Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

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"Hey y/n,your a vampire right?"Misty asks me.

"Not a vampire,a blood elf,how many times do I have to tell you this."I sigh.

"It's the same thing,just admit it!Your not that special just because your a fullblood."Misty scoffed.

"That's it.I'm done."I growl,pouncing at my ex friend and attacking her.

By the time im finished with her,she was quite drained of blood.

Both from my feast and from the blood on the school cafeteria floor.

Time skip,in the principals office.

"I'm sorry y/n Dahlia,but your expelled from this school.Good luck."The principal escorted me outside.

My ex friends parents saw me and gave a semi fearful glare.

I flashed my fangs with a grin.

They looked away.

I got in the old fashioned car suited for people to ride while facing each other.

"Darling,your lucky they didn't press charges,you could have killed her."My mother,Amelia,scolded.

"I could care less if she died or not.She commented once to many times on my liniage.I was sick of the disrespect.Plus,I haven't had good blood in a long while.I was getting hungry."I glare.

"Not the point little Dahlia.Your going to Nevermore in a week.You'll love it there.I was able to meet many great people there.Including Morticia.It's been so long since I last saw her."My mother exclaimed with glee.

Damn it.

I don't feel the need to go to school.

My GPA is higher than most's and I can handle myself.

But whatever.

I can always escape.

"Your also going to a therapist to help with your emotional issues."My father,Nathaniel,added.

I kept a straight face.

But are you FUCKING kidding me!

Time skip,a week later,in the car.

"I promise you'll like the school,there is no need to ignore me.Maybe you'll find true friends,and maybe even a crush."My mother teases.

"I don't do crushes.I don't like people and people don't like me.There is a reason I was called cold hearted."I comment.

These assholes.

We enter the school gates.

There was a similer car in front of us that stopped on the other side of the entrance.

"Oh my goodness!It's the Addams!"My mother smiled with glee.

We got out of the car as the Addams did.

Morticia saw my mother and ushered her husband and someone else towards me and my family.

"Morticia!It's been so long!How is your family?I hear you have two kids now."My mother grinned,pulling Morticia in a tight hug.

"I do.One of them is here right now,wednesday,if you would introduce yourself.

A girl with double braided jet black hair,black eyes,pale skin,and light freckles stepped a little closer to the rest of us.

Her expression was as emotionless as mine,or would have been if I wasn't slightly taken aback by her beauty.

That's just an Addams thing,isn't it.

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