Redrum ~ Sam Golbach x reader

By Sammich09

90.2K 1.1K 354

Use they/them pronouns Uses strong language, if you are uncomfortable with swears, don't read No smut, I don'... More

|Chapter 1| Birthday Suprises! 🥳
|Chapter 3| Staying the Night! ⭐️
|Chapter 4| Time to Fly! ✈️
|Chapter 5| Anxiety.. 😥
|Chapter 6| Colorado Time.. Sweetie? 🥰
|Chapter 7| Kisses, featuring a PILLOW FIGHT!! 😘◻️
|Chapter 8| Séance Time! 🕯
|Chapter 9| Estes Method Time! 👻
|Chapter 10| Fake Love.. 💔
|Chapter 11| Emotional chaos. 😕
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13| Hospital Time! 🏥🩸
Quick chat, kinda Authors note stuff
|Chapter 14| True Love ❤️❤️
Uh... hi again?
THE SEQUEL (name, im not doing it in the same book)
PLEASE READ (though i wont fight you if you dont)

|Chapter 2| The Meet! 🫂

8.9K 120 37
By Sammich09

I've been here since the beginning. From vine to YouTube. The Traphouse til now.
Sams POV
Ever since I walked on stage, there's been one person I can't stop looking at. They have beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair. And their eyes are a beautiful (E/C) colour. They looked like they had been dropped from heaven. They looked perfect. Colby saw me eyeballing them and wiggled his eyebrows, "So dude, that person? What's up with you drooling everywhere?" Colby whispered in my ear. "Leave me alone you fuck! I just.. feel an odd connection with them. Like we have a rope tying us together that is dragging us towards each other the more I look." You say. Colby just backs away and says, "Alright dude, your drunk or something."
Jesus, sometimes I want to punch that man. Colby and I continued on with the show. Looked at some awesome fan art, and amazingly edited videos. Which I may have teared up from. After the show the two of us said goodbye, and Colby quickly pulled my backstage. Saying he had a surprise for me.
Your POV
After the show ended, Aria quickly grabbed my wrist and yelled back at me, "Follow me! I have a surprise for you!" "DAMN! No need to break my wrist for a surprise though!" You yelled towards her. Soon we both arrived by the entrance for backstage. The guard stood tall, "What are you two doing back here?" "We're allowed, here's proof!" Aria said as she pulled out her phone, showing him something. I had no fucking clue what is was though. "Alright kids, head on in." As soon as we walked in I saw Sam and Colby running towards us, Colby dragging Sam along. "Hey, Aria! Have you told them your plan?" Colby said. What the hell is this man talking about? Plan? I though we just came to the show? "No, I wanted us to tell them together." Aria said. "What the hell to you mean tell us together!" Both Sam and I yelled. Colby began, " So Sam and..?" "Oh I'm YN" I said. "Okay, Sam and YN. We're gonna head to the Stanley hotel together. As Aria asked me if YN could come along on an investigation for their birthday. And Sam, I didn't tell you because I knew you would want some sorta surprise after all the touring we've been doing." Sam and I both were shocked. I stood frozen in place. Me, going to the Stanley.. with Sam and Colby! Holy shit! "Oh my god.. Aria! And I guess Colby too! Thank you guys for planning this! I've actually been wanting to go to the Stanley hotel for a while now anyways!" I said, whilst jumping up and down. "Perfect, then start packing your bags. We're leaving in three days. Here's our address, meet us there on Saturday night so you guys can just stay over as our flight is really early on Sunday." Colby said as he handed my a piece of paper, both with his address and phone number. "And message me if you need anything." "Oh, and YN. Here's my number too." Sam said as he passed my a note with his number. "Uh, thanks guys. Do we want to call tonight and talk about what to pack?" You asked, still shocked from what just happened. "Yeah, just make a group chat with the four of us so we can do a FaceTime and chat whilst packing." Colby said. "Perfect! Thanks guys for all this, I can't wait!" I said, Aria then piped up, "Hey, YN. We need to get home. Your mom will kill me if I don't bring you home by midnight." "Oh shit! Sorry guys, gotta go I guess!" You yelled towards Sam and Colby as Aria dragged you off towards the car. She started up the car