Through the eyes of a Stranger

By lilmama881106

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After waking up on Earth Tessandra Alderman has no idea where she is or who she is she gets taken in by a hug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

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By lilmama881106

"What the hell, how did you get here?" She asked irritated. "Easy my love." Emmitt said as he helped her up dusting her off. "How did you get here?" He asked looking at her curiously behind her. "That's not the question. How did you get here? What is this place?" "No one's with you?" He questioned. "No." She said shaking her head looking around. Before she knew it, his hands were upon her face tangled in her hair and lips on hers passionately. Pushing her against the wall. She welcomed everything he was willing to give her.

"Emmitt, you over here?" Jared's mouth dropped for the second time today. They look at him. "Dude I told you that's my sister." Jared whined pressing his hand to his forehead." I'm not sorry dude." Emmitt said back laughing releasing Tessa from him and the wall. "Tessa how did you get here." "You guys are in a secret lab filled with animals and other crap, see me entangled with another man that's not Jules and that's the only question you think needs attention?" Tess asked aggravatedly. "Uh... no boss. Look let's go talk to Riley he'll explain. First let's get that gate back up." Jared answered remembering he is her lower rank. "This how she got in." Emmitt added.

"No, kidding? Gotta say boss you here one night and already uncovered more than most have over the years apparently." Jared chuckled at her. "Ya, it's a gift evidently." She teased. They made their way from the wall through the huge room. It felt like it was a quarter size of the whole mountain; filled with cages of happy peaceful animals of every type, shape, and size. Almost all cages were opened so they could roam freely if they wished. All this wild life and beauty, yet still healing from serious injuries. Emmitt and Tessa was filled with awe and wonder taken in the amazing sight before them. "Good you three finally show up." Riley said with Ben and Julian smiling beside them all waiting next to a decent size table filled with computers.

"How did you get here?" Riley asked surprised at Tessa. "We were wondering where you went." Julian added sweetly. "I found hidden tunnels and to my surprise lead me to you." Ben and Riley looked at each other in shock. "Seriously one night with the building layouts and you find something this ancient? How did you get there?" Ben asked laying out the blue prints they gathered around to get a better look.

"Look you see all the halls and walls tunnels the vents? Well look deeper all the vents mostly were designed to just be emergency air flow ways, they're designed to deeper in the building. So thinking how smart that is I wonder what's the evacuation plan. Ok we got the vents to push generating clean air. Looking deeper spacing throughout certain parts of the building had vents that looked out of place. So I followed the vents and got into a tunnel and then to you it's very deep. We've had these lands now before our parents were born. What other secrets lingers around this land or mountain?" Tessa replied.

"Let's hope to find out soon. Jared and Tessa are going to have to walk around with a special device so I can trace all tunnels out and it in here in system without anyone else finding it." Ben replied. "Yes, sir." "Ok, one thing down. Now President Rodriguez, honored guest and Chief welcome to my love cave. We have almost a Noah's Ark kind of thing happening really. We take all injured animals we can find, bring her, heal them and they became my helpful pet friends." Riley stated proudly. "How did you complete this and still not have a missing limbs or even a scratch?" Emmitt questioned him curiously.

"Well we gave them the serums as the rehab patients and that helps with the me stay in their mind and send them on personal missions . They also get to heal such injuries that would surely would have left them for death we just keep them turned on when their healing so they get rained not to hurt us or the other animals once trained we alter them out only so we can hear them and they can hear us, we see what they see, and if they get hurt it will heal them we have no control once they are trained and manually override their system other than to be a window and a radio and help if they are hurt. They see us more long lines as a mother/father figure than owner."

"Not, going to lie that's awful Riley. How could you do this?" Julian said stuck in shock at what he just heard getting little angry. "Look we lost so many people we send some of these guys out to scout to them we don't know where are missing is or if they are hurt? They've helped a lot of people and some of those people aren't even ours." Riley argued back. "You never cleared any of this with me."

"How could I? All the snakes we got laying around." "Literally" Jared cut him off looking at a snake at the moment earning a quick glare from the two arguing men and a slight smile from Emmitt who no doubt thinking the same thing. "And you just want me to call you up on the worse year of your life and tell you on a possible corrupted line oh by the way got a plan B we does dying animals train them and have them trail. Those are grounds for war. War Julian. I had to show you, Emmitt and even Nelidai here we did this to help not just us but everyone even the animals themselves." "Have any turned against you like your people have?" Nelidai asked curiously.

"No, not one, they can communicate in their own way. They don't show any aggression unless you try to harm them and I never give them any reason to feel threatened loyalty is never questioned in this room it's in their blood. They know they can trust us to care for them." Ben added. "That dog with the heads, we had an elderly lady who came to us with a story of a dog of massive size saved her from the Tentoria, yet itself had blue eyes. She said it brought her home. Is this the dog?" Nel questioned. "Yes, he's my baby." Riley said loving on his favorite cuddle buddy. "They are meant to help like search and rescue. They've helped thousands of people even when their eyes are blue eyes are not glowing."

"I couldn't keep this from the rest of all you leaders anymore. I know my rank is just under you all but what do you say?" "I'm for it, as long as they keep helping only and nothing more. I need my people safe from those monsters. I guess it's like fighting fire with fire but with a more loyal and reliable sources. No spying." Nelidai said in agreement at the brilliance of this all. "I don't know if I agree with this this doesn't seem right." Julian commented. "Tessa, your awfully quite, what are your thoughts?" " I don't know if my opinion matters with you three and I'm not sure you really want to hear it." She replied softly. "My dear, your opinion is highly considered above our own. I think most of us will agree you're a leader amongst us besides just marrying into it." Julian replied starring at Emmitt who was looking back at him aware of his tone.

"Look, we wouldn't have asked had we not truly value your voice. So be Chief and tell us." Luca answered. Emmitt leaned in her ear and whispered. "A second hand in Declan Circle speaks for all of circle when needed. You will speak for Malik, on his own order." Tessa smiled at him knowing that's the exact words Malik would tell her. The interaction putting an aggravated look on Julian's face. "Very well. I think it's an invasion of other tribes privacy. I think first hearing about this makes us seem shady. That being said I am completely one hundred percent behind this. This shows such compassion and brings out humanity. I hope we allow this project to remain active. I don't think we should keep this a secret from the tribes though. We need to maintain trust and request permission from them."

