Through the eyes of a Stranger

By lilmama881106

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After waking up on Earth Tessandra Alderman has no idea where she is or who she is she gets taken in by a hug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

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By lilmama881106

It wasn't even sunrise and Tessa was already in the labs and Emmitt was walking at the same time she was shocked at both of them arriving same time made them smile and laugh. "Apparently great minds think alike my great Chief." He smirked making the guards chuckle as well. Emmitt stopped them at the door. "Your Regina as you call her get anxious with people watching over her shoulder so unless you know some things about computer science and or chemistry I suggest you stand guard right here. Once sun rises please send for a light breakfast something easy for the stomach as she is still on the mend." Emmitt pointed to the men who nodded in agreement. "Should we gather one for you as well? Would it not ease her more to eat with her friend, and not have someone wait or watch her?" Mateo asked scratching the back of his neck.

"If you believe this to be so than do it." Emmitt shrugged walking back in. "There is no one here. Let's work fast." She told him going through the computer data base as he started altering the formulas to reverse what they were trying to do. Emmitt being quite the artist could mimic anyone's hand writing so he manipulated the journals and changed what the own scientist had done. It wasn't until after noon that anyone made their own way into the lab. "We're sorry meus Regina we wanted to give you some time to acquainted with everything here. However we do need to get to work as well and we were just so excited to get to work with you." A man spoke up a little nervous with a small group of other men behind them and two women with drinks and plates of food.

"I'm sorry meus Regina but meus Rex is insistent about you both taking a break and a meal. You did miss breakfast." The young girl stuttered out. "Well I believe you are right. My apologies to you all. Please get back to work and thank you for the food. So thoughtful you are." Tessa said as she smiled deeply to them. Emmitt thanking them with a smile too. Hidden in their own little corner. "Emmitt stop." Tessa said. "What is it?" "Our plates look exactly the same why do they smell different you can barely smell it but there is a difference." "There's no way to tell which one is been tampered with and what it will do." Emmitt said as his foot quietly dug a whole to toss half their plates in and cover it up.

"Emmitt wait." She whispered rubbing her necklace calling Eyio. Her eyes pointing to a paper that was left out. "That's the circle, that's medic unit. That's a trap." He said looking it over without touching it. "My friend take picture and pass the message to keep our people out of the medic unit." "We have everything to reverse it, surely it wouldn't make a difference?" Emmitt questioned her. "What if they change it to something more permanent. We will never really know what will be in their best to avoid entirely since we don't know what else little surprises may await there." She added only for him to agree and nod.

"The food did not sit well with Regina she wishes to lay down until the challenge." Emmitt said to the one of the young girls who were waiting for the food and was assessing Emmitt when her eyes widened. "Meus Regina is ill from the food. She ate only half?" She asked in concern making Tessa and Emmitt both alert by this. "Yes but don't worry I drank the entire drink hopefully with a quick lay down I will be fine soon." Tessa said holding her stomach faking sick. "Oh goodness of course I will go down to the medic unit and see if maybe we have something to soothe your stomach." The other girl rushed out getting ready to leave the tent in a hurry.

"No, no need. It's probably just something that didn't sit well. Emmitt and these fine friends here can help me back to the room and if I am in need of any help Emmitt would be more qualified than anything to examine me. Thank you for the meal any ways." Tessa said as she gestured to Sebastian and Mateo to head with her both blushing as she called them her friends. The two girls looked at each other and then ran off to try to explain their best to best to Amal what has happened.

"You two sit here while I examine Tessa real quick and make sure she is truly alright than you can have a man take me to Julian in his tour." "We will see to it she has her privacy." Mateo agreed turning to stand guard as Sebastian called for another one to grab someone who was free to escort Emmitt to where he needs to be. "Clearly they meant to poison you dear my love." Tessa said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Clearly. Although based on their plans I think it was just meant to put me out for a night. They still need me. I was the only one not added to that plan we saw. I seriously doubt Amal will do any real harm to me that I can't bounce back from. I think he fears what the loss will do for you and with me being the only one who knows how to treat you in the treatment until your memories come back I am assured I am safe. He will do nothing to cause you any type of pain." Emmitt said full of confidence. Placing sweet kisses on her face and her neck.

