𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 �...

By vcoolcookie

65.2K 1.5K 91

"I love you Percy , 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴" Where Persephone Greyback moves to hogwarts and fal... More

> characters <
platform 9 3/4
narcissa black
astronomy tower
the party
train rides
star chaser
dinner talks
sober up
lily evans
a date?
the ball
flannel shirt

hospital wing

768 24 3
By vcoolcookie

chapter 37

Following on from the incident Persephone was now sat beside James' hospital bed waiting for the speckled boy to wake up.

"Are you sure he's alright Madam Pomfrey" she turned to the nurse who walked by to drop off the boy's medication

"I'm positive Miss , your boyfriend will be okay" she reassured patting the girl on the shoulder as she placed the medicine down

Persephone didn't even have the energy to correct her. She felt extremely guilty for what happened , it was her fault Edward was pissed at James. Whilst her ex was controlling she shouldn't have encouraged him to act out. By cheering James on , she definitely pushed all of his buttons. Which has now led to this - James being sat in the hospital bed still unconscious after 10 hours.

"Seph come on he'll be fine" Sirius said walking into the hospital wing "It wasn't your fault" the boy said almost reading the girl's mind

"But it was my fault Sirius , if I hadn't-"

"Stop overthinking it Seph , James would just be happy you're here" Remus said perching himself on the other side of James

"Who's here?" James croaked , facing Remus and sitting up slightly

"Thank Merlin" Persephone breathed out

"Percy?" the boy whispered turning to face the girl with a content smile resting on his features

"I'm so , so sorry James" she started apologising as James pulled her in for a hug - wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Don't be. I'm just glad you're here" he murmured in her ear , pulling her in tighter

"Prongs you gave us a right scare" Sirius stated dramatically "Try to dodge the bludger next time" he laughed off

"It would be easier if it wasn't aimed at me. Your boyfriend really has it-"

"Ex-boyfriend James" Persephone cut off and judging by the grin that made its way onto James' face , that is just what he needed to hear to cheer him up.

"Why? -" he quizzed the grin still plastered on his face

"Don't worry about it for now James" Remus spoke sending Persephone a wink

"Do get him to take his medicine will you" the group heard Madam Pomfrey say

"I'll take it - don't you fret Poppy" James grinned removing his chin from Persephone's shoulder to pick up the funny coloured liquid

"I should get going now that I know you're fine. I'm sure i've missed a lot of work already" the girl said standing up as soon as she was detached from the injured boy.

"Please stay Percy" James whined latching himself onto her arm - preventing her from moving

"I'll take notes for you Seph , just make sure this idiot doesn't hurt himself anymore" Remus sighed shaking his head at the boy's immature behaviour

"So whipped" Sirius quietly , but not so quietly, said exiting the hospital wing with his boyfriend

"Why are you laughing James?" Persephone asked taking a seat back on the bed

"Last year you were in the hospital and I was the one waiting up on you. Funny that. Roles reversing" he giggled to himself

"I would rather not see you in a hospital bed James"

"I don't really want to be in one if i'm honest they are very uncomfortable" he grimaced moving around trying to get comfortable "In fact I have a great idea. Percy come lay down"

"I'm not laying down in your-"

"Oh come on please. You'll hurt my feelings if not and Moony said make sure I don't-"

The girl shut him up by positioning herself next to him and laying down. "Happy now?"

"Not yet" the boy replied adjusting himself so he was now situated inbetween the girls legs - his head resting on her stomach "Perfect"

Persephone was at a lost for words. She couldn't really leave now if she tried so she just sat there and began to play with James' hair.

"Mhm" he hummed contently "Keep doing that" he said as he further relaxed into the girl underneath him wrapping his arms around her waist "You never did tell me why you and Edward broke up"

"He purposely hit you with a bludger James I wasn't going to stay with him after that" Persephone sighed continuing to play with his hair

"So that's why?"

"Yes?-" she replied confused "Why do you ask?"

"You- You broke up with him over me?" he asked again and this time she could feel him smile

"I suppose so yes"

"Hmm" he hummed into her stomach "He didn't deserve you anyway" was the last thing the boy said before he dozed off , sleeping peacefully in a beautiful girl's lap.

4 chapters in one day . ik what a treat

the reads are going up insanely fast we are now at 8.4k !!!

thankyou all so much for the support on the story . keep voting , commenting and reading <33

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