The Devils Of Harvard

By AidinWhite

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{Book #2 of The Devils Series} Nathanial Winters' move to Boston for university, states away from his family... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight

Chapter Eight

123 6 4
By AidinWhite

I really didn't want to seem like a complete douchebag considering I drove a supercar to school.

I really didn't fucking think this through.

Leaving the building at the end of the day I walked along side Arilynn who was laughing at a joke I'd just made.

"So what do you make of all of this?" she asks gesturing to the Harvard Campus.

"Honestly" I exhale, "I didn't think I'd enjoy it but I think I will" I say as we walked along the rows of cars until she pulled out her key and I mentally smile as I regarded the key.

"What are you smirking about?" she asks looking up at me as we stopped next to her matte black street bike.

"You ride" I say as she picked up her helmet to move it ahead of where it had been on the seat before effortlessly getting onto the bike and start it first try.

"Yes, do you?" she prys looking at me as she removed her hair pins.

"I wouldn't have commented if I didn't and unfortunately my bike isn't here its at home" I say crossing my arms as she regarded me.

"You should try and get it up here, It'd be nice to go for a ride with someone, no one else will go with me" she sighs pulling her gloves on and pulling her sleeves over the flared hem of both.

"I'll see about doing that, oh also where am I coming to pick you up?" I pry and she sticks out her hand flicking he fingers towards herself.

I then take my phone out of my pocket and unlock it before handing it over.

"Just know I have to get ready before we go anywhere, so I won't be fast" Arilynn explains before handing back my phone with a contact made and a picture of her face already set.

"I wouldn't rush you" I say, "also you haven't answered the question" I laugh.

"Already in your maps" she smiles while putting on her helmet as I checked to find that she had already put in her address though it was to one of the sorority houses off campus.

"I'll pick you up in an hour" I say pocketing my phone and she flashed me a coy grin before using her feet to get herself out of the spot.

"See you then Nathan" she bids before shutting her helmet and speeding off towards the exit of the parking lot.

I then looped the lines of cars and back to my DBS before getting into the expensive grand tourer and off towards where the boys and I's Frat house was.

Speeding through traffic while tapping on the steering wheel I softly sung along to the words playing from the speakers of the car.

Eventually I got to the driveway and pulled through the two stone pillars that held lights to show where the driveway was at night, which considering how Zavier and Theo drove would save their asses from an accident.

I then parked in front of the garage and got out of the car so that I could head inside to get ready for coffee with Arilynn. I wasn't planning on going crazy but I did at least want to seem like a decent person not just some pretentious kid who was paying his own way through Harvard.

I'd stayed true to my promise to pay for uni on my own.

Pushing open the front door of the house I was met by the boys sitting in the living room Lucian already absorbed in his homework same as August while the two idiots were watching the sports network.

"Couldn't find your car?" August asks before Arden walked downstairs.

"Nah he walked some girl to her car" he says and I give him a flat look that he just smiles at before going to fetch a beer from the fridge. Though we'd all agreed to just buy the non-alcoholic stuff.

"Who?" Theo asks perking up.

"Was she hot?" Zavier adds before a cold glare hits him in all directions. "I'm just asking".

"She's pretty, yes Ambrose" I answer before the boys nod.

"I thought you were with Scarlett" Julian prys with a furrowed brow.

"Broke up before the summer started" l say, "also I said I'd be there in an hour and I have half an hour now" I add before heading upstairs.

"Pack protection" Zavier calls after me.

"Go fuck a cactus" I retort and scoffs are heard from the living room and I rush into my neatly organized room.

As expected the room sat looking untouched in the front corner of the house. We'd discussed the first night, what rooms we wanted and despite taking last pick the whole house gave me the master suite. Wasn't complaining though, a King bed and a view over the driveway, along with an area I'd decorated to be a sitting area along with a walk in full wooden closet the continued the view was just fine to me.

Why they let me have it I don't know.

Either way I didn't waste time to get everything put up and put in its own place.

Rushing into the closet I changed into a grey pullover and trousers seeing as it would seem at least somewhat better then slightly ripped jeans, and a matching V neck ribbed sweater.