"Are you crazy what if they decide this is an act of war? "Julian questioned. "This project does not conflict the standing treaty. I want it well known every tribe I've spoken to have complete trust in Riley just not our people only him and Tessa. You tested the subjects and got positives results . You have gathered the other tribe leaders like Luca, Nelidai, Julian, and myself explained the events. This was all led up to the guide lines. I decline acts of war on behalf of all tribes in the Declan Circle and neighboring villages as long as you send like a bird back to Circle and the Roshan Clan, so we can explain with an example." Emmitt spoke with such authority it demanded to be heard and all respected. He will be such a great leader." Luca whispered to Tess who nodded in agreement.

"He already is." Jared whispered back. "I hope I'm around to see it." She whispered back quietly to them. "I decline acts of war and my neighboring villages. Emmitt is correct, no violation has taken place. Julian, yes it was a violation of privacy but do not feel guilty nothing is to fear when so many people have been saved by such remarkable creatures, we owe much to Riley and Ben for all their hard work saving people who weren't even theirs to save. You guys are heroes of our people and will be sent back items of honor were we are from." Nelidai spoke up.

"Riley you're a genius for turning your demon serum into something that has truly helped all the outlands and everything in between spread not all of us. This is the first step shown proven for peace and trust." Luca commented. "I appreciate that, well forgive Ben, Riley and myself for the interruption of any privacy. You single handedly made a better future." Said as he ended looking at Riley at the last part.

"Thanks, Jules." Riley said proud fully. " I swear that's the only thing I've kept from any of you." Ben said, "Have the animals ever left a shadow alive?" Tessa said with wonder. "Not yet." Jared said flatly after looking up the research on that question not too long ago. "They were commanded to help any civilians, so when they tried to run, they grew concern they would find a way to retrack that person and attack so they can't hurt the again." Tess starred at Jared.

"We will wait to speak to the other leaders about this. Ben I'd like you to try a couple of experiments for me." "Where are you going with this?" Julian asked almost angerly. "Hear her out." Emmitt spoke out in a protective manner almost like a growl. "Put your egos away boys. Ben I want you to pair these animals up in groups of at least three to four. The big protect animal, a medium animal to place a trail and small birds or other quite flying animals. So we can protect the civilians. Also we can start tracking and hunting down the shadows and the heartless without their knowledge or losing warriors or scouts. They would be the only things to go undetected. If we can get any leads or trails, than the tribes wouldn't even think twice about the project here. They'd be ecstatic to see us getting somewhere while keeping others alive."

"Just when I think you can't get no smarter, you open your mouth. Like right now with a master plan." Jared said looking at her smiling ear to ear. "This is your generous next few days we will conduct trails and we will fill you in. For now we need you to see to the soldiers and wounded. Than Jared and Tessa will map out those tunnels. You honored guests will please bless us with your presences while we wait for results just a few days. You can learn a lot from our library. I know I still do and our technology train, whatever catches your fancy." "Seeing as that is our only hope. We have no choice. Julian smart to snatch you up Tessa. You are truly remarkable. " Neil said as they all parted ways. Julian came up to Tessa embraced her in a hug.

"Don't we know it ." He sighed proudly. She lightly pushed him back. "If you're serious about me being so valued next to you to say our voice is equal. Then maybe you should learn to trust me." Tess snapped at Julian. "I trust you my dear." "Really? Questioning my methods, my training, my knowledge in front of the clans leaders that was trust? This was a safe place to speak out freely on how to handle our first situation joined, together with allies you didn't even defend your people." "You mean Riley for doing this on his own?" He roared.

"Yes Riley our friend, our brother, our Vice President isn't that his job?" She snapped back. "What our people do is our fault with or without our knowledge. We step up and support them. You hung him out to dry. Than question my methods because I didn't agree with you. Just like you always have. Ya, I can remember that much. I am remember that much I am not the same girl I was sir. I won't put up with it. You forget I AM THE CHIEF this is my chance because it's my field and thanks to your help."

"I HAVE BEEN HERE LONGER THAN YOU HAVE! So just maybe you should trust in the trust and bond those two men and their people have place in me in spite of you!" Tessa roared in what she thought was empty room. She pushed past him with her shoulder bumping into him made her way to the hall. She felt her body fuming tears springing her eyes. She turned the corridor and felt a tug on her arm her body was thrown into a warm embrace.

"Breathe." Emmitt whispered. "I believe you. Don't ever doubt yourself for anyone ever again in front of me. You're the smartest one here Tess. No one else could have brought all those people this far." She cried silently on his chest. Julian chased her down and stopped like an arrow through his heart her back turned to him enwrapped in his hug. Emmitt met his eyes as if he would cut him down for making her feel this way. "Hey, you know what you need? Luca. Luca is in the medical unit tending to the wounded and I know they need someone who can perform surgeries I'd love to help you and learn a little more if you're up to it?" He asked comfortingly.

"Well those were orders, sounds like a god send plan." She smiled and walked on Emmitt behind her. She didn't even see me. I hope I can fix this. Jared in front of him now. "We made her feel alone. For this whole year, like no one was coming to claim her. We did that we made that choice for her and from her. Yet you don't trust her. Why because she built a life from the nothing we gave her. Or because the guy whose still cleaning the mess and pieces you continue to leave her in? You seriously need to ask yourself if you still deserve her, cause she didn't deserve what show you just did. Now sir." He said in a calming yet terrifying tone. "I don't know what I'm doing any more. I guess all the lies are doing my head in." I'll go to Riley now. "He said in disappointment. Riley was grabbing his drink and some fruit to hold with him for later. "Ry?" Julian said shamefully. "Jules?" He questioned back.

"I'm sorry for what I said and how I reacted. Although it caught me completely off guard. I can understand why you did it. The whole project however dangerously brilliant and it can only be this successful with truly intelligent with a compassion and a beautiful heart like yourself. I was wrong. I don't even know what's come over me." Jules said with confusion. "I get it, I understand we are good. Business is business we are bound to but heads. We're good. I can understand you going through a lot mentally finally getting Tessa back and we all know we'll be feeling that wrath." Riley laughed.

