Through the eyes of a Stranger

By lilmama881106

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After waking up on Earth Tessandra Alderman has no idea where she is or who she is she gets taken in by a hug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 20

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By lilmama881106

" So that's it everything. What do you think?" Emmitt said. "I think we should take his advice but follow with caution. I can't say for sure because I have yet to meet him in person but I think he's telling the truth. I feel bad about what your mom has done to him though." Tessa said looking down not sure what else to say about the situation.

"It's ok. Ok, well even though I don't want you anywhere near him just yet we will play it by ear. I already sent Meeko back to Riley so they can stay in the loop. I'm sure Ben will send another one back out but if they don't than that just means there's no new to tell. So we are off to the other village and back to training we will just keep our eyes and ears more open and be more aware of the things around us." Emmitt said.

"OK. Do you think maybe you should stop and ask Rylon about your mom. I mean like any little things to look out for any certain tricks or traps she may leave behind. Maybe question just how desperate she is to get to us?" Tess asked as she finished gathering her things to head out. "If it will make you feel more comfortable I can swing back in there real quick and ask him there is something I wanted to ask real quick also before we head out. Why don't you get Gabe and make sure we all get enough water before we head out and I will meet you at the East way out, with the group and the horses." Emmitt said giving her a good kiss before they went out to their duties.

Walking back in the hut he looked up to see his son looking down at him sitting up not moving much letting his body heal in peace. "Hey kiddo." Rylon said with a small smile. "Hey, I wanted to ask you a couple things real quick. Well Tessa and I wanted to ask you a couple things." Emmitt said scratching the side of his neck with his finger. "Ask away, son." Rylon said still looking at him softly. "Tessa wants to know If there is any certain traps or tricks that we need to look out for that mom can leave behind that maybe we should be looking out for?" Scratching the back of his head as he continued.

"Maybe a way to know if they are setting up traps like we do?" Emmitt asked curiously. "Well, there is no distinct way she sets anything up. Your mother is very craft and tries to never be repetitive in traps or things of that nature because it's only when you get too comfortable is when you make mistakes. Ezmenia was always very careful to set things up so you would never find it unless someone pointed it out. A trait you got from what I hear. Sorry kiddo, I have no real answer for that." He said with a sad voice.

"I have a question for myself." Emmitt said coming a little closer leaning on a support beam. "Go on." Rylon said. "You said you were watching me but Amal can't how were you able to do this? Can they see inside the tribes?" Emmitt asked getting nervous. "No. No one back in that mountain is able to see anywhere in the tribes or villages. However the spies in Atheo can be activated and their eyes will show the monitors what they see as they see it. They can also hear everything. If Amal's team really wanted to flip on complete control they could even program the brains of the victims to say and do what they want to but they never have and I don't think they ever will."

"They already know the mission they are on. So no one ever took that step it was never needed no one ever fought back mentally. I was able to see you guys from my spy at Atheo. I have one personally. It took a while to convince him and I had to save a bunch of people to get him to understand what it was I was trying to do. I just wanted to protect as many as we could. Especially you son. I am so sorry. Any way my man in Atheo was able to get me to see your progress. On a secret little thing no one else not even he saw. Rylon said as he smirked.

"Are you ever going to let me meet the future mother of my grandchildren or are you still on the fence about me?" Rylon asked with a chuckle. "I think I will keep her out of arms way for a bit longer. I will do anything I can to keep her safe. Who was your spy inside Atheo? What device did you receive to be able to see all you did?" Emmitt asked as he was getting ready to walk out the Hut. "Just between us?" Rylon asked with a serious face. "Yes." Emmitt said making a silent promise. "Ben. Ben was helping me with a very small bird as quiet as a humming bird and even smaller. Eyio was his name he's still floating too. Only answers to me or you."

"Well that's how I had him set up anyway no one ever notices him. He's the skilled little fellow. He would show me everything he saw. I had him tail you guys. No one can see what I have or find him. He can rebuild himself back together once he is brought down. He will come to you should you ever call him. You and Tessa alone. All you need to do is shout out for Eyio. Tell him to 'speak to me my friend' he will show you everything." Rylon said with a smile.

