The Golden Age

By TheQuietHufflepuff

5.3K 89 2

Colette and her brother Merlin travel to the land of Camelot, unknowing of the ban against magic and save the... More

01. The Dragon's Call (Part I)
02. The Dragon's Call (Part II)
03. Valiant (Part I)
04. Valiant (Part II)
05. The Mark of Nimueh (Part I)
06. The Mark of Nimueh (Part II)
07. The Poisoned Chalice (Part I)
08. The Poisoned Chalice (Part II)
09. Lancelot (Part I)
10. Lancelot (Part II)
11. A Remedy to Cure All Ills (Part I)
12. A Remedy to Cure All Ills (Part II)
13. The Gates of Avalon (Part I)
14. The Gates of Avalon (Part II)
15. The Beginning of the End (Part I)
16. The Beginning of the End (Part II)
17. Excalibur (Part I)
18. Excalibur (Part II)
19. The Moment of Truth (Part I)
20. The Moment of Truth (Part II)
21. The Labyrinth of Gedref (Part I)
23. To Kill the King (Part I)
24. To Kill the King (Part II)
25. Le mort d'Arthur et d'Anne (Part I)
26. Le Morte d'Arthur et d'Anne (Part II)
27. The Curse of Cornelius Sigan (Part I)
28. The Curse of Cornelius Sigan (Part II)
29. The Once and Future Queen (Part I)
30. The Once and Future Queen (Part II)
31. The Nightmare Begins (Part I)
32. The Nightmare Begins (Part II)
33. Lancelot, Colette and Guinevere (Part I)
34. Lancelot, Colette and Guinevere (Part II)
35. Beauty and the Beast: Part One (Part I)

22. The Labyrinth of Gedref (Part II)

44 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Gwen saw a man run past her in the Lower Town, the guards chasing him.

"Stop him!" guard one cried.

"Come back here!" guard two shouted.

"Stop that man!" guard three ordered. "He's been looting!"

Gwen looked over by the well and saw a drop of water on the spout. She went to it, put a bucket under the spout, and pushed the pump. Water gushed out.


Arthur and Merlin gulped down large mugs of water.

"Never knew water could taste so good," Arthur said.

"My throat was so dry, I thought I wouldn't be able to talk," Merlin stated.

"Well, at least some good would've come from the drought, then."


Arthur motioned towards his mug and Merlin filled it. "The sand's disappeared. The water returned to the well. It doesn't make any sense. I suppose you or your sister have some explanation for this, Merlin? Let's hear it."

"Anhora said you would be tested. And last night, in the grain store, you let that villager go. And he said it would bring its own reward."

"He was merely grateful, and so he should have been."

"Maybe that was your first test. You passed it, so the curse has begun to lift. Perhaps this is your reward. I know you don't have to listen to me."

"Glad we agree on something."

"If you're tested again, you have a chance to end your people's suffering. I know you want that more than anything. Perhaps we should seek Anhora out."

"I cannot negotiate with sorcerers. My father wouldn't hear of it."

"Then it's probably best you don't tell him."

"I must go check on the guard. See if you can find me some food."

Merlin muttered, "Find some food!"

Merlin saw the rat climb out of Arthur's boot and uttered a spell.


Even more people continued to queue outside the grain store. Morgana and Anne walked among them with Arthur.

"Who are they?" Morgana asked.

"They've come from the outlying villages in search of food," Arthur replied. "There's not enough rations to feed the people who are already here."

"You shouldn't blame yourself. I'm sure you're doing everything you can."

Anne shook her head. "It is not enough."

She and Arthur left and Gwen approached Morgana.

"Did you manage to find any food?" Gwen pulled a cloth back from her basket revealing some bread. "Where did you get that?"

"I was able to smuggle it out of the palace kitchens," Gwen replied.

"Share it out amongst the children and old people. Make it go as far as you can."


Merlin poured some meat stew into a bowl.

"Lost my appetite," Arthur said.

"You have to eat something," Merlin told him.

"I can't. Not while my people are starving. Do you really believe I'm responsible for the curse?"

