Dropping The Crown

By MavelineBelle

361K 18.8K 6.1K

"Stay away from my son or you'll regret you ever became a maid here." Meet Adani. A beautiful woman, despera... More

Chapter 1: Hell At Home
Chapter 2: What Changed?
Chapter 3: What Lies Beneath
Chapter 4: Stuck In The Middle
Chapter 5: Not Alone
Chapter 6: A Friend In Need
Chapter 7: Back In Time
Chapter 8: Confronted
Chapter 9: Riddance
Chapter 10: Everyone Has A Story
Chapter 11: Truth
Chapter 12: At The Starting Line
Chapter 13: The Mother
Chapter 14: For Your Information
Chapter 15: Commands
Chapter 16: Full House
Chapter 17: Rich People Drama
Chapter 18: Penelope
Chapter 19: Outside
Chapter 20: Caution Signs
Chapter 21: Party Woos
Chapter 22: Dress Up
Chapter 23: Territorial
Chapter 24: Adjustment
Chapter 25: Friends
Chapter 26: Touch Of Class
Chapter 27: Atmosphere
Chapter 28: Do We Have A Problem?
Chapter 29: The Drama Is Never Ending
Chapter 30: Shattered
Chapter 31: Walk The Walk
Chapter 32: Blown Away
Chapter 33: Exhale To Inhale
Chapter 34: Weathering Night
Chapter 35: The Influencer
Chapter 36: Step Up
Chapter 37: We Jammin'
Chapter 38: Bliss
Chapter 39: Peace And Pieces
Chapter 40: Over It
Chapter 41: Gala Storm
Chapter 42: Don't Throw It All Away
Chapter 43: You And I
Chapter 44: Last Straw
Chapter 46: Old Friend
Chapter 47: Up Close And Personal
Chapter 48: Without A Doubt
Chapter 49: Webs Of The Past
Chapter 50: No Family Like This
Chapter 51: Acceptance
Chapter 52: The Sister
Chapter 53: Another One?
Chapter 54: Freaky Deaky
Chapter 55: Point Made
Chapter 56: Let's Make Up
Chapter 57: Talk Your Shit!
Chapter 58: Traps
Chapter 59: Hot And Cold Hearts
Chapter 60: Weathering The Storm
Chapter 61: Nobody's Burden
Chapter 62: Blameworthy
Chapter 63: Why You Don't Like Me
Chapter 64: Different Directions
Chapter 65: Let's Share
Chapter 66: Son-Shine
Chapter 67: Unbreakable
Chapter 68: The Day Cometh
Chapter 69: All Of You
Chapter 70: Lion King

Chapter 45: Hell Wouldn't Freezeth

3.7K 229 85
By MavelineBelle

Ricardo's POV

I hurried home as fast as I possibly could. Having my mother under the same roof as my girlfriend was not going to be pleasant. She strongly disliked Adani as a maid. I can only imagine how she'll feel when I inform her Adani and I were dating.


Surprisingly, I found my mother sitting quietly by herself in the main living room. She flipped through a Newspaper as I approached.

"Mother," I greeted her.

"Son," she answered before turning to face me. She stood up slowly, smooth her suit and stepped towards me.

"I wasn't expecting you. You didn't inform me you were coming."

"I'm only visiting for a few hours before I leave to join Rockett in Paris. I came by to speak with Penelope, and perhaps bring her along. I'm going to buy the wedding dress. Where is she?"

"She's not here."

"I can see that. Where is she?"

"She was arrested."


"She was stealing from my company."

"So you had your own fianceé arrested, Ricardo!?" she asked, tone turning up a notch.

"Didn't you hear what I just said to you, she was laundering money from my company," I reiterated.

"Your company?"

"Yes. Mine."

"You didn't start that company from the ground up. Need I remind you that I'm also a Parriston?"

"I need remind you that you've also remarried?"

"Don't get smart with me, Ricardo. You and I both know my power and position when it comes to Parriston Industries and Technology."

