them and unleashed the power of his fist. In an instant, the hero and monster were thrown back. Nothing could compare to his strength now. He would defeat them all.

Platinum Sperm launched Flashy Flash towards him, and Garou lept to engage him. Flashy Flash lashed out with a kick, but Garou redirected his foot harmlessly into the air. Garou went to punch him, but Platinum Sperm came out of nowhere and kicked him in the face, pulling him away from Garou. Once again, Garou was stuck playing catch up. He was getting tired of these games.

"Hahaha! Look at you, so full of openings!" Platinum Sperm mocked Flashy Flash. "Is there something wrong with your spirit? Has your will to fight abandoned you? You heroes are all the same! Just like Darkshine, when someone outclasses you in your specialty, you abandon your principles and put all your effort into protecting your own pride! After all, that's what being a hero's all about, right? A being who wants to help the weak does not exist!"

Platinum Sperm landed a devastating blow to Flashy Flash's ribs and sent him hurtling to the ground. Flashy Flash landed with an explosion of dust, and did not rise. Garou launched himself at Platinum Sperm, landing on him with a knee to his chest. "Now it's just you and me."

Now that there were only two players to this game of theirs, Garou and Platinum Sperm were never separated for long. They traded blows, fists and feet flashing in fantastic fashion. Garou redirected Platinum Sperm's blow, using the outside of his hand to push against his elbow. Garou's hand snaked up his arm and grabbed Platinum Sperm by the throat. Garou slammed him down into the rock then tossed him up. Garou pushed off the rock and somersaulted so he was facing the ground. Garou dropkicked Platinum Sperm as gravity was pulling him down. Garou landed on a piece of debris and bounded after Platinum Sperm. The appendage on his head whipped out and wrapped around Garou's wrist and pulled him towards Platinum Sperm, spinning him around. Garou used the momentum to plant a kick to the side of Platinum Sperm's head. Platinum Sperm howled, the fury in his eyes unmistakable. The fury soon turned to fear as Garou approached with his fist cocked back. He tried to use the same defensive rings he had used against Flashy Flash, but Garou punched straight through his defense, punching him in the face and rocketing the two of them towards the ground. Platinum Sperm managed to kick him away just before they hit the ground, but the two of them still landed with enough force to make craters. Platinum Sperm rose with a ferocious roar, shouting "GAROOOUUU!"

Garou was having none of it. Garou split through Platinum Sperm, the cracks in his shell ripping open with specks of light. His body exploded into light, showering the entire battlefield with droplets of light particles.

Garou roared, baring his teeth in a triumphant roar. After all this time, he had won. Disaster Level "God" had arrived.

Garou stood triumphant on the field of battle. All of the hurdles in his way were finally behind him. The heroes lay scattered and defeated around him. The monsters were dead, their corpses strewn about on this desolate plain. Now all he had to do was destroy the Hero Association once and for all, and show the world the new face of fear. Garou took a moment to breathe, and smiled up at the sun. At last, his goals could finally be realized.

The ground shifted beneath him. Garou stumbled, a scowl replacing his smile. "Oh for fuck's sake."

An enormous centipede, even bigger than the one in S City erupted from the ground. Its mandibles gripped the bottom of the Monster Association base, crunching through it as it rose from the earth.

"Insolent, worthless humans! Hear me! I am Sage Centipede! We have been sent to destroy the abominable fist that turned against God! By the incarnation of our father, the earth! And the incarnation of our mother, the ocean! Suffer our divine retribution and annihilation!"

"Oi! How bout you fuck off, you gigantic fuckwit!" Garou roared, jumping up at the face of the centipede. He punched it in the face a few times, leaping off the creature's mandibles for maximum power. It shrieked in pain, it's antennae thrashing wildly. "You idiot! My Fist would instill fear into God himself! A mere servant of his is nothing to me!"

As Garou fell through the air, observing his enemy, he spotted the escape helicopter gaining altitude. In one of the windows, he saw Tareo. That's a relief. At least he's safe.

Unfortunately, his gaze drew the centipede's attention. "Oh ho ho, so this flea is important to you?"