"Yes my love I believe you are right twisted as he may be he is a determined one." She said with a shiver. "Soon enough I will be able to fully examine you from head to toe." He seductively growled into her ear nibbling on the lobe. "I need to pull away now, because if you keep this up I will not be able to stop myself from climbing you like a tree." She purred back. "Yeah I am going to need a minute before going out those doors." They both lightly chuckled. "You're doing well. They won't even notice anything wrong until after the challenge, by then it's already too late. We have already wiped the evil creation from your parents it no longer exists and we broke and shut down the only thing that controls it from everywhere even those on the ship can't recreate it or activate it." Emmitt said reassuring her.

"Besides the actual battle coming we have done our part my father has set up the old ways in and we will have people storming this place from every angle after tonight everything will finally be over and his cruel rule will end. Even if he lives there is nothing he can do to recreate this army we have destroyed this morning. Everything will be ok." He said holding her close again. "What about everyone on the ship. How do we cut ties with them. They will be all alone up there. Amal was going to challenge Eric just for hurting my feelings what do you think he will do to an entire ship of people who not only did the same things but betrayed him in the process?" Tessa asked in a scared voice.

"I guess will have to talk to him about it. I can't believe Eric this whole time he is such a great actor. Except I believe he really does care for you. You are more like siblings and he has proven that, but we can't trust him Tessa. He has made his choice. I can't save him from the judgement he would receive from circle and neither can you. No matter how hard we try to plead his case. It won't be up to us." Emmitt said sadly running the back of his hand to her cheek. " I know I can't protect him from anything after today not anywhere else but here anyway. That is assuming he lives he is a decent fighter but not a great one. Unless he has been secretly training this past year. Everyone we trained will be leaps and bounds ahead of him." She replied sadly. "Whatever happens good, bad and everywhere in between. I can get through it all as long as I have you in the end of it." Tessa said looking at him to make sure this is what he still wanted to.

"I'll always be waiting for you at the end of it. From the begging and everywhere in between. Were it." He said kissing her one last time touching his forehead to hers. "Go lay down and rest until the challenge. I have work to do." He winked. Walking out the door shutting it behind him to find Amal rushing up to the door. "Is she alright they said she was ill?" Amal said in a worried rush tone running up to Emmitt who was barely just a little bigger than he was. "Who said she was ill?" Emmitt questioned lifting his brow only six people knew she was a little sick and four of them were right here.

"The kitchen maids. They said she was sick. Should I get a doctor?" Amal asked running his hands through his hair. "I AM HER HEALER!" Emmitt snapped. "Yes, yes sorry momentary lapse." Amal said in all honesty. "She is fine she just ate something upon her plate that didn't quite sit well. She didn't finish the whole thing just some bites and she stopped I have her drinking plenty of fluids maybe it could also be her monthly cycle coming up soon. That will also mess with her stomach, back, and head making her tired all symptoms which she has and all could be from unfamiliar foods, or foods cooked with spices never had before that don't sit well. I suggest a simple souple or plain chicken or poultry tonight even broth from soup and teas and lots of water she is tired at the moment I told her to rest with a nap until the challenge and she will be feeling brand new after. I swear it. You may see her but be quick the faster she sleeps and recovers for a few hours the faster you will have brand new." Emmitt smiled patting his bicep shoulder area.

Amal releasing a deep happy breath. "You are sure of this?" He asked relaxing. "I put my life on it. Once she wakes up she will be the same Tessa. This has happened before when she first came to the village it took a while for her tummy to adjust to the foods here. It will happen from time-to-time rest and of course it being expelled from her body in any type of way mostly vomiting in her case. She will be fine nothing that won't take time and some rest to bounce back from." Emmitt shrugged off.