"Ben gave you one of the birds from the lab. He never told Riley about you?" Emmitt asked shocked. "I have not seen Ben in years. He set up Eyio to find me as part of our agreement. I have kept my promise and stayed away and do what I could and never to return unless it's to tell us of Amal's movement onto the mountain." Rylon said. "Thank you for your information. I need to go." Emmitt said as he left with more things to think about than he thought he would. Walking over to East gate and the horses and his crew were waiting to go train more warriors. Tessa smiling talking to Enzo and Chloe. Julian and Addie talking to Gabe, Tuca and Jared mounting their horses. "Are we all ready?" Emmitt asked looking around. Everyone nodded.

The ride wouldn't be long but it was quiet in an odd way. "What is going on?" Emmitt asked Chloe who was riding with Enzo in the back so no one else could hear. "Well it seems, Addie, Julian and Tessa are having a little bit of something going on. Tessa has mixed feelings of Addie and Julian intentions after the last time Addie made it to where Julian was required to spend time with Tessa. Tessa is not seeing eye to eye with Addie and they seem to be at a standoff. They will come around I'm sure of it. It will pass. It has to because it is just eating up Addie inside you can see it in her face but she is just too stubborn to see any other way but her own." Chloe said quietly back.

The training went quickly. It was mentally exhausting with all the new information they were still trying to process. "So how are you doing with all this?" Jared asked Tessa on the ride back. Everyone close enough to hear. "I am fine Jer. I swear. I just learned to take things day by day. One issue at a time. One issue I can try my best to fix anyway." Tessa said with a self-mockery laugh. "Still it's so much to take in." Gabe said. "How are you dealing with it?" She asked Gabe back. "I am fine. I love training others. I'm learning so much. Never did I think I could be worthy of such promotion given by Chief herself. Thank you so much for taking a chance on us." Gabe said with a smile. Enzo smiling at her holding Chloe's hand a little tighter feeling thankful too. Now that he couldn't see a future without Chloe in it."

"I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in your place, my sweet flower. However I think I would go and face head Amal straight on." Tuca said lost in thought. "What do you mean?" Julian asked in curiosity. "Well this is from my point of view before you all think of your counter arguments in your head." Tuca teased as they all smiled to him. "As I was saying I would head him straight on. He has this insanely need and love for you correct. Only feels any type of pain when you do. So you know he can't hurt you. So I would use that and make him build a trust off that. Since I am still recovering he can't inject me." With a little chuckle he continued on.

"Thanks to the way and treatment we give those who need to be awaken. Knowing that it could cause your body danger we know you're safe from that threat. Also if we make him trust us and he knows that we have one specific healer who is the only who can finish the treatment without any harmful side effects he would go crazy hunting Emmitt here down to finish the treatment. So once we got Emmitt in there we could have like Meeko go with him."

"Riley would get view of everything and bam we could have all the tribes and even Julian's people like a huge Army and attack them in surprise. Than there would be plan B make him think we got to intwine our bodies but gut out his heart instead. Now one would bug us for hours so no one would interrupt until the next day I would have hours with of lead after destroying anything else I could on the way out." Tuca said with a shrug.

"That was oddly very detailed. Haven't been thinking about this too long have you brother?" Emmitt asked as he looked at Tessa who was staring at him lost in thought. "No you don't! You get that out right now. As your main healer I forbid it. Do you have any idea the amount of stress that could follow with that. Besides we all know Eric is out there probably finding his way back to Amal, since Kaial was using his father." Looking at her with a serious face.

"What happens if you get into another episode?" Emmitt asked everyone else understood the worry in his voice. "Well if I was to get there, than we all know Amal and the others would do everything in their power to keep me a live remember they need the boxes." Tessa said with a shrug. "I know damn well Amal will be doing anything he could because he got something way more valuable than those damn boxes." Gabe said.