Colette nodded as she walked up. "I'm afraid so."

"We're going to the forest, first thing in the morning. Maybe we can pick up Anhora's trail. Whatever it takes. You can come with us if you'd like, Colette."

Merlin nodded. "Okay, but you have to eat. You won't be able to help anyone if you're too weak to pass the test."

Arthur took a bite. "What kind of meat is this? It has a very strange texture."

"It's pork."

"This isn't pork. It's far too stringy. What is it? It's, erm..." He put down his spoon. "It's rat, isn't it?"

Merlin nodded. "Try not to think about it."

"Look at me. I'm being rude. Here I am, stuffing my face with this delicious stew when you're both hungry, too. Come on. Take a seat." He forced Merlin down into the chair and motioned for Colette to sit in another as he poured some stew into another bowl for Colette. "Eat." Merlin and Colette took a bite. "Mmm."

"It's actually pretty tasty," Merlin said.

"Mm. Well, I'm glad you like it. Because..." He fetched the pot of stew, "...there's plenty more."

Colette gagged, barely managing to swallow the stew in her mouth.

Someone knocked.

"Enter," Arthur said. "Morgana? Anne?"

"Anne and I hate to ask, but we were wondering if you had anything to eat..." Morgana trailed.

Arthur paused and Merlin and Colette smiled.


Merlin, Colette and Arthur searched through the woods.

"Lettie and I aren't entirely sure what we're looking for," Merlin admitted.

"You're looking for footprints or broken branches. Anything that would indicate someone passed that..." Arthur cut himself off, catching sight of Anhora. "Merlin! Colette! Merlin! Colette! He's here!"

Arthur ran off.

"Arthur?!" Merlin and Colette called.

Merlin and Colette didn't see where he went. Arthur continued chasing Anhora and came across Evan sitting next to a camp full of horded food.

"You?" Arthur said. "You're a thief."

"Wasn't that obvious when you caught me stealing your grain?" Evan replied in a questioning tone.

"Fortunately I have more important things to deal with."

"You didn't really believe that story about my children, did you?"

"What kind of man lies about starving children to save his own skin?"

"Your people starve because you let thieves steal their grain. That is why they doubt you."

"You don't speak for my people."

"Hey, your father would never have allowed himself to be fooled like that."

"You hold your tongue, or I will make time to teach you some manners."

"Your father would have had me executed, but you didn't have the stomach for it, did you, Arthur? And that's why he doubts you'll make a good king."

"You know nothing of what my father thinks."

"I think he wishes he had another son, one who was worthy of taking his place. A son just like his daughter. You shame him."

"Pick up your sword."

"The King must fear the day when you will take the throne." Arthur attacked Evan. "He fears you do not have enough strength to defeat his enemies. The King must wonder if you are even his son."

Arthur struck a fatal blow, but Evan had disappeared. Anhora appeared behind Arthur.

"This is your doing?" Arthur asked.

"It was a test to see what is truly in your heart," Anhora replied.

"Your tricks prove nothing!"

"Why did you kill this man?"

"He insulted my honour!"

"You could have chosen to ignore his taunts. What harm would they do you?"

"You will lift the curse, Sorcerer."

"It is not in my power."

"Then you will die." Arthur tried to strike him, but Anhora disapparated and Arthur fell to the ground.

"Killing me will not help you." Arthur tried to strike him, but Anhora disapparated and Arthur fell to the ground again. "You have shown that you would kill a man to defend your pride. You have failed the test. For this, Camelot will pay dearly."

"My people have done nothing!"

"Your people's suffering is not my doing. It is yours." Anhora disappeared.

"Arthur?!" Merlin and Colette called. "Arthur?!"

The two found Arthur.


Uther sifted rotten grain through his fingers as Arthur and Anne entered.

"What is it?" Arthur asked. "What's happened?"

"All our remaining supplies have rotted," Uther replied. "Every last grain."


"I know Arthur's stubborn and pig-headed and annoying, but he cares about his people," Merlin said. "More than he cares about himself. He will not forgive himself for making his people suffer."

