Hourglass: Invisible || NOMIN...

By byJianLucas

1.1K 62 10

"I'm fooled by your voice." - Jaemin. First season. Started: January 09, 2022. Completed: April 14, 2024. |NC... More

The Protagonists
Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: A New Start
Chapter 2: Mysterious Subject
Chapter 3: Questions In The Air
Chapter 4: Challenges & Inquiries
Chapter 5: The Newest Ally
Chapter 6: Odd Intentions
Chapter 7: New Goals
Chapter 9: Side Effects
Chapter 10: Not Official
Chapter 11: Unheard Stories
Chapter 12: Shutting You Out
Chapter 13: Wicked Attraction
Chapter 14: Acting With Heart
Chapter 15: Subtle Changes
Chapter 16: Still Unsure
Chapter 17: Be Your Shield
Chapter 18: More Than A Feeling
Chapter 19: Resolved Inquiries
Chapter 20: Not Alone
Chapter 21: Realization
Chapter 22: Booming Danger
Chapter 23: Saftey Warnings
Chapter 24: Reviving Traumas
Chapter 25: Misleading Image
Chapter 26: The Last Dispute
Chapter 27: Can't Fool Me
Chapter 28: Inconsistent Inkling
Chapter 29: Stand By; Investigation On Hold

Chapter 8: Beyond The Case

30 4 0
By byJianLucas


Boston, Massachusetts

Moments later. – Criminology faculty.


The class ended a few minutes ago. Immediately, I exited the classroom with my friends and went to the tables outside our faculty's cafeteria. Since we arrived, I haven't said a word to my friends; Jay and Renjun keep looking at me, waiting for the words to come out of my mouth. Yet, I still feel bittersweet after the confrontation with Alice.

-Nothing works. – I heard Jay whispering to Renjun.

-I know, and it's scary. – Renjun replied before both continued to eat their snacks.

I rolled my eyes, becoming slightly irritated since my friends didn't understand how I felt. Yet, before I could tell them something, someone approached our table. Surprisingly, it was Chance; he sat beside me after greeting my friends.

-Chance, what are you doing here? – Jay asked, confused.

-Didn't the law faculty finish their classes already? – Renjun asked.

-Yes, but I decided to stay longer to study. And I came by to greet you. – Chance explained before looking at me. -What's up with you? – He asked me.

-What? Nothing. – I replied as soon as Chance took me out of my trance.

-Jaemin is still upset about a misunderstanding between friends. – Jay pointed out while staying cautious with his words.

-Oh, what happened? – Chance asked, intrigued.

-It's about Alice, your classmate. – Renjun merely said before glancing at me.

-Do you want to talk about it, Jaemin? – Chance questioned.

-Sure, I guess. – I sighed before standing up, shortly picking up my stuff. -Go to the classroom if the bell rings. – I told Renjun, said goodbye to my friends, and walked away with Chance.

We began strolling down the field beside the classrooms' building. I stood in silence for some moments before I heard Chance humming, and then I felt his hand on my shoulder, causing me to glance at him.

-What happened? You know you can trust me. – Chance assured me. Yet, I remembered Jeno's reaction after realizing Chance's support in the case's investigation. Hence, I hesitated to believe in Chance; after all, Jeno knows him better than I do since they are classmates.

"Am I judging him too soon? And why would I trust Jeno's judgment when he's blindly arrogant?" I thought.

I questioned my thoughts for a moment but later realized my hunch wanted me to trust Jeno's judgment.

-Alice doesn't want me to get involved in my faculty's investigation. So, I argued with her about it. – I explained, not going into detail about what truly troubled me: Alice hitting Jeno and intruding herself into my personal decisions.

Perhaps Alice wants to protect you. – Chance pointed out.

-Yes, indeed, that's what she wants. But she knows what I can do already, so she should trust me more when I decide for myself. – I frustratedly expressed before taking a deep breath.

Chance patted my back before we entered the building. -Alice is pretty stubborn, but when she notices your determination to continue working on the investigation. She'll understand how critical the situation is for you. – Chance sincerely told me before smiling. -Here. I'll take you to your classroom to reflect on the problem with Alice. Perhaps you can come up with a solution.

-Well. Talking with Alice isn't on my 'to-do' list right now. – I admitted causing Chance to shake his head.

-Alright! When you decide to speak with Alice, let me know. I'll be there for you! – Chance assured me. I nodded at his words before we walked to my classroom. – Chance continued to give me encouraging words, and I intently listened to him until I saw someone going out of the office area behind Chance. It was Professor Larsen. I tried to be discreet, not wanting to capture Chance's attention; hence, I continued to nod and smile at Chance while watching Professor Larsen's actions.

-You must know that you have my support, Jaemin. – Chance said while looking at me with a smile.

-Thank you. I appreciate it, and don't worry; I'll tell you what happens next with Alice. – I told Chance before grinning back at him. Suddenly, the bell rang and saw Renjun came toward the classroom.

-See you then, Jaemin. – Chance said while cluttering my hair and then left. – As soon as he did, I took Renjun by his arm and dragged him next to me.

-Yah! What is it? – Renjun asked, confused.

-Look that way! – I told Renjun near his ear before motioning the direction with my head. Immediately, Renjun looked where I indicated him, making his eyes widen.

-Larsen. – Renjun murmured as Professor Larsen entered the emergency stairs at the end of the hallway.

-I'll follow him! Cover me for the next class. – I told Renjun before getting ready to march away, yet, Renjun took my bag's strap. I stopped and glanced back at him, confused.

-Are you crazy?! It's way too risky! – Renjun said, concerned.

-Renjun, professor Larsen looks suspicious! He shouldn't be here, so I want to know more. So, please, cover me up. I promise I'll keep you updated. – I told Renjun before getting free from his grasp. Shortly, I walked to the office area and followed Larsen's steps.

I carefully moved forward, trying to be cautious with my posture while walking. I tried to appear invisible to the students walking around the hallways and stay out of the teacher's sight. – Eventually, I reached the emergency stairs entrance and entered discreetly. I slid through the door and closed it gently behind me. Without hesitation, I started to go down while following the echoing noise of the professor's steps. Then, I peeked at the stairs underneath and saw the professor hurrying to go somewhere.

What are you doing, professor? 'You' shouldn't be here during class hours.

I took out my phone and began taking photos of the professor. But when I was about to follow him more, I felt a grasp on my arm, causing me to look behind.

"You have to be kidding me!" I thought.

-What are you doing here? – I asked, confused while looking at Jeno.

-I came here before you did something more irritational. – Jeno stated, then he tried to pull me upstairs, but I resisted. -Na Jaemin! – Jeno frustratedly said, trying not to be loud.

-And who asked for your help? – I questioned, annoyed.

-Renjun called me, and I'm glad he did because you can ruin the entire investigation right now. – Jeno earnestly pointed out.

I pulled my hand away from Jeno, getting free from his grip. Instantly, I turned around and quickly went down a few more steps. Yet, Jeno held me again, causing me to sigh frustratedly.

-Leave me alone! I won't ruin anything! – I angrily stated, whispering my words as I glanced back and ford between Jeno and the professor.

-You are acting recklessly here. So, let's go before Larsen notices us. – Jeno told me, looking into my eyes with disappointment.

"My plan is renowned! We can get so much information if I follow him," I thought.

I shook my head before pushing Jeno away, setting myself free and attempting to get further away from him. Yet, I didn't realize that Professor Larsen was closer to me as I escaped Jeno.

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