"Who would be dumb enough to risks anything else for those boxes. Those viles hold the future to millions of people all over this world. " Addie asked. "That's where you just don't get it do you Ads." Jared said. "Amal is man who lost so many important things to him already. The only thing he has that brings him any comfort to his heart. The only thing that will calm his soul and mind, it's not just the boxes to finish off the work of his father and his people. It's Tessa." Shaking his lightly to look at her.

"Everyone wants to save the world don't get me wrong but when a man is in real love the whole world is just one person. For Amal his world is sitting right there on that horse. When push comes to shove her needs will trump his own. Although when it comes to a man of great power he will alter her needs in any way he can to meet his own to protect her better. Whether it's right or wrong a man in love will always be a little selfish in that way. It's our primal job to be protectors and providers and that I believe will be Amal's down fall." Jared said in a sad voice.

"How do you think that will be his down fall." Julian asked. "There are only two types of men in real love the selfish type who will do anything to keep her protected and keep her only with him because that's what he needs. Than the selfless type who do everything to protect her even if it means letting her go. Putting her needs ahead of his own, no matter how much it hurts him. I think we can all agree to that. I mean hell most of us have seen it personally." Jared said looking at Addie and Julian who put their head down in guilt and shame. Tessa looked at Jared and Emmitt than they looked down and the rest of the ride remained quiet.

"They heard yelling in the circle hut, a deep argument as the group went to check in. "What's going on?" Emmitt asked rushing forth to the front of the leaders. Malik took a deep breath as Luca just stared at him. Rylon has proposed an idea that we used to do a long time ago in the tribe, however there are some possible side effects of what could happen if we go through with trying it." Ira said. "What kind of Idea?" Chloe asked with a bow.

"You see Riley and the Atheo crew has informed us that the man who stole the boxes when he went to the mountain is the only one who could know where they are but we cannot catch or question the man because no one really knows who he was and he killed himself." Abriel said looking around the table. "That is correct we saw the footage ourselves." Julian said.

"Well a while back we used to have certain ceremonies when we needed answers we would drink of some plant herbal mixtures and have some people close to us pray and chant around the person who was seeking answers from the ancestors or anyone who was no longer among the living. Our people would have visions or dreams that they actually spoke to the person from which they were seeking and got clarity. It was very sacred still is. Even If we haven't practiced in a while." Zayne finished. "That sounds very helpful what is the problem with this?" Enzo asked.

"When the Alderman's come here and were put to trail for the crimes of their invention we thought we would try the ceremony on the people we found in hopes to connect them to their pasts. Help wake them up as it has helped our lost people. We are unsure if it was because the tribe did not recognize them as our people or if their bodies maybe to weak or mind too weakened but each Skylander died in the process when we tried. Every. Single. One." Cato said taking a deep breath than continued. "It is Rylons belief that the man who killed himself would be willing to talk Tessa. It was her parentage product. She is seen as one of our own of the land also. Only problem is she is still sky born and still is in the awaken process." Cato finished.

Everyone looking around the group. "We were discussing pros and cons of presenting you the choice to undergo the process." Tahlia said looking at Tessa. "Well I have made it this far in the process when I many others have failed right? Would this be so different?" Tessa asked looking at her. "Tess, no you have no idea how much this is on your body. It would make everything you have gone through up to now feel like you just had a cough. It does things to you What if you don't come back out of this?" Emmitt asked remembering how people were changed when they came back from the process as a young boy.

"Tess, you can't be serious no one of our kind has lived. I can't lose you again. Think of the people, think of us your family. Don't do this." Julian said holding her hand to get her attention. "What are the effects of the pros and cons of doing this. My chief will want to know to weigh her options." Jared said standing next to her. "Well death is a big one, she may come out paralyzed in some type of way. Possible to have a heart attack, stroke, seizures, aneurysm, she may even start back to the beginning of having no memory again. The list goes on. No good can come of this. It will be hell on Earth for your body, I can't let you do this." Malik said with authority.

