A Different Way

By Thiccie67

63.7K 2.1K 959

Everything was going perfect for Izuku he met his idol, gained a quirk to fulfilled his dream and was even tr... More

Ch.1 One Path Closes Another Opens
Ch.2 Hell
Ch.3 Stronger
Ch.4 Almost
Ch.5 Diving Deeper
Ch.6 Close Call
Ch.7 Completion
Ch.9 Stains of Society
Ch.10 To the very End
Ch.11 Recovery
Ch.12 Hasty Return
Ch.13 Strings of Destiny Tangle
Ch.14 Aftermath
Ch.15 Trial and Verdict
Ch.16 Readjusting
Ch.17 In the Darkest Skies Shine the Brightest Stars
Ch.18 Something New
Ch.19 Bond
Ch.20 Leashed
Ch.21 Kyoto
Ch.22 Freed Wings
Ch.23 Burden
Ch.24 Liberation
Ch.25 Stop
CH.26 Rescue
Ch.27 I got no strings attached
Ch.28 Visitation
Ch.29 Culture
Ch.30 Info
Ch.31 Hood
Ch.32 War
Ch.33 Consequences
Ch.34 Executioner
Ch.35 True Hero?
Ch.36 I'm fine
Ch.37 Stay Away
Ch.38 The World's Hero
The Cuts

Ch.8 Secret Thrower

2.9K 92 114
By Thiccie67

Disclaimer I Do Not Own My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*2 and half weeks since last chapter*

*Narrator Pov*

Like stated earlier it's been 2 weeks or so since Izuku encountered the past users and unlocked Smokescreen. Since than he's put his vigilante gig to the side since he almost got caught. So for the time being he settled for training instead, mostly just normal body training and quirk training. Also the Sports Festival was coming up so he had a good excuse for everyone. Most of the time he trained with Ochaco at the gym helping her prepare. She would follow his workout method for her body workout and then he would have her lift heavy things with her quirk until she vomited.

The reason Izuku would do this to the girl he loved was because she asked for this. She was beyond determined to do well in this festival since she knew what it meant if she did. It would mean she was one step closer into achieving her dream, she needed this recognition in order to get the perfect internships. Izuku admired the determination and gladly helped her train, he also promised himself he would try his best to make sure she advanced high in the rankings. Izuku on the other hand wasn't that determined to do good in the festival. He knows that this is his moment to get into the hero course but he doesn't even know if he wants to get into the hero course anymore, what's the point he's already doing hero work. What's the point of going to a course that tells him how do something he already does. He just needed to think about it.

Izuku did a slight workout when he was with Ochaco and only used base One for All. However, when he was by himself he truly trained to increase his percentage and master Smokescreen. He also discovered something about Smokescreen due to these experiments, Smokescreen had evolved thanks to One For All stockpile feature, he can make different forms of smoke as long as he knew the way they were made naturally. So far he was able to make steam and icy mist but could still get effected by the smokes he made.

Izuku realized he needed to talk to All Might about his feelings on the Hero Course and Vigilante nights. He knew that this was the whole point of the Vigilante gig, to make sure he was ready for the Sports Festival and earn his spot but like said before he just didn't see the point anymore. He saw it could only bring trouble to him and the community as an whole. If he were to join the Hero Course it would be almost impossible to continue his Vigilante work and he still had so much he wanted to take care of. The two weeks flew by and the day of the Sports Festival finally arrived.


Izuku was sitting on a bench in the general ed. locker room with the other students chatting around or looking like they might crap their pants. The General Education and the other courses besides the heroes didn't get their own locker-rooms for each class. They were all just stuck in the same room until they were called out to the field. Izuku looked around to scout his competition and could tell none of them trained for this, they were going get slaughtered by the Hero courses.

The time came and Izuku's course was called out to the arena along with the other courses. The Hero Courses were cheered loudly while almost no-one cheered for the other courses already expecting them to lose early. It didn't bother Izuku as he just stood among the masses of his peers with a determined look as Midnight called Bakugo to the stage for his speech. He didn't even care about Bakugo's cocky promise instead just promising himself that he'll stop as soon as Bakugo was out of this tournament.