"Ya something like that." Jules replied back "ISs everything ok with that? Do you need to talk? Did something happen/"Riley asked growing concern for his friend. "No, were fine just trying to find our way again we've both changed as much as this year." "Well that's for sure. Look at her. I mean you threw her to the wolves and she came back leading dozens of packs. God knows we couldn't do that. Well lots to do let's get to it. Come with me and Neilidai and look at the farm station we could use his input." "Lead the way our people await." Jules said with a fake smile focusing on the new task at hand.

Four surgeries, which was seven hours later Luca, Emmitt and Tess finally making their way out of the medical unit. "My dear could you show us to the food now? After all this work and ne knowledge this ol' man needs food and to clean up, with sleep." Luca said almost as exhausted as he looked. "I'd love to gentlemen I think it's this way."

They entered and Tessa was flagged down for questioning. She looked up Luca Neilidai, Emmitt, Jared, Addie, Declan, and Tuca were at a table flagging her down. "I made you a plate." Emmitt said She sat next to him happily. "Then you sir are a king among men." She giggled bowing reaching for her drink. "Tess these guys are incredible it's amazing how well harvest will be with their tips." Addie said deeply impressed.

"We have made an incredible trade with knowledge. I am excited to go back and try new tips as well." Neilidai admitted. "I think this is one of the smartest things we've ever done for any of our people If I dare say." Luca said proudly. "We're just pleased of the peace. Hopefully this trust will continue to prosper and grow when this mess is all over." Jared added.

"Agreed Emmitt and Tessa said at the same time." Laughing at each other with food in their mouth. Julian and Ben approached the table. "How are you finding everything gentlemen? I've already seen some of the changes from your intelligence you've so kindly bestowed upon us. We look forward to watching the outcome results." He said full of energy.

"This is definitely something we didn't expect. It is much greater we can stay too long, I'm afraid time is not our allies. I think we should leave the day after tomorrow. However we are willing to return along as the treaty stands." Neilidai says. "Sadly we are in agreement." Luca added. "I completely understand we will all be in contact with the wildlife that will be marked." Ben replied. "Sorry to see you go so soon but another time we can share knowledge. Tess, Jared are you ready?" Julian asked. "Yes, sir." They replied back. "Good luck." Emmitt said looking p at her. "Goodnight my friends." She smiled at them all. Addie excused herself and went with them. The men all looked to each other and then to Emmitt. "Ya know I was told Tess was staying with you while she was undiscovered shall we say. Is this true?" Neilidai asked.

"Yes it is." Emmitt said flatly. "So we are safe to assume you have built a friendship, it can be seen, but not valid as to what extent." Neilidai continued. "Does your conversation have a point?" Emmitt asked showing irritation. Dalen looked at Neilidai. "We understand how important this must be for sky landers and mostly to Tessa to be reunited. How much she must missed her friends and even betrothed and all. However our people made an agreement for peace with guidelines. Our warriors still need to be trained."

"As her friend do you believe she will leave with us or should we wait like a week and then request for her? We are growing quiet found of her. We want to be fair with her she's earned that. We're hoping since your bond is strongest if you'd speak with her of returning. Surely you could harbor her again. We would gladly make accommodations if need be." Dalen said pleading for him to try. Emmitt looked shocked couldn't think of nothing greater than bringing Tessa home days before expected.; but what if she doesn't come. How can he leave her here with these people.

"Emmitt will speak to her. However she resides with Emmitt, he is her residing healer if she chooses to stay. Thanks to the orders of the treaty he must stay with her until she is fully awake We will make the request and work something out." Luca said as if it were plain as day news as he smiled to everyone. Emmitt did his best not blush. With his heart at ease knowing he can't leave her. A little happiness as to wait to see Julian's face when he realizes he is not leaving nor can even he make him leave without starting a war. They got up and retired to their longings exhausted of the long day they had.

"Alright you two these are tracking transmitters you both will wear one. Here are your ear pieces you can hear us at all times, you have to hold the button for us to hear you. We will recreate new prints while tracking you we will go until you guys need to step out or stop. No more than two hours. We will send birds in for the rest for now we need to spot anything abnormal within reaching two hours' time will all be needed for us to go into lock down plans. So venture tonight and leave no cranny unchecked, alright?" "Alrighty." Jared answered. "Easy enough." Tessa added. They grabbed their guns and opened the gate Tess fell out the lab in. They were at least five feet away when they noticed something.

"You know these tunnels haven't been used in years, like decades right?" Jared asked. "If that's true why is there no dust or rats a mouse or even a spiders or their webs due to all the food and other animals in here you'd think. But these halls are cleaned look there is no boot prints that were leaving behind, no cob webs."

"How can a place next to air vents no less no dust build up?" Tessa asked curiously in return. "ok, it's safe to say that the traitors among us are using the tunnels well have to get cameras in here before they notice." Copy that Tessa radioed to the others. "Copy that will get them setting up now." Ben replied. They kept walking looking through the halls of these tunnels and turns hoping to give the others a good layout. "So, now that were alone anything you want to talk about?" Jared asked slyly.

"Yes, actually there is, I seen the Addie has. When were you going to tell me you asked her?" Tessa asked with a fake sound of being offended. "Well you're the best friend she needed to be the one to tell you. I couldn't take that from you guys." He responded with a small chuckle. "Would you have ever said anything to me?" "Yes, I would have, just waiting lots of things going on." "I'm so happy for you guys. Wish you nothing but love, happiness you two deserve the best." Tessa said as she stepped to hug him. "Thanks we know that. So when this is all over and we have a date set. Who will you bring with you as your plus one?" He asked with mockery.

"I was wondering how long it'd take you to bring that up." "Look, I don't blame you he's dreamy, and an incredible person really. He also brings out this whole new person in you. I'm grateful for the man for cleaning up our mess with you. I can never repay him for all he's done and is still doing; and if he's what you want in the end I already told him I would welcome him as my new brother. Between him and I he has my vote."

" I love Julian but I want you to be truly happy on your terms, in your choice by your own heart. That being said I've never apologized for what we all did to you. I'm very sorry that you went through all you of what you did, probably feeling betrayed and alone God only knows what else. It kills a piece of my soul knowing we did that to you when we're the only family you have left." Jared said full of shame and sorrow. Tessa eyes began to tear, but quickly faded with Emmitt face running through her mind.