"There could also be the chance where you get answers you need and none of that happens. Everyone is different child and you are so strong. I believe in everything in me that you can handle this just fine. You are one of us, you are just as much a part of this land as we are. Once the connection feels you coming through it will wrap you in its trust and love and see you safely back to us." Ira said with confidence. "I would like to have a night to think this over on my own. If that would be ok in the morning and if it pleases everyone maybe have a vote in the morning and see where we stand." Tessa asked this.

"We are willing to accept this request as long as everyone is aware the ending choice will still be yours child this is a huge risk, and even though will all have something to lose out of this, you are the only one who can know what is good for you and your body. That being said you need to have dinner with your people only tonight as part of the process and treaty." Tahlia said. Taking a deep exhale. "Yes, your fairness." She said as they all walked to have an early dinner.

"So as part of the process I am banning as your chief any discussion of current events and you guys can just share the past stories that is how this is supposed to be going." Tessa said not even bothering to look around sitting between Jared and Gabe. Enzo sat on the other side of Jared, who was still a little mad with Adelyn who was sitting next to Julian, and Gabe. "OK." They shared stories about growing up and training. All the times the got in trouble the double dates. When they all finished up Julian came up next to her gesturing Gabe to move over for a second.

"I have something I want you to have I've been meaning to give to you for a while now." Jules said as he gave her the three pictures seeing them made her smile deeply. "I...I remember these." She said with a tear rolling down her eye. "I remember everything about the days they were taken." She said looking around at everyone but eyes held onto Julian's just a little longer feeling a tug on her heart starring into his eyes this long. It felt right but wrong it turned her stomach and she looked away not sure what was happening with her. Shaking it off she remembered something important of these pictures.

She turned them over there they were the numbers that haunted her dreams and yet she was still lost on what they could possibly be. The ship only had so many things they could have meant. "I am still so lost when it comes to these." She said showing Jared. "Ah the numbers make their way back to us." Jared said with a chuckle. "Yeah we combed all over that ship still lost as the day we started looking." Tessa said shaking her head.

"Well, maybe that was our problem. I mean hell boss I helped you box those damn things up and send them here to keep them safe. So you were ever going to keep them on the ship. You wrote those numbers down off from the piece of paper you found in the boxes in the first place. So maybe we didn't find them on the ship because they're here on the ground. You never meant to stay on the ship where the danger you thought mainly was, so maybe they have something to do down here." Jared said shrugging his shoulders.

Once he said that she remembered just how she really got the numbers in the first place like a slap in the face. "YOU'RE RIGHT!" She said in excitement. "I found them in the boxes we had them and I sent them here to protect them I found the paper it was written in dad's writing and I saved them on the back of these pictures so no one could find out. Thank you Jared, thank you Jules." She said kissing them both on the cheek. "Leaving already?" Addie asked. "I need to have a word with someone before Emmitt finds me." She said getting up and walking over to him as he poked the little fire standing leaning into it as he was very tall hugely built man a very dark look on his face.

"You seem awful thoughtful this evening." She teased. "I swear one of these days my child you will be the death of me. Making me age years older than I am." Malik said in a playful tone with a smile. "You know I don't think I have ever truly thanked you since I have been here." She said making him look at her with confusion. "I know what you have been doing for me behind the scenes while I have been getting treatment. Luca is like the grandfather I never got blessed with. You, my dear Malik are the father I never got to have." She said leaning in to him resting her head in his chest and shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her pulling her close resting his head down to hers.

"You found all that out huh?" Maliks asked in a grunt. "Well Emmitt is smooth but you are not as clever as you seem." She said with a laugh. "Luca and I as well as your dad have raised him since he was a boy. When I met you, there was something in you that made me think you are the daughter I was meant to have. I see both of you as my own and just want you both to be happy and safe. It is my mission to make sure of that. I can't lose you so soon in this life." Malik said with his eyes teary

"I have lost enough in my family this year Tess. The odds are stacked against us this one very high. We need to be one hundred percent on this. It's just too dangerous my girl." He said as he placed a kiss to the top of her head as they both looked into the fire. "I understand your position. When I got In front of you the first time in that hut I wasn't sure about anything. Every step I made was on a gut instinct. My heart would tell me to, I never once asked why. I didn't question any of it, it said do something and I did it." Taking a deep breath before she continued.