"Oi! Shut up and fight me, you ant!" Garou shouted.

"Ha ha hA! Fool! If you move even an inch, my sister there will shoot it out of the sky with her Great Oceanic Cannon!" The centipede laughed. Garou grit his teeth. Dammit, why'd there have to be two of them? "Now hold still and DIE! GREAT CENTIPEDE MILITARY MARCH!"

Garou braced himself for the impending attack. The enormous insect rushed past him, hundreds upon hundreds of fists twice the size of his body slamming into him, each with the force to obliterate a city block. Yet Garou held firm, rooting himself to where he stood. Suddenly, the bombardment ceased and he was blasted by an enormous stream of water flying at hypersonic speeds. Garou was thrown back, blasted by hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. Garou rose from the hole he found himself in, sputtering.

"HA! That is what happens to those that would oppose the servants of God!" The centipede laughed. Garou shook his head, water dripping from the crevices of his new skin. Garou scowled. If only that water monster wasn't here, he could fight this thing without having to worry about Tareo.

A noise like an atom bomb reached his ears. Garou's eyes shot towards the source of the sound. The ocean had been split in half, and the water monster was gone, its eyes shredded. Garou couldn't help but gape at the display of power. That had to be King. No one else could possibly output that much raw power. Garou scowled. Looks like there were still some obstacles to overcome. But first…

Garou hopped up and sprinted towards the centipede, who was charging away from him. "Oi! Just where the hell do you think you're going, you ugly bastard!"

Then Garou noticed its target. The rescue helicopter with Tareo was rapidly getting closer. "Shit!" Garou couldn't let this thing reach them.

Something moved up ahead. Garou scowled as he scanned the new enemy, their dust cloud obscuring his vision. Was it another monster? For it to be bold enough to try and fight this Sage Centipede fool, it'd have to be another cadre. Garou didn't have time to deal with that. The new opponent jumped up, landing on the centipede's face. "Dragon Thrashing!"

That voice…no way.

Sage Centipede thrashed, sending the newcomer flying. They slammed into the ground up ahead, rising just a second later.

"Metal Bat!?" Garou cried. So it was him! What the hell was he doing here? Hadn't he put this fool in the hospital?

"Hey wait, you're…" Metal Bat started, trailing off as the recognition set in. "The Hero Hunter! You jackass! Trying to pick off the heroes after we saved the day, huh!? Or are you just trying to get in my way again!? Get over here!"

"I don't have time for this!" Garou shouted, ducking under Metal Bat's swings and sprinting after Sage Centipede.

"Well you better make time, cause I'm gonna kick your ass!" Metal Bat yelled. "Zenko isn't here to save you this time!"

"Maybe you should go hide behind her again!" Garou yelled back. "That's all you're good for!"

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Metal Bat screamed.

Garou just smirked. This idiot was too easy to rile up.

"Annoying fly! Die!" Sage Centipede roared, flicking one of its antenna-things at a news helicopter that had flown to close. Metal Bat jumped off Sage Centipede's head, deflecting the antenna with his bat. But those idiots were still in danger. Garou jumped past Metal Bat, landing on the helicopter.

"You idiots! Get the hell out of here! KYAAA!" Garou screamed into the windshield of the helicopter. Garou kicked the news helicopter away, giving it the velocity it needed to get it away from the battle. The momentum sent him flying back towards Sage Centipede's head. Garou landed a dozen blows on its face, jumping around the things head and hitting it wherever he could. As its head was knocked away, he rained blows down on its body, sending it further from the helicopter and Tareo.

His last blow sent him back to the ground, and he happened to land back to back with his least favorite S Class hero, Metal Bat. "What the hell's up with you? Even though you're a monster, you saved that helicopter and are attacking that damn insect. You're smarter than when you were human."

