Wednesday (Wednesday X Reader)

By HorrorFox_Universal

55.4K 1.2K 702

You play as y/n,a blood elf driven by mischief and get kicked from your previous school for losing... More

Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 2
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 3
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 4
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 2
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 3
Friend or Woe Part 1
Friend or Woe Part 2
Friend or Woe Part 3
Woe What a Night Part 1
Woe What a Night Part 2
You Reap What You Woe Part 1
You Reap What You Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 1
Quid Pro Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 3
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 1
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 2
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 3
A Murder of Woes Part 1
A Murder of Woes Part 2
The Addams House Part 1
The Addams House Part 2
Addams House Part 3
Idea for chapter.i need comments help.

Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 1

2.9K 53 13
By HorrorFox_Universal

This story is about to take a dark turn.

Usually,I love dark turns.

Like when the carousel brakes mysteriously failed at my eighth birthday party.

But not this one.

"How could you miss a dead body?"y/n practically yelled.

"Cause it wasn't there.No footprints,no blood,no sigh of struggle.Nada.My search party looked all night."the sheriff explained.

"Well your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home."I seeth.

"We saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of our eyes!"y/n scoffed.

"Get a good look at this monster thing?"the sheriff asked us.

"It didn't stick around for a chat."I reply.

"Maybe it was one of your classmates."the sheriff suggested.

"Sheriff,I find that question offensive."I glare.

"I don't care,cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue.Hikers just ripped apart in the woods."the Sheriff thought.

"The mayor said those were bear attacks."y/n pointed out.

"Well,the mayor and I disagree on that."the Sheriff shot back.

"So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer,even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed."I state.

"I'm sorry.I forgot you only teach the good outcasts here,right?"The sheriff scoffed.

Principal.Weems sighs.

"My guess is Rowan ran away."Weems sighed.

"State troopers have put out an alert,and I've contacted his family,but they haven't heard from him either."the sheriff told Weems.

"Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls."y/n states.

"What were you doing out in the woods with him Wednesday Addams and Y/n Dahlia?"the sheriff asked the both of us.

"I heard a noise in the forest and went to go investigate.Y/n followed me.That's when I stumbled upon the attack."I lie.

"Then what happened?"the sheriff encouraged.

"Then we ran into Bianca Barclay,and I told her to go for help.Next thing I remember,me and y/n awoke in our dorm."I continue.

"And just to be clear,this monster wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?"The sheriff sighed.

"I've hibernated with grizzlies.I know the difference."I scowl.

"The you sheriff.I think Miss Addams and Miss Dahlia are done."Weems figdeted with some papers.

"Actually.We would like to speak with Sheriff Galphin.Alone."I stare sternly.

"I'm not sure I can allow that."Weems looked at the sheriff.

"I'm sure I could take them to the station and get a formal statement."Sheriff Galphin suggested.

"Yes,let's go."y/n and I stood up.

"Fine.You have five minutes,and everything is off the record.Play nice...or I will call the mayor."Weems threatened before leaving the room.

"Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder.That's the only reason to scrub the crime scene."I quikly stated.

"Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer?"The Sheriff glared.

"My father's twice the man you are,and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower."I scoff.

y/n almost laughed at that.

"It's been a long night.I'm tired of your games."the sheriff rubbed between his eyebrows in annoyance and stress.

"We're not playing games.We're telling the truth.You want to reject our claims,but you can't."y/n frowned.

"Why is that?"The sheriff stared at y/n.

"Because you and I both know there's a monster out there.And Rowans's his latest victim."y/n gazed at the ground in contemplation.

A police officer came into the room and told sheriff to look at this.

Rowan entered the room.

That shouldn't be possible.

He's dead.

Me and y/n looked at this imposter of Rowan in shock.

time skip,at Kinbott's.

"Help me understand why you two claim to have witnessed a murder.Was it to gain attention?"Kinbott asked the two of us.

"Why should we bother telling you anything?You've already decided we are lying.We know what we saw."y/n hissed.

"Your lives had a lot of upheaval recently.It's ok to be confused about things."Kinbott smiled.

"Don't try and lure us into one of your psychological traps."y/n scoffed.

"No one is trying to trap you two.I'm here to help you process your emotions."Kinbott grabbed a folder to write something down.

"Emotions are a gateway trait.They lead to feelings,which trigger tears.I don't do tears."I glare.

"Tell me how your adjusting to school."Kinbott sighed.

"Sartre said 'hell is other people'.He was my first crush."I replied.

