
By carolinavanity

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{Book 3} With the help of my new family and friends I knew things would be easy planning mine and Nicks weddi... More

Before you read...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 20

129 3 0
By carolinavanity

Carolina’s POV

How the hell was is December already? Days were becoming boring and slow until I got a call from my wedding planner urging me to pick out a venue already. I still had no idea on when or where I want to get married.

So here I was packing my things once again to fly down to New York and see some venues.

“We haven’t been home in forever” Nick says watching me from the bed

“I know and I sorta miss New York”

“So I’m guessing you decided for us to get married there?”

“No, I still don’t know” I sigh “where do you want to get married?”


“See there’s my problem, nobody helps me decide”

 “Shh, it’s your big day. Anywhere you like will be fine; I’m not going any place.”

“It’s our big day Nick” I correct him “I just want somewhere both our families can be together without any transportation problems”

“So Texas?”

“Maybe” I think “but I still want to see all my possibilities”

“Fort Worth would be nice in the summer time”

“I thought you wanted a spring wedding!”

Nick laughs and meets me in at the edge of the bed.

“Stop it; I don’t care when or where we get married as long as you’re happy. Heck we could to Las Vegas tomorrow and I’d be ecstatic.”

I give him a look. He wouldn’t dare, we have practically everything ready for our wedding.

“So you don’t want to see me in my dress?”

Again he laughs “I’m actually scarred to see you in it” he confesses “I always made fun of Kevin on his wedding day when he saw Danielle but now I understand. You’re going to be the most beautiful bride.”

“And you the most handsome groom” I wink

Closing the space between us, our lips meet briefly.

“You’re going to be late”

“For what?” I ask

“You said you were going to the  bakery one last tie before we left”

“Shoot you’re right”

I give him another kiss before grabbing my hoodie to leave. I was so glad he remembered these things when I didn’t.

“Tell Laura to be on time.” He yells as I dash out.


Parking in front of the bakery I notice that there were paparazzi outside the window taking pictures of someone; oh great. I grab my purse and lock the car as I head up and past all the cameras. I wonder who was inside…

Right away I notice a familiar face; David.

“Hey!” I smile walking over to him

He gives me the biggest hug.

“Hey chica” he smiles “How are you?”

“I’m great, you?”

“Just fine.” He points “Oh how rude of me, Logan!”

I turn to where he looks at and see that he was here with Logan Lerman; who was staring at the cupcakes. The dark haired boy came over to us with his own amazing smile.

“Logan this is my friend Carolina”

“Hi” I say extending my hand

“Nice to meet you” he says shaking it

Oh wow his blue eyes were more amazing in person. I look over at the counter and all my friends were pretty much starstruck.

“Did you guys pick something out?”

“Not yet, you own this place?” David asked

“Ha-ha no, my friends do.”

“Oh and what do you do? Model?” Logan asks

I giggle at his comment “No, god no. I’m just-“

“She’s Nick Jonas’ fiancée”

“Oh really?”  he says surprised

“Yeah, now how enough about me… what about you guys?”

“What do you mean?” David smirks

“I didn’t know you were friends”

“Everyone who’s famous is friends” he jokes

“We’re making a movie together” Logan states being the voice of reason.

WHAT. I compose myself and notice there’s a line forming behind us of people I guess pretending to buy something to just see the guys.

“I think we’re holding up the line” I say pointing behind the guys

“Shit” David laughs

“Nani get them pumpkin bread and lemonade” she hands me the things quickly and they both reach for their wallets “I got this”

We scoot out of the way to a small table where they sit to eat their deserts.

“This is good” Logan says with his mouthful

“Glad you like it, I’ll be right back!”

 I risk leaving the two of them alone for a bit before going off to the back of the bakery to see Laura with the biggest smile.

“I can’t believe they are here!” she shrieks

“Shh, they’re right behind you”


“Ha just kidding but they liked everything”

“That’s great!”

