A Summoner's Story of Love an...

By Equirzon

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After the events of the Orc war, summoner Lord Fletcher Raleigh continues to fight his front. When he is call... More

Some Information
Fixing Spirits - Chapter 1
New Foes - Chapter 2
Battle of Orcs and Wills - Chapter 3
For the Road Ahead - Chapter 4
Unknown Enemy Strategies - Chapter 5
Finding Bonds (and New Friends) - Chapter 6
Battle Ready - Chapter 7
Deceiving at its Finest - Chapter 8
Time For a Little Scavenging - Chapter 9
Homeward Bound is We - Chapter 10
Going Downhill - Chapter 11
In the Barn - Chapter 12
Late-night Meetings - Chapter 13
In the Dark and Terrible - Part 14
Trial and Co. - Part 16

Travellers - Chapter 15

58 6 18
By Equirzon

I've been revived :D. If you like, leave comments and votes. 


It took a month for Fletcher and Seraph to recover. During that time, their company in the small house they were hiding in had changed and switched depending on who was available. Sylva and Othello stayed permanently due to being fugitives, and Arcturus tried to be there as much as he could. Everyone else appeared at random intervals and stayed just the same. Fletcher enjoyed this random visit of friends; it refreshed him.

Once the two boys were fit again, there was about a week left till the trial date. The whole group had gathered in the house. Verity fiddled with her hands.

"I'm wary that this safehouse will be discovered. The Pinkertons and Alfric have went feral since you two escaped Rook and Zacharias' hold. They're tearing up every town, house and hole. Honestly, I think the best place to hide is the ether. I can give you more petals and food to last the week - no one will look for you in there." Arcturus nodded.

"Yes, we'll do so. Where shall we meet the eve of the trial?" he asked. Verity smiled.

"Malik has arranged a safehouse in Antioch for the night, then transport into Corcillum. Also, he's agreed to sign the law as well." Everyone smiled and thanked her. The young girl blushed and wrung her hands. "We best be going to get your supplies," she muttered, "Ill see you all tomorrow morning." Everyone bid her and Finn a soft goodbye, and locked the door behind her. The remaining group sat down on their semi-circle of chairs that they had build around the house's stove. Warmth emanated through fletcher as he neared the stove and took his seat.

Arcturus cleared his throat. "Alright everyone, we have our plans. I, Fletcher, Sylva, Othello and Seraph will depart into the ether as soon as Verity arrives. Elaine, you'll be staying with Arthur and Rowan. You'll be keeping a low profile until the trial, and meet up with us in Antioch. Everyone get a good night's rest." With that, he yawned and slumped into his chair. Everyone nodded and understood what to do. A few minutes later, Arcturus and Elaine excused themselves to bed, followed by Othello, then Rowan. The last three of Fletcher, Sylva and Arthur were content to stay by the stove longer. Sylva was resting against Fletcher, while Arthur was sketching quietly in a small book. Eventually, after hearing Sylva yawn, Fletcher bid Arthur goodnight, and stood up with Sylva. They made their way to their bedroll and curled up in the enveloping warmth the blankets provided.


Fletcher woke up to a knocking on the front door. He sneezed and untangled himself from Sylva, and stretched as he stood. Arcturus went to the door and opened it, letting Verity and Finn inside. The latter had a large sack slung over his shoulder. He gingerly set it on the floor in front of Arcturus.

"You'll find all you need in there. We bid you good luck." He said, nodding to the older man. Arcturus thanked him and took the bag. He looked to fletcher.

"Get Seraph, Othello and Sylva up, fletcher. Tell them to gather their things; we're leaving." Fletcher walked back to the sleeping bodies. Othello was the one closest to him. he shook the dwarf's shoulder then went to Seraph. Doing the same, he woke the boy up, then went to Sylva. Smiling, he got on his knee and kissed her brow. It crinkled as she awoke.

"Come on, we're leaving." he whispered. She smiled up at him, then leaned upwards and gave him a peck on his mouth. She then rose and started getting ready.

