Incubus [malexmale]

By rotXinXpieces

1.9M 93.4K 18.1K

"A dog could only be kicked so many times before it became vicious." And Alexius has become just what he was... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Two

42K 1.9K 386
By rotXinXpieces

Chapter Twenty-Two (Killian)

"Aren't you cold?" I asked.

Alexius didn't answer. He seemed to be lost in his own world now. We had gone from talking to kissing to hardcore sex within the last hour or so. Now we lay on the floor of the forest quietly, hiding from the rain that had begun to downpour. We laid under the shelter of the forest canopy, the occasion drip of rain rolling off the end of a leaf. I had kept most of my clothes on during the entire thing, my shirt the only thing having disappeared and was now wadded up on the other side of the clearing in front of us.

Alexius was lying completely naked on the ground, mud smearing his thighs and caking his feet. He laid with his head resting against my shoulder, his shirt cushioning the rest of him. His legs were crossed at the ankle, stretched out under the occasional fern leaf or trembling flower. He looked like he truly belonged in this kind of place, however. Amongst the soil that had been churned into mud that lapped at his skin before sliding back down to the earth. The different shades of green leaves draped over his arm or leg, the vines hanging down from the tree we huddled near, one resting on his shoulder like an obedient pet. His chocolate colored hair was wet, sticking to his cheeks, forehead, and neck. His horns shown with water, glinting almost dangerously in the occasional flash of lightening overhead. His emerald eyes stared out into the forest, his expression completely relaxed.

I could see the goose bumps on his skin, however, indicating that he was a bit cold. His skin was wet, dripping with rain water that traced the dips and curves of his lean muscles, riding past his nipples that were still tender and hard. I flicked my tongue across my lower lip, turning my head to nuzzle his hair, inhaling the sweet, earthy scents that had made completely his own. I dipped my head to touch my cheek against his forehead, feeling the cool, wetness of his skin.

"You're going to catch a cold if you don't get dressed." I told him quietly. He seemed to awaken from his trance at that, tilting his head to look up at me. He frowned, though, studying me as if he were trying to figure me out. He was trying to find a reason behind my actions.

But there really were none.

This had been a mission, one that involved me bringing Alexius to where he truly belonged.

And somehow, I had ended up falling completely head over heels in love with him. I understood this, though. There was so much to love about Alexius. It wasn't just the beauty that glowed on the outside, but the beauty from the inside that outshined everyone else. Though he was cautious and at times, so painfully bitter, he was only trying to defend himself. He was trying to protect himself from harm, and I knew that he wanted to protect himself against me, but there was no reason. In fact, if anything, I too wanted to protect Alexius.

Not just from the cruelty of his intolerant species, the misplaced hatred of his guardian, or the Ethos civil war, but from anyone who so much as looked at him the wrong way. I couldn't understand how someone could hate him. He made mistakes, just like everyone else. We all made mistakes, even the gods. It was part of learning, part of life.

"It's darker." Alexius commented quietly, his green eyes searching the woods before lifting to the sky that had begun to slow its rainy assault. The black slitted pupil in his eyes grew larger, accepting the darkness that had begun to cloak the world. I nodded, slowly pushing myself up. I looked around, spotting Alexius' leather pants near a bush of white flowers. I got to my feet, walking over, stooping to pick them up. I turned to hand them to Alexius, then paused to stare at him as he stretched, arching his back so his bones cracked and muscles quivered under smooth, lightly tanned skin.

His long legs stretched out further, muddy toes curling against the blades of grass that peered through the layers of mud. His arms flew over his head, reaching back to claw at the tree, his black nails scratching the bark so pieces fell to the forest floor. Alexius cocked his head, revealing the dark cluster of hickeys I'd left on his skin. Seeing them caused my cock to jerk to attention, knowing that those were my marks of ownership. While this wasn't a slave and master relationship, I was a possessive lover. Something that I'm sure Alexius would begin to discover as we carried this relationship, whatever this relationship may be, into further depths.

I handed him his pants and he accepted them, pausing to yawn, revealing his dainty fangs before he pushed himself up into a sitting position. He paused to make a face and I smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, do your hips hurt?" I asked. He shook his head, his hair flinging droplets of water before it settled down the back of his neck, the ends curled slightly. He flicked mud from his toes before dipping his legs into his pants. I went to my shirt on the other side of the clearing, shaking the mud from it, pausing to hold it up into the rain to let the water clean it. I shook it again before putting it on, grimacing at how cold it was against my skin.