"Somewhere in me I know what I am doing. Some part of me knows what I have to do. Even if I don' t understand it. I just put all my faith in it. Somehow it all works out. I need you to promise me when I make the choice tomorrow no matter how we both vote, you keep that same faith with me. Whether you believe in it or not, just trust me enough to do what's right. I need you to do this, so I can always find my way back. I love Emmitt and everyone here. I need them all. Whether they stay here with me or go back to the mountain. I will always need to be with you Malik. You are one of the few I truly look to. Another reason why when this is all over I am staying here with you so you can help me train whatever grandkids I can give you." Tessa teased making Malik stand hugging her tightly.

"I would be only blessed to be a part of it. I know what you're going to do you better hurry up and get to it he's not supposed to have visitors once it's dark." Malik said. "See smart man knows his kids." She said smiling. "Yeah, I know you better than you know yourself, so please rethink tomorrow." He said sadly. Knowing how it will all work in the morning no matter how long or much he was willing to get on his hands and knees and beg. His heart would shatter to burry another child this year like they had sage.

"Just keep the faith there dad it'll all work out I promise." "Always." He said as she walked to Emmitt who was happily walking up to him. "You ready for home to rest maybe talk?" He asked in a curious tone. "No. I want you to do something for me. It won't take too long and it will make you uncomfortable." She said to him not blinking. "What is my love." He asked tilting his head a little. "I want to talk to your dad... alone." She said flatly.

"No." He said simply. "Emmitt I need to go speak to him for a couple of minutes so I can make an intelligent decision. Didn't Jared just talk about what a man in real love types were. Do you really want to risk your selfless title over this? I need this Emmitt. I need it." She said raising her hands slightly in surrender. "You know how much this bothers me and you still asking for it, isn't that a little selfish?" He argued back.

"Is it? Is it selfish to want to meet the person who gave birth to you? Is it selfish to want to ask a man who knows more of my past that I thought possible, and possibly my future if the bad an gets a hold of me to make me his zombie like bride? It would seem that talking to him could actually help trigger some memories as he has seen some of them happen. Isn't that kind of breaking the treaty of my treatment? Is it selfish to need to speak to him to help clarify a huge choice that could save many people or does that make you selfish and me selfless are you so ashamed of me to keep me from your father am I really not good enough?" Tessa asked crossing her arms.

"You... sometimes I swear Tess you can be so evil when you argue." Emmitt said running his hands through his face to his hair as he walked in a small circle. Julian noticed from far away in concern but a little bit of happiness to see the first time they actually coming to disagreement. "I am never ashamed of you. You are my everything and you know it. You know I am only scared for your wellbeing." He said with his hands on his hip. "I know I feel the same way for you Emmitt. This is something I just need to do. You will be right outside that tent. Ready to come to me the second I holler for help, which I will the second I know I need it I swear." She said crossing her heart.

"OK, fine let's go see him. Hurry." He said walking next to her. "Before I let you go in there I too have a request. For you to think about. I know how much we need every warrior we can get. I know how much we have riding on you pretending with Julian. We could die at any point Tess. I am tired of hiding. You sacrifice so much for so many I think we owe to ourselves to be honest to our people. I want to be able to hug you, kiss you be with you in our village. I know when your memory comes back, you can always change your mind I am prepared and ok with that. That is later, right now though I just want us to be us. I want you to think about claiming each other officially. No more holding back. Not even to your people. If we die I want to know the best thing in my life isn't some damn secret." Emmitt said pushing a loose hair behind her ear. Kissing her deeply and holding the door open for her to get through without saying another word.