Stepping into my bathroom I sprayed a single spritz of cologne over me before I walked out of my room shutting the doors behind me to go back downstairs.

"I swear you are treating it like a date" Zavier muses and I gave him a flat look in response.

"And if I am, which I'm not but if I was what then?" I propose and he doesn't respond.

"Then we know that you're having fun. Also twenty-five minutes" Lucian says looking up from the textbook in front of him.

Snatching my key from the front counter I walked out of the house and over to my car starting it just before I got in allowing me to swiftly drive off without wasting time.

Likely doing ten over the entire time I sat behind the wheel on my way to the Sorority where Arilynn lived I eventually pulled into the strip of colonial styled houses that appeared to be directly made for Harvard students.

Spotting the house number I pulled to the curb ignoring the lines where it says to not, and parked behind a TTS.

I then slid out of the car and leaned against the hood before calling Arilynn who picked up after the third ring.

"Nathan" she says almost matter-of-factly.

"Arilynn, I am here leaning against my car. I'd also hope I'm at the right house".

I then hear background voices but can't make out what they are saying before I see a curtain get pulled and someone peer out.

"Is that your car?" Arilynn asks.

"Yes, it's what I brought all my stuff up in. It's also my favourite so I decided this was what I'd drive. Also come down I technically shouldn't be parked here" I say and she laughs.

"Going to coffee with Harvard's bad boy am I" she teases and I laugh before hearing shushing.

"Not necessarily I'm sure someone else can have that title. I'm just here to pick you up for coffee on time I might add".

"Punctuality is a good trait" she assesses and I smile.

"Yes I suppose it is, I'll come to the door perhaps your dorm mates would like a better look at me since I can hear them listening" I laugh before walking up towards the front door of the house.

"I'm coming down now anyways" she says.

"Meet you at the door Miss Hamilton" I beam before allowing her to hang up as I walk up the spaced steps to the white front door with the dorm number on it.

When it opened there stood Arilynn her hair down and curled with a white exposed shoulder halter necked top, and black skirt with a white grid pattern creating a large checkered print, and matching suede boots that went to the top of her shin. Delicate silver jewelry was also present on her wrist in the form of a Russian ring bracelet and a matching pendant secured at both ends by a chain.

"Ari who is this" one of her roommates particularly a redhead called peering from a doorway.

"Sarah this is Nathan he's who you all were staring at from the window" she remarks with some scorn though it didn't sound rude more possessive which struck me as cute in a way.

"He's very good looking" another comments pushing some of her hair out of her face while giving me a sultry look that I ignored. The reaction from Arilynn, as far as I could tell was somewhat downtrodden, as if this newly present girl would have a chance of snatching me away from spending time with her.

"I'm not on the market, your dormmate snapped me up" I say without thinking, though Arilynn gazed up at me almost in shock before I put my arm around her waist being extremely careful to not touch her inappropriately.

"Good catch there Ari, I'll let you two go" she says giving a wave before retreating to some place out of view in the house as I led Arilynn out of the house.

I didn't remove my arm either, she also didn't try and move away until we got to the Aston Martin and I let go to open the door for her.

"Thank you" she says giving me the smile I'd been blessed with many times today.

After she got in I walked around the car and got in to find her familiarizing herself with the extremely expensive interior.

"Never been inside an Aston Martin before?" I ask starting the car.

"No my parents didn't have this kind of money" she says as I look over at her.

"You have no need to fear touching anything it's a pretty sturdy car" I assure getting up to speed to exit the premises of the sorority.

"That's reassuring" she flushes and I smile softly before relaxing into the seat as I drove through the streets of Boston while tapping on my steering wheel to music.

Outside it began to drizzle rain speckling my windshield and causing the fading sunlight to streak the interior with deep shaded rainbows for the few moments we had them until the sun was covered by the thick clouds above.

"Why did you do it?" Arilynn asks and I immediately bring the music volume to zero, before looking over at her to find she was looking at me with curiosity.

"Do what?" I pry.

"Say that you were taken by me" she proceeds which causes a smile to rise to my lips.

"I don't like people staring at me, which seems ironic considering I drive this. However I also don't like being lustfully looked at its uncomfortable, as if I am just there for a sexual purpose rather then an actual meaningful purpose. It isn't like how you look at me for example" I muse knowing full well I'd just given her a follow up question.