I looked up to see Alexius picking up his shirt, shaking it clean before tugging it on over his head. He got to his feet, frowning as he looked around before turning to face me.

"Where are my boots?" He asked. I blinked, then looked around, but they were nowhere to be seen. In fact, my boots were also missing. I frowned, stooping to lift plant leaves and flowers out of the way in search of them. Alexius looked around, doing a few full circles before he approached a curtain of vines. He pushed past them, looking around before turning to face me with a frown.

"You were alone when you came, yes?" He asked. I blinked, standing up straight to look at him through the rain, watching him wipe his wet hair out of his face, slicking it back so a few locks wrapped around his horns.

"Of course," I responded, "Why would I take anyone with me?" Alexius didn't say anything to that and continued to look. I sighed at his mistrust, but joined in him in the search for our boots. I came around one of the larger trees near the clearing, eyes searching the drapes of vines hanging low from the tree branches. My eyes flickered through the thick layer of shubbery and plantlife that seemed to practice grow over night, some flowers keeping their petals spread out, allowing the rain to gently trickle along them. I scanned them until I spotted one of Alexius' boots. I sighed, pushing away from the tree and picking my way through the plants, grimacing at how the mud squished between my toes.

I stooped, picking it up and shaking the mud off. I looked around in search for the other boot when I heard an angry shout. I blinked, looking up and instantly heading back to where I'd last seen Alexius. Sure enough, he was in danger.

Nico must have jumped him and was trying to ram a dagger into his throat, but Alexius caught Nico's wrist and forced it away, then grabbed the front of Nico's shirt, bashing their foreheads together. Nico groaned in pain and slumped off him into the muddy grass. Alexius grunted, pushing himself up into a sitting position and as he spat blood from his mouth. He wiped it with the back of his sleeve, then rose to his feet, looking down at Nico pointedly as the incubus rolled in the mud, groaning in pain as he gripped his forehead.

"Alexius, are you all right?" I demanded, concerned as I came over to look down at Nico, who peered past his fingers to glare daggers at us. Alexius didn't seem too worried, though, as he nodded, peering up past his wet hair at the sky, then down at Nico until he noticed I was holding his boot. He took it with a nod, jerking it on. I noticed his other boot was neatly in place on his other foot.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh, he's been trying things like this all day." Alexius told me nonchalantly as he stooped to grab Nico up by the elbow, tugging him roughly to his feet. Nico stumbled and almost slipped in the mud and ended up smacking into Alexius' chest, then quickly tried to shove himself away in disgust. This time, though, Nico lost his balance and fell back down into the mud.

"That was very graceful of you." Alexius commented, surprising me with his sarcasm. Alexius wasn't much for sarcasm, both in understanding it and using it. Nico glared at him, mud smeared across his face and making his blonde hair stick to his face as he struggled to get up again with Alexius still holding his elbow.

"Shut up." Nico answered in irritation as he managed to right himself. Alexius rolled his eyes at that, then turned to me with a frown when he noticed my toes sinking into the mud.

"Did you not find your boots?" He asked. I shook my head at the same time Nico snorted. Alexius narrowed his eyes and turned to Nico, who was looking away until he felt Alexius' eyes on him and winced. Nico glanced at us sourly.

"I found no need for your boots," He told me, "I only needed you to get away from the cambion long enough for me to make my move." I frowned, glancing at Alexius, who sighed.

"I would offer you mine, but your feet are larger."


"I wasn't insulting you." Alexius responded, making me raise an eyebrow curiously, but he didn't seem to want to stick around and flirt. Nor seek out my boots as he began to lead Nico out of the woods. I sighed, giving up on my search as I followed close behind them, making sure Nico didn't stick Alexius with the dagger. Nico seemed to know I was watching as he didn't make a move on Alexius. No, he just watched Alexius the way a mouse watched a snake on the hunt.

"Shouldn't you put him in restraints if he's violent?" I asked Alexius, who cocked his head at the idea. Nico flinched, then snapped his head to glare at me.

"I hope you choke on your own blood in your sleep, bastard." He sneered. I gave him a sour look and Alexius snorted rudely, giving Nico a particularly harsh jerk that made Nico hiss at him.

"There's no need for restraints," Alexius told me calmly, "Nico isn't the same playground bully he was before. There's a stronger force now and he's beginning to grow irritated." Nico scrunched his nose up at that, but said nothing more as he stumbled and tripped through the mud. The mud was beginning to feel softer, cooler on my feet. It was far more comfortable.