"Shut up," Garou snapped. "I'm only doing this so that the world knows how much it should fear the great Garou. But there's no time to waste on pointless chatter. The centipede's targeting the rescue helicopter. Those brats you rescued are aboard. We need to buy time for them to get away. Not that I expect much from you, but maybe you can provide decent bait…"

"Oi!" Metal Bat yelled, kicking the back of Garou's head. "Who the hell do you think you are bossing me around!? I don't give a shit if you're a good guy, there's no way I'm teaming up with a guy who tried to beat the shit out of me! And besides, you're the reason I couldn't kill the last damn centipede! So I'm gonna kill this thing by myself, you jackass!"

"HUHHH!? You seriously think that you can fight this thing when I kicked your ass as a human!? The fact that you're more focussed on your selfish whims than on saving those kids is exactly what's wrong with heroes like you! What kind of hero even are you!?"

"ARE YOU IDIOTS DONE YAPPING YET!?" Sage Centipede yelled, bearing down on them.

"SHUDDUP!" Garou and Metal Bat yelled in tandem, smashing the giant monster under the chin. The monster recoiled, and Garou and Metal Bat launched into action. Garou launched a variety of blows, punches that sunk deep into flesh and bone and kicks that sent shockwaves through his carapace. But no matter what he did, it seemed that the monster would regenerate nigh instantaneously.

"Oi! Meathead! You better start pulling your weight! Are you even hurting this fucking thing!?" Garou shouted at Metal Bat.

"Shut up! You want to bash your brains in!?" Metal Bat screamed.

"We're going to have to destroy this thing from head to tail at the same time, or else this thing won't stay down for long," Garou told Metal Bat as they continued their assault.

"How many S Class heroes would we need to pull that off?" Metal Bat cried.

Garou scowled. "Fine then. If you're not able to keep up, I'll do this myself."

With that, Garou sprinted off, leaving Metal Bat behind. The centipede was gaining on the rescue helicopter. It seemed like something was wrong with it. Bullets whizzed out from the open hatch of the helicopter, but they just bounced off the centipede's hard shell. One of the antennae of the centipede whipped out and ensnared the helicopter, stopping it dead in the air. The other came up a second later, wrapping around the helicopter, denting the metal.

Garou skidded to a stop. Sage Centipede laughed, a terrible, grating sound. "HAHAHA! Are you fleas finally done jumping around? Well then have a taste of my CENTIPEDE GRAND MARCH!"

Hundreds upon hundreds of fists slammed into Garou, pummeling him into the ground. Garou coughed, rising to his feet, but something grabbed him. One of Sage Centipede's feet–hand things. Garou struggled against the enormous grip, pushing against fingers that were three times his size. As he struggled, Sage Centipede raised him to head level. "Foolish pest, thinking you could challenge a Servant of God. Die!"

As Sage Centipede closed in on him, intending to slice him in half, a series of bullets hit the monster in the face, causing it to lean its head upward, making his mandibles miss Garou's head by inches. Reinvigorated by the near miss, Garou pushed his way out of the insect's grasp as Sage Centipede snapped at him again. Garou attacked the monster's face and mandibles with ruthless abandon, but the effects of his attacks were only temporary. Eventually Garou gave up on attacking his face and launched himself up to the helicopter, attacking the antenna, trying to free the helicopter from the monster's grasp. Sage Centipede roared, and Garou's heart dropped. Tareo.


Metal Bat came flying out of nowhere, spinning head over foot, with his bat outstretched, every rotation building the momentum of his bat. When he smashed into the monster's antennae, he cleaved right through them. Garou wasted no time, hopping off the severed antenna and grabbing the rescue helicopter.

"Garou!" Metal Bat shouted, pointing his bat. "There's a huge ass net 500 meters ahead!"

Garou spotted it, and hurled the rescue helicopter towards it. Garou watched as the net caught the helicopter, and it was safely, if roughly, dropped to the ground.

"How can you be stronger after I hit you so hard?" Sage Centipede growled.

"HA! That's something you monsters will never understand. A man's at his strongest when he has someone to protect. Besides, your fists ain't nothing. You can beat me up as much as you like, all you'll do is pump me up with FIGHTING SPIRIT!" Metal Bat roared.

"Heh," Garou chuckled. "You haven't changed a bit."

Metal Bat and Garou landed side by side, the monster bearing down in front of them.