"You know Jared it was meant to happen. All of this just as it has. I forgive you all. I understand why you guys did it. To be honest I'm actually glad it happened. Look at where we are right now. We are on the ground created peace with dozens of villages. I've never thought how strong I could become. This whole journey has taught me to find myself and make not only me but all of us stronger. This is what was meant to happen." Tessa said proudly.

"Wow, so what about Julian he may be happy to hear about your epiphany. I guess there's a lot to go over with you too. It's time let's head back so you can get started." They made their way back "Riley I need those boxes I sent down here from the ship I need them tomorrow after noon. Emmitt and I will need a couple of hours to comb through it." Tessa said as the others left the room.

"Sure I'll get them down in the morning they are here in the lab you guys can have the back office" "Thanks." She replied as she was walking out. She opened the door to their room she knew Julian would be in there even though she was still mad at his previous behavior. She knew she needed to keep her promise and to talk it out with him.

She walked in to see flowers filled throughout the room and candles lit with them. He sat on the couch with two drinks. "I know that you're probably still mad from earlier and this may all seem a little much right now but it's mainly meant to be an apology for being an idiot." Julian pleaded. "It's... it's fine. I guess." She replied sitting a little bit away from him but on the same couch. HE handed her a drink. She accepted it.

"So tell me about your day." He asked. "Oh well were to begin. I woke up to a memory that was a strong lead for the cause only to get stuck in the tunnels to find you guys in a lab filled with amazing animals, than my friends who I led here asked for my opinion and my boss made me give it, then took my answer as a ridiculous joke because it did not match his own which made me feel less valued. Of my two new friends took me to the medical unit where we spent over seven hours saving lives in complicated highly invasive surgeries and procedures. I got to go on an easy mission with one of my oldest best friend and right-hand man again after nearly a year who will be marrying one of my other oldest best friend. Our mission was successful we talked about life he apologized to me about everything that happened. And now I am Here." She answered without any emotion.

"Wow, never a boring day with you is there my love? You're boss sounds like a real prick." He teased. "He is I'm hoping it's just his time of the month, and in couple days he will be back to normal." She mocked. "Look Jules... I forgive you for doing all this, and I understand it had to be done. In reality I'm glad it happened. I made a life I never thought I'd have. I'm a different person I always hoped could be and do more than I ever thought I was limited to. I made new friends that now I can't imagine never having around. So I guess I'm saying thank you. I see now that this was our destiny and that fate will find its way whether we realize it, ready or not." She said locked in his eyes the entire time, in hopes he feels the sincerity.

"Wow, that was incredible part of me is over the moon to know this is truly behind us. Well most part. It warms my soul seeing the amazing woman you are from the where we were... but... was life really that hard with me? With us?" Julian asked sounding more wounded than he wanted to. "What do you mean?" "The way you speak is like you have a great life now, but not up until this year. Like you were just doing what you have to. I mean you had to enjoy at least some parts of what you had before?" Julian asked scared of the answer he was going to receive.

"Jules, my life on the ship was not the same as you guy's. I got orphaned and everything was ripped away from me because my parents position and creations. I had to train twice as hard because it was expected of me. I lived with my aunt who cried and worked all the time she was never there to raise me into a lady because she had to provide for us and my spawn of Satan cousin and not to mention I look like my mom and she couldn't look at me because of it. My cousin and I even his friends always tried to beat me, among other things thankfully they were never successful. I killed myself in school to earn a respectable position because it was not only expected of me it was my only shot to make a life for myself."

"You guys had someone to guide you every step of your way. That is what I refer to of my life. You guys are how I have the strength to get this for you were the only family I always wanted. I will always truly love and need all of you. I did not accept you because you were just another thing expected of me, I really did love you. Every good memory I had was because you were there with me. Just like you said. We did make each other happy. That was real." Tessa said letting him know the truth giving him a little bit of clarity for his soul.

Julian looked at her teary eyed. But Jules we've become different people, we need to see if the people we are now and are becoming can go with the other person the way we fitted before and today was not a good start." She said flatly. "I know I'm sorry, as leaders we will all have disagreements, I will try to be professional about them from now on personal feelings can't come in the way they did." Julian told her apologizing. "Agreed. Well this was great progress. I do feel like we are both reaching some great personal growth.' She said with a smile. "I do feel better about us." Julian said. "Well let's call it a night I got an early morning with Emmitt." She said blowing out all the candles. "More surgeries?" He asked curiously.

"No we're going to comb through my parents stuff they left me on my citizens day it's going to take hours Riley's giving us his back office in the lab." She said plainly making her bed on the couch. "Hours alone researching journals. Sounds mentally draining how about I help you out?" He offered with a smile cheerfully, hiding the jealousy. "Although a fresh pair of eyes would help, you don't know how much that would help. However I don't think that would really work." "Why is that my love?" He asked hiding the offense he was starting to take.

"Well although science is a strong point for as well as math, you don't know or understand my parents work or have any experience in the drugs or chemicals or even formulas they used. The serums the originally made before your father demanded them to be altered. Emmitt and I spent most time with them and their works, well Emmitt spent the most time with them and their work I just I know their research. It'll go so much faster with people who know what to look for as signs or flags. It's only logical Luca has already signed in for more medical procedures including the herbal gardens. The rest are in training the farms and green houses." She explained as she finally laid down.

"You're right. Well I'll bring you guys food and remind you to take some breaks to stay fresh on your search-tired eyes and hungry bellies really slow things down. I don't want you to burn yourselves out. Besides they'll be gone in about two days It would do good to get as much time as you can, it'll probably be a little while before we get back to them personally?" "That's actually really thoughtful, thank you." She said in a sad voice. "Good night sweetheart." "Good night Jules." It took a while for him to let go of his jealousy. Two more days he thought.

She awoke by the first crack of light saddened with Julian's words running through her head. "They leave in two days anyways." She knew it was only going to be a few days or a week Tessa knows how much work lies ahead of them. She's aware she gets to return back to both clans by order of the new contracts. Still she couldn't help but wonder if she would get to go with them. Dressing quickly and quietly and went to down the mess hall. Julian herd the door shut. "Tessa? Tessa you up?" Julian looked around she has to do this he told himself. After tomorrow we got no more distractions or at least a few days. Julian washed his face and left to check in on his rounds around Atheo.