"How long have you been out here?" I asked Nico, who curled his lip. Alexius glared at him and Nico cleared his throat, eyes narrowing.

"About an hour." He responded. Alexius pulled up short at that, ceasing his trudging through the woods to turn and face Nico, who watched Alexius dangerously now. I frowned, stopping as well. If Nico had been out here for an hour, he'd definitely seen Alexius and I together. While that didn't bother me too much, it was still a bit of gossip that the men did not need right now with the battle coming tomorrow-- and something in me told me Nico loved to talk.

"What did you see?" Alexius demanded, giving Nico a particularly violent shake. Nico bared his fangs, eyes the same color as the stormy sky glinting menacingly.

"I saw enough. You're a fool," Nico accused Alexius, who glared at him even harder now, "You'll fall into anyone's palm, so long as they're nice to you." Alexius' eyes sharpened. I frowned, glancing at Nico suspiciously.

"Shut up." Alexius ordered. Nico sneered at him.

"I'm right. Do you even know who this man is?" Every alarm in my body had gone off by now. What did he know about me? Surely we'd never met before. Over the years, I'd developed a rather good memory of recognizing faces and this one didn't ring any bells.

"As if you know." Alexius returned heatedly. Nico snorted.

"I don't know. In fact, I've never seen his face in my entire life. Doesn't that even make you slightly suspicious? There's only a few vampyres left in the world and you'd think at least you would know all their faces, but not this one. I've never seen him in my life. How do you know he's not lying or trying to kill you too?" He demanded. Alexius said nothing, which actually offended me. He wasn't saying anything in my defense. He just glared at Nico. I couldn't even tell what was going on in his head.

Until he whipped Nico around and slammed him hard into a tree, pushing himself up against Nico hard, the dagger now in his hand as he pointed it at Nico's throat. I winced, taking a step toward them, only to pause as Alexius drew himself up against Nico in a manner that was almost sexual.

"You're starving," Alexius said against Nico's ear as Nico gasped in pain, grimacing as he glared back at Alexius, "I can smell it on you. You're only angry because you're hungry after watching us. All that lust that was pouring off him went to me. And it could sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. When's the last time you fed anyway, Nico? We're supposed to feed at least once a night."

"Get off me." Nico managed angrily, baring his fangs, but Alexius hissed at him, flashing his own fangs dangerously. Nico fell silent now, only breathing hard. His cheeks were flushed and I could hear his blood rushing through his veins, most of it heading south. I frowned, eyes dropping to his groin that throbbed in his leggings. His body was tight and needy, definitely one of a starving incubus.

"Alexius, don't torture him." I warned, taking a step closer, but Alexius didn't move away from Nico.

"And why not? I let him go before. Why should I do it now?" Alexius demanded in irritation, then ground his hips against Nico's backside. Nico moaned, pressing his cheek hard against the bark, screwing his eyes shut. Alexius narrowed his eyes.

"You're starving enough to even ask me for a feeding? You must be very desperate, Nico." He seethed against Nico's ear. Nico squirmed uncomfortably, but every time he tried to back up or push Alexius away, Alexius' hips only pushed against him and made him ache. I could hear the way his heart skipped a few beats and his groin strained against his clothes. And his clothes were very thin, so even with the tunic hanging over the spot, I could see the bulge growing there.

"And why did you let him go before, Alexius?" I asked gently, taking another careful step toward them. Alexius hesitated at that, the tip of the dagger touching Nico's throat. Nico seemed to have difficulties focusing on the blade now. His heart was hammering against his chest, blood pulsing through his veins and in the raging hard-on he sported between his legs.

"Alexius?" I asked again. Alexius gritted his teeth, then started to move, but Nico reached back and grabbed Alexius by the hem of his shirt, gasping.

"No! Don't!" He managed. Alexius raised an eyebrow, looking at Nico with interest.

"Don't what?" He asked. He was amused by this. Nico was suffering. I could feel it heating the air around us. His lust was heavy and it was fueled by the hunger that only one thing could sate. However, I do believe I mentioned being a possessive lover and this situation was not to my liking.

"Don't move away," Nico breathed, digging his nails into Alexius' side now, his eyes glazed over with hunger, "Please."

"Please what?" Alexius pressed. I narrowed my eyes.

"Alexius, stop. That's enough."

"Shut up, Killian." Alexius snapped at me in irritation. I glared at him, watching him look at Nico again as Nico parted his lips seductively, flicking his tongue out over them and baring his fangs. Nico peeked back at Alexius, who watched him intently.