"Wednesday,y/n.Part of the reason your parents sent you to Nevermore is so you could find your people.Become a part of a larger community."Kinbott said softly.

"I like being an island."I state.

"A well fortified one surrounded by sharks."Y/n added.

"Have you considered your antisocial tendencies might be motivated by fear of rejection?"Kinbott questioned.

"If you were to reject me,I would not be upset."I reply.

"I've been rejected many a time,it no longer affects me."y/ns answers as well.

"You can't get rid of me that easily.And look,you made it through an entire session without trying to escape.I'll take that as a win."Kinbott sighed happily,letting us out.

Me and Wednesday decided to walk to the cafe and speak to Tyler.

"Guess you two decided to stick around Jericho.You see Dr.Kinbott too?"Tyler asked us.

"You should know we are legally required to be here.'Y/n murmured.

"Uh,me too.Court ordered.Look at us.A couple of teenage tearaways.Why are you two coming out at the same time?"Tyler glanced at the both of us.

"Weems thinks because me and Wednesday are here for similar reasons,it would be best to have therapy sessions together.To bond more."y/n sighed.

We are both tired of this.

'Got it.Hey,when you two ran off last night at the Harvest Festival,I wasn't sure what happened,and then I heard...Kinda crazy."Tyler chuckled awkwardly.

"Everyone,including your father,believes we made it all up."Y/n growled.

'You know I...You know,for the record,I believe you two."Tyler smiled.

We gave a small nod and let,having to go back to Nevermore.

Time skip,at the school.

"Ladies!Come on!Let's work on those teeth.More scowl.This kitty is taking no prisoners.If Bianca Barclay wins again this year,I will literally scratch my own eyes out!"Enid yells at a group of kids shaping and painting a boat.

"I would pay money to see that."I state.

"That would be very entertaining."y/n stares.

"Howdy roomies!I'm so glad you two wanted to stay."Enis smiles warmly.

"I thought you wanted your single room back."y/n gace a questioning look.

"Full disclosure,I don't like living solo,I love the music you two play,and Thing gives a killer neck massage.It's a win-win.So...why the change of heart?"Enid asked us.

"We refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game."y/n scowled.

"You mean Rowan?"Enid smiled.

"We witnessed his murder,Enid."I sigh.

"It's just,we all saw him this morning.Very much,like,not dead."Enid looked sheepish.

"I know.Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind.It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated.Your Nevermore's gossip queen.What's Rowans story?"I ask.

"Other than being a weird loner...uh...No offense you two."Enid rubs the back of her head.

"None taken."y/n scoffs.

Did she eat anything at all yet today?

"Xavier Thorpe's his roommate.If you had a phone,you could just text him and ask him.Yoko.Come on!Flare those whiskers.The Poe Cup droops for no one."Enid yells at the others.

"What is the Poe cup anyways?"Y/n asks,becoming interested.

"My entire reason for living right now.Part canoe race,part foot chase race,no rules.Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allan Poe short story for inspiration.You could grab a brush.Ms.Thornhill's just ordered pizza.Want to take a stab at being social?"Enid asks us.

"I do like stabbing."y/n contemplates.

"The social part,not so much.Besides,it'll cut into my writing time."I look down.

y/n stares at something in the distance and runs off.

"No worries.Just as long as you're lakeside cheering us to victory on race day.Or you can just glare uncomfortably.Whatever works for you.Were'd y/n go?"Enid explains and asks.

Y/n came back holding a cup of something and eating that something with a spoon.

"What are you eating?"I ask.

Y/n looked sheepish.

"A slushy.Someone was selling them down the corner and i'm a sucker for cold and slightly sweetened snow.Plus,they had apple juice."y/n eats her slushie snowcone thing.

"I never though you'd like that."Enid stares at y/n.

"Shut up!I will like what I like.Plus,I'm stressed and hungry for something.So unless you want me eating you,mind your business."y/n glares,slowly eating the cup of frozen flavored water.


I can't tell if I want to laugh at this strangeness I never expected from y/n,or be shameful of it.

I chose the first.

y/n's pov.

Wednesday gave a small chuckle,barely visible to the normal ears.

"What's so funny."I glare.

Wednesday just walks away.

"Why'd you ask her that?I didn't hear anything."Enid looks at me and Wednesday.

Or Wednesday's back as she walked away.

"She gave the smallest of laughs.I heard it.I cannot tell if I want to hurt her,or laugh back."I say with a slightly mad frown.

"Wednesday can laugh!?"Enid says in shock.

"Anyone can dumb ass.Laughing is just very rare for some."I frown.

