Friend or Woe Part 1

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I noticed the watermark on the underneath of the book statue poe was holding.

I contemplated going to investigate alone,but I enjoy y/n company,and she may help me,or have some fun.

"Wake up y/n.I have a lead on where to go next."I whisper,shaking the black and pink haired girl awake.

"Huh?Asshole."she groans,getting up.

She glares at me while grabbing a blood bag on the go.

"Don't glare at me.You'll want to see this."Istare blankly.

y/n sighs.

"Fine.Let's go."she exits the room and I close the door behind us.

I walk to the statue.

"Alright.Little hallway area people won't see us in.Either I'm getting killed,kissed,or shown something.I'm guessing the last option."y/m looked at me.

The kissed part caught me off guard,but y/n is tired and probably didn't even realized what she said.

I walk over too the book with my notepad in hand.

y/n just looks at the back of my head,waiting for what i'm too say.

"Don't worry Edgar Allan.I see your sanctimious smirk.But I will get the last laugh.Your penchant for riddles was legendary.And this might be your cleverest yet.Because it's not a single riddle.Rather,each line is it's own seperate one."I whisper to myself.

I turn to look at the now intrigued y/n.

"Color me intrigued.Let's solve these,shall we?"y/n smiled softly.

I give a small nod before turning to look at the open metal book in Allen's hand.

"The opposite of moon.""Sun."

"A world between ours.""Nether."

"Two months before June.""April."

"A self seeding flower.""Pansy."

"One more than one."Two."

"It's leaves weep to the ground.""Willow."

"It melts in the sun.""Ice."

"It's beginning and end never found.""Circle."

"Every rule has one.""Exception."

y/n answers the easy riddles one by one.

"The words in a sentence make no sense,but if you circle the first letter of each answer..."Y/n trails off as she softly grabs my pencil and notebook from my hand and circled each first letter.

She gives a small smile before standing back and handing me my notebook and pencil.

"S.N.A.P T.W.I.C.E"She grins,snapping both hands twice.

The bird on Allens other arm flapped it's wings slowly down,gears making noises in the dark.

I give her a slightly excited look before entering the now open secret passageway.

We walk down a spiral staircase to a library filled with very old books.

I heard y/n make a little giggle.

"Well this is fun."She grins,her fangs intensifying the cuteness of her smile.

Not the time Wedesday.

And then we were both suddenly grabbed with a bag over our head.

Now let's asses the situation.

Bag over our heads for optimal disorientation,wrists now tied tight enough to cut off circulation,and no idea if we are going to live or die.

Wednesday (Wednesday X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora