House of horrors remake

By slasher_fanboy

16.1K 475 320

Y/n is on the run from an abusive ex boyfriend. They don't have a plan and are praying that this all works ou... More

An explanation
Should I stay or should I go
Weird Science
Who knows what love is
Jingle bells
Dancing Queen
Don't fear the reaper
Locked inside a heart shaped box
Tag you're it
Milk and Cookies

Phantom of the opera

1.3K 42 48
By slasher_fanboy

Warnings: Consensual drugging, reader is kinda dumb ngl

It's another day. From your count you've been here for a week now, at least that you've been awake for. After another dose of Morphine you notice a red book on one of the shelf's in Hannibal's room.

" What's that red book called?" You asks pointing to it. He looks over at the shelf, closing the box he keeps the morphine in.

"It's 'The Chestnut man'. Would you like to read it?" You nod.

"Not like I have anything else to do now." After your 'escape attempt' you've lost access to things you had before. The past three days have been very boring. Hannibal walks over and picks the book off the shelf.

"It's a crime mystery. Originally written in German. It's very good I must say," Hannibal hands you the book and walks over to his desk, taking a bookmark and handing that to you too, "I'm sure you'll enjoy it." You nod and Hannibal takes the box and leaves. As Hannibal exits Will enters. He pulls up a chair and sits next to you. You haven't seen him since he introduced himself to you.

"Hannibal just wants what best for you," He says. You roll your eyes, "I'm serious. If he didn't like you he wouldn't have helped you."

"What would he have done?" You ask, noticing Will is avoiding eye contact. You look away too, just to make him feel more comfortable.

"He would have eaten you." Maybe it's because of the Morphine but you laughed a little at that.

"Hannibal the cannibal. How funny." Will stands up and opens a drawer in the desk. He pulls out a few newspapers and hands them to you. Looking at the headlines you see "Grave robbing increase in Texas" "More dead bodies found" "Large fire takes down small Texas home."

"Hannibal's not the only one eating people here. Two of i guess our roommates now made it in the news quite often for their diet."

"Have I-"

"No," Will cuts you off, "Luckily Hannibal hasn't feed you people yet. I wasn't as lucky."

"Has everyone here killed people?" Will starts to tap his foot.

"Well not everyone. Herbert hasn't and Carrie and I did it in self defense. I was a FBI 'agent' in a way. I helped on cases and I ended up having to kill someone to save a girls life," Wills face grows darker at this, "Her name was Abigail. Hannibal said something about you reminded you of him. But Abigail did die unfortunately." Despite the fact he's married to a cannibal serial killer and lives in a house with other murders, you feel bad for Will. You've lost close people too, and it's always hard.

"I'm very sorry Will. I really am." You put a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you. But I don't like to dwell on that too much." You've known he has mental health issues. You often wake up in the night to find him sitting up in bed, drenched in sweat and breathing heavy. You feel bad for watching him like that. But again you are in their room.

"Do you uh know when I might be able to get my own room? I don't know if there's any other place for me to stay." This seems to pull Will out of something.

"Oh well Hannibal is cleaning up a room for you. It's on this floor, just to help with the wound. You didn't bring much with you, for moving across states. Not that we went through your things too much." You simply nod.

"I uh had to get rid of a lot of stuff before I moved," In reality you had to pack quickly while your ex was gone. Thankfully you still got some important items with you, "I'm sure I can replace a lot of the things I'm missing."

"I'm sure you can. We have a bunch of shit up in the attic."

"Is that where you keep all your bear traps and other torture devices?" You ask. Will chuckles.

"We don't keep them there, but we do have Billy up there," He can sense your confusion and he goes on, "Remember a few years back about that sorority house massacre? How they were getting harassed over the phone and the girl found dead in the park? That's Billy." You shift in your seat. You remember talking with a friend about that case. Now you're living with the man who did it, although against your will.

" Well thank you will. I think the morphine is starting to kick in so I might not be much fun to talk to." You say laying back down. Will nods and stands up. He leaves the room and you fall back asleep.