"Oh, you're going to wear your shares like a badge of honor now? Where were you when the company almost went under and needed you the most? Remember what you said to me, you said I was on my own."

"You don't get to bring that up!"

"You don't get to tell me what to do!"

"Yes I do. And I can't believe you would stoop so low as to having Penelope arrested over some misplacement crap!"

"Misplacement, Mother are you serious right now? She and her father were scheming on stealing the company's money!"

"You need to shut up and drop those charges against her. I don't care if you pin it all on Marcus but you're not going to do that to Penelope. She's a woman."

"She's a thief. Do you think I give a damn what sex she is?"

"Watch your tongue when you speak to me. You've been nothing but a pain in my hip lately! You've turn into this disrespectful and stubborn person. I wonder who's responsible for your behavior!"

At that very moment, Adani stepped into the living room. Mother rolled her eyes as she approached.

"Of course," Mother mumbled.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Parriston," Adani greeted her but my mom only scuff.

"Get me a glass of water," she spoke to Adani after a few seconds. Adani turned to leave but I stopped her.

"Mother. Get your own water. Adani is no longer a maid."

"Then what is she doing here?" she asked. She folded her arms as she looked between us. A look of horror and dread plastered her face.

"She's my girlfriend," I answered.

"You must be out of the few senses you have left! There's no way in hell you're going to be dating this.. this.. this garbage bag of trash!"

"You need to refrain from calling her any more names. Her name is Adani. A-D-A-N-I."

"I know what this is. It's just another phase, Mother said and watched the confident expression fade from Adani's face. She turned towards me.

"That's the same word Penelope used," she said.

"Because Penelope and I are the only women who knows him. You're only a rebound until he's satisfied and checks you off his list."

"I've heard enough of this," Adani said and almost ran out of the room. I went after her.


"Adani. Adani, stop and talk to me!"

"Are you being honest with me, Ricardo, because I find it quite odd that your ex and your mother have used very similar words to describe how you're viewing me!" she voiced. Her eyes welled up. Rage was certainly in there.

"Baby, I need you to calm down and listen to me. You can't let my mom get underneath your skin like this everytime the two of you clash. She knows exactly what to say and she has coached Penelope into saying it as well."

"Really? I should believe your mom is giving Penelope hatred lessons?"

"Nothing is below her."

Adani scuffed and wiped at a tear while looking everywhere but at me.

"Adani, when I said it was you and I against the world, it wasn't an understatement."

"Don't do that. Don't try to rope me."

"I'm not, but you're going back on your promise. You're running away from me."

My mother appeared behind me. "Go ahead and waste your time and hers. You're going to treat her, spoil her, make her feel she's the only person in the world that matters to you. Then you'll find something to be mad about and you'll dump her because that's your exit strategy."

"I've had just about enough of you. You're talking about I'm a pain in your hip, well you're nothing but a thorn in my ass. You need to leave for Paris right now."

My mother was pushing me over the edge. Heaven knew how much I love the woman but she was set on making Adani feel worthless and I wasn't going to allow that to happen, especially while I was present.

"Ricardo. You're telling me to leave once again."

"You leave me no choice."

"You know what, I'm going to get Penelope out of jail. You're going to re-engage her and plan that wedding."

"That's not going to happen," Adani spoke.

"I wasn't speaking to you!"

"Well I'm talking to you," Adani sharply responded, "You walk in here and speak to your son like he's five years old. Barking orders and making commands. Why don't you marry Penelope since you love her so much?"

"Are you trying to be funny? Why you didn't marry your abusive fiancé since you accepted him so much?"

"You can't hurt me by bringing up my past anymore. You're only showing me how much I've grown as a woman."

"Spare me all of that. I can see right through you. You're in this to get what you want from my son."

"Oh, so now I'm the one using him instead of him going through a phase? You don't know what time the clock is striking."

"I'm going to let you have this moment. Even rats deserve a cheese. But the two of you haven't seen the last of me. I'll be back."

We watched in silence as she walked out the front door, leaving behind a very cold feeling.

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