The Disastrous Life of Saiki...

By HumainPoet

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This will contain oneshots and boyfriend scenarios for The Disastrous Life of Saki k characters! This is my f... More

Requests Page
Aren x Bullied Reader
Kusuke x Clumsy Reader
Kaido x Hero Reader *Fluff*
Saiki x Hanahaki Reader
High School Sweetheart {Nendo x reader}
First Meeting
His First Thoughts
Hanging out
He asks you out
First Date
How you Cuddle
When He Texts
A/N I'm Deeply Sorry
First Kiss
Happy Halloween!
New Character: Guess who!
When Their {Coffee} Jelly
They Want Attention
You're on your period
Metori Saiko Addition!
When You're {Coffee} Jelly
Aren Kuboyasu (Revised Edition)
When you're having a panic attack

How About PDA?

2.2K 49 15
By HumainPoet

So I've been gone for wayyy too long. A lot has happened between the last chapter and this one. So I was pregnant and had my child back in 2021. I got extremely sick after and when I got better I started college. Life has been hectic so I haven't had the most time to update. I will continue this book and my other one because I love writing for them and I'm glad you guys like the stories. Sadly, I don't have time to update as often as I'd like. I want to keep the chapters the length I normally have them. These are also the reasons I deleted some of my smaller books. I will do this chapter and start to work on Nendo x Reader. I hope you all enjoy the chapter.

Kusuo Saiki

Saiki isn't the biggest fan of PDA and will not go out of his way to be affectionate in public. He isn't rude, but he'll never hold your hand unless you initiate the contact. What he lacks in affection, he more than makes up for in quality time. He knows all your favorite spots, even without reading your mind. He could listen to you talk for hours with a dopey smile on his face. Saiki knows that most people are more affectionate so he tries hard to initiate PDA more often if he notices your sad. He doesn't want you to think he doesn't love you. This man adores you! If you ever want to hold his hand or lean on his shoulder, he will never say no. The only, ONLY time he does PDA without you initiating it is when he is REALLY jealous.

Kusuke Saiki

You don't know if he does it because he enjoys it or is doing it to rub it in other people's faces, but this man constantly does PDA (surprisingly). He'll hold your hand, grab your chin, kiss your cheek, etc. He's even more affectionate in public than at home, but it's different. He's more sincere at home, more passionate. Point this out, and he'll say your delusional, but he secretly starts to do better. Anytime he walks you to class, he'll hold your hand. Gods forbid someone to look at you in public. This man will straight up make out with you anywhere.

Shun Kaido

He loves PDA, but you must initiate most of the time because he's so shy. He'll be trying to reach for your hand to hold it for up to twenty minutes if you don't hold his first. It doesn't matter how long you've dated because he'll always be in that sweetheart phase with you. This sweetie is trying so hard. There was one time he kissed you on the cheek, and he nearly fainted from embarrassment. However, Kaido will wrap his arm around you if you're uncomfortable around people or if he deems a person a threat. He has started to hold your pinky with his, with a slight blush on his face.

Riki Nendo

It's not that he likes or dislikes PDA. He's just a physically affectionate person in general, romantically or platonically. Though, he does enjoy hugs more when they're from you. He always holds your hand, that is, if he's not giving you piggyback rides. Doesn't matter if you're on the heavier side. He'll still give you piggyback rides. Often he will kiss the top of your head in public. Oh, and he can't keep his hands off you, and not in the way you first thought. You pervert! He just always had to hold hands, have you lean on his shoulder, etc. He just feels comfortable when you're around.

Aren Kuboyasu

He's not a huge fan. He gets so shy and embarrassed, not about being seen with you but rather about seeming weak. He just gets awkward about it. He will wrap his arm around you in a more protective way, but that's about it. The only exception is when you're depressed or on your period. He does not care about the looks you both get as long as you feel better. If a kiss on the cheek or hugs do that for you he will suck down his pride and give you what you desire. He will have the biggest blush on his face. He's so soft for you and you only.

Kineshi Hairo

The dude does it without thinking. Kisses you on the cheek before racing you to the store happens a lot. He might not kiss you or anything huge in public, but he does keep up the romance (purely accidental). If you're ever tired, he'll tell you to lean on his shoulder or to let him carry you home. Man can do it easily. If you do ask for forms of PDA, like holding hands, he will proudly hold it and might even yell," They let me hold their hand! Look!"

Reita Toritsuka

Reita has no shame. If you allowed it, he'd make out with you anywhere and everywhere. He wants everyone to know that he's yours and that you took a chance in him. He always has a hand on your lap if you're both sitting. Sometimes you have to be the one to tell him to tone down the PDA. He just gets so happy to be with you.

Touma Akechi

 Here's the tea, he loves PDA unless it's kissing. Why? He gets shy and embarrassed, but he would never deny a kiss from you. Just expect him to either blush, short-circuit, or pee his pants. Hold his hand, hug him from behind, etc. Just go easy on the kisses in public, for this poor guy's sake. Or not.

Metori Saiko

No, unless he's jealous. Saiki likes to be passionate and affectionate in private rather than in public. He may flaunt everything,  sometimes even you, but he thinks PDA is odd. Every now and then, he'll wrap an arm around you in public or give you a kiss on the cheek, but not often. If he is jealous, oh god. This man will full-on makeout with you and then deny it afterward, especially if it's in front of Saiki.

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