"I knew you'd be here sooner or later." She heard him say in a low voice that sent her body through tingles of electrical waves. "Well we all gotta get something to help us through the day and we all gotta be somewhere I guess. Like how you guys are gonna be gone by tomorrow morning and just forgot to tell me." She said in a cheerful sarcastic way.

"Awe, yes well thank you Julian. Yes my dear we've done what we have come and done what we have set out to do. The others grow restless and need to take information we've gathered here to use. You know we don't have a lot of time. With so much work ahead of us. Julian! Come sit and join us." Emmitt yelled across the room.

"I'd be honored, sad to say we'll not get a lot of meals with friends soon with so much to do in the days coming." Julian said honestly besides fighting for the same girl they really did like each other. "War what can you do?" Tuca replied in a sarcastic tone taking his seat next to Tessa moving Julian right out of the way. Tessa just smiling at his craziness turning red because it's Tuca and there's not a whole lot you can do about him, much like Riley. "Good morning my love, heart and soul. Tuca said dramatically batting his beautiful brown eyes at her. "You're aware your crazy my friend." Tessa giggled.

"You're aware that you know you love it. So what'd I miss?" He said looking smugly at the two suitors in front of him taking a sip from his drink. He felt them burning holes at him with their death stares. "I was informing Tessa of the preparations of tomorrow she is saddened to see the group leave and was not informed until now of the details. See Julian you failed to mention the correct details last night when you were so kind to tell her of our departure. Tessa yesterday Neilidai and Declan was so kind to point out the peace agreement you so kindly signed for your people here and how you are to be going to train the Roshan Clan for combat warriors and other training services and they want you based upon your previous agreement there no later than the end of the week."

"Which is in about three days give or take an afternoon. They have hopes of you leaving with them tomorrow, they do feel bad of the timing and for all the other things that keep piling up on your ever-growing plate and promise to not keep you too long. If however you can't venture out until the third day than you and I shall just venture on the next day after." Emmitt said taking a drink, nonchalantly, waiting for it to sink in Julian's head. She smiled deeply they locked eyes for a minute both with a smirk.

"I'm sorry you and her? Do you plan to come back and retrieve her that seems like a lot of work to journey back, we can make the arrangements to get her there safely. Julian interrupted. "No." Emmitt said pointedly. "Julian you've been to the Declan Circle you know the rules of outsiders of our village not allowed to wonder our land without an escort you remember how dangerous the lands can be even more so with all the traps your people are not even aware to look for. Would you risk other lives and our treaty?" Emmitt questioned curiously.

"No, you're right. I apologize." He meant it to. "That's ok. To answer your question my good man. You lead yourself to believe that I will be leaving tomorrow. Let me be clear I will be staying. I stay where Tessa stays I am her main healer or doctor as you would say and she is under our treatment plan which we the Circle believe is half way through If not more through the process there are still more things to come. More things and signs to look for after all she is under the treaty she is our responsibility until she is awake and her body is out of danger or do you need to be reminded of the day and effects of how we came upon Addie?" Emmitt asked with Authority.

"Surely with our technology we can help her through the process." Julian asked curiously. "Julian this is not open for debate Julian. Our people stay with her. It was your technology that did this to her in the first place. She is better off with natural treatments since she's been doing it for a year you can't just magically stop. You sky landers amaze me you know that. When the Alderman's came down I thought wow they are so smart and gifted. Than we found out what your people have done and I thought you people are not smart enough to listen to your wife . Than we meet Tessa and I think wow they really are smart and talented but listening to you I was right you're really not that smart. You guys are selfish welp I will see you later my love." Tuca replied with a kiss on her forehead getting up from his chair getting angry at those around them. "Duty awaits in the green houses." "Well don't kill anything in there." Emmitt said back knowing what Tuca is capable of when irritated. "I'll do my best." He shouted playfully on the way out. Tessa looked at both Julian and Emmitt both of them looking at her like the lost in thought.

."We'll he is crazy but not wrong. Well gentlemen I have lots do, so this is what will happen. I will be leaving tomorrow with the clans to the villages as promised weeks ago with my doctor. However I am but one woman I will take Addie, Jared and just a couple maybe two other guardsmen to speed this all up and make sure everyone is getting some training time, and also open their minds to other specially skilled swordsmen, and archers. Things and resources the villages already have we can improve without enforcing technology on them. If that is acceptable by you gentlemen?" She asked coldly.

"You are wiser beyond your year!" Luca smiled proudly at her. "We accept those terms." Nelidai and Luca both placing a hand on her shoulders. They look to Julian. "May I come along as well? If I may be so bold just few days . Tess we both know I can help." Julian asked looking to the other men. "Julian was in the top five out of hundreds in our class and can be very useful in teaching blades. Literally any type of blade." Jared added on. "Of course he comes like we said in the contract we are united for strength." Tessa said flatly.

"Jared collect two others and do your homework. Tell Addie to pack up we leave for a week or most likely two, by morning. Emmitt let's get combing over those materials no time to waste." Luca and Neilidai sat down with Julian, as the others got up and to their tasks. Julian locking eyes with Emmitt both giving each other a nod as Emmitt followed Tessa out of the hall and down to the labs. "I really wish talking politics would not turn into a pissing contest with you guys when I have to be involved it's awkward enough as it is." Tessa said pulling stuff out of the boxes onto the table while Emmitt analyzes it. "I'm sorry my love, I tried to be as professional as I could. I did only state the facts. However I could have maybe used a better tone." Emmitt teased in honesty. Walking over and grabbing her by her waist taking his left hand to grab her face to stare at him.

"You're not out of the woods yet. You will need the next ejection in a couple of days that will keep you asleep for at least a day, day and a half. If you don't wake up by day three you may not wake up at all. I know your strong and you can do this. I am scared time with Julian before this will make you weak by you doubting yourself. We've seen it since he's come. Julian does not change you for the better. Please don't forget who you are who you become, you're strong don't let me lose you to someone weaker who you are not. Don't be that weak person love." He begged.

"I won't ever leave you Emmitt. I can't lose you either." She said as she kissed him sweetly. "Let's do this we return home soon." He said with a smile and a wink. They made it to box number sixteen when Julian came in. "I brought you guys some food dinner I hope you don't mind taking a break for a min... what the holy hell is that?" He said pressing himself against the wall.