"We've gotta make sure this thing doesn't get past us! So sit back and let me handle it," Metal Bat shouted.

"And let you steal my kill? Like hell I will," Garou snarled.

"Pathetic! Individually, you are both nothing compared to me! No damage you've done has left a mark! Do you really think a team up of your individual weakness can stop all 6666 of my legs, working together!? I'll show you what power really is!" Sage Centipede roared.

Sage Centipede started spinning, and Garou almost scoffed. Maybe Metal Bat and this thing shared a brain cell. Spinning was not a good trick.

As Garou's blows hit Sage Centipede from one side, Metal Bat's blows would hit him from the opposite. Their combined blows penetrated deeper than either had on their own, and Sage Centipede's spinning only added to his damage. His body was twisted and mangled, but if Garou didn't act quickly, it wouldn't stay that way. A massive fist swung his way, but Garou was already taking off. Garou punched a hole straight through Sage Centipede. Garou burst through his backside, and with him he brought Sage Centipede's regeneration core.

"Heh, you think you're sneaky, huh? Thought I wouldn't notice this little thing releasing energy whenever you regenerated? Well it's mine now. And if you want it," Garou snarled, pulling his hands back as Sage Centipede bore down on him. "GO GET IT!"

Garou threw Sage Centipede's regeneration core as high into the sky as he could. Sage Centipede climbed up after it, towering into the sky, forgetting about Garou entirely. A fatal mistake. Garou climbed up Sage Centipede's spine, jumping off spike after spike, getting nearer to its head. The remains of his antennae wrapped around his own regeneration core, but by then, it was too late. Garou had climbed too high, jumping off Sage Centipede's back and landing on the underside of the regeneration core. Garou stared down at the monster, his legs coiling in anticipation for this final kill. Unbidden, a memory came to mind.


"Breaking tiles?" Garou scowled.

"Yes, of course," Bang said, a twinkle in his eye. "Doesn't the new guy want to show us what he's capable of?"

"Not so fast," a large man said, rolling up his sleeve. "First, the senior disciple needs to set an example. Watch how it's done, new guy."

The man hit the tiles and cried out in pain. Bang just chuckled. "Those are made of ceramic, so try not to injure yourself…is what I was going to say."

"There's no way anyone could break those!" the large man said, clutching his wounded hand.

Garou just smirked and set up as many tiles as Bang had left for him. With a single blow, he reduced the entire stock to pieces. Garou smirked at Bang triumphantly.

"Oho, very impressive," Bang smiled back. "There's just one left."


As Garou launched himself off of the regeneration core, the unnatural organ exploding above him, Garou knew that this what it. Garou's hand hit the top of the centipede's head and split right through it. Garou flew through the centipede's body, blood and viscera erupting on either side of him. This is what he had been searching for. His fist cleaved the monster in two, destroying every rotten cell in his body. This guy said he was divine retribution? Nah.

This was a blessing.

Garou slammed into the ground, the giant centipede having been entirely cut in half by his fist. He jumped up, somersaulting midair to land on a bit of rock jutting out of the water. This was the epitome of martial arts. The culmination of all the blood, all the sweat, all the tears. Finally, The Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist had reached its full potential.

"You see, old man? I broke 'em all this time," Garou said.

Garou looked around, contemplating what to do next. All of the heroes had been defeated, and since they hadn't shown up to stop him, they probably wouldn't be showing up any time soon. All of the monsters from the Monster Association were dead. Now, there was nothing left to challenge Garou. Nothing left for him to fear. But, even as he thought that, something was bothering him. It felt like something was…off. It felt like he was missing something. Something huge. But what? As Garou stood there, watching the distant waves break against the corpse of Sage Centipede, a thought occurred to him.

"Oh yeah, what happened to the sea monster? Was it killed?"

The sounds of someone landing behind him caught his attention, Garou turned around to get a better view to see who his next foe was going to be.

"So you are Garou, the Hero Hunter? We'd like to talk to you. By the way, I love the design, just screams nothing but badass." Spider-man said as Fubuki who was all healed up with fully restored clothing just like how it was before. Spider-man was still in the same as he was before in his cosmic form.