"He has a point you know. The men here we are prideful and proud of everything we have especially our women." Rylon said from the corner straight ahead of her it was dark with dimly light just enough to see each other clearly. "I agree with him." She said coming closer to him but still out of reach. "Let me proper introduce myself Tessandra, I am Rylon. It is an honor to meet you. I am proud of you seeing how you grew up to now was not an easy thing to do. You should be proud you made yourself into an incredible strong smart woman." Adjusting his position to sit better before he continued.

"Never living her life to please others. Until it was no longer your choice, than with a stroke of fate you finally got your freedom. Well almost any way it is still with in grasp. I don't know anyone who could have survived your life being as smart as you are." He said smiling down proudly at he. "Thank you for your kind words. You know the more I remember the more I wish I didn't." Tessa said sadly. "I know. I know how hard it is and how hard it's going to be." He said at her. "You will get through this though." He said with authority. "Well it's not really a choice there's too much riding on all this not to succeed." She said softly.

"BULLSHIT! He said a little louder. "Such bullshit young one. Life will keep going whether we are here or not, everything happens for a reason. Fate will happen when it's supposed to whether we are here to see it or not. This is why it is so important to live your life for you. You are responsible for answering to your own choices. You're regrets will be yours alone no one else's. No one else can stand with you in the end, just be around enough to share you stories when your gone. No one goes with you when your time comes, no one will answer for your actions other than you. So remember this Tessa live your life for you when it comes down to it in the end. You can still run and lead a tribe, just don't forget to live while you're doing it. You seem to not have given yourself that choice before. You have it now; with a bigger support system I might add on top of it." He said to her with passion.

"I know you came here looking for answers. Go ahead young one ask away." He said offering her some room on the ground, knowing how comfortable she is on the ground rather than a chair. "You recommended me to go through the process to talk to the man who killed himself. What makes you so sure he will speak to me?" She asked looking at him.

"You know that is not the question I thought you ask. No one has even asked that yet." He said with a smile. "See how different you are from the others. The others asked how was I to be sure you wouldn't die." He said sadly. "That's easy, you don't. My odds of dying are high, good and strong. No one can guarantee it will or will not happen. Now I'm sticking with mine what makes you think he will talk to me?" She asked him quickly. Nodding his head.

"In our culture I believe is your word for it. Taking your own life is a selfish wasteful crime. You cannot go on until you have gotten forgiveness to the one person your actions have wronged the most. He stole from you, making a mess of all the tribes. He would need your forgiveness above anyone else to be able to cross on peacefully. Otherwise it's believe to be going through your last day alive over and over and over feeling all the pain over and over and over again. I know he will speak to you." Rylon said with confidence.

"Either way I know someone will and you shall get everything you need from this. Everything you need to know, everything you have been looking for I believe you find in their on the connection." He said with such passion. "You think I will awaken in there don't you?" She asked curiously. "Yes I do think you will. Promise me when the time comes when you face Amal never let him know if you do or do not have the memories back. Do not let him have any kind of advantage to you he must never get anything inside the boxes or will all be doomed." Rylon said with encouragement.

"I believe that is all the answers I can offer you. You seem to have a busy morning and my son grows anxious being away from you I can feel it. Go enjoy your night with my boy. I will be supporting you both from in here. Good night little one." Rulon said as he waved her off. "Sleep well Rylon." She smiled she got nothing but a good sad feeling from him. Sad he lost his love, and time with his son, sad for the trying to protect his people and the knowledge he knows, the good feeling because she knew he is a natural down to the soul protector and that is what he will always be.

After getting into the home both changed for bed. Cuddling close. He looked at her. Her sparkle eyes staring back, kissing her deeply lifting off her shirt. Neither of them speaking a word all night. Just enjoying their bodies and showing their love in many other ways. No matter what choices are made in the morning. No matter whether she chooses to really be with him or not they would have this night. This at least either one last time of making love to each other or their last time being a such a secret. This night will be theirs nothing else in the world would matter other than each other. Tonight they were living for them through each other. They would suffer whatever tomorrow would bring tomorrow. Tonight their whole world was staring back at them until they fell asleep.