"Thank you so much Emmitt. I am truly lost without you. You are the only one to know her history and her in general. I cannot lose her." Amal said shaking his head slowly. "Well no one can she is the one to save us all, and she is truly a Saint." Emmitt said plainly. "Oh damn her prophecy and fate. All that can be damned when it comes down to it. I Emmitt I CAN NOT LOSE her."

"I'm afraid I will lose any and every piece of humanity form my body and soul. I need her in was that are something fierce. It's not the whole world needing her that matters it's she is the whole world I am needing. You do any and everything you can for her. You have full access to everything in my resources." Amal said with both hands on his shoulders making sure he understood him." "I will always do what I can to protect her. She is important to me as well and not because of who she is supposed to be." Emmitt said back to him.

"I know and appreciate that. What are you doing now?" He asked him as another guard came up and told him he was ready and they were waiting for him. "I am going to join Julian on his tour. I think if I am there with him a friendly face to help curve his decision about this place. Honestly it is growing on me and I am leaning to your vision your Rex. I think I maybe be able to help you with him on this. I do believe I have convinced Tessandra as well. As we have been speaking I think it may be in her best interest in opening her locked memories to stay here for a month or two seeing as parents worked so hard here. I think it may jog something there." Emmitt said with a shrug. Amal smiling deeply never did he think the healer best friend would be his most useful weapon to get her to stay.

'I do think maybe if you spent some one-on-one time with her and tell her stories you may know of her or even her parents it will be better for her treatment. She has agreed to this it is all up to you your Rex. Remember to make your visit now brief." Emmitt pointed to him in reminder. "I will thank you for everything Emmitt." He said smiling as Emmitt turned smirking as he was falling right into his hands. "Are you alright love." Amal asked shutting the door behind him softly and walked slowly yet quickly as not to scare her.

"Oh Amal. I was not expecting to see you so soon. What brings you here is everything ok?" She asked sitting straight up looking worried. "No it's not ok. I heard you were sick from the food. I came quickly to check. Emmitt has assured me you will recover well and good as new after a nap. Are you ok? Do you have pain anywhere else?" He asked fishing for answers to see if she consumed to much of whatever it is they tried to slide to Emmitt. "I guarantee you I will try my best to make sure this doesn't happen again tomorrow we will talk to the cooks about your diet and work something out." Amal said understanding that the spiked food to make Emmitt weak and sleep through the night or three if he ate the whole thing like he should have so he could work the circle leaders over in his plan, without losing or interference from one of his greatest assets on the mountain.

"Ok if you think that is best I trust you. I hate to be another though to people." She said sadly. "You are the most important person on this mountain there isn't anything anyone here wouldn't do for you. It is no bother everyone here diets have certain and special needs not just you dear one." He said as he was sitting there holding her hand, rubbing the back of It feeling like he was on top of the world as he was sitting here alone touching her, taking care of her the way he always wanted.

"Emmitt told me some other things while updating me on your health." He said with an ear-to-ear smile. "What would that be?" She asked curiously. "He informed me that he thinks it is in your best course of treatment to stay here for a few months spending some time with me to help your memory as I know much of your parents and watching you grew up maybe some of the stories I know could help you. It seems my creepy stalking may be the best thing for you. He said you have already agreed to this, is this true or is my heart just getting ahead of itself?" Amal asked looking at her. "Not only is this true but I look forward to it. It will be nice to share stories of the past. Hopefully I can get one good memory with it every time I remember one good thing I get three bad ones that go right along with it." She rambled honestly to herself.