"Fuck me." Nico pleaded, grinding himself back on Alexius, whose eyes glowed. I came forward now, unable to stand back and watch Alexius torment a starving incubus. I grabbed Alexius hard by the arm and jerked him away so Nico slumped to the forest floor in the mud on his knees. Alexius stumbled, then whipped around, shoving me away from him as he glared.

"Do not touch me!" He ordered. I almost made a smart comment in response, but bit down on my tongue hard instead and remained silent. Alexius turned back to Nico, who was breathing hard and reaching down to touch himself, but Alexius didn't give him the chance. He grabbed Nico up by the scruff of his neck. Nico yelped in pain, reaching back to make Alexius let go, but Alexius was angry now. I could feel it as he headed for the training fields. I hurried after him, struggling not to slip in the mud as we burst out of the woods and to the training fields where Alexius' unit seemed to have just returned. Remi looked up first, coming toward us.

"General Alexius--"

"Here," Alexius shoved Nico hard, causing the incubus to stumble and slam into Remi, who caught him in his arms and looked at Alexius in confusion, "Have your way with him all night. He's starving to death and will become a nuisance if he isn't sated."

"But I--"

"I saw you eyeing him when you came to my tent this afternoon. Don't play stupid with me," Alexius ordered, making Remi wince, then Alexius turned to the other men, "Clean up and head to dinner immediately." They seemed hesitant, but obeyed. Remi remained, still holding Nico, who was squirming as if he couldn't decide whether to touch Remi or run away. I didn't have time to stick around and watch, however, because Alexius was making his way back to the camp. I just nodded quickly to Remi, who gave me an odd look-- probably for wandering around shoeless.

"Alexius, wait!" I protested, rushing to catch up to him, but Alexius was ignoring me. I gritted my teeth and moved faster, calling his name again, but he only moved quickly to try and escape me as he made for his tent. A few men paused to look at us curiously and one even called out to give up on him, but I continued even after Alexius ducked into his tent. I went inside, then pulled up short as Alexius tore his shirt off and threw it on the floor angrily.

"Alexius, what's wrong?" I asked incredulously. Alexius whipped around to look at me with an anger so fierce that it ripped through me like the blade of a sword.

"I don't understand you," He snapped, "He insulted you and you defended him, again. I don't understand why you do that. I've told you before that he was a little monster. And yet you continue to have pity for him. I'm beginning to think that you only love me when it's most convenient for you." I glared at him now, clenching my fists.

"Excuse me? You do not tell me what I can and cannot feel. I know I love you. You just really irritate me," I told him, making him scowl as he snatched his shirt back up, "And for your information, I was offended that he would accuse me of using you, but that's just an arrogant bigot looking from outside in. You, however, are looking at me and we're both inside. I told you how I felt and I meant it. And yet you seem to like poking at my feelings. And don't do that!"

"That what?"

"That thing where you tease people sexually. I know you're an incubus, but... Well, damn it, Alexius, you're my incubus, not theirs." I announced icily. Alexius seemed surprised at that now, having balled up his shirt into his hands and now pulling it apart uneasily. I frowned, glancing toward the closed entrance of the tent, before moving back to Alexius. I touched his biceps, then ran my hands up to his cheeks, making him look at me. He was practically pouting in his own way.

"I told you," I said firmly, "If we're going to be together, you have to commit to me-- and you've already made me fall in love with you, so take some responsibility." Alexius looked down for a moment, then back up. His eyes sharpened and he dropped his shirt, reaching up to grab my face, pulling me down for a particularly rough kiss that almost busted my lip before he pushed me away.

"I have. I'm learning." He responded flatly, then picked his shirt up and placed it in a nearby basket. I relaxed now, watching him shamelessly undress in front of me before changing into a new pair of dry clothes. He paused to look at me, lifting a brow.

"Shouldn't you also be changing? You look like a drowned kitten." He commented. I blinked, remembering why I was so cold. I cleared my throat and nodded.

"I'll see you at dinner then.... Correct?"


I smiled at that, then nodded to him before departing from the tent, taking a deep breath of the cool air outside. The rain had only turned to a drizzle now, the sky steadily clearing so there were only light gray clouds in the sky, abscuring the setting sun and the darkening sky. It would be a particularly dark night tonight, I decided as I went to my tent to change into a pair of dry clothes. I only tugged on a simple black tank top and matching pants, digging out my spare pair of boots before tying my wet hair back.