"You are very mad right now."Enid smiles.

I give a small growl.

Of course I'm mad!

No on believes that Rowan was killed,and now there's a fake Rowan.

And people are judging my love of cold flavored snow.

God forbid I like ONE thing most 'normal' people like.

"I'm leaving.I need blood."I state as I walk away.

I enter Ms.Thornhill's office and see some nightshade plabts in her office.

She was there too.

"Oh!I wasn't expecting you!What are you holding?"Ms.Thirnhill asked me.

"A slushie.But could I get a bag of blood?Or two...I need more than flavored cold water.'I explain.

"Of course!The shipment came today,so you can take a whole healthy weeks worth of blood right now."Ms.Thornhill smiled.

I give a small nod as I finish my slushie and throw the remains of it in her trash.

Grabbing the large and semi heavy box,I slowly make my way to the dorm.

I would normally use magic,but I haven't eaten enough.

I make it in.

"Finally!"I breath.

Thing comes over and checks if i'm ok.

"Yeah,i'm good.This is just heavy,and I was made fun of by SOMEBODY!For liking slushies."my eye twitches.

Thing laughs at me too.

"Oh be an ass.Can I not appreciate snow?And cold?And one thing a lot of normal people like?Nope!"I say with exasperation.

Wednesday said nothing and just continued to write on her typewriter.


I open the box of blood and inhale the lovely scent.

"Beautiful.I wish it was fresh.'I sigh sadly.

I take a bag out and slowly eat the blood.


Much better.

"How did you hear me?I though I was a bit more quiet."Wednesday suddenly spoke.

"Uh,do you not notice my ears?They are like,two times better than the average humans.Never thought I'd be the one you laugh at."I answer.

Wednesday's pov.

"Ah."I simply put.

"I honestly feel the same about that."I admit.

I talk a lot more when I'm around y/n.

Having one closer friend may not be that bad.

"I was just being grouchy though.If I had eaten,I wouldn't have said anything and moved on."y/n sighs.

"Understandable.Anyways,we need to talk to Weems about Rowan.I haven't seen him at all today."I get on track.

"I'm taking a blood bag with me."y/n gets up.

I finish writing and get up as well.

We walk towards Weems's office.

"We need to talk to Rowan.I can't find him."I explain to Weems.

"It won't be possible,i'm afraid.He's been expelled."Weems smiled.

"For what?"Y/n asks,looking a bit angry again.

Her lack of food for a whole two weeks must be maddening.

"Never you mind.He'll be out on the first train this afternoon.What were you two doing out in the woods with him?"Weems asked us.

"We already told you.We heard a noise,and went to investigate."Y/n scowled.

Weems scoffs at that.

"That excuse might have placated the Sheriff,but you can't fool me.You had a vision didn't you?And you must have touched each other,or bumped into Rowan at the same time.Blood Elves are almost never seers.I realized you might be having visions when we passed by the accident and you knew that poor farmer had broken his neck.Your mother started having visions around your age.They were notoriously unreliable and dangerous.I remember at first,she thought she might be losing her mind.Have you spoken to her about them?Clearly the person withholding information here is you two."Weems smiles.

'May I go now?"I ask.

"Not until you've picked you extracurricular activity.We want our students to be well-rounded."Weems grins.

"I prefer to remain sharp edged,"y/n hisses,showing her sharp teeth.

"I took the liberty of putting together a list of clubs that have openings."Weems hands me a small paper of the clubs.

"How thoughtful."I state with a sour look.

"You two need to have picked one by the end of the day.I'll be keeping my eyes on you.No doubt you'll find something that tickles your fancy."Weems smiles.

"The last person who tickled me,lost a finger."y/n growls,exiting the room.

Me and y/n stop at a ledge for a moment to think.

Y/n hid her feelings,but I knew she was peeved at this.

We walk up to our dorm in silence.

"I will be killing her quite soon if she forces me to indulge in any more social gatherings."y/n frowns.

"Weems is clearly trying to keeps tabs on us.Keep an eye on Rowan.Don't let your fingers out of his sight."I tell Thing.

He quickly leaves to find and follow Rowan.

Y/n was just breathing and humming a bit in contemplation.

"Alright,I'm ready.Where we going first?"y/n sighs,grabbing another blood bag.

She's going to be eating a lot this first week,probably to make up for the lack of food from last week.

"Singing club of sorts."I reply.

"Wonderful."y/n snorts sarcastically.

This was led by Bianca.

"We got scales on scales on scales on scales"the group sang.