"Well I can definitely do that I do have stories you may not even remember even if you had your memory back." He said with a chuckle making her laugh with him. "I know you're a busy man. I know you have lots of things on your plate as well as I with training and the other villages but if it wouldn't be too much of a burden for you I think we can both do this." "You will never be a burden or a bother. I don't care how busy I am Tessa I want you to always be able to come to me. To know that I will always make time for you. I meant it when I told you I feel for you long ago Tessandra and I will do anything you need to help you. Anything I have or can do you is yours anything in my power or means. You will have it one way or another." He promised her as creepy and scary as it was it was also enduring. Had he not been such an evil sadist man, and she not been so in love, she may in another life fell for this man. His heart for her is in the right place. However him as a person in general must be stopped.

"Well thank you meus Rex that is indeed appreciated." She said looking down. He took his finger to her chin to lift to look him in the eye. He was a scary man. "You will always look me in the eye when you speak to me. You will only address me as Amal or any other term of endearment you may find. You will never bow any part of you to me. It is I and everyone else who will kneel to you. Do you understand." Amal asked the dark part a little more darkly than he meant to his beast was starting to show. His beast was determined to show even it's allegiance to her. "Yes I understand. Thank you Amal." His eyes snapped close enjoying the sound of his name rolling out of her mouth.

"You need rest my love. I look forward to seeing you later and fighting as your champion in the challenge against the traitors." "If you are fighting traitors of the people are you not the peoples champion?" She asked in a curiously question a little lost in the thought process. "I will always be your champion first my love." He said raising her hand to kiss the back and placing the back of her hand to his forehead in a bowing manner. Making her giggle for a moment making him smile brighter. "Well I think I feel better already thanks to your visit." She teased making his heart sore. "Well you know what they say a kiss to make it better. I will see you soon." Amal said with a wink and made his way out the door.

"NO ONE comes in this room until she is awake. Understood. When it is time for the challenge you may give her warning to get up and get ready otherwise you leave her to rest until she rises. Anyone beside myself or her healer comes by you do not grant access if they refuse you call for help and have someone bring them to me." Amal warned the guards in a direct tone that scared even them. "Yes, meus Rex." They both said in unison. Amal looked at the door for a moment and a smile stayed permanent on his face the rest of the day.

Stepping into the council room Ezrah and the rest of the men looking around the room in a worried manner. That smile normally only meant one thing. "Are you well meus Rex?" Ezrah asked in a pleasant yet concerned voice. "I have just come from a visit with the savior. I am happy to say she is well and if things keep progressing like this you will have your Regina sooner than I ever had planned." He said not being able to contain or stop the smile upon his face. "So are where are we?" HE said trying to look serious but couldn't stop smiling which caused him to keep busting in laughter making the other men in the room chuckle with him happy to see his side of him existed. Looking forward to seeing the great of many happy changes to their king.

"Well meus Rex. We wont's have to worry about slipping anything else into Emmitt's food for all intended purposes he is on board with your vision to spread to the other villages, he even put us in the Regina's treatment plan. In addition to all of that he has convinced Julian to give us Atleo's and the sky landers complete support. They will be apart of it as long as they can still work out the deal of peace treaty they already have in place." "That is completely acceptable since we will be making deals with everyone they have agreements with. One way or another we will have the support of the entire people this side of the world." Amal said again with a sinister smile.

"The circle leaders will be here in a day maybe a day in halves time. They will send their hawk when they are ready to the search party that is close by to them they will arrive without notice though however we are completely ready. The communication with them is radio silence as so the blue eyes don't set them off before they get here. SO all of them are to remain deactivated until they returned." "Good I don't need anything to mess this up. Tessa depends and is attached to this people we really need to reel them in but in the end I do believe injected them in the medic unit will have to eventually happen.

"Agreed my liege this is most like must. However our Tessa will be alerted by them that this was their choice as a better way to understand the people in this situation and a way to prove their loyalty to the crown. Since she herself is received to the people here as the Queen already." Drek'kon added. "She will be a great teacher the men look forward to the lessons with her." Hunter added with a smile. "I don't think there is a man besides myself who can actually beat this woman her mind works to quick." Amal said laughing as the rest of the men agreed watching her this whole time they knew her moves for the most part, but she was always leaving them in surprise. Their sources have even showed them a couple of new moves. They were excited to learn more.

