Days of aftermath[collision o...

By Alastor6376

6.5K 113 67

four years have passed since ragnarok along side the deaths of the angels,jiyoung and the youja and many more... More

chapter 1
author's note
chapter 2
an angels past:episode 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
an angels past:episode 2:the birth of a monster
four years later :
chapter 6
battle with Gods :
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
author note
an angels past:episode 3:war days
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24:mori Dan vs mori Jung
chapter 25:sujin Dan vs sujin Jung
chapter 26:kai emiya vs kai Okada
chapter 27:riku lumine forger vs riku Okada
chapter 28:Elyria scarlet vs Elyria Okada
chapter 29:chiro Shimura vs chiro Maruti
chapter 30:the return of the six kings
chapter 31:ash vs kai Okada
chapter 32:ash vs kai Okada part.2
post ragnarok:kaneki aether Morningstar/ash/kai Bio
post ragnarok: jinn sun jin wukong/jinn Dan Bio
chapter 33
Ahan sun jin wukong/sujin Dan Bio
riku lumine Morningstar/lunar Bio
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39: Morgiana Morningstar vs Sairaorg Bael
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60 and I'm back baby!
chapter 61
Christmas special
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68: Kai Emiya vs Executives pt.1
chapter 69:Kai Emiya vs Executives pt.2
chapter 70: Kai Emiya vs Executives pt.3
chapter 71: Kai Morningstar vs Executives pt.4
chapter 72: Kai Morningstar vs Executives pt.5
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78: student vs master
chapter 79:student vs master pt.2
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83: declaration of war
chapter 84:an angels past:episode 4:escape
episode 6
episode 5
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 13
episode 14
episode 15
episode 16:a dragons tale
episode 17: a bird with a broken wing/capture
episode 18:black eyes
episode 19: black eyes pt.2
third book is out!

episode 12

10 0 0
By Alastor6376

3RD PERSON POV: the teens and young adult look at the Skull knight with wide eyes with said being looking directly at Kai. Kai felt the Skull Knight staring into his soul as said Knight sees something he hasn't seen in a long time a dog like beast behind the hybrid infront of him

Jiyoung:long time no see your highness

She says as the Knight looks at her

Skull knight:They show great promise. But this one

He says while motioning to Kai

Skull Knight:he is a struggler

Kai:the hell do you mean by that?!

He says as the centuries old knight looks at him

Skull knight:it will be a storm of death. But take heed, struggler. Struggle, endure, contend. For that alone is the sword of one who defies death

He says before disappearing as if he was never there

Sumire:what the hell was that?!

He says as Jiyoung puts out her cigar

Jiyoung:that kid, is what's gonna be your reality now

She says before motioning to the trees to as the group look at them to see demons starting at them through the trees as a sharp pain shoots through Kai, Riku, Elyria, Melina, Jin and Rinne and as the painfully grab their the back/side of their necks in pain, and grunt in pain

Jiyoung:from now on this will be your reality. So are you ready to become part of this. Because there's no going back

She says only to receive silence

Jiyoung:look I know this is alot-

Angels:we're in

They say simultaneously surprising the silver haired female before she gains a small smirk and turns away from them

Jiyoung:get your stuff packed. This will be your base of operations and your new home

She says while walking away from the group who all look at each other and grin/smirk or smile at each other

TIMESKIP: Kai is seen in the ring with Fabrezio infront of him pointing a gun at him as Annie tries to get in but is stopped by K


Kai stares down the barrel of the gun drowning out the sounds around him as his scarla turn black and his iris turn pure white with no pupils. Fabrezio pulls the trigger only for confetti to come out the barrel surprising the crowd

Annie/Kai:'there's real bullets in the mix'

Annie narrows her eyes at the dirty fighter

Annie:'but how many?'

She says as she sees Fabrezio leave the ring only as Kai's eyes return to normal

MEANWHILE: Xuan Yin is seen infront of none other than Tathagata as she takes the scripters into her hands and takes her leave

Xuan Yin:'I won't let the same fate fall upon you Kai...I promise

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