Rosewood Institute

By sunshineandthornes

234K 5.8K 485

Birch Bluebelle Hastings has been physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by his father since he was 8 y... More

Hell indeed
My current future
The Institute Bedrooms Part 1
The Institute Bedrooms Part 2
The Institute Tour
The Journey To Them
Meeting Them
Lost Baby Boy
Secrets at Fathers House
Iris's Story
Something Real
Christmas Special
Baking Disaster
Romans Punishment Special
Father's Rage
Nightmares are terrible, lets nap instead
Little Accidents
Nap Interrupted
Easter Special
Lost. But Now Found
Swimming pools & popsicle mustaches
Paint Pranks
Home sick
Halloween Special #1
Dying on my Knees
Dead & Gone
Hiking Adventure
Christmas Special #2
Loving Him
Therapy Session Nightmare
Keeping Him
Shadow on my Soul
Alex the Ass
The Fabric of Our Souls
Soul Traveler


7.5K 215 23
By sunshineandthornes

Birch's POV

I wake up to soft smooth fabric underneath me and instinctively burrow my face deeper into the softness.

I've never had nice things like this in my life; all of these new things and experiences are so overwhelming and it just makes me wanna cry so I did.

As I was bawling into my pillows, I felt strong arms wrap themselves around me and pull me into a strong, warm chest.

I looked up into deep blue eyes, he had chin length dirty blonde hair and a kind face, he seemed nice and caring.

He cooed at me and ran his fingers through my hair, and I rested my head on his shoulder for comfort. I don't know what it's about the boys who live here, but they all make my head feel fuzzy and my emotions feel so... small...? I dunno how to explain it but they make me feel different. Maybe I should ask Mr. Silas?

Maybe I should try speaking again? I haven't done it in years, and Mr. Silas says this home is safe and not like fathers house.

I look back into this boys pretty blue eyes and he smiles at me in affection and says, "Good morning, darling. My name's Paisley but most people call me Lee."

I smiled at him and waved in greeting.

He chuckled at me and we headed downstairs to breakfast, I was kinda excited about eating my first breakfast with them.

When we got to the dining room, everyone had already taken their seats, so Paisley sat next to Mr. Silas and I sat next to a tall but lanky looking boy that smiled at me.

"Alright everyone, thank you for joining us for this fine meal that Xavier graced us with. Now let's dig in and get our day started!" Mr. Silas seemed to be in a good mood, I had no idea why. I always hated mornings,

I looked around and there was a large platter of big fluffy homemade waffles, cut up strawberries, maple syrup, butter, orange juice, bacon, scrambled eggs, and coffee on the table.

I had no idea what to pick and before I could decide, a plate of waffles with cut up strawberries that had butter and maple syrup drizzled on top. It looked delicious.

I nodded in thanks to the boy sitting on my left who made my plate and we both dug in.

When I ate about a fourth of the meal, I felt so full that I was afraid I might puke if I ate more so I stopped eating and started sipping on my coffee.

I was just watching the boys, and I noticed Mr. Silas looking at me, but more so my eyes. I knew I was a freak who had strange colored eyes and hair but I didn't see disgust in his eyes.... Just adoration, or maybe facination? I wasn't sure but I never felt hatred or malice when he looked at me, just understanding and a peaceful calm that I craved.

Mr. Silas cleared his throat and said, "Alright, seeing as you are done eating Birch, I'll inform you of the House Rules. They are as follows:

1.) No drugs, drinking or any illegal substances are allowed.

2.) Any family contact must first go through me and I'll inform you if you receive a letter or a request for a visit.

3.) No swearing of any kind, we respect each other here and I expect for you to show that same respect.

4.) If you have a problem then come to any of us but especially Xavier or Hades and myself. We can help you with practically anything, just ask. It doesn't matter if it's big or small, we always work through things together as a family would.

5.) Shower at least three times a week, brush your teeth and hair twice daily, and take all the meds prescribed to you.

6.) Eat twice a day and drink plenty of water.

7.) Whenever leaving the institute, always take one of the responsible older boys with you. (Example: Arundelle, Hades, Xavier, Paisley, Paris.)

8.) Pick up after yourself. We have some housekeepers but they keep to themselves. So take all your dishes to the kitchen and keep your dirty laundry in its hamper. I don't want to have to struggle to get to your bed in case of an emergency or anything.

9.) Keep a solid schedule. Wake-up at 7am and bedtime is 10pm. I understand if you have trouble sleeping, but at least try to stay quiet for everyone else.

10.) Absolutely no self harm, if you get the urge just inform one of the trusted adults I previously mentioned.

More rules can be added as needed, and these are already posted in your bedroom. Any questions?"

I shook my head no as I looked down at the table. He had less restrictive rules than father, but I noticed no punishments, so maybe he'll add those in later?

I had no idea what he was thinking but I felt the need to speak... I finally got the courage to say my first words in years.

"Wh-What a-ab- about si-sissy?" I said with big tearful eyes and a trembling lip. It's all I could think about, me ever visiting my sissy ever again.

I had no idea why I felt so small and vulnerable in that moment but I did, and all I wanted was to be held and comforted. A part of me knew these boys are my safety, so I let the fuzzy feeling take over me and I felt so much better for it.

Suddenly the room erupted into loud sounds and movements, I got scared and ran into Mr. Silas arms crying and whimpering, as he held at me and cooed comforting things in my ear.

"I didn't know he had a sister!"
"That wasn't in his file!"
"Where the fuck is she?!"
"Please don't tell me she just sat back and watched as he was tortured!"

A dining chair flipped over the table and crashed into the opposite wall. I was so scared, and my sissy didn't deserve any of this. She protected me the best she could with what we had, and that was more than enough for me.

"Stop! Don't you see your scaring the poor boy shitless?! Calm yourselves down now! Or so help me god, I will punish all of you severely!" Mr. Silas yelled.

The whole room was dead silent at that; the only thing you could hear were my sniffles and cries. But I now wanted to get away from Mr. Silas he was scaring me now, so I squirmed away from him and he slowly released his arms from the protective hold they had on my back.

He held me at arms length and asked me, "Who is sissy and where is she?"

I took a deep breath and looked up at him with big doe eyes and said, "Iris is sissy, she my twin! I can take you to her!"

Mr. Silas and everyone else looked at me in shock; first of all, they had no idea I had a twin apparently and about the apparent mute actually speaking.

Mr. Silas slowly nodded his head and said, "We're all going on a road trip back to Birch's old home. Pack for a few days while I get a few extra items for us."

Unbeknownst to Birch, the few extra items were for him. He had no idea what his classification was, but unknowingly to him, this was his first moment in little space. And Silas and his boys couldn't be happier that they finally found their missing piece.

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