You don't know how long you were out but when you woke up you felt like you were in a dream. What made it feel more like a dream was the man you say sitting across from you. He's wearing a mask. One that looks like a dolls face. He's got the piercing green eyes and short, black curly hair. He was hairy too. He seemed a little scared now that your eyes are open. You turn your gaze to the open bedroom door. Looking in at you is Jason, and another man, with a mask on his face too. It looks like it was made out of human skin. However when the two men saw you looking at them they quickly shut the door and you turned your attention back to the man in the doll mask.

"Who are you?" You ask quietly. Your voice can't get much louder than that at the moment. Your entire body was stiff and numb. But your mind was somewhat relaxed despite the state you're in.

"Brahms." He says. His voice catches you off guard. He has a British accent but his voice is so high for a man of his size. It sounds like a little boy. You move your hand off of the little make shift bed you have and you limply reach it out to him. He looks down at it and shakes it gently. You're realizing now that this isn't a dream. You can feel his hand on yours. But if they let him in the room, how bad can he be? Ignoring the fact he's probably killed people.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Y/n. Did you come in here to meet me?" You ask, it's a question with an obvious answer but your not thinking entirely clear.

"I did want to meet you. I've been watching you since you got here." That child's voice makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Why does he do it?

"What do you mean watching me? Have you been in here while I've been asleep?" He shakes his head and points to the bookshelf that is now opened to reveal that it's a doorway into the walls. You're more alarmed at this and Brahms can see that. He picks your hand back up and squeezes it.

"Please don't be scared. I just wanted to say hi." You swallow down the voice screaming in your head to get away and you just look at him, studying the mask he's wearing.

"You're not that scary." You say without thinking. Although you are freaked out, you've seen scarier sights in this house. The door opens again and Carrie walks in holding a tray with a bowl on it. Through the door you see Jason and that man in the odd mask looking back in. She shuts the door and Brahms turns his attention to her.

"Brahms, we never talked about this. You were supposed to meet them later in the week," She says setting the tray down on the desk, "You don't want to be a naughty boy do you?" She's treating him almost as a child. It's an odd sight to see. Especially when he stands up revealing his tall stature. Carrie is a bit more than a foot shorter than him, and you're around her height, "Go wait for me in the living room please." She says. Brahms shuts the bookshelf and leaves through the door. Carrie returns her attention to you and picks the tray back up.

You sit up and she places the tray in your lap. On the tray is a mug with what you assume is black tea with milk and a bowl with chicken, rice and other things mixed in. You smell the familiar scents of peppers and other vegetables, also some kind of sweet sauce.

"Hannibal made you lunch. He said it might be time to get you eating more flavorful foods," You nod and pick up the mug of tea. You take a sip and it's actually very nice. You smile to Carrie, "Thank you very much. But I have a question. Does Brahms actually live in the walls?" You ask. Carrie nods.

"He does. He's been living in the walls since everyone moved in. I know it's odd but that's just kinda how it is here. You nod and take another sip of your tea.

"What about Jason. I saw him and another man looking in through the door. Is everyone else interested in me?" Carrie pauses for a moment.

"Well Jason, Billy and Bubba would like to meet you. But I assumed we should wait until you're well enough to walk and you can have your own room before you meet them. Bubba is a very sweet boy but he's also very big. Not to mention his mask can be very scary. Same goes for Jason and Billy is just...He's just something else. But I'm sure in due time you'll meet them. You start to eat your food and it's actually very good. Hannibal is a great cook.

"What about Michael and the other roommate?"

"Oh well Michael and Thomas aren't too interested in seeing you. I think that it's best if you just kind of steer away from them," You nod and go back to eating, "Herbert and Hannibal are talking about getting you crutches. That way you can have your own room. We'll still go and check on you but I think that you getting some more privacy will be good."

"Don't know how much I'll get with Brahms lurking in the walls," You chuckle. But Carrie doesn't laugh along. You eat the rest of your food in silence and drink the rest of your tea. Carrie takes your tray when you're done with your food and leaves your room. You're starting to notice how sore your body is feeling. You've barely moved the entire time you've been here, not having bathed in a week either. You really should ask about that. It's not just your body that's exhausted. You've been racking your brain on how to get out of here. Maybe once you can fully walk again you can finally leave.