Garou puts the pieces together looking at the short hero costumed hero, "Oh, so your Spider-man. Well you got that right. I'm Garou the monster. I'm the one who's going to strike all of mankind down to equality into the depths of despair. The one who will become absolute evil."

Fubuki raised an eyebrow as she placed her hands on her hips, "Ok, if you're evil as you say you are, why'd you save the helicopter from being attacked by the Centipede? We saw the whole fight escalate up until you chopped the Centipede in two. In my book that's what I call a hero. I'm pretty sure, Metal Bat really appreciated the help.”

"Tch, of course I did. I needed everyone to witness how powerful I've become, how useless it is for them to resist," Garou said. "And Metal Bat barely even scratched the thing, don't say he helped me. He didn't even make good bait. Now that he and all of the other S Class are out of the way, I will unite this world under my tyrannical fist. Everyone will fear me."

"Oh spare me the theatrics. You didn't kill a single hero. But you do have an impressive track record for killing monsters. How exactly do you plan on ruling the world as a monster if you don't beat the heroes?" Spider-man asked.

"Do you see any heroes left? Once I'm done here, I'm going to go down to the Hero Association and finish this once and for all," Garou said.

"Finish what? What is your plan again? World peace?" Spider-man asked.

Garou scowled. "Everyone will cower in fear of me. How is that peaceful?"

"Cause, according to you, everyone will stop hating each other and just hate you instead," Spider-man said.

"They won't have time to hate each other. This stupid society has fostered the ideal of heroism for far too long. The idea that some people are in the right, regardless of the people they hurt, just because they claim to be a hero. It's time to end that notion," Garou snarled.

"I really don't understand what your beef with the Hero Association is. Sure, it's not the most effective system in the world, but it works. Sure there are problems with it, but nothing is perfect," Spider-man said.

"See, this is where our misunderstanding stems," Garou said. "You have a problem with heroism as a profession. I have a problem with heroism as a concept."

"Ok, admittedly, I am a little frustrated that the Hero Association encourages competition for rank, but that doesn't mean I want to pull it up by the roots," Spider-man said, “No one can understand the weight of being an actual hero. I didn't choose this life at all when I started to out on the mask. These heroes only care about ranks and nothing more.”

"The fact that the Hero Association gives heroes a rank based on their popularity is exactly the shit I'm talking about. Heroism is inherently a popularity contest. Whoever's prettier, more charismatic or whatever is hailed as a hero, and anyone who disagrees is a monster. Right and wrong don't matter. A hero can never be wrong, because they're the good guy, saving the day, spreading goodness and joy and shit. Everyone loves them and will blindly soak up their mediocre hero play just because they're the hero. The monster will always be in the wrong. The monster can never be in the right, it doesn't matter what their intentions are. Because when you've been othered by society, it doesn't matter what you do. No one will care. No one will listen. So I'm going to remind the world that monsters are willing to fight too. I'm going to give you heroes one last punch from the losing side," Garou snarled.

Spider-man tilted his head. "You don't expect to win, do you?"

"The fuck you talking about?" Garou snorted. "Course I'm gonna win. Who's left to stop me?"

"Saitama or me," Spider-man answered.

Garou grinned. "Yeah, I know. You don't have to though. You could join me of course."

"Oh great, here comes the 'we're not so different, you and I speech'," Spider-man groaned, “I'm getting a lot of flashbacks that I want to immediately forget.”

"Oh shut up. I have a problem with the idea of a hero. You've got a problem with the Hero Association. I think we can both agree that things need a shakeup," Garou said.

"And you wanna do that by destroying the Hero Association?" Fubuki asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Destroying the Hero Association is more symbolic than anything," Garou said, flapping his hand. "It's about the message."

"What message? Everyone gets along?" Spider-man asked.

"Exactly!" Garou cried, spreading his arms.

"And what will you do about the monsters then, huh? The Hero Association deals with dozens of threats everyday. You can't be everywhere at once," Spider-man said.