Midnight spun a wheel for the first challenge and it stopped on Obstacle Race. "The first challenge will be an Obstacle Race. The rules are simple, stay on the track, get through the three obstacles and no seriously harming any other competitor. If you break any of these rules you will be automatically disqualified. Now go to the starting line, only the top 40 will move on to the next round." Midnight finished the brief explanation allowing the students to line up at the tunnel. Izuku spotted Ochaco near the middle hyping herself and turned to look for him. Their eyes met both understanding what the other wanted, Izuku nodded towards her with Ochaco returning the nod and giving a thumbs up.

Izuku settled near back and powered up to 10%, there was no reason to put too much effort in this tournament. "So Erasurehead what do you think of this first bout between these youngsters?" asked Present Mic with giddy voice that echoed throughout the stadium. "A decent beginning to give the students a warmup, but it's far too easy for the Hero Students. I don't know what's the point of having the other courses participate. It's always just the hero students that make it to the end." said Aizawa with a bored and uninterested tone as he sipped on a juice box.

Izuku clenched his fist and in silence he walked backwards until he was ten feet behind the guy in the farthest. Izuku then fell in sprinter stance and powered up to 45%, he now had a new goal besides the one he has. He was going to humiliate Aizawa as well, he's had enough of that annoying hobo. "Uh, what's that students doing?" asked Mic with confusion. "Probably already gave up." clarified Aizawa.

"Now let's get this show on the road!" shouted Midnight as an racing stoplight started to count down above the tunnel. A loud ringing echoed in the stadium as the light turned green. Immediately everyone in front started to fight through the tunnel, but Izuku waited. A dual haired boy froze the floor trapping most of the students besides the hero courses, but Izuku waited. As the Hero Students arrived to the first obstacle Izuku rocketed out of the tunnel and in a blur a dozen 1 and 2 pointers were obliterated into nothing but scarps. While he was dashing he grabbed Ochaco and placed her from 30th to 10th before he continued to run.

Izuku passed Bakugo and Shoto, causing the latter to scoff and the former to scream insults. "Oh Damn this kid is fast, he went from last place to first in a literal second. Who is this? Let's see.... aha this is Izuku Midoriya of the General Education course in Class D." Aizawa didn't say anything as he recognized the boy from both the entrance exam and that time in the cafeteria. "He'll fail in this first obstacle anyway so it doesn't matter what his name is." said Aizawa.

Izuku shattered another 2 pointer and took it's shielded hand slinging on his shoulder as he kept running. The zero pointers emerged from the ground blocking Izuku's path but instead of slowing down, Izuku kept running at the titans of machinery with a determined glare. A zero pointer punched down aiming to hit Izuku but Izuku jumped and scaled up the arm in a sprint. As he approached the shoulder he jumped and tossed the sheet of metal like a javelin, the makeshift javelin tore through the head of the zero pointer like butter.

Izuku then bounced off the zero pointer using it as an take off point and clearing the first obstacle. Izuku dropped down to 5% in his run as he wanted to make this a little more interesting. Izuku reached the second obstacle and slowly started to go along the line making a show to the crowd. To the crowd he was just being a showman to any hero it was a obvious slap in the face to UA, 'I don't even need to try against your hero course.' As Izuku reached the second set of lines he could hear explosions behind him followed by loud profanity. "YOUR MINE DEKU!"

Izuku jumped off the rope and wrapped his two hands on the line, he then pulled on the line making it go down with him. He released his pull on the line making it go up launching him in the air at Bakugo. Bakugo not prepared for this tried to stop himself but instead was met with a dropkick to the cheek by Izuku almost knocking out the walking explosion but instead launched him back to the beginning of the second obstacle.

As he was falling back down Izuku saw a good majority of the hero course students on two of the first lines. He smirked as he redirected himself with a air flick heading towards them. Izuku landed on the first one knocking off everyone on it, he then kicked in the direction of the second one sending a air slash that cut the line eliminating everyone on that one as well. He scanned the area seeing Ochaco on the third island and smiled as charged to 20% and started bounding between each island racing to the final obstacle.