"Weems said you two would be stopping by.But to be honest,after your performance at the Harvest Festival,drama club might be more your speed."Bianca smirked.

"After we passed out,who did you tell?The sheriff?"I ask Bianca.

"You think I'd trust normie cops?I went straight to Weems and let her handle it.Anyways,let's get this audition over.What are you two?Alto,soprano,or just loco?"Bianca says snidely.

The group laughs and Someone plays a note.

Wednesday opens her mouth and everyone hears nothing.

Y/n winces a bit.

She must've heard it.

A glass breaks and some wondows and frames crack.

"What was that?"Bianca asked.

"A note only dogs can hear."I reply quickly.

"Whatever.Your turn freak."Bianca points at y/n.

"I don't sing.I play instrument."y/n stares.

"What,afraid your bad?"Bianca laughs.

"No,I know my singing is terrible.The last person who heard me sing went deaf.I don't think a siren would want that."y/n gazes at Bianca.

Bianca looked mad.

Me and y/n walked away,leaving the forsaken group.

We next went to archery.

y/n seemed to perk up a bit at this one.

"Huh.You two actually showed up.Ever shot a bow and arrow before?"Xavier asked the both of us.

"Only on live targets."Me and y/n synched.

"Okay.Square stance.Load the arrow like this,yellow side out.Three fingers.Pull it back..and let it fly.Any questions?"Xavier shot,missing the bullseye.

"When's the last time you saw your roommate Rowan?"y/n asked.,grabbing a bow and messing with it.

"You mean the one that was killed by a monster?The Harvest Festival.I haven't talked to him since.But his side of the room was all packed this morning.Rowan's been a little off,but,ih,the last couple of weeks he's been more erratic.You know,telekinesis can mess with your head,you know.He's...It started to freak me out.So what's the deal with you and Tyler?"Xavier shot another arrow.

Me and y/n glared at him.

"I'm sorry,were you the only one who got to ask non-archery questions?"Xavier smirked.

"There is no deal.He was doing me a favor driving me and y/n out of town."I explain sourly.

"Yeah,word of advice.Steer clear."Xavier frowned.

"Why,because he's a normie?"y/n asked,messing with an arrow now.

"Tyler and his friends are jerks.They can't stand that this school's propping up their Podunk town."Xavier glared.

"Says the boy whose life was served on a silver platter."y/n glared back.

"Hey,girls in glass houses-""Should throw bigger stones."I interject.

I also grab a bow and arrow and hook it up.

"At least i'm not an elitist snob."y/n shot an arrow at the same time as me,the both of us hitting a bullseye.

"Ouch."Xavier frowned.

We both gave him a look before moving on to beekeeping.

This one interests me the slightest bit.

"Are you interested in the ancient art of beekeeping?Eugene.Eugene Ottinger.Founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers."Eugene introduced happily.

"Wednesday.Wednesday Addams."I reply.

"And i'm y/n.Y/n Dahlia."y/n states.

"Am I late?Or it it only you?The hive life isn't for everyone.Most kids are afraid of venomous insects.Are you willing to feel the sting?Bees have been producing hiney in the same way for 150 million years.They're nature perfect community.All working together to achieve a common goal.Fun fact,it's also one of the few ecosystems in which females dominate.From the queen bee to her workers.There's no patriarchy in the hive"Eugene smiles happily.

Me and y/n look at each other.

We had plans to try and talk to Rowan before he left.

We nod approvingly at Eugene before running off.

"Rowan!We need to talk!"I yell,walking quickly towards him.

"Wednesday,i'm not allowed to speak to anyone."Rowan glares.

"You had a lot to say when you tried to kill us.Told us we were destined to destroy the school,remember?Where did you get that drawing?"y/n confronted.

"I just went into the woods to clear my head.Then you two came after me."Rowan looked down.

"Wednesday,y/n.You two shouldn't be here."Ms.Thornhill came up.

"Yeah,back off and leave me alone."Rowan slammed the car door shut and the driver  drove off.

Damn it.

I hear a low growling come from behind me.

Y/n's eyes were glowing a slight pink.

I've never seen that.

Me and y/n make our way to the plant study room.

I meet Thing there.

"Let me give you all the materials again...How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?A lefty wouldn't have failed me."I meanly state.

Thing started to sulk.

"Don't sulk.I'm going to have to find new evidence myself,since you lost our only lead."I finish with Thing.

He left and went back to the dorm.

"I see you finally made a new friend.Even if it is a plant."Bianca snidely states,looking judgingly at y/n.