"Where do monsters come from?" Garou asked. "Most of them were humans before something turned them into monsters. Ugmons, pollutants, costume monsters, every human that became a monster blames society for their transformation. I'm just the first monster to embrace it. But with me around, everyone will be so scared of me, they won't have time to hurt anyone else. Society stops making monsters, no more monsters for society to worry about! Except me of course."

Spider-man exhaled, putting his face in his hands. "There is so much wrong with what you just said. I have met people that are far more evil than you could even comprehend. People won't see you as a potential threat.”

Garou rolled his eyes. "Please. I've thought this through. Last chance Spider-man. I'm gonna make real change. I'm gonna be the monster that unites humanity."

"You won't like the world you make," Fubuki warned, “There are many types of monsters in this world. Transformation based or living in human skin. You're cause won't unite all of humanity when there are murderers, rapists, cartels, drug dealers, traffickers still lurking about in the shadows. They are not going to change their ways for the sake of survival off the bat. Those types are the real monster's then you could ever be.”

Garou scoffed, "I'm surprised that you're still kicking around Blizzard, you really have a death wish. Absolute Evil means absolute strength. I need witnesses to spread my influence. I wanted the passengers to know that I'm stronger than any hero or monster. If you both understand that then I suggest that you should think about a career change and get the hell out of here while you're still alive." Garou replies as he waves his hand up and down telling them to move on, "I'm not stopping with the Monster Association, the Hero Association gets annihilated tonight too. I'll make the world understand that my might is impossible to challenge. That means that any leftover heroes have only two choices: Either surrender or oppose me and be crushed."

"So you want world domination then? Like an evil tyrant?" Spider-man guessed.

"No, more like subjugation."

Fubuki scratches the side of her head, "Aren't they the same thing?"

"No they're not."

Spider-man stretched his arms a little bit as a few joints started to pop, "Well if you want to be absolute evil go for it, because honestly I would have to agree with you."

Garou was caught off guard by that, "W-wait what?"

"Yeah, after the time Spider-man and I spent together we couldn't care less about the Association since their system is corrupted. Always been like that since day one. You already saw to that when I saved your life against Death Gatling. But we're still not giving up on being heroes, I'm not doing it for popularity or fame anymore."

"Hmph, so you're saying that you'll still be around when I'm done with completing my goal? What made up your minds about the Association in the first place?"

Fubuki gestured to the small hero next to her, "He's the reason." Spider-man simply waves at Garou.

"Seriously? This bug right here?"

"Not a bug, an arachnid."

Fubuki smirks, "Yup, like I said before in the shed, he's more of a hero than any other that you've encountered. You could also be a hero, it's not too late to turn back Garou."

Garou only scoffs once again, "Honestly, what makes him so special that it was enough to make you fall head over heels for a shrimp like him."

"What's so special about him? Everything." Fubuki gently pulls Spider-man into a side hug, "And that's the reason why we'll be the ones to stop you because that's what true heroes do in the end."

Garou stood in place for a moment, "Hahaha!" Garou started to chuckle before that chuckle morphed into a full-on laugh. He couldn't contain himself anymore.

Spider-man and Fubuki just watched him with a perplexed look. Just when he thought the strange monster was finished, Garou laughed even harder, grabbing at his knees when he hunched over.

"Aaah-! Hahahaha-! A-ha-ha! Oh shit! That's good! That's fuckin' hilarious! You think just because you caught your girlfriend in the nick of time you're hot shit!? That's not gonna happen this time..." He suddenly struck some sort of Kung-fu pose that Spider-man was vaguely familiar with. "Oh well. Could've helped me make some real change. Still, I can't let you stop me. So…sorry."

"Wait, I don't think I'm hot shit." Spider-man said mostly to himself.

"I don't think he cares anymore, Web-head. Let's just try to not hurt him too badly."

"Got it." Spider-man twisted his body, narrowly dodging an attack from Garou who charged him without warning! The force of his attack tore through the ground, shattering it along the path of his attack!

"You wanna play!?" Garou growled with a dangerous glint in his eye. "Alright, heroes! Let's play!"

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