"HOLY SHIT! Just like that folks a third of both 1-A and 1-B are eliminated by the mystery student from General Education. Now he is at the entrance of the minefield right on the tail of the prodigy of 1-A Shoto Todoroki." announced Present Mic with excitement. Aizawa watched in silence with a suspicious gaze as he watched Izuku race to the minefield. 'How the hell did a General Education student make this much progress compared to the Hero students? My students. His quirk and movement look familiar, could he be?' thought Aizawa as he watched Izuku flip over Shoto and airflicked a mine to go off in front of the boy launching him back. Izuku took first place with minimal effort.

The stadium was quiet for a second before erupting into cheers making Izuku smile and revert back to his old self a little evident by the embarrassed blush and him rubbing his head. The staff was speechless, this is the first time in Sports Festival history that a General Education or any student that wasn't in the hero course won a event. All Might was smiling for his pupil and he couldn't be any prouder and Nezu smiled thinking that this was a good candidate.

Ochaco crossed the finish line at 15th making Izuku happy and Ochaco immediately ran to him embracing him into a hug. Bakugo watched from the sidelines fuming while holding his jaw and Shoto stared at Izuku with a glare. Actually almost all of the hero students were glaring at Izuku for what he did to their classes. Izuku didn't mind the glares as to him it was like children pouting at an adult for not giving them candy. Midnight walked up saying it was time for the next round as the 40 have crossed the line. She spun the wheel again and it landed on 'Battle Royales'.

"Ah this will be fun for you little cuties~ The round is simple there will be 4 platforms raised up around the arena in the shape of a circle. Ten students will be placed randomly on each platform. Your only goal is to survive for ten minutes and whoever is remaining will move on to the actual tournament. The way to be eliminated is by getting thrown off the platform and hitting the ground, however you have five seconds until you hit the ground and can reach back to the platform with no penalty. The rules are no seriously injuring each other and the obvious 5 second rule. Also, the victor of the race was intended to have a handicap but since he's from the General Education no handicap will be placed." announced Midnight as Cementoss made the four platforms.

Izuku's eyes went wide at the obvious disrespect he was given and his eyes filled with rage. With gritted teeth and and clenched fists, Izuku yelled his disapproval. "BULLSHIT!" Izuku's outburst made the arena silent. "If you refuse to give me the respect I deserve than I will take your respect by force. I will only use my left hand for this next round, that is my handicap!" declared Izuku a spiteful voice. Everyone was silent for a second broken by Midnight saying if he wished.

Izuku was guided onto the main platform with 9 others, he recognized two of them as hero students one from each class. One was guy with red spikey hair and he looked at Izuku with a intense look and the other was girl with vinelike green hair. The rest of them were just small fry that looked scared. Izuku had put his right hand behind his back to show he wasn't going to use it.

Izuku inspected the other platforms seeing Bakugo and that dual haired one on the same platform. Ochaco was on one by herself with a few hero students and the last had mostly small fry. Izuku turned back to his platform, it seemed the 1-A student wanted him all to himself while the other seemed indifferent to him. The small fries looked like they would piss themselves any moment.


"Sorry bud but that was super unmanly of you for knocking my friends out." said the red head as he charged at Izuku. Izuku scoffed as he saw all the openings on the red head however his interest peaked when he saw the red head's body hardened like he was a rock. Though he grew annoyed by the next announcement from the booth. "And this is where that kid's miracle run ends now against Eijiro Kirishima. He is fast and strong that is a given, but if his entrance exam is any indicator on his drawback that is probably his limit and Kirishima can easily tank that limit until the very end." stated Aizawa with conviction, he lied about the last part to get under Izuku's skin and boaster Kirishima's confidence.

Izuku growled at the insult but ignored it as he quelled the anger while turning to the charging Kirishima. "Sorry about this Kirishima-san but I'm going to make an example of you." said Izuku with a pitiful tone and not even raising his fists. This confused Kirishima but didn't stop him, he raised his fist and hardened it while throwing a wild right haymaker. The crowd cheered ready to see how Izuku would fight with one hand while staff believed it was already over for the interesting student.