“I know, oh and I came by to make sure you have everything set, and leave you this” I say handing her the plane ticket “please don’t be late”

“I wont, I’ll meet y’all at the airport tomorrow”

“Awesome, see you!” I say waving

Walking back up to the front I see both guys finished with their bread.

“So are y’all going to tell me what movie you’re working on together?”

“Maybe” David says

I give him a begging look.

“It’s Logan’s movie not mine”

“The Titans Curse” Logan admits

“Percy Jackson?” I asks


I had to admit there was perks in having famous friends and knowing about the movies they’d be in.

“Caroline will you come to the back again when you’re done” I hear my sister say

She was here?

“Umm sure, Gen this is David and Logan”

The guys wave at her and she smiles awkwardly before walking away.

“Is she okay?” I hear Logan asks

“Yeah why?”

“Hey eyes, they look sad.”

It was weird to have someone that I just met notice something like that about Genesis. I mean maybe I haven’t noticed this, but she seemed to be so happy with Joe. Was I missing something?

Subject dropped and them leaving I went about helping in the cash register to a while until I had to head back to Nick. I hope this trip would go well.


 “So where are we going first?” Laura asked once we got into a cab.

Thank god we were finally in New York.

“We’re gonna go to our place first to leave our bags, then me and you will head out to Kleinfleds for my fittning.”

“You’re not coming right?” Laura asks Nick

“No I’m not, I’ll wait back home for you guys” Nick laughs “Tomorrow is when I’m needed.”

“Arent you excited” Laura beams

“A little bit!” I smile “I haven’t seen Michael since I picked out my dress and I’m excited to see what else he’s gotten done.”

“I need to remember that’s his name” she muses to herself “I’m so bad with names”

 I laugh at her and soon enough we reach the lofts. Oh I really hoped the place was clean.

“I have the key” Nick says pulling it out of his pocket.

We step inside and I felt relieved when I saw everything was picked up. I took Laura all the way to the spare room that Joe uses when he’s in town. Once she was settled in I went to Nick and I’s room that was the definition of messy.

“It wasn’t me” he laughs

“It was the both of us” I laugh

“You’re going to be late”

“Not again” I whine starring at my watch

Freak, it was already 4!

“Laura you ready?!” I yell “Let’s go”

I ran into the hall  and switch from my flats that I wore in flight to some Jeffrey Campbell Litas that I adored.

“Why so fancy?” Laura asks

“Married to Jonas is filming today again.”

“Don’t forget these” Nick says handing me a box of shoes

“Ahh, I knew I was forgetting something!”

“Your wedding shoes!” Laura squeals

“Yes, I’ve had them forever. Alright let’s go”


I looked at myself in the mirror as they fixed some things at the bottom of the short train I requested. I knew my dress was simple; simple but perfect.

“Do you like it?” I heard Vera ask me meeting my eyes in the mirror

“I love it”

“You look gorgeous, let’s show your friend.”

I nod and turn myself around to let Laura have a better view. As the curtain opens I try not to look into the cameras and only at my friend who didn’t say a thing.

“So do you like it?” I ask her “I know it’s plain but-“

“No it’s perfect for you, perfect for your wedding.”

I give her the biggest smile and turn to look at myself again in the mirror. Then I see Randy come in bubbly as usual with a veil.

“You’re missing something” he smiles

Game over once he puts the veil in place on my head that was the moment I knew this wasn’t a dream.


 “You didn’t like one venue?” Laura asks almost questioning my sanity

“I showed you plenty” Michael said

"Yes and the one in Manhattan had the best dance floor i've ever seen."

I look at Nick who instantly met my eyes.

“None of them seemed like us.” He said reading my mind

“New Jersey then?”

“No” Laura gasped “It’s been done”

“Back to square one” Michael scribbles on clip board

“Maybe not…” I say “I’ve got it!”

Everyone looks at me expectantly, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it earlier; I knew where me and Nick should get married. 


sorry this is just a long filler

things are about to get interesting next chapter!!!

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