"I go for quality over quantity."I reply.

Bianca scoffs and sits down.

y/n takes a seat next to her.

Her eyes are still a bit pink.

Or red.

It's quite pale.

"There's an open spot next to me.If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob."Xavier sighs,using his abilities to mess with a drawn spider on his paper.

"I doubt Wednesday or y/n are impressed by your tricks,Mr.Thorpe."Ms.Thornhill scoffs.

"Admit it,you're a little impressed."Xavier smirks.

I slam my hand on the of the page spider,turning it back into dusty charcoal.

y/n uses her magic to whip his paper off his desk and rip into shreds.

Xavier looks down as others laugh.

"Now,who can tell us the name of this beauty?"Ms.Thornhill asked,bringing out a ghost orchid.

"Dendrophylax Lindenii."I state.

"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid.'Bianca looks at me then ms.Thornhill.

I was about to say another thing when y/n beat me to it.

"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854."Y/n adds.

"Very good Wednesday and y/n.You may have competition for first chair Bianca."Ms.Thornhill smiles.

The class snicker a bit.

"Wednesday,y/n.Perhaps you can Identify the ghost orchids greatest qualities."Ms.Thornhill suggests.

"Resiliance and adaptability."I answer.

"It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments."Bianca glares.

"But it's mere presence can change the ecosystem,causing the established plants to reject it."y/n adds.

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked."Bianca smiles meanly.

"Nothing a Weedwacker couldn't fix."I state.

"You can most certainly try."Bianca scowls.

"Are we still talking about flowers?"Xavier chuckles awkwardly.

"Thank you ladies,for those illuminating insights.Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today."Ms.Thornhill grins.

We were able to go back to our dorms for a bit.

Me and y/n chose beekeeping as our club.

It has the least people apart of it.

"We need to get back to the woods,but Weems is watching us like a vulture circling a carcass."I explain to Enid.

"And you want me to cover so that you two can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?"Enid raises and eyebrow in question.

"We have beekeeping club this afternoon.I need you as a decoy."y/n explains for me.

"Sorry.Two strikes.I'm busy,and bees totally creep me out.Why don't you ask Thing?Oh wait,you can't because he's mad at you."Enid smiles with venom.

"Why's he mad?He's the one who screwed up."I glare.

"All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis,and he really opened up.He feels like you don't respect him as a person,and that y/n just follows your footsteps."Enid sighs.

"Technically,he's a hand."I say with a frank tone.

""Wednesday!He's your family.And he would do anything for you.Go apologize and I'll reconsider helping you and y/n."Enid turns away from us.

I walk toward Thing,who was flipping the pages of a book,or magazine.

"I snapped at you.I'll check my tone in the future.Now chop-chop,before all our leads turn cold."I say quickly.

Thing continues flipping the pages.

"What is it that you want.Hand cream?Nail buffer?New cuticle scissors?Consider it done."I add.

This is humiliating.

Thing taps a give me the truth or whatever.

"I know i'm stubborn,single minded and obsessive.But those are all traits of great writers."I almost plead.

"And serial killers,which isn't a bad thing in both of our cases."y/n adds.

"Yes.And serial killers.What's your point though.I have nothing to get off my chest,and I am not submitting to your emotional blackmail."I scoff.

"Then I'll go first.Thing wants an apology from me too.When Rowan showed that picture,it made me fearful of myself and this school...and Wednesday.I'd prefer no one is responsible for a mass genocide and arson."y/n admits.

I sigh.

"Fine.When Rowan showed us the drawing,it confirmed my greatest fear.That I'm going to be responsible for something terrible.Not good terrible,like Ivan.Bad terrible.And I can't let that happen.That's why me and y/n need to find out the truth.Breath a word of this to anyone,and I will end you."I glare at Thing.

If he had a face,I know it would be grinning.

"My question,is who is the third person?We seem to be fighting them.So are we the ones dooming the school?Or fighting for it."y/n murmurs.

That is a good question.

Time skip,at the beehive thing.

"If Weems comes sniffing around,look grim,and don't say a word."I explain to the slightly terrified Enid.

"Payback is going to be a bitch.'Enid frowns.

"I'd expect nothing less."Y/n sighs.

Her excuse for not being here is that she still needs time to gain energy and food from the last two weeks of practically nothing.

She even brought a couple blood bags with her.

"Blab and I will squeeze you like honeycomb.Snitches get stung.It's hive code.Besides.I should be thanking you.This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed.Other than bees."Eugene said awkwardly.