Izuku instead slapped the fist away and sidestepped to the right. Kirishima growled and tried a left haymaker which this time Izuku stepped forward with his right foot and weaved under the punch. He then swept Kirishima off his feet with ease with standing leg sweep making the rock boy fall on his back with a grunt. Izuku looked down on the hero student with boredom as he backed up from him and motioned for him to stand up. Kirishima growled as he stood up charging Izuku again throwing a barrage of punches at the boy. Izuku sighed as he easily weaved and dodged the sloppy and slow punches. Kirishima finished the barrage with a overhead strike but Izuku caught it with his left hand.

Izuku pushed Kirishima away making the boy growl again, Izuku took his eyes off his opponent checking on Ochaco. She was still on her platform with only four others left, but they made no attempt to attack each other all keeping their distance. Izuku dodged a straight punch and turned to the clock seeing there was a minute left. He dodged under another straight and this time returned a hook into Kirishima's jaw making a audible crack fill the arena. Kirishima fell to the ground face first obviously stunned by the punch.

"I just want you to remember this Rock Boy, not only did I not use my quirk once this fight. You never even came close to touching me and I didn't even need both hands to whoop your ass. Now get up and give me a fight or jump off this platform before I force you off." said Izuku with an annoyed voice, Kirishima tried to stand up  but was still struggling. Izuku sighed and grabbed him by his shoulder and tossed him over the edge. Izuku turned to the rest of his platform just seeing the vine haired girl standing by herself on the otherside, obviously eliminating all the others. "There is no need for us to fight. Don't worry I will not attack as long as you don't attack me." said the girl in a gentle voice. "Well sounds good to me." said Izuku with a smile.

The second round ended with a buzzer and the crowd cheered loudly as the platforms were raised down. The staff was speechless at the humiliation that Kirishima faced against Izuku. Especially Aizawa who stared with wide eyes as he watch one of his students who had amazing potential get soundly defeated. All might looked proud but noted he needed to check on why Izuku seemed so angry lately.

The tournament bracket was announced and were told they had a 30 minute lunch break until it started. The tournament is the same as canon but the mina and Kirishima matches don't happen including their opponents. The two partners started walking to the cafeteria together to get lunch while talking about their fights. 

"Luckily most of the people on my platform were classmates and didn't want to fight each other. That didn't stop one of the other the competitors to try and fight me but thanks to you teachings he was slight work." said Ochaco with a cheery smile as she wrapped her arms around one of Izuku's. Izuku smiled as they continued to walk forward. "Glad to hear it." The two were interrupted by a girl with long pink dreadlocks cutting them off, she was wearing googles and leaned forward inspecting Izuku while adjusting making him uncomfortable.

A smirk played across her face, "Ah yes it is you. Didn't recognize you due to the growth spurt. I'm going to borrow this hunk for a second. Kay, thanks bye." said the girl as she dragged Izuku away at inhuman making him scream as Ochaco reached for him in vain. "Hey! Bring back my boyfriend!" shouted Ochaco as she tried to run after them but lost them around the corner. Bakugo was nearby watching the couple and growled in jealousy before walking away.


The girl tossed Izuku into one of the competitor rooms making him hit a table and complain. "What's the big idea and who are you anyway?" asked Izuku as he stood back up rubbing his head. The girl didn't answer immediately as she instead circled Izuku inspecting him all over until finally stopping. "The answer is simple hunk. I am Mei Hatsume, the future's greatest inventor and you will help me reach that future." said Mei with explosions going off behind her while she pointed at Izuku. Izuku looked at her like she was insane, "And how do you think I can help you Hatsume-san?" "Simple. You are getting so much attention right now it would be impossible for the higher ups to not see my gadgets on you. That's why I say we have a proposal, you use just one of gadgets for the tournament and if you make it into the hero course, I'll be your personal mechanic for the rest of your life. What do you say?" asked Mei as she extended her hand for a shake.

Izuku barely gave any thought to his answer, "No." "Huh?" "I said no, this deal brings no value to me in the slightest. I have no need for gadgets to help me and I've seen yours before in the other rounds. They will only hinder my chances of winning, 'Even though that's not the goal.' , I simply cannot accept these conditions nor deal." said Izuku with a plain look making Mei's smile drop for a second before it went into a forced smile. "Now if there's nothing else I'll be leaving, good luck with your matches."