"Like how?" she puzzles looking a little but worried as she leaned to the one side of the chair.

"You seem like you are purposely putting in effort to get to know me, and I appreciate it. I'd like to get to know you better as well" I admit before changing lanes and signaling once more to get through the intersection.

"I'm trying to, I think we'll be good friends" she suggests and I quietly laugh.

"Yes, we just might be" I say as I spotted the sign to the café and noticed a place where I could park before pulling into the spot a little bit aggressively and parking.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are a very aggressive yet skilled driver?".

"Once or twice" I muse in response before getting out and walking around the back to beat Arilynn to the door so that I could let her in.

"Thanks" she says stepping inside before I joined her standing squarely behind her with my hands in my pockets as I scanned the room.

I also realized how it looked I was acting a bit like a security guard for her making sure I was in the way of a threat behind her and in sight of one in front of us. The image made my stoic expression break and she looked up at me for moment with a curious look on her pretty face.

"What are you laughing about?".

"Nothing" I deflect, "just a meaningless thought".

Humming she turned back to the people in front of her and I remained scanning though in a more casual sense even if the will to be her protector wouldn't leave me.

Getting to the front of the line we stopped and I gestured for her to order first.

"I'll have a large caramel macchiato".

"Make that two please".

We then moved aside and stood waiting for our drinks that didn't actually take that long at all to do before we were settling ourselves in the corner of the café.

"So what do I not know about you Arilynn Hamilton?" I ask taking a sip from my cup.

She hummed for a moment in thought and bit the corner of her lip while doing so which was incredibly cute to witness.

"I played sports in high school, I was born in Deptford New Jersey but I grew up in Minnesota, my mother does the accounting half of my parents business, and my dad is a socialite who is obsessed with image" she begins and I listen intently. "What about you?" 

"I was on my school's polo team from the age of fifteen, I was born and raised in New York, and both my parents run their own company. I afford the car we came in here and school on my own after working hard to get into Harvard even though my school offered me a scholarship. Never viewed myself as special. Privilage doesn't equal better".

Arilynn smiled softly as she regarded me over her coffee.

"That's humbling. That even though you could have you chose to be independent from others giving you everything" she says before taking a cautious sip as to not burn her mouth.

"I don't shy away from challenges, probably part of the reason I chose here, I wanted the challenge of getting into this school, and the courses, along with the clubs and whatever other elitist agenda the school has. Find it kind of funny because I grew up around it" I remark.

"I'm glad you're not a snob" she suddenly says and my laughter breaks out which I quickly muffle using my sleeve at the direct nature of her comment.

"Yeah, if you call anyone a snob please tell me their reaction please" I beam and she returns it.

"I will" she assures and we are both left exchanging looks as we sipped our coffee.

"If you don't mind me asking what is your family ethically pre moving to the states if you know?" I ask.

"Spanish, do you know" she responds.

"Greco-German" I reply, "if you couldn't tell by the black hair and good looks" I jokingly add and she shakes her head while a small laugh escaped.

"That was so awful" she says and I join in agreement with a nod.

"Ethnicity shouldn't matter to people, we all came from somewhere and at the end of the day we are people, and what matters is how we treat others".

"You're very open with your opinions".

"I don't really care if most people like me" I shrug before setting down an origami crane I'd been making from the napkin onto the table. "I care what you think of me though, I guess that was why I asked you to come for coffee with me. I wanted to get to know you, and now I want you to stay".

"I don't wish to leave" she says.

"It's only been one day, not even" I comment and she just casts me that adorable infectious smile.

"I don't need a full day to know I'd like to be friends with you Nathan".

Her comment actually gets to me for a second and I remain silent for a few long seconds.

"I can say that's mutual Arilynn" I reciprocate and the pretty girl across from me beams as we continued to sit mostly listening to the rain against the window as we drank our coffee in peaceful ambiance.
That's the end of this chapter and on time while being long which I am proud of myself for, comments on this chapter and the dynamic, I like it but more is to come, also vote, and share it's always appreciated, and I do typically respond if anyone has questions. Anyways


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