The Touch of Jack Frost (Weak...

By DayNumber505

848 118 17


Context and Warnings
Stephen (12-1-22)
Gray (12-2-22)
Eugene (12-3-22)
Forest (12-4-22)
Seongmok (12-5-22)
Eunchan (12-6-22)
Doyun (12-7-22)
Giju (12-8-22)
Teddy (12-9-22)
Dean (12-11-22)
Rowan (12-12-22)
Alex (12-13-22)
Naksung (12-14-22)
Jake (12-15-22)
Wolf (12-16-22)
Hayden (12-17-22)
Robin (12-18-22)
Jimmy (12-19-22)
Jack (12-20-22)
Myles (12-21-22)
Jaeryeong (12-22-22)
Ben (12-23-22)
Donald (12-24-22)
Changhui (12-25-22)
Gerard (12-26-22)
Hwangmo (12-27-22)
Dongha (12-28-22)
Kingsley (12-29-22)
Kenny (12-30-22)
... (12-31-22)

Juwon (12-10-22)

27 3 0
By DayNumber505

Juwon's eyes were blank, he knew it. Despite the crumbling of Cheongang around him, as well as his beloved idol Changhui, Juwon had to hold strong. Whether they had a third and fourth in command was irrelevant, both of the boys had just been annoying pricks anyway. Juwon didn't care about them, they had abandoned the one thing he held dearest in this life. Changhui and Cheongang was and would always be his everything.

This wouldn't do.

This wouldn't do.

This wouldn't do.

His arm moved on it's own, a phantom possession. Careful, warm, alive knuckles collided with the red brick wall to the left of him. A small sigh escaped him in the form of a quickly released harsh breath. Scarlet droplets dripped down the bricks, following the careful mortar grooves between each carefully lain brick. Juwon's hand grew cold, yet all he thought of was, "It hurt more to punch Ben Park," Stuffing his aching hand into his pocket, he continued walking.

It did hurt more to hit Ben Park. He was an immovable wall made of the strongest most foreign materials, each punch felt as if it did more harm then good. Tanking hits wasn't the only thing Ben had to his name too. With a taste of his fist, Juwon had known, deep down, whether he wanted to admit it or not, that he would lose the battle. Changhui would be disappointed, he thought dully, standing up to face Ben over and over. You're letting Cheongang down Juwon. You're slipping away Juwon. You're number two Juwon, they're all looking up to you for guidance Juwon. 

Get up!



Before he'd even realized it, the fight was over. Ben Park, a high-school newbie, was no bluff. Juwon had lost to him, people were even around to witness it. With any luck they'd tell the entire world and Changhui. Which pertained to the second reason it hurt more to hit Ben Park, that being that with every punch, you lost. By the end, Juwon was destroyed. What was the point of going back to head quarters everyday, a piece of him wanted to run away and never have the audacity to show himself in front of his leader his mentor, his ally.

Maybe Changhui knew already, and he'd neglected to bring it up because he knew that it would ruin Juwon's self esteem forever. He had to know by now right? Everyone had to know. Juwon felt weak, and small, the whole world would be out to get him soon, they all wanted to strike him while he was vulnerable. Eyes were trained on him from every angle, boring holes into his skull and watching intently, hoping, praying, begging, that he'd slip up.

Juwon was already falling into the depths, everything was slipping out of his grip. Everything was spinning and everyone was his enemy. He was spiraling, and he knew it well.

Shut up!

His hand collided with a similar wall, stone beige with more texture than smooth brick. It looked like the surface of the desert. Sand at least would've been softer than the hard surface of the rock. A half scream escaped his lips, closed tightly as his eyes and tense jaw. Thoughtlessly, he punched it again. Screaming louder.

Drops raced down the pale surface, dark wine burgundy blood stained plain rough rock. Juwon screamed as a consistent rhythm of thuds. Collision of fist on rock and blood dribbling. The sounds of screams.

Why was Ben Park like this? Why was he so strong?

Why did Doyun have to die?

Why did Giju have to run of like that?

Why was Cheongang falling apart like this? They used to be the greatest group in the world probably, eyes were always drawn to the sky, set firmly on the goals that settled just up there. Until the Union showed up. That group of dumb kids, they didn't even know what they were getting into. They'd wedged a war they'd never be able to win, against terrifying and intellengent foes.

At least, that's what Juwon had believed all this time.

Cheongang was his family. Whether he liked them all the time or not, they'd been there for him for the better part of his life.

He screamed louder, driving his hands into the wall over and over and over again.

Tears had began to accumulate in the corners of his eyes, maybe not from the overwhelming pain of his bloodied fists. No, by this point they'd dulled with adrenaline and pain. It was so unberable by now that Juwon had given up on thinking about it. The hot tears that rolled down his face were the unshed ones from all the times he'd wanted cry recently.

He wanted to cry tears of joy when Cheongang had accepted him. He wanted to cry when Changhui made him his second in command. He wanted to cry at the first taste of Ben Park's fist, as well as the very last one that'd marked the end of their scuffle. 

He'd wanted to cry when he'd heard the news about Doyun, who'd only ever seen him as a rival and never a brother. That was fine, Juwon didn't have to be accepted. One didn't have to like their brother to love them nevertheless. 

He'd wanted to cry when he'd heard the new of the loss of his second brother Giju. Juwon wanted to see the admiration in Giju's eyes when he accepted the red-head's coffee hang outs. The tall stoic boy ignored him more often then he should've, Juwon wondered if he should've accepted more often. Giju, before he became as bad of an adrenaline junkie as he was now, was much quieter. Still his hot-headedness had always been a defining characteristic of the boy. After a few too many fights, Giju had gotten a little too wild for the serious Juwon's likings. Though looking back now, he didn't care.

Juwon cried and punched the wall senselessly until he couldn't feel his fingers and everything was bathed in a crimson hue. Through anguished cries he grieved his brothers, through hot tears he mourned the loss of the strongest gang to ever grace South Korea. The Union was nothing. NOTHING! They'd stripped him of everything.

His hands stilled, ignoring the gore on his clothes, he sunk to the floor. Blood poured uncontrollably from his hands. Juwon had always liked to believe he was better than Giju when it came to their tempers. Though in the end he wasn't.

Without thinking he slammed his head into the wall, seeming to move in slow motion as he did so. He took a sharp breath that stung with the metallic taste of blood.

Everyone knew Juwon was hot-headed, yet nobody ever approached him about it. They beat around the bush until it was bare, then closed their eyes and tilted their heads.

With a crack that echoed across the world, he exhaled for the last time.

And so Cheongang crumbles.


1138 words without AN


where is the plot?


all I know how to do is kill

am violent

now i'm gonna sleep

good bye

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