"So it had to come to this. I wonder what the public would think of a student that's not even in the hero course being so connected to All Might?" Izuku stopped in his tracks with wide eyes. "What did you say?" "Three times a week since the beginning of school you go to the third floor of the west wing down the corridor to the backroom on the right. There you talk to All Might for about a hour before heading on your way. From what it seems like All Might is a sort of sponsor to you. Now I wonder what would happen if that were to leak?" Izuku turned completely around with a pissed off look as Mei looked at him with an empty look. "Now does my deal sound more valuable to you?"

Izuku stared at her for a minute and he let out a heavy sigh before turning around and walking away. "Do what you want, as long as I don't see you again." said Izuku as he walked out of the room with a thud. Mei stood there shocked unable to move, Izuku walked the hallways with a scowl heading straight to the cafeteria. The dual haired boy tried to stop him for whatever reason but Izuku just shoved his arm away and continued his stride. Izuku took a deep breathe as he sat down next to Ochaco making her jump in surprise. "Oh Izuku, what happened with the crazy chick?" "Nothing of importance just a waste of time."

Izuku and Ochaco finished eating with him walking her to her stands before he went out to fight. The partners entered the 1-A stand and all the chatting died instantly. All the students just stared at Izuku with either anger or wariness afterall he was the one to defeat almost all of them. "Why are you here?" asked a girl with earphones for ears. "He was walking me here before his match and plus I wanted you all to meet him since he might be joining us soon." said Ochaco with a smile. Izuku put on a small smile and waved, "Hello my name is Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you." No one responded to Izuku's greeting instead most either turning away or continuing their glares, one person however walked to Izuku making him drop his smile into a frown.

"How the hell did you get a quirk Deku?" asked Bakugo with a growl as he looked up to Izuku fueling his anger more. "I've always had one Bakugo and it's Midoriya-sama to you." growled Izuku as he looked down at the boiling Bakugo. A boy with blue hair and glasses stepped in between them and stared at Izuku with a disapproving look. "If you are hear to just start a fight than I suggest you leave." "If I remember clearly your class dog approached me first. Now if I were you, I would control that dog before someone puts it down." said Izuku with a glare. Bakugo went to pounce on Izuku but Kirishima and a yellow haired kid stopped him making Izuku scoff. "Hero Course my ass."

Izuku turned and started to walk away with Ochaco following him but still turned and gave her class a disappointed look they refused to meet. than the tournament truly began.


As Izuku was walking to the ring through the tunnels, he saw a man standing near the entrance. He smiled as he saw his Master in his weakened form, "Master, shouldn't you be in the staff booth?" asked Izuku as he stopped in front of the older man. "I should but I needed to check on you. Are you okay?" asked All Might "Yeah this tournament shouldn't be to hard." "That's not what I meant Young Midoriya." Izuku stayed quiet as he looked out the tunnel. "I know your planning on dropping out of the tournament Izuku. I just don't understand why, this is the moment you've been waiting for the reason why you became 'that'." said All Might as Izuku continued to stand there.

"I thought so too, but I've grown to realize on what's the point of taking this route of learning when I was in the action for so long making a difference out there. While if I took this route I'll be stuck behind a desk for another 3 or 4 years for the chance of me being back out there." said Izuku with a faraway look. "*sigh* I understand Young Midoriya. I understand that feeling all to well, it's probably my fault you think like that and I accept that. However, I assume you realize that one day you will be caught and not even All Might can save you than." "I know." All Might clasped Izuku on the back making the boy turn, "I'll still always be there for you." Izuku just smiled softly and walked out of the tunnel.

Izuku walked out to cheers heading towards the ring with a smile, having calmed down Izuku was ready for his fight. "Entering from the left tunnel is the underdog that showing he's the tog dog instead, Izuku Midoriya of the General Education Course!" announced Present Mic making the crowd cheer even louder making Izuku wave his hand with a wide smile. "Now coming from the right tunnel is another student from the General Education course but unlike his classmate he's gone the sneaky route of making it here, give a hand for Hitoshi Shinshou!" announced Present Mic but this time the cheers weren't as loud as before.