Your pulled from your thoughts when you hear muffled talking. You assume it's Carrie and Brahms having their conversation so you don't pay much attention to it. You go back to looking out your window. Some snow has begun to melt but it's still piled up high. Even if you did escape now you'd barely be able to drive away. But what would it be like living on your own in that cabin. Nobody to keep you company, even if they're murders. What if River finds where you live and he tries to hurt you again?

Out of the corner of your eye you notice the door opening again. It's only slight but you can see part of a masked face looking in on you. You can tell from the hockey mask it's Jason. You initially feel fear, but if you want to get out of here anytime soon you might as well play nice to make them trust you.

"You can come in. I don't mind," He's a little caught off guard. Shutting the door a bit before opening it up again fully, lowering himself to walk through the doorframe without hitting his head. You've heard that Jason is a large man but now you really see it. You're guessing he's around 6'5, and he's built like a linebacker. You push aside the thought that he could easily snap your neck as he walks over. You have to crane your neck from your sitting position to look up at him, "How about you take a seat," You gesture to the chair but Jason opts for the floor, you assume because he's scared he's going to break it, "Well it's nice to finally meet you Jason. I'm Y/n as you probably know." He nods and uses his hands to sign something.

You're not fluent in sign language but you could understand nice, something, you. You assume he means it's nice to meet you, "I'm sorry about my appearance I haven't been able to groom myself with my leg all fucked up,"

You're fine

He sights. You smile and nod, "Well I'm sure you know that Im going to be staying here for awhile. Im glad I finally get to talk with you," He nods.

They talk about you a lot

He signs, " I'm sure that they do. I just hope I haven't intruded on anything too important," He shakes his head, "I'm glad then," You're not sure where to go from here. Feeling awkward you start to scratch your forearm and Jason apparently noticed the cigarette burn scars on your arms.

What happened

He signs pointing to your arm. You quickly cover it back up, "Oh I just got into an accident is all, nothing too bad," He rolls up his left jacket sleeve and puts his hand in both of yours. You quickly see why. His entire arm is covered in scars. You also notice how big his hands are. But you push away those thoughts and focus on his scars, "Are these from when you lived at the camp?" You ask. He nods. You also notice how he doesn't have any hair on his arm, or any of his exposed skin. You assume it's from a a medical condition so you don't bring it up to him. But you also can't help a smile growing on your face at the fact that he wants to make you feel normal in a way. It's kinda sweet coming from a serial killer. The door opens again and Herbert walks in. You can tell he's a little surprised at seeing Jason here, however he never really shows much emotion.

" Excuse me uh Dr.West, but I was wondering if I could take a bath?" He now smiles at this. You assume it's because you called him doctor.

"I can run you a bath but I can't carry you into the bathroom."

I can if you don't mind

Jason signs. Feeling desperate for any kind of grooming yourself you agree. Herbert runs you a bath while Jason picks you up like you weigh nothing. Jason sets you just outside the tub while Herbert returns with new clothes for you, your clothes you should add. You take off your socks and feel the warm water on your skin, it feels refreshing.

"Thank you both, I'll call you back in when I'm ready to go back." Jason leaves with a nod and Herbert watches you.

"Don't get your stitched wet, we can clean that leg another time." You nod and he leaves. You fully get undressed and lower yourself into the water, leaving your bad leg out. You look at the products Herbert left you and you see that they're very fancy ones, most likely Hannibal's. You lower yourself down into the water to get the rest of your body and hair wet. You know this isn't the proper way you should be taking care of your hair but you don't have much of a choice. You sit up and grab the soap, washing down your body. It feels so refreshing being able to clean yourself like this, although you haven't been getting dirty.

You continue washing off, taking your time to massage your muscles and scalp. You finish up washing yourself and you let the water drain as you lift yourself out of the tub. You grab a towel and dry yourself off then put on your clothes. This time around it's a simple shirt and shorts with socks. 

"I'm dressed! You can come in!" You call out. A few moments later Jason returns and picks you up again. You have to admit, you really enjoy being carried by him. He helps you back into your bed and you thank him. Maybe getting them to trust you won't be so hard. 

A/N: Ok so really quick I'm now also writing on AO3 under the name just_a_star_man. This fic and another one will be uploaded soon so I hope you check me out there too. Anyway I hope y'all liked this chapter 

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