The next morning she had everything thought out. "Ok let's vote on this. We thought it would be good to start with your training team seeing as though they would be needed to be a part of the ceremony and they would be the ones to suffer your loss picking up the slack on the training of other tribes. Also just so everyone knows Tessa has agreed to go with the majority of the vote regardless of her vote itself. So we will have you if you say yes to go to this side of the room, and no to the process go to that side of the room looking at the front of the doorway it was left for yes and left for no."

The group all looked at each other Tessa and Emmitt had to stay still as they are not considered in this vote yet. Gabe, Jared, and Tuca were standing proud into the yes vote, while Chloe, Addie, Gabe, Enzo, and Julian stood on the no. "Ok we have three to five standing in the nay side. Leaders I will ask you personally. Cato?" "No." "Kai." "No." "Piers." "No." "Ira." Yes." "Abriel." "Yes." "Zayn." "Yes." I Tahlia vote "Yes." She said as she was finishing going around the circle of seats they were in. "Malik." "No." He said sadly. "Luca." "Yes." Everyone stopped and starred in shock. "I stand by my vote." He said looking around. "Tessa." She said looking up. At her she just simply walked over and joined Jared, Tuca, and Gabe. "Ok we are at a tie Emmitt is the last vote to push us one way or another.

Julian and Malik were breathing a little better knowing no way would her main healer it her do this. He was a smart man and always put the health first. Emmitt looked all over the room and walked over to Tessa and the rest of the yes group shocking everyone. "There you have we will set up for the process today. We will send word out and anyone who is willing to be a part of the prayer ceremony will be doing so around the area outside the hut here, because it is big enough hold us all. Go on now and prepare yourself we will need an hour." Tahlia said nodding to everyone.

Walking over to Malik first. He hugged her tightly. "It's ok I knew exactly how this was going to go. I will not leave this room without you awake and brought back to me. I promise." Malik said with a quick kiss to the head. "Thank you." She said to him and Luca who also hugged her. "I know you doubt our loyalty sky walker. Believe it or not we are not your enemy. We may just as well be your biggest supporters, however, does not mean we may not have some snakes we need to weed out ourselves." Abriel said with Zayne right behind him.

She walked outside just in time to see Julian approaching Emmitt pist as hell. "How could say yes. You of all people. Out of everything that has happened to her out of everything she has been through this far. You just up and decide to give up?" Julian said in a loud voice. "I voted with her. I believe she is strong enough to see this through and return to us. She is much stronger than you believe she is. She needs to do this for herself Jules. I won't stand in her way. I will be right there with her the whole time. To help her and support her. I am the guy who loves her enough to know she needs this and this will happen whether I agree with it or not whether I want it to or not. I believe in her she knows what she is doing Jules you need to have the faith in her to support her." Emmitt said in calm tone. Julian got madder.

"What if she dies. Huh? Can you live with the fact that she died because of a decision you didn't fight her on?" "Every day we breath is another day closer to death Julian. The process works by feeding off our energy to send her soul to another section and to return it safely on the same good energy if you are going to feel this way you will not be a part of this and you will not be there. Like I said you can either be with it or against but it's going to happen whether you agree or not. Now you going to be there or not?" Emmitt said.

Walking away to Tessa walking her to a spot to make sure she drinks plenty of fluids and has a chance to relieve herself before the whole thing starts. "Thank you for believing in me. Even though we both know you don't want this to happen. I just want you to know I love you Emmitt and I will always come back to you." She said looking at him deeply. He smiled back at her wanting to pull her close but they were in front of everyone.

"I know my love. I will always be waiting for you." He said as they made their way back she saw the whole village even neighboring tribes demounting the horses to find a spot on the floor to be a part of it. Taking her breath away bringing tears to her eyes everyone she has ever trained in an hours way were right here and even some from farther.