Izuku hopped in place as he readied himself while Shinshou just stood there laidback and slouching with a cocky grin. "Are you two ready?" asked Midnight. Izuku nodded and Shinshou lazily waved his hand. "Begin!" Izuku immediately started running at Shinshou without One For All but Shinshou stood his ground. "It must be nice having that strong of a quirk. You must have had a blessed life." Izuku cocked a eyebrow in confusion at that since Shinshou still hadn't moved. "It's a shame all that power didn't make you realize you girlfriend is a slut." 

Izuku saw red as he stomped on the ground making it crack as he stopped in his tracks. A wave of bloodlust filled the ring making Shinshou gulp instantly and take a step back. "What did.." "Got ya." Izuku's eyes glazed over making Shinshou smirk. "Now make me happy and walk out of the ring." Izuku obeyed turning around and slowly walked to the edge of the ring.


The One For All users looked from their thrones with interest. "Well the dumbass got caught in a mind control quirk, should we help?" asked the 2nd with no interest. "I say no, he needs to learn some humility." said En from his seat. "I second that." said the 4th "Screw that! I want to win!" shouted Banjo "I agree with Banjo, Izuku needs to win." said the 1st. While the others argued on what to do, Nana stared at the tranced Izuku and had an idea she wanted to try. "Let's see if this works.'


Right as the brainwashed Izuku was about to step out he stopped and took his foot back into the arena. Shinshou looked shocked that Izuku broke free. Izuku turned around showing a smirk on his face, "Would you look at that it works." said Izuku but something was different about him. His eyes now had a black hue to them making them look close to onyx in color and his voice sounded like two voices talking at the same time, one feminine and the other male. 'Izuku' charged up One For All to 3% making pinkish lightning bounce off him and charged Shinshou.

The poor boy didn't even last a second as 'Izuku' socked him in the face launching him out of the ring. "Winner of the 1st match Izuku Midoriya." 'Izuku' smirked before closing his eyes and when he opened them again he looked confused and his eyes were green once again. As Izuku walked through the tunnel he was still dazed on what happened. "Ah what the hell happened, I don't remember anything." " I stepped in." Izuku jumped as a ghost Nana appeared in front of him making her giggle. "What do you mean 7th?" "*sigh* It's Nana stop calling me 7th. Simple I took over your body and won the match." "You can do that?" "Well now I can still don't know how I did though."

"Well thank you for that." "It's no problem at all, Afterall I could never let my cutie get humiliated like that." "Huh?" Nana floated around Izuku making him gulp as she wrapped her arms around his neck pressing something against his head. "See you later cutie." and just like that Nana disappeared back to the void. Izuku coughed as he went to the stands to watch the fights. Izuku found Ochaco and sat next to her which she congratulated him with a kiss on the cheek making him smile.


The rest of the fights were pretty boring in Izuku's opinion none of them could really fight. Right now he was watching the ponytailed girl from Ochaco's get ringout in a second by birdhead. It wasn't even a fight more of a shove match. The girl looked absolutely devasted as she knelt in the grass before finally sulking to the tunnel. Ochaco looked to Izuku with a knowing look making him sigh as he stood up. He didn't even know her name and yet here he was about to go cheer her up. It didn't take long for him to find her either as he just followed the weeping that was in the tunnels finding her crouched in a side tunnel crying.

"Tough loss." said Izuku as he leaned against the wall next to her. She jumped at the sudden voice but shrank back into her arms not answering him. "You didn't even get a chance to fight back, to not even show your worth to everyone out there. You wanna know why?" asked Izuku as he continued to look forward but he could feel Momo's eyes look at him with a small hint of curiosity. "It's because you think too much and act too little, but I can tell you still have heart don't worry there's always another chance." said Izuku as he started to walk away.

Momo was grateful for Izuku's pep talk but didn't think much of it. Simply because he isn't the first boy that's done that. Afterall, she's the daughter of one of the world's richest men; it would take her a day to list all the suitors and boys that tried to connect with her, Izuku wouldn't be any different even though he had Ochaco. Well that's what she thought, "Well I'll see you around....um....Mo?" said Izuku as he waved his hand in a goodbye gesture before leaving the side tunnel. Momo looked flabbergasted as she watched Izuku leave without a second glance. 'He didn't even know my name.'