In about five minutes, the five summoners stood ready to attention. Verity smiled at them, and Arcturus went over to Elaine. He gently awoke her and told her of their leave. She hugged him farewell and shot a smile at the teenagers standing beside him, wishing them well. Then, they turned to see Finn and Verity rolling out a large panel of leather on the floor for them to leave to the ether. They opened the portal, took the petals, and walked through.


They had entered in a forest, light streaming through leaves. The demons were summoned in a flash, the creatures attentive immediately. Fletcher mounted Ignatius, Othello mounting behind him, as Seraph and Arcturus hopped on Buck, and Sylva on Erilite. They soon took to the skies, the wind beat by the demons' wings.

Night descended quickly, and soon the demons were forced out of the sky and to the forest below. The group set up a perimeter around their camp, checking for wild demons. When they found none of harm, they settled down for the night, striking up a fire and snacking on the provisions Verity had given them. After feeding their demons and chatting, the team unrolled their bedrolls and called it a night.

Dawn came as quick as night, and Arcturus rose them early. Grumbling and yawning, the group spent the day hunting and exploring. Fletcher took the time to train with Ignatius and Athena, and practice his fighting. Seraph joined in as well, using the training to bond more with Aloc. The next few days flew quickly in an order of weapons management, training, bonding and checking the surroundings. On the fifth day of the ether, a commotion was heard beside their camp. The group rushed over, ready for battle, to find Athena tussling with a coatl that had wandered into the perimeter. She soon beat it, though wounded, and she huddled into Fletcher's open arms. He started healing her, and regarded the coatl still lying on its branch.

"Who wants it? I mean, it's a good demon, and it's already beat." Othello said. "I'm full, so it can't be me."

"What about Sylva? You've got enough to take in another demon, right?" Fletcher asked, turning his head to her and smoothing Athena's feathers. The others hummed in agreement.

"I can try," Sylva said. Arcturus handed her a spare scroll, and Sylva held the scroll in front of the demon. It started infusing, and Sylva swayed in struggle. Fletcher crouched beside her, hands on her shoulders. With a gasp, the coatl disappeared, absorbed completely. Sylva fell against Fletcher's chest, heaving. He gave her a kiss to the head, muttering his congratulations. Once she was collected enough, she stood and summoned the creature. It flapped its wings and curled itself around Sylva's shoulders, its predatory green eyes looking into hers. It had grey, blue and green plumage, its feathers soft and supple. It was quite a large serpent, thick and lengthy. Fletcher estimated it could be as long as Ignatius from beak to tail. Sylva smiled at her new companion, and it slithered to a tree branch. She spent the rest of the afternoon bonding with it, and introducing it to Erilite.

The morning of departure arrived with no further issues, and soon the team of summoners and their demons were at the meeting point where Verity would open a portal for them to go through. They sat on logs and infused the majority of their demons, only keeping the smaller ones for safety. They jumped when a portal flashed open, and they saw Verity through its mouth. They quickly entered through, seeing that their new environment was one of sandstone walls. The last of the demons were infused and the group greeted their friends. Fletcher froze as he came face to face with Malik Saladin. He hadn't changed much since their fight in first year. Fletcher extended a hand, and to his surprise, Malik took it firmly.

"Fletcher. I am pleased to see you all safe. I'm sure Verity told you that I will sign the law for you. I'm grateful you are accepting my help." Fletcher smiled at him.

"And I am grateful you are giving it. Thank you also, for letting us stay here for tonight, and helping us get to the trial." Malik nodded, and the group walked out of the portal room, Malik and Verity leading them to another room with a table laden with foods, and Cress, Briss and Uhtred. They dined merrily then, telling others of their time away, and soon, the feast was devoured, and everyone was ushered to rooms to ensure early nights for the trial tomorrow. As Fletcher snaked his arms around Sylva as they lay in bed, he prayed for the trial to go smoothly. 

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