"You two must make sure he doesn't do anything rash," Gaius told the siblings.

"The mood he's in, I don't know what he's gonna to do."


"Sure they're not poisonous?" Colette questioned in a worried tone.

"Quite certain."

Merlin, Colette and Gaius picked up giant insects. Colette closed her eyes, not wanting to look at the insect.

Gaius added, "They say they taste like chicken. Unless we're to starve, we must hope they're right."

They bit into the crunchy insects.

"This tastes nothing like chicken," Merlin and Colette said.


Arthur brooded. Uther entered.

"There are some supplies left in the palace stores," Arthur informed. "We are distributing them to the people, but there is not enough to live on. They will not survive for long."

"Then you must stop distributing food to the people," Uther reasoned.

"They will starve."

"We must conserve the food we have for our army."

"We cannot let our people go without food."

"We must defend the kingdom at all cost."

"What's the point of defending a kingdom when the people..."

"Well, what would you have me do?!"

"...starve to death?! Ask the neighbouring kingdoms for help."


"They may be able to spare some food."

"Out of the question. As soon as they realise how we weak we are, our enemies will strike against us."

"You don't know that for certain!"

"Besides I would rather starve than beg my enemies for help! What of our kingdom's reputation? Have you no pride?"

"I cannot think of my pride when our people go hungry. They're all I can think of."

"Give the order to stop distributing food to the people. Is that understood?"

"You'll have to give that order yourself."

"Very well. But if you'd caught the sorcerer, I would not have to. That's your responsibility! One day you will understand what it takes to be King!"


People continued queuing in the Square. Arthur, Anne, Colette and Merlin watched from the balcony.

"They do not know yet know there is worse to come," Arthur said.

"What do you mean?" Merlin and Colette asked.

"Anne's and my father is going to stop distributing food to the people. They are to be left to starve. I had a chance to lift the curse. And I failed them."

"You weren't to know you were being tested," Merlin told him.

"Anne's and my people are starving. Camelot is on the verge of collapse. And it is all my doing."


"Anhora!" Merlin and Colette called. "Show yourself! Anhora!"

Anhora appeared. "You wanted to talk with me?"

"Colette and I've come to seek your help," Merlin said. "The people are starving. They will soon be dead."

"You must believe me when I say it gives me no pleasure to see your people suffering."

"If it pains you, put an end to it."

"It is not in my power to lift the curse."

"Then give Arthur another chance," Colette begged. "He has accepted it is his responsibility, and he will prove himself worthy and lift the curse if you give him one more chance."

"You both have faith in Arthur?"

Colette glanced at her brother who answered, "She and I trust him with our lives."

"Arthur must go to the Labyrinth of Gedref. There, he will face a final test. If he fails, there is no hope. The curse will destroy Camelot." He disappeared.

"Wait!" Colette shouted. "What kind of test will he face?"

Anhora answered telepathically, "That is for Arthur alone to discover."

Colette said, "Let me do this, Merlin."

"Lettie, I'm the one that serves him," Merlin told her.

"Please, Merlin. I beg of you."

Merlin pursed his lips and nodded. "Very well. But come back to me."

"I will."


Arthur prepared for travel in his chambers.

"Let me come with you," Colette said. "You don't know what form of test will take. I might be able to help."

Arthur frowned. "You're not coming. Nor is your brother. I brought this curse upon Camelot. I'm gonna be the one to lift it, or die trying."

"All right, how does you dying help anyone?"

"I'll die knowing I did everything I can."

"I'm coming with you."

"Colette, you are to stay here, and help the people as best you can. Is that understood?" He rode out of Camelot and across the countryside. Colette followed.


Arthur arrived at the labyrinth and entered. Colette arrived shortly after and followed. Colette met Anhora in the labyrinth.

"You said Arthur would face a test," Colette said. "And here you are, preparing a trap for him."

"The trap isn't for Arthur," Anhora told her. "It is for you. Gehæftan."

Colette was wrapped in vines from the labyrinth hedges.