Izuku was staring wide eyed at the ring with him squeezing the metal railing so hard it was crumbling under his grip. It was Bakugo and Ochaco's fight, no, more like a torture session. Bakugo was purposefully keeping Ochaco in bounds while constantly assaulting her with explosions. Ochaco the stubborn girl wouldn't stay down either constantly trying to land a hit on him, even her trump card was blown into smithereens but Bakugo didn't stop. The crowd had stopped cheering a long time ago instead booing and insulting the explosion boy and the heroes already marking him off there potential candidates but Bakugo just screamed at them to shutup saying she deserved this. Aizawa tried to justify Bakugo but it fell on deaf ears as the crowd started to throw random things at the boy. Bakugo tried to attack the downed Ochaco once more but a hand redirected the attack to hit the boy instead launching him backwards.

Izuku slowly picked up Ochaco and started walking to the nurses office to get her fixed up. "This match is over." said Izuku as he stepped out of the ring while carrying Ochaco. Midnight was going to argue but decided against, "Due to interference, the winner of this match is Katsuki Bakugo!" announced Midnight but no-one cheered instead the boos just grew louder.

Izuku walked the tunnels silent as he held the unconscious Ochaco who flinched from every slight movement. Izuku arrived to the nurses office and laid her on the bed so Recovery Girl could get to work. He stared at her injured form for a second burning it into his mind before leaving to go to his match. As he walked the halls his anger started to seep out in waves as his teeth grinded and blood poured from his clenched fists. He had a new goal now and it had something to do with the blond pomerian.

As he was walking to his tunnel he saw the Number 2 hero Endeavor standing there with a scowl on his face. He turned his head when he heard Izuku enter the tunnel. "So, your the one that will face my son. I'll admit your pretty strong for your background but this is most likely the end of the line for you. However, before you lose can you get my son out of his rebellion, he's holding himself back from his destiny." said Endeavor with cold voice, Izuku froze at the last part. "So, he's holding back." said Izuku to himself as he walked out to the ring.

Shoto stood in the ring with a bored look since he knew this wouldn't be too hard and if anything a waste of time. Izuku walked tot he ring with a neutral face that screamed anger. "Start" said Midnight and immediately Shoto sent a wave of ice at Izuku aiming to end it early. The ice shattered with a gust of wind making Shoto buckle at the pressure and before he could react again a foot was embedded in his stomach. "I have no time to mess with a child throwing a tantrum" were the last words Shoto heard before he fell unconscious.

The rest of the tournament was a blur to Izuku, staying by Ochaco's side going out to fight, returning to her side and then back to a fight. He doesn't remember how many times that happened but soon his time came for the final fight. He walked out onto the ring and saw the person he wanted to kill so bad, he could careless what the bastard did to him in the past. That doesn't bother him anymore what bothers, no enrages him is what he did to Ochaco.

"Is Izuku Midoriya ready?" "Yes" "Is Katsuki Bakugo ready?" "Hell Yeah!" "Then let the final match of the 1st year tournament begin!" shouted Midnight as swung her whip signaling to start. Bakugo charged first yelling profanties while throwing his trademark right hook. Izuku stepped forward and slapped the hand away making it miss and then just slapped Bakugo across the face making the boy fall on his ass. The stadium was quiet for a second as Bakugo laid on his ass dumbstruck before they broke into a loud mocking laughter. Izuku just stared down on him with nothing, Absolutely no emotion. Bakugo saw red as he aimed both hands at Izuku releasing a massive explosion that consumed Izuku, Bakugo smirked as he continued release explosions.

A smack in the back of the head made him stop and look up to see Izuku looking down on him unharmed with the same look. Bakugo screamed as he jumped up and released another hook explosion which was directed away again but this time instead of a slap, Izuku just put his hands behind his back and started backpedaling. Enraged Bakugo followed after him throwing explosion after explosion with Izuku just avoiding them with ease. To the spectators it was like watching an adult mess around with a small child, making them think they were doing something but in reality they were just a child.