"Oh that's just Nikoda he's what the used to call a Gorilla except thanks to radiation they can camouflage himself into any part of the environment around him, swim, and his fingers are more like ours. He came in here hours ago." Tess said as she and Emmitt continued to read like it was no big deal an average afternoon both heads still reading n the books. Nikoda used his hands and fingers to sign to Julian.

"Did he just tell me to leave in sign language?" Julian asked offended. "Probably, he's helping us go through this stuff. Apparently Riley has taught him sign language and how to read off those disks over there and lessons we had as infants who knew right?" Tessa said not even looking up. "How did he get in here are there others loose just floating around?" Julian asked getting angry. "Nope it was just his study time. Emmitt answered. "Thanks for the food we're about done in here." As he turned to look up from the journal to another.

"Have you found anything?" "Well Nikoda found the formulas on how to make chips and engineering for it so we can examine and study those piers can hopefully learn how we can defend ourselves without blowing up now hopefully we found the first couple of serum formulas they made and some they haven't so maybe by going back to this beginning we can start looking for ways to reverse it or alter it in some way to give like free will but it'll be trickier with the bodies neurotransmitters already being altered from the new advanced formulas they made while they were with me so we'll have to add all this with the journals from their trailer. YA know Tessa after your next treatment were going to spend a day in their hut with James, lei and Piers reading all this over again." Emmitt said exhaustedly.

"I know I thought the same thing Roca and Chloe could as useful too." "Oh ya definitely." Emmitt said back Both mentally wiped from absorbing all the information. "What about the boxes any news on that?" Julian asked. Looking through some of the other boxes and stuff on the table like the pictures the whole time with Nikoda's death stare. "Well not exactly turns out the boxes were here I did find them before and sent them here. However someone must have intercepted them in took them getting caught he said he put them where they cannot be found. Death follows the boxes of life. They are for her and then he took his own life. Turns out it was some of the villagers who from some unknown place no one recognized. Him, he stole guards clothes and broke into the supply room took it hid it and died." Tessa explained broken heartedly.

"So were back to ground zero the enemy can still get it?" Jules asked. "Yup however we have some answers in the formulas we just got to work it out to try to make whatever was in those boxes, so we can have a cure for whatever is actually in there." Emmitt said hopefully. "Well that's enough for today. Nikoda thank you. You helped so much my friend." Tessa said with a kiss to Nikoda's cheek. HE smiled making happy grunts.

"Indeed it was such a pleasure to meet you =, it was greatly appreciated to work with you." Emmitt said shaking his hand like they've been friends for a while. Julian just starred at the interaction dumbfounded by them. "Come on Rodriguez let's go eat." Emmitt hollered back. "What's happening to our lives? Ugh... Bye. Don't break anything." Julian said to Nikoda walking backwards to the door. Nikoda just rolled his eyes and flipped his middle finger up to Julian who followed Emmitt and Tessa to the canteen.

Jared and Addie flagged Tessa over they had two other guardsmen with them. "Hello all." Tessa greeted with a smile. "Chief Alderman a pleasure they both stood up extending a hand out to shake hers. She place her cup down on the table to shake back while sitting down with them. "Tessa we will meet you later Mr. President come on there's business to be discussed." Julian nodded "After you friend." They found another table still in eyes view.

"Please chief join us." The lighter skinned one requested. "Ads, Jer how is your evening? "Well my dear these are my gift to you." Addie said with a smile. "I did the task you've given us and this is hands down the best I can possibly give you. Who by the way happen to worship even your bath water evidently." Jared whispered with a smile trying not laugh." "I don't understand what task" the shorter one yet still taller than Tessa asked.

"Forgive me I missed your names." Tessa questioned them both looking them both in the eye. They both had a darker than tanned skinned with a body that looked like it was carved out by the Gods. Handsome would-be understatement but still not measuring up to Emmitt. "Forgive me Chief Alderman my name is Gabriel or Gabe." "Awe God is my strength if I'm not mistaken?" She answered with a cheerful smile.

"Yes, that's right. I am Kenzo. It's an honor to make your acquaintance, please you can call me Enzo or Kenzo." "Oh strong and healthy. You have been named proudly and by strength I am honored to be in your presence please call Tess or Tessa. I have a mission to go on and I demanded the best so I guess that means I will be taking you two men with me. So we will be spending our time together training the villages as stated by our new treaties."

"You are the best archer and swordsmen, clean record and apparently very intelligent to get Jared's attention so pack up boys we leave at first light don't be late and welcome to our little inner circle and congratulations on your new promotions." Tessa said with smile while eating her food. "Addie is this really happening?" Kenzo asked in full shock. "yes my friend it is Tessa me and Jared have gotten to know these two while we were looking for you past couple of months. They're actually really funny and laid back when they wipe the drool from their face mouths from admiring you, you'll learn that too." Addie laughed.

"You are just so charming when you embarrass our friends." Jared chuckled at her kissing her cheek and stealing a bite off Addie's fork. The two men blushed badly. They all laughed and talked for at least another hour or two bonding getting their details for their mission and parted for bed. Tessa noticed Emmitt and Julian left long before she did. Tessa talked and greeted people all the way back to her room who were so happy to see her and tried to talk about her wedding but she politely told them they want to wait and be settled before making any more surprises on their people.

She got into their room, she longed to be anywhere else. This last week with Julian has been odd. When it's just them being around each other or their family or people he's the sweet Julian best friend she grew to love. When work comes up he's so different was he always this way and she never noticed was she ignorant of it; or has she changed into a stronger person like Emmitt said. She did second guess herself when she worked with Julian. Well that ends today no more self-doubt. She looked up and saw Julian on the couch waiting for her. She approached hm still standing.

"I need to ask you something and you will answer me honestly." She said flatly rushed out. "Spoken like a woman on a mission. I will hold nothing back from my beloved blushing bride. "That comment somehow made her skin boil but she let it slide. "Do you trust me? Do you really trust me when it comes to our work with the politics and my job?" "Tessandra you are the best at your job and you don't even realize that your job was made for you. You're skilled and talented, and smarter than those over half our age. Your people and villages admire respect you of course I trust you, with my life and anything else I have in me." He answered over flowing with pride.