"We will need to keep an eye out for Jared and Addie she will need this two here leaving with us as well. They are important to the training program and Tessa. We need to gather them and making sure they are on our side one way or the other." The men all nodded. "Alright is everything still good on our supplies no changes?" Amal asked looking around. "People have more than what we need, in weapons, materials, clothes, the children have left to go on their monthly survival training lessons. The people are still up stop date on their tasks. Communications have been made and all the work of Ethan has been terminated and destroyed. We have been making great progress in the labs Tessa has perfected the insulin and should be set for all types of the diabetes, and the hypoglycemics. She will check over the flus and the new cancer vaccine when she is well and able. I can't believe one day and she is already changing our world. Years of research and she just kills it in like forty minutes. I wonder what other wonderous things we will learn for her." Ezrah said smiling proudly to his king.

"She is incredible. I expect nothing less from her. Now that everything is all set it is time for me to send a message to our sky friends and while we do this I expect Ezmena and Ethan to prepare themselves. Someone inform your Queens guards to wake her and get her seen to before the challenge. No one is to tell her about the ship." "Won't she see it, meus Rex?" Hunter asked. "She will not see it for she will remain inside the mountain for the rest of the night. Even the challenge arena is inside. I will tell her. I will alone tell her once everything is settled. She has no choice in this matter. They have consented to our vision and this is a matter of traitors to our people they must meet the laws and answer the consequences as everyone else must. What they did was an act of war and death is the only penalty I will give even this way is seen as merciful death compared to what I would have done to them. Out of respect to my Regina this is as lenient as I will go." Amal said as he walked in and pulled the computer screen.

Using all of Ethan stuff to log in and get through to the ship he waited for them to answer. Once the screen changed to see a beautiful woman with raven black bouncy hair. "Ethan I'm so glad you called. We're having problems with the oh. Hello, I don't believe we've met. I'm Kylie and you are?" She asked nicely only those to be trusted would have access to this type of call. "I know exactly who you are. You are the one who has betrayed my Tessandra trust." He snapped to her. "You have Tessa is she ok? Is she hurt? What do you mean your Tessandra?" She asked quickly with Connor coming into the screen looking at the new man talking.

"Yes she is fine, so is your President Rodriguez. Apparently they are fine as long as they are far from your ship seeing as your people are trying to kill and use her." He answered in a bored tone. "Who are you? Where's Ethan?" A member of the council who wanted Tessa imprisoned since the bomb didn't kill her. "I am King Amal; however you already know that we know you are traitors or you wouldn't have those looks upon your faces." He said with a slight grin.

"What do you want?" Kylie snapped in anger. "Well your precious mastermind Ethan is going into a challenge tonight which I can see would be quite unfortunate for you seeing as he will be too dead soon to help get your ship back online. I can only assume you're having some let's call difficulties with the people you injected right the blue eyes warriors or soldiers in your terms." Amal smirked to her as she grew red in anger.

"I dare say you may even be finding some problems with the ship as of right now. IT would be hard to tell since right now would be the time your people go to bed is it not?" He asked with a grin. "What do you want?" The council member asked out in anger to him. "I want you to know that there will be no trail for you betrayal and your crimes against the crown. Julian, Tessandra and some others have already bowed their people to the me and the crown seeing as Tessandra will be my Queen. You have not only hurt and abused my queen emotionally and mentally you have betrayed the whole of your king that your ships leaders have already bowed to. There is only one punishment for cowardly and pathetic people like yours, and that is death." Amal said flatly as gasps were filled throughout the ships.

"How do you plan to do that. Are you going to come up and challenge everybody upon the ship. You can't kill everyone with your bare hands." Connor growled to him. "You are right about that. You see I give full pardon to everyone who is eighteen and under as they are not responsible for the choices of the others who have made the crimes you have committed which is why they will live. I have already killed you through the hands of someone else and honestly you are so out of time to do anything about it. It is quite laughable really I have all these fun buttons to play with that control different parts of the ship like this one." He pushed down and the whole ship shook as a part of it departed. Yells were heard all the way around.