I headed to the dining tent where most of our men were already there. Remi was absent, however. I had a feeling he was probably taking advantage of Alexius' offering and while that should have bothered me, it was best Nico got it over with to avoid jumping Alexius.

It was an odd thing for incubi and succubi to starve. They became extremely lustful, hungry enough so that their bellies gnawed at them, their bones feeling like Jell-O. They became squirming puddles of sex. And while most probably thought it was attractive, it only concerned me.

I took my place at the head of my table, taking deep gulps of the scalding hot stew. I didn't care. It warmed every corner of me. I dipped a small piece of bread in the brew, biting into it before looking up to see Alexius walking in with Remi right behind him. Remi looked oddly embarrassed and uncomfortable as he followed Alexius through the kitchen and back to their table. Alexius didn't seem bothered in the least as he sat down, enjoying his meal. He looked warmer now that he was dry. His hair was a bit damp still, but mostly dry as were his horns and clothes.

"Did you find out how Nico escaped?" I asked Alexius, who glanced up with a frown before looking away.

"Ana left to grab him something to eat while he slept, but it would seem he's very good at acting. She's cleaning all my things and preparing tea in order to apologize." He answered. I nodded slowly at that, looking away before beginning to speak when Marikas entered our tent.

Instantly everyone fell silent. The laughter and chatter abruptly ceased, the clanking of silverware and chewing all stopped. The tent was as silent as the grave, all eyes locked on Marikas who dominated the tent with his presence. He was definitely an intimidating god at seven feet tall. His black hair was slicked back, his amethyst eyes glowing threateningly. His armor glowed in the candles and torches set about the room.

"Sorry to interrupt your meal time," Marikas said, hardly sounding sincere as he made his way to stand between Alexius and I where we sat, however, we both stood as he approached, "But I've come with your schedule. You will begin to prepare everything for your leave tomorrow. You must be gone by dawn. You will be heading to the realm of Xolun. Another empty realm, but this one isn't in danger of collapsing. It's home to some obnoxious nymphs, so don't bother with them. If they get in your way, kill them. In fact, I implore you to kill them and once you do, harvest their blood. I hear it glows and it'd be much more useful than candles and torches." I wanted to ask why he hadn't bothered with the modern convenience of electricity, but I had run out of suicidal tendencies and only nodded. Alexius frowned, watching Marikas as he left us again, allowing the tent to return to its former chatter and chuckles.

"Xolun?" Alexius asked me. I nodded, taking a bite of bread before swallowing it with wine, glancing at Alexius to see his expression questioning me. I smiled a little before speaking.

"Xolun. It was a realm created by Xionus, god of hunting and animals. He occasionally returns to tend to the creatures that live there. Mostly animals that are rare in the human realm and other realms reside there. One of which including the nymphs Marikas mentioned. They're actually more like pixies, really. They're slightly smaller than average humans and live in tribes. They do not like conflict, however, and once they hear us coming, they'll flee to hide from the battle." I explained calmly. Alexius nodded slowly.

"And... What kind of land is it? Physically?" He asked. He seemed unnerved about going to another realm like Kith, a desolate land with no life whatsoever. I shook my head.

"It's nothing like Kith. Xolun is made of thick tropical forests and waterfalls. There are open plains on the edges, however, that we will use for the battles. It's rather warm there, unfortunately, so we'll be sweating a lot. There are plenty of flowers and trees and plants, though, and pools as well." I responded. Alexius relaxed at that.

"Then we should go to bed early in order to wake up and prepare."

"I agree."

"Killian," Alexius said suddenly, looking up at me, "Are there any other realms out there like that?" I paused to think about it and found myself thinking of the realm the demon council had made special for the cambions. I smiled lightly.

"Yes. There are places in the human realm like it. There's a realm called Erini... A place for cambions." I added, trying to seem nonchalant. Alexius snapped his head to stare at me.

"There's a realm for cambions? I thought you said we were rare." He said, sounding suspicious. I shrugged, cocking my head to look at him closely.

"And vampyres are also scarce, yet we have our own realm as well." I answered. Alexius hesitated at that, then slumped back in his seat. He seemed deep in thought now, so I did my best not to bother him.

While I loved Alexius, I still had a job to do and this job was now in our best interest as well. To protect Alexius and get him out of this stupid civil war. If that meant implanting doubt into Alexius' mind, then so be it.

I could only hope that in the end, if somehow Alexius discovered what I was doing, he could forgive me.

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