"Then why do you doubt me in front of others? I have found myself here on my own, with a little help. It turns out I am amazing everything I have done was because I knew what to do. I just had to listen to myself. I will not go back to being the quite little woman on our meetings and decisions I will not hold back anymore. So be ready because I will not let you put doubt on me anymore you maybe the President but I am the Chief I do my job well, and I am just as smart as you men because I step back and look to see the bigger picture for more than just my tribe." She all but snapped.

"Ok, I guess the guys from circle, Neilidai and myself deserve that last one we are concerned just in our bubble but you changed that wheel of thinking when you made peace. I know you do your job well and we will butt heads constantly because I am good at mine. So how about we make a deal it will be hard and difficult and take time but we will not let business life be brought in our personal life. I never wanted to you to feel like that. I am so proud of you Tessandra and what you accomplished you keep blowing my mind."

"Taking our guardsmen to train using pets as scouts you amaze me us all every day and this week I guess my real problem was you didn't need me, or anyone for that matter to accomplish these things. You are different you're more incredible, and I can't keep up with you I just hate you leaving me behind." Julian said. "I'm not leaving you behind. I am fighting for what's right. We both are, just trying to the both of us we can in our fields I guess." She sighed.

"I just keep messing up with you. I just want so badly for us to be pass this point and be back in our happy bubble planning our future together again. I know we can't go back to that but hopefully we can come back stronger because of all these trails we are going through now. I am not doing this well but I will try better. It drives me nuts at how well Emmitt is with you. I can't be mad at him because it's like I keep breaking you and he comes in and pieces you back together I want you so badly to be what you deserve. I'm scared we will find out I can't be that man for you." Julian said as if he was defeated with some tears falling down his cheek.

"Jules, I don't compare you and Emmitt you're not the same person neither of you are even close and that's a good thing. I haven't been trying as hard with you as I could have it's just I feel like I'm getting pulled in all these different directions. Emmitt doesn't pull me back from the other pulling he just let's himself guide with me. You have never been one to not analyze every move, so I can understand how difficult it is for you."

"I am barely remembering my comfort zone your just being completely pulled out of it. You just gotta stop seeing him as a challenge what we are going through involve only us not Emmitt same goes the other way with me and Emmitt nothing to do with you. You can't let someone else's relationship with a person effect your relations with that person were all in this together no matter how awkward it maybe." She said back. "I know. I know it's just difficult when I know as being a good man goes my own man I have such a much further way to go than I originally thought." Jules replied.

"I guess we both have that struggle than Jules." They both locked eyes from a moment and he pulled her into a tight hug just to hold on to her as if she would just float away. "How did things get this messed up. I swear just yesterday we were in our secret spot planning our future and now I'm just a stranger to you. The worst thing of all is you can't make someone remember being in love with you." He said softly as he slowly releases her. "I do remember being in love with you Jules and it was great really." She said cupping his cheek with her hand. "It's just that was then I'm another woman now. I'm not her."

"No." He said holding his hand over hers on his cheek. :You're so much better now." He said sweetly with a smile. "Jules love is always there it changes sometimes it alters differently with every person. I will always love you, we both know that; but I just don't know if I'm ever gonna be back in love with you the way you need me to be." She said sadly retreating her hand back into her lap.

"Time will tell my dear we will see. It grows late we leave early tomorrow. "Goodnight my old friend." She says settling unto the couch. "Goodnight my love. He answers as he settles into the bed his face filled in silent falling tears wondering why each day he feels like he's losing her. He really needs to up his game, he can't keep running off their past he needs to show her they can have a future. Get ready Emmitt I'm changing the game up. He smiled confidently and gave into rest.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes and saddled ready to ride. "Ok, so the Circle and other leaders are aware of the new scouts?" Tessa asked Ben. "Yes, chief." He smiled back with a nod. "The cameras are up and running through all the tunnels on the newly upgraded blue prints on the system and actual paper blue prints?" She asked Riley. "yes, you naggingly annoying beautiful woman. Now get gone so you can come back to me." Riley whined hugging her tightly. "You get two weeks maybe three." He added. "I'll keep in touch I swear." Tessa replied back. "Let's go chief it's two days' time let's not waste anymore light." Neil spoke up.

"Open the gates." Gabriel shouted. As they started to come upon the exit. "On whose orders?" The gate keeper asked sarcastically. "Who pisted in his breakfast?" Tessa asked Gabriel. "You will do well not to question your superiors Gabriel and Kenzo is now high ranks and you will do what you are asked gate keeper. Change your tone and follow orders or my trigger finger just may slip and remind you of your manners in respect. "Tessa barked at the man. Anger radiating through her no one dared to anger or speak to when that voice comes out of her.

"Yes ma'am, my apologizes." She turned to Gabriel and Kenzo. "Here in our people you are now superiors your rank just under the council, you are the inner circle of trust you will bow or answer to anyone below your rank. You are responsible for thousands of lives let you respect and hard work flow through you and keep people's piss-ass attitudes in check." Tessa said proud fully as she neared the gate keeper passing on the way out. Jared laughing the way through. Emmitt smiled to the others.

"Op he did it, he awoke the beast." Tuca said a little loudly for all them to bust out in laughter. "Watch it dear friend. For I sure would hate to make you spar with me in training." Tessa winked back. "At least than my love you would finally have a worthy opponent." Tuca teased back. "Maybe will have to see about that." They all laughed again placing bets on who'd win. The trip did not feel as long as it did coming. Everyone got to know everyone else a little better. Making plans and strategies on how they would each train the villages they made sure to make it into stations so everyone got a chance to learn with them.

The plan had was three full days for combat and special skills training, and about two for weapons: using one last day for using weapons in battle. Everyone will spar even woman and children just so they know the basics on defense and how to stay alive just in case anything should happen. It was also agreed upon to add basic first aid and health needs into the stations. No woman, child, nonwarriors or elderly will be pushed to any limits beyond means to or on their bodies just simple tactics to use to keep them from any real danger. Gabriel and Kenzo were absolutely mind blowing in their field tactics.

They can make state of the art weapons with literally any type of material or anything. Finally reaching Declan village exhausted as the sun is starting to set its way down. Neilidai and Dalen had parted a ways back to get home. Both villages will gather their peoples by morning. Tuca told Julian to bunk with him again. Gabe would be bunking up with another swordsmen closer to their age. Kenzo however Tess had plans for him. Chloe ran up to Tessa embracing in a tight hug that was well received and returned. Kenzo next to Tessa starred a little at Chloe now aware his mouth parted open.