"Councilmen the children's ward has departed from the ship it's going to Atheo." A crew man said looking upon their screen. "See that was fun and all those pardoned kids will come here for their second chance." Amal said with his sinister smile. "Let's try this button." Amal said as his face on the screen appeared all over the ship so everyone could see his face. "Attention Skylanders from the grounds men below. I am King Amal. All of you are aware of this though as seen as your main councilmen tried to deceive me and even your chosen president. Your Chief Alderman will be taking her place besides me as your Queen soon enough your president has also agreed to bow to the crown even after learning of the ships people betrayal All children eighteen and under are pardoned and have been detached from your ship to come here to Atheo with the rest of your people to carry onward now and leave in true peace." Amal said to reassure the parents as a sort of kindness and peace of mind their children will live on safely.

"The offense of such traitors as the rest of you betraying the crown you have sworn to and even the president and chief you have voted and worshipped to is death. There is no way out of this. Inside your ship are several bombs that will completely destroy your ship to ash not even pieces will float through space for all of time as a reminder to all of what happens when you betray the crown here." Amal said as screams and panic flooded the ship. Everyone running to the escape pod and trying to launch off only to have the doors shut. The power going off and emergency lights coming the humming of the engine had stopped still.

The image of him still on the screen still there even in the escape pods. "You honestly didn't think I would make it so easy as to leave you access to your escape pods did you?" He asked with a sick chuckle. As the doors lock and sealed them in there. "Please we will do anything just please let them go. We will do anything." Other council members were pleading as they were seeing death knocking on their door. "Now what good do you think your pleading and promises will honestly do? How do you expect me to trust you? You are liars, you already betrayed our trust once what on Earth mind the pun would make you think I would be stupid enough to do that again?" Amal asked them like they were the dumbest things in the galaxy.

"Tessa would never approve of this and you know it." Connor shouted. "She will hate you for this she will harbor resentment towards you for the rest of her life, and you know it. You worship the ground she walks on can you live with her blaming you of thousands of deaths of the same people she had sworn to protect?" Derek asked there was a moment of silence as Amal tilted his head to them in thought and smiled. "Would it be the same guilt you feel right now? Lying to her this whole time? Trying to kill her."

"Tell me Kylie growing up and hiding your jealousy from her all these years how happy were when you found she was no longer part of your plan and you got to kill her off? You may love that boy your with now but you wanted Julian for the longest time because you wanted the power. That is after all how you rose so quick to power as Ethan has even had a turn on you is not?" Amal asked smiling to her Conner looking at her with his heart breaking.

"Tessa may have had the looks and the brains and hell even the heart but you a damned and stupid fool if you think she will ever willing give it up to a monster and devil like you. You will be like your father you will end up killing the only thing you ever loved and it will be no bodies fault but your own! SHE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU! NO ONE CAN EVER LOVE A DEMON OF DEATH LIKE YOU!! She was roaring to the screen.

"She already has." Amal said with a smirk with looks of shock on their faces, as he cut the screen. Everyone around them running around trying to think of what to do to get out. When the ship move so quick like a giant sling shot had flung them through space. What is going on? Looking out the window. "Council man we have been launched to another section of the Earth." A crew man said looking down at the geography. "So she can't see us blow up." Connor said with a tear rolling down his face. "I'm sorry." He said closing his eyes as the tear fell. Explosions all at once in each section of the ship indeed blown even the pieces of it to ash before Connors tear hit the floor board of the ship.

"Atheo will be made aware of the ship in about two days that is how long it will take for the pod to land safely outside their doors, and the children to wake up from the two day sleep they have been given." Eric assured Amal who nodded. "Let's go I will see my Regina before I step in the arena." Amal said as everyone made room for him to go through. Looking around the room and he screen before walking away. 

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