Arthur ran through the labyrinth and found the exit to the sea. Colette was sitting at a table on the shore, Anhora standing nearby.

"Colette?" Arthur said in a questioning tone.

"I'm sorry," Colette apologised.

"Let her go. I'll take your test, but not till she's released."

"That is not possible," Anhora said. "Colette is part of the test. Please sit. If you refuse the test, you will have failed and Camelot will be destroyed."

Arthur frowned at Colette. "I thought I told you to stay at home. Let's get on with it." He sat.

"There are two goblets before you. One of the goblets contains a deadly poison, the other goblet, a harmless liquid. All the liquid from both goblets must be drunk, but each of you may only drink from a single goblet."

"What kind of ridiculous test is that? What does that prove?"

"What it proves is for you to decide. If you pass the test, the curse will be lifted."

"Let's think about this," Colette suggested. "What if I drink from my goblet first?"

"If it's poisoned, you'll die," Arthur said.

"And if it's not, then you'll have to drink from yours, and you'll die. There must be a way around it."

"It is perfectly simple. One of us has to die. We have to find a way to determine which goblet has the poison. And then I'll drink it."

"I will be the one to drink it."

"This is my doing. I'm drinking it."

"It is more important that you live. You're the future king. I'm just a servant."

"This is no time to be a hero, Colette. It really doesn't suit you."

Colette sighed. "What if I drink from mine first, and if that's not poisoned, I will then drink yours?"

"He said each of us is only allowed to drink from a single goblet. I had no idea you were so keen to die for me."

"Trust me, I can hardly believe it myself."

Arthur snorted. "I'm glad you are here, Colette." He sighed.

"I've got it. Right, we pour all the liquid into one goblet and then we can be sure it is poisoned. Then all the liquid can be drunk, and it will be from a single goblet."

"You never cease to surprise me. You're a lot smarter than you look. As is your brother."

Colette tilted her head with a small smile. "Is that actually a compliment?"

"Look out!" Arthur pointed and Colette looked. Arthur took the two goblets and poured all of the liquid into one of them, holding it to drink.

Colette turned back around. "No! I will drink it!"

"As if I'd let you."

"You can't die. This isn't your destiny."

"It seems you're wrong again."

"Listen to me!"

"You and your brother know me, Colette. I never listen to either of you." He toasted Colette.


Arthur drank it.

"No!" Colette cried. "What have you done?"

Arthur fell off the chair, unconscious.

Colette shot up and ran to the Prince. "Arthur! No!"

She tried to shake Arthur awake. "Arthur. Arthur. Come on! Arthur, come on. Come on. Come on! No... Come on." She turned to Anhora. "Please. Please! Just... let me take his place!"

"This was Arthur's test, not yours," Anhora told her.

"You've killed him! My brother was meant to protect him! I felt the need to as well!"

"He is not dead. He's merely consumed a sleeping draught. He will come round shortly."

Colette frowned. "What?"

"A unicorn is pure of heart. If you kill one, you must make amends by proving that you also are pure of heart. Arthur was willing to sacrifice his life to save yours. He has proven what is truly in his heart. The curse will be lifted."


Colette and Arthur rode into Camelot and dismount. Townsfolk were carrying around platters joyously.

"Colette, Arthur, there is good news!" Gaius exclaimed. "The crops are growing once again! They are bringing in the harvest!"

"You did it," Colette said with a smile.

"Is this your doing?" Uther asked. "Is the sorcerer dead?"

"He won't be troubling us anymore," Arthur replied.

"Good, make sure the grain reserves are re-stocked."

"I'll see to it. There's something we must do first."

Merlin walked up to his sister with a smile and she said, "I told you I'd come back. Arthur and I have something we must do. You should join."


Arthur laid the unicorn's horn in a burial mound of stones and said, "I should never have ended your life. I'm sorry."

Merlin, Colette and Arthur began laying stones over the grave. Merlin and Colette looked up and saw a unicorn.

"Arthur..." Merlin and Colette began.

Anhora voiced, "When he who kills a unicorn proves himself to be pure of heart, the unicorn will live again."

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