"Enzo!" Tessa said snapping his back to reality "Huh." He answered confused. "Close your mouth dude you'll catch flies. I said this is one of my best friends Chloe of the Declan Circle village tribe. Chloe this is Kenzo my archer specialist and one of new besties of the of us mountain and sky folk. HE is incredible in every way possible and will be part of the training programs." Chloe shook Enzo hand.

"Wow you're so impressive it's a little intimidating" she said to the smaller sized mountain-built guy in front of her. "Well Tessa is good with talking one up with words really she inflates ones ego." He joked back face starting to blush. "That's all rubbish he is amazing and just being modest Chloe we all know if it wasn't true he wouldn't be standing in front of you right now." Tessa said as a matter of fatly. Than with a puppy dog face and slow batting eyes she turned to Chloe.

"My new bestie is need of a place to stay and I could think of no one more welcoming or warm or perfect than you to trust with one of my own original people seeing as I trust you with my life I know I trust you with his. Both you and your grandmother." "Well grandmother Roca has switched huts it's just me so I have plenty of room if he feels comfortable to stay with me. You must be very intelligent and strong to have capture Tessa trust, it would make me feel a little better to be with someone who can show me how to fight." Chloe replied back with a big smile.

"Only if you're comfortable I will gladly do so."" "Come than it's decided see you in the morning friends Tessa waved walking away. Emmitt stood before her. "What of Addie and Jared?" Tessa asked worriedly. "Malik had a room for them to share. He has gone to stay with Ira's people his brother is there." "Alright than." She said with a sigh of relief. "Let's go home, baby." Emmitt said in a low voice motioning for her to the way home. "I know it was only a week but I really miss this" she waved her hand at everything around her as they got home. " I missed home, and just being able to be with you hold you close to me."

"Are you sure you will not miss anything sharing living quarters with Julian those rooms were insane technical very fancy and all." He joked with a smile. "It was awkward I made him sleep on the bed and I took the couch I no longer knew those things. It didn't feel right. Actually we took your advice every night." She said taking off her boots and jacket. "How so?" Pleasantly surprised she was trying made her feel proud.

"Every night we talked openly with each other with different issues coming up with hopefully better solutions on how to solve it or them. Pretty soon we will have no other issues to work out and we will be resolved, you were right about needing closure with my past so I can start a better future. I'm almost there though." She reached for him proud fully for a hug. He held her tight back starring down at her.

"He never tried to force anything on you right?" He asked protectively even though he knew deep down Julian would never do such a thing he just had to hear it out loud. "No, he never tried no such thing. We hugged like old friends do maybe twice, and that kiss on stage were the only contact he's made beside the kisses on the forehead but everyone does that to me."

"I don't think he would." Emmitt said peacefully. "YOU should know by now I save all my intimate touches for you, and it makes me physically sick to think of anyone one else ever touching me in the ways only you were made to." That's my girl he says kissing her forehead with his hands on both side of her cheeks while pulling her in for a kiss. They started to get deeper into it. "I have missed you next to me." She said pleading in a way hungry for more of him.

He pulled her back taking off her shirt releasing her from her bra. He lifts his arms as she removed his shirt throwing it across the room admiring his chest with her hand slowly running down and over it. He laid he on the bed looking into her eyes leaning in for a kiss than working his way down her neck to her chest. "One of these days I'll spell out my name across here in love bites." He said in dark voice. His sat up and used his hands to part her legs so he could directly see to her core.

"Mmm baby, you're already dripping wet and ready for me and I have yet to even touch you." He said sliding his fingertips up and over her knee to her thigh. Tessa breathed in deeply turning her blushing head away. "Don't hide yourself from ever all of you belongs to me it was made for me don't ever withhold it from me." He said with his fingers bring her chin up to look at him. "You are so addicting my love. Going without a taste for so long can leave a man feeling like he's starving."

Her blush deepened. He kept eye contact with as his face lowered down to her center that was achingly to be touched by any part of him that was willing. "Tell me darling did you miss my tongue inside you? Did you miss the way my fingers played with your clit as I sucked on you as my main life source? Did you miss riding on me as you took all of me in deeply over and over into the night? Did you miss all of me?" HE asked in painfully teasing voice. "Yes, I missed all of you. Painfully so." She answered back.

"Well let's fix that pain now sweetheart" He said as he dived his head between her legs using his tongue to slide up and down her core before entering it inside her. Her gasps and slight moans were barely audible until he removed his tongue and added his two of his fingers inside one gradually at a time while licking and sucking on her clit. Than her moans were loud enough to hear as almost a cry while her fingers went straight to pulling on his hair.

When her she started to tighten and her legs wrapped around his head he kept at her like a starving man until she rode it out. When it felt like she was finally seeing straight and not cloudy she noticed how fast he was on top of her kissing her deeply as she could taste herself upon him. He used his knees to part her own he slide into her easily and a little roughly at first her filling her completely she was still amazed at how all of him could fit and convinced that one day its split her in two.

He was growling at the pleasure they felt as he filled her in and out until their moans filled the room he could tell she was getting to close and he was about to be o the end of is rope. He took laid down a little more on top of her tilting his body just a bit more to her right side sliding his hand and fingers into her as he used two of his fingers inside of her as he pounded into her with his thumb rubbing over the clit even pinching slightly

. "Come on baby, let go, get us both there." He whispered in her ear as he licked the bottom part of her neck before the collar bone. That's what did it that broke her. Her legs shaking out of control her crying his name in pure bliss that she has never felt before she thought she was about to black out. He called the name before his whole body trembled on top of her spilling every last drop he had within him almost as if one of his testicles had actually popped.

"You are truly amazing Emmitt." He pulled her close to him her head laying between his shoulder and his chest, hands on his chest rubbing it over lightly with her finger tips legs entangled with each other as weak as they both of their legs felt. Letting their breathing return to normal. He looked down to her as she looked up at him. "I don't think I'll ever be able to show you how much I love you Tessandra; but every day I will do my best to try." Emmitt spoke softly to her. She reached up and kissed him deeply. "So will I." She whispered back to him. They held each other close finally getting the peaceful nights rest they longed for the whole week.

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