The crowd was eating it up laughing loudly and mocking Bakugo, ever since his fight with Ochaco the crowd has hated him and was waiting for someone to put him in his place. "Damn this kind of hard to watch, Bakugo can't even get near him. What do you think Eraser?" "Shameful. This boy wants to join the hero course but won't even give his opponent the respect he deserves. That boy who the crowd is mocking worked hard for where he is at. This general student doesn't deserve a spot with the best." The crowd reacted to this statement with one word 'hypocrite', for the rest of the match this was the only thing the crowd chanted.

15 minutes, for 15 minutes Izuku danced around the ring making a fool of Bakugo. Slapping him whenever he got to closer, tripping him if he overextended. Izuku decided in Ochaco's room instead of breaking his body, he decided to destroy Bakugo's ego. To make him feel powerless just like he made Izuku feel for so long and how he made Ochaco feel as well. This was the right punishment in Izuku's mind and it was about to come to a close. Izuku slapped Bakugo again making him fall on his ass, Bakugo got up again with rage and with tears actually coming close to falling down his red swollen cheeks. "FIGHT ME DAMMINIT! WHY AREN'T YOU USING YOUR QUIRK! DO YOU THINK YOUR BETTER JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND?! I'LL KILL YOU!" shouted Bakugo with desperation as he stood back up igniting his hands with explosion and for the first time a emotion appeared on Izuku's face that froze Bakugo. Pity.

Izuku turned around and walked off the ring making the crowd go silent. "I forfeit. If he tries anything I break him." said Izuku as he passed by Midnight. Before Midnight could ask what he meant Bakugo screamed in rage launching himself at Izuku. A loud crack followed by a crunch filled the arena as Izuku had turned and chopped Bakugo's shoulder, shattering the collarbone. As Bakugo laid there in actual medical shock, Izuku turned and walked through the tunnels ignoring the pained gasps from his old friend.


Izuku ditched the award ceremony instead sitting in the medical bay with Ochaco who finally woke up. Not long after she woke up she broke down in realization she lost, her whole goal down the drain in her mind failing. Izuku didn't let those thoughts linger and refocused her that it wasn't the end of the road just yet. She was thankful and with some help called her parents who also told how proud they were making her breakdown again. Bakugo was sent to the hospital after what Izuku did but Ochaco can learn about that later.

As Izuku was getting ready to leave All Might and Nezu stopped him. "It's nice to finally meet you Midoriya. Toshinori here speaks very highly of you." "Ah. Likewise Principal Nezu, I hope I didn't cause to much trouble." "None at all young man, if anything that was the best 1st year festival we've had, but I bet you know why I'm here." "Yes." "So, what do you say about joining class 1-A?" "As much as I would love to be with my girlfriend. I know it won't work out." "Your probably right, what about 1-B?" Izuku was silent for a second before he let out a sigh. "Ah what the hell why not." "Good you'll be joining them in a weeks time."

Just like that the two were gone with All Might giving Izuku a comforting pat on the back. Izuku sighed as he started walking through the tunnels to leave. Maybe he could get a patrol in since all the heroes would be busy here. Before he could get far a young woman with periwinkle hair  cut him off making him stop confused. She was panting and started walking towards him with hands in front like she was about to greedily take something. "I found you the Kouhai that won so much without showing that quirk. Now.....SHOW ME THAT QUIRK!" The lady lunged at Izuku with crazed eyes making him genuinely afraid but before she could get far two young men grappled her holding her back. "Nope. Not letting you scar another kouhai for your curiosity, we barely avoided trouble last time Nejire." said a man with a carton like face, while the other had indigo duck hair in a gloomy expression. "NO!" Shouted the girl as they dragged her off into one of the tunnels and Izuku just stood there confused out of his mind. "What the-


Not even a hour later Izuku was running for his life from both Mirko and Ryuku, one chasing him along rooftops with a feral grin and the other flying not far behind. He was very wrong on there not being hero's patrolling due to the sports festival. Mirko had found him extremely fast and very much wanted to kick his face in and after that didn't happen immediately she started being very weird in his opinion. The same for Ryuku as soon as Izuku showed a sign of actually being able to hold his own she changed. They both were more flirty as they tried to crush him which greatly confused the young man. Izuku seeing no other option decided to test the ability he gained from Nana, so he jumped off the roof while releasing Smokescreen and flew off to gods know where. "God why me?" 

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: CH.9 Stains of Society

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