If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 1

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I always liked going to funerals.

I've been crashing them since I was old enough to read the obituary section.

"God is our refuge and strength."The priest spoke.

Mayor Walker was murdered,and I know the killer is here,standing innocently among us,plotting their next move.

I know I'm close to the truth.

I have all the pieces of the jigsaw.

I just need to slot them in place.

Cue the sad music.

I must look past the tears and masks of grief.

Until now,I may have been outmatched and outmaneuvered,but the final gambit and I'll be ready.

But I am upset about one thing.


She's been distant,and people have been saying she seems a bit...numb.


Closer to how she acted when she first got here,but a bit worse.

I must say i'm a little worried about that.

Her and Enid haven't been talked either,and Enid is still sleeping at Yoko's.

I heard a small snap of some twigs and knew i was being followed.

Once I heard the steps right behind me,I spun around to attack the stranger.

Me and them had a little fight,before I saw that it was Uncle Fester.

He zapped his hands a bit in joy.

"Still as sharp as ever,my pig-tailed protege."Fester grinned.

"Uncle Fester."I smiled.

He's the one dude in my family that I actually really enjoy being around.

For reasons unknown though.

"How long have you been stalking me?"I question,walking slowly down the path to Nevermore.

"Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia."Fester explained.

"I thought you didn't go to Nevermore."I raise an eyebrow,a little confused.

"I didn't.Your dad got all the brains.But I used to drop in on him.Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my toes.Just to keep him on his toes."Fester laughed.

"Of course."I reply with a small grin.

"He filled me in on what's going on.Monsters,murder,mayhem,a crush.What fun!"Fester stated.

"I told him I had a job in Boston,but that i'd be checking up on you."Fester added.

"What kind of job?"I enquire.

"The kind that means I need somewhere to hide."Fester spoke.

I know just the place for him.

"This place belongs to a friend."I frown.

"You've actually made a friend and a crush?Wowzers."Fester exclaimed.

"The poor kid will be coming home in a body bag and y/n is mad at me."I sigh.

"Oh.Y/n?I know her!She helped me with a few heists.I'm a family friend in her family.And I like hideouts that come with snacks."Fester licked his lips looking at the beehives.

"Those bees are hibernating.They're practically Eugene's children."I stare at Fester.

"Oh."Fester chuckles.

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