"Shocking."I shake my head.

"I've always had a thing for werewolf chicks."Eugene practically beams.

"The chance Enid ever becomes romantically interested than you is less than one percent."Y/n frowns.

"So I've still got a chance?Yes!In ancient times,honey was used to trea wounds and in sacrificial rites.Cleopatra was rumored to bathe in honey.Gave her skin a luminous glow.You ever taken a honey bath?"Eugene asked Enid.

"I just don't wanna get stung."Enid breathes heavily.

That's the last thing I heard before leaving the school and getting picked up by Tyler.

He covered us in something so the dogs wouldn't smell us.

"Sorry.I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your scent."Tyler smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks.How'd you throw them off?"I asked,still not knowing what was on the three of us.

"Uh...Coffee grounds?Deer-hunting hack.One of the perks of being a part time barista."Tyler smiled.

"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch."y/n grimaced.

"He doesn't tell me shit.You must think it's weird i'm stalking him."Tyler frowned.

"No.I consistantly stalk my parents."I stare.

"Hey,what really happened the other night at the festival?Look,I swear I won't say anything to my dad."Tyler promised.

"Wednesday thought Rowan was in danger.She was wrong.Rowan then proceeded to use his telekinesis to try and choke us to death."y/n explained for me.

"Holy shit.Why...why would he do that?"Tyler gulped.

"No idea.That's when this monster came out of the shadows and gutted him."I finish.

" you really saw it?And it didn't try to kill you two?"Tyler freaked.

"It actually saved me and y/n from Rowan.That's the part i'm trying to figure out.I came here to find something that can prove he was murdered and that we haven't lost our minds.Yet."I contemplate.

"Over here.These are Rowan's.We knew this was a cover up."y/n pointed.

I touch the area and get a vision.

A purple book with a cover mark I've seen before.

Xavier and Rowan fighting.

"Wednesday!"I hear y/n yell.

I snap out of it.

"Are you ok?"Tyler asked me.

"Yeah.I'm fine.We need to get back now though.We need rest and we don't want to get caught by Weems."I brush off.

I'll think about this later.

Tyler drops us off and we get back smoothly.

"You sure your ok?"y/n asks me.

"Yeah.These plague like visions are useful nuisances."I grimace.

"Got it."Y/n states,grabbing a blood bag.

She doesn't drink from it though.

Y/n just seems to be lost in thought.

Thing gets my attention.

He taps a 'maybe you should talk to her?'

"No."I answer simply.

I start writing more.

y/n's pov.

Everything is so strange.

I felt a little guilty leaving Enid in that bee house.

I'm feeling annoyed with others and annoyed at what's happening,and I was worried when Wednesday got a vision.

I NEVER feel worry.

I've never BEEN worried before.

And when she got a vision,I saw a purple cover of a book.

It had the same water mark as the one on the drawing.

"Fine.You are very annoying,i'll have you know."Wednesday whispered to Thing.

Wednesday walked over to me.

"You feeling ok?Thing wanted me to ask."Wednesday asked me.

I look at her pale,but pretty face.

Her black eyes,black hair,all her feature.


"Yeah,i'm good.Just thinking."I breath.

"You sure?You've been acting weird.More emotional,more angry,and your eyes flashed pink for a time."Wednesday sat down on a chair in front of me.

"Bianca just get's on my nerves,as they do your.And everything happening at this school not going our way,it's getting me annoyed.And my eyes flash that glowy pink color when i'm using more continuos magic."I explain.

"Why were you using continuos magic?"Wednesday questioned.

"Happens when i'm mad.I use magic without realizing I'm using magic.Or when I'm extremely stressed,or afraid."I also explain.

"Ah.That...makes sense."Wednesday thought for a moment.

"How's your novel coming along?"I ask.

"It's coming along well.I'm using myself as inspiration for this novel."Wednesday explained.

"Great person to base Viper on."I chuckle softly.

 Wednesday gave me a strange look.

Werewolves outside started howling.

"Great.I'm going to try and sleep before every werewolf turns."I scowl,getting up and walking to the bunks.

"That book.The purple one.I can help you find it in the library tomorrow."I rub my eyes.

"Thanks.That would be a helpful approach."Wednesday sighed,feeling tired as well.

"I'd suggest sleeping right now too if you want to miss the the werewolf show."I murmur,passing out.

Wednesday's pov.

Yeah.I'll...I'll do that."I sigh.

What is happening in this town?

This school?

I will get to the bottom of this.

4116 words -------- 12/17/2022

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