"They're all here for you and so are we. "Julian said taking a gulp and letting them through the tent. "OK you will drink this and lay on that table and just relax everything will happen natural don't fight against anything or it will hurt and should anything go wrong we have everything we need to help with whatever bridge we may cross as we come to it." Luca said. "Do you have anything you want to say?" Kai asked.

"Look I know it may be a small possibility this could be the last thing I ever say so I need to just come out and say it. Thank all of you for everything it's mean the world to me. I forgive everyone for anything they have done to cross me whether the intentions were good or bad and I forgive myself of the same things for the same reasons. Julian I love you but I am not in love with you and I no longer wish to pretend to be happy and together in front of our people I want to be honest with them. I don't want to marry you I can only be friends I am sorry but that is all my heart is willing to give." Tessa said. "Why is that?" "Cato asked tilting his head in confusion.

"It's all I can give because I am in love with Emmitt and I don't want it hide it I am proud of it. When I come back I guess we have a lot to talk about if you don't like any of the things I just had to say feel free to leave at any time I will understand." Tessa said as she chugged down the bile drink and laid down it worked instantly. Soon she was in an open field under a willow tree. "I always loved this place." The man said sitting down leaning back on his palms.

"It's beautiful isn't it." The field was covered in wild flowers in front of them. "I have been waiting for you for quite some time gorgeous please join me." He said. "Well I am sorry to keep you waiting than." She said with a smile. "I know what they have told you about my soul not to being able to cross over and all that mess but that's a lie my dear see it was a self-sacrifice my soul is quiet alright it's happy here. I even have my family over that hill. Rest assured love I am fine." He said with a big smile. ""I am happy to hear that. Please what is your name?" She asked happily.

"Oh sorry Rorick. Most just called me Ro." He said happily. "Rorick why did you steal the boxes?" She asked. "They were not safe there I promised your father when you sent your belongings down I would keep an eye out for them and hide them where he told me. I didn't know than just how important it was your people were not the first ones to realize I had taken them. The spies in Atheo knew and hunting me down. Instead of death by torture I took hid them and sacrificed myself to the ancestors for help so none of our people on this planet would suffer worse if this got into any other hands other than yours." Ro said proudly. "I am so sorry for the trouble and life this has caused you." Tessa said honestly with a tear in her eyes. "Don't be love, Kaial had my family killed when we refused to give up our land and souls to him. I got off barely alive and ended up in the village you're in now. Did almost anything for your parents." He said happily.

"The numbers on the pictures they are where the boxes are yes. I have been thinking about it a lot and I think they are coordinates now." She said looking at him for answers. "Yes, child they warned me you were a smart one. That is exactly what they are. You're father picked them out. He found about Kaial, before they arrived. The coordinates are much more than that because if read backwards you will find Amal and his village. One way leads to the box, and the other to your destiny." Looking at her deeply.

"It is you who has to bring all this to an end. You will do it to. Stand strong Tessandra you got this. You will prevail. I have been given a gift to give you from the ancestors who have heard your suffering. They want to free you from some of it. Stand child. He said embracing her deeply in a hug. Kissing her forehead her eyes widened. Everything rushing through her head. Everything finally open and free returned to her. "Go on then. Go save all your people. We are all behind you here." Rorick said smiling. "Thank you." She said as she felt herself fade away walking away from him.

Her body was seizing back on the table blood flowing from her nose. Making everyone watching heart break knowing they couldn't help her yet. She stopped moving on the table. Not breathing for a minute she scared everyone as her eyes popped open taking a breath. Emmitt grabbing on to her first. It's ok Tessa breath. Breath baby. Look at me it's ok your back." He said tear running off his cheek.

Your back to me. Breath." He said as he felt himself starting to breath too. She looked around the room. "I remember." She said catching her breath panting. "You remember what?" Malik asked. Looking at Julian. "Everything." Everyone staring at her. Looking for truth but there it was. After all this time. "I'm awake." She said taking a deep breath. Looking at both men. Tears rolling down her face. "I'm finally awake."

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