and began to drive you guys home, as you guys have lived together for the past few years as she was kicked out of her house for coming out as bisexual. Your mom obviously is much more supportive, so yay for you! Once you got home you quickly ran up the stairs towards you room whilst yelling at your mom that you were going to pack. You quickly pulled out your phone and created the group chat for the four of you to call in while you all pack for your trip on Sunday. After creating the group chat you called everyone. Soon, Sam and Colby answered. "Hey, YN! Are we all gonna start packing?" Sam asked as he pulled his suitcase out from under his bed. "Yeah, I'm just waiting on Aria, cause both of our suitcases are in our basement, and I hate it down there." You responded. Both Sam and Colby looked very confused. "I always see shadow people down there. But she doesn't, I don't know why." Suddenly, you hear a knock on your door. You quickly run over to open it and see Aria standing there with both of your suitcases. "Hey guys! So you know, YN and I are gonna be on the one device 'cause we share a room." Aria quickly said as she threw your guys suitcases on the one bed. For the next hour or so the four of you began packing and chatting. Every once and awhile you and Aria had a question about specific things you guys may need for investigating. Since you knew there would be plenty of ghosts chilling in the hotel, you grabbed a fair amount of crystals to put anywhere and everywhere that night so you could get a good amount of sleep.
Time skip to Saturday Night
         It was finally time for you and Aria to head over to Sam and Colby's, as your guys trip was early tomorrow morning so you wanted to stay the night there. You and Aria decided to call an Uber so y'all didn't just leave your car chilling for the week or so you'd be gone. Once you guys had called up the Uber, you began bringing your bags downstairs so the Uber didn't have to wait to long. Ding! Message has come through - hey, it's ur Uber. I'm outside.
Perfect, that didn't take to long. "Aria, our Uber is here!" You shouted towards the kitchen, as you knew that's where she'd be.
Shortly after she yelled back, "Okay, start bringing our stuff to the car!" Great, I'm bringing all the stuff to the car.. by myself.
As you put the first bag in the back you quickly talked to the Uber driver and said, "Hey, I might be a moment as I have some bags I need to bring out here. Sorry about the inconvenience!" "No worries! I know how difficult travelling can be!" The driver respond. She seemed sweet. "Oh, and my names Kat!" The driver said (I wanted to include her, even though her and Sam aren't dating in this book) "Nice to meet you! Anyways, I'll be back with more bags in a moment." You respond as you walked away from the car. As you walked through the door to get the last of yours and Arias bags, you saw Aria round the corner with two travel mugs. "Hey, I got us travel mugs of hot cocoa. Just in case!" She said as she walked out the door. "Thanks for the help with your bags fucker!" You shouted towards her. "Yeah, but I have our hot cocoa!" She sassed back. She wasn't wrong.. Kat began laughing at the two of us. Shortly after out bags were in the car Aria and I hopped in. "Where are you guys headed?" Kat asked, you responded quickly, "Oh, we're head to (insert address here)" Kat looked shocked, "Hey, my friends Sam and Colby live there!" Both you and Aria were the shocked ones now. "Oh, really? We're actually headed there to stay the night with them as we're going on an investigation with them tomorrow!" You responded. "Wait, is your name YN? Sam has been talking about you a bunch. I think he might like you." Kat giggled whilst talking to you. You felt a blush creeping up on your face. "Well guys, we're here! Hope you enjoy the ghosts and stuff with Sam and Colby!" Kat said as we pulled up outside their apartments.
We're here, outside my celebrity idols home. I might die inside.
Wow! I made it to 1404 words, not including my little note. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this. If not that's fine, just don't be super rude about it. See ya in the next chapter spuds 🥔!

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