Cold || All Of Us Are Dead ||

By FanFictionWrite_r

406K 11.9K 4.8K

A girl named Y/n L/n who's cold towards anyone and everyone no matter who you are or what you've done for her... More

Blood On Your Hands
Goodbye Gyeong-su...
Jealous, Ji-min?
Principal's Office...
Music Room
Was it really betryal?
Messages And A Kiss
Nam-ra's abilities
The Plan
Refusing To Die
The First Joke
Rooftop Fire
Sick Of You
Aftermath Of A Fight
๏ฟผI Give You Mercy
New Members
Confession Gone Wrong
A Ruined Promise.
Little Sis
Thank You For Keeping Her Safe
Pinning The Blame
For The Last Time...Cheong-San
We'll fight together
Saved...but at what cost?
Question (Not a Chapter)

The Past

17.4K 480 95
By FanFictionWrite_r

8 Years Ago

You, Kai (Older Brother), Sakae (Little sister), your mum and dad sat at the table eating. It was silent...a tense silence...that was until your father cleared his throat gaining everyones attention

"Y/n, I heard you cried in school today" You father spoke in a cold tone as you looked at him your small frail figure shaking when he locks eye contact with you.

"Honey, some boy was hurting her" Your mum tries to reason but he glares at her making her look down at her plate

"I-It really hurt..." You mumble quietly trying not to let tears flow down your face. Your mum stood up and took your baby sister, Sakae, out of the room while Kai stayed in his seat

"Crying shows fear and fear shows weakness. Do you understand?" Your father lectures you as he remains to keep eye contact

"Y-yes" you stammer as your eyes become glossy

"Dad, she's 8" Kai tries to defend you

"Quiet" Your father silenced your brother in a stern voice

" won't happen again! I promise!" You plead as tears filled your eyes

"Liar!" Your father shouts in anger as he slams his fist on the table

"No!" You cried as tears escaped your eyes

"You need to learn to take a hit, else you'll be a weakling. Is that what you want, huh!?" Your father yells as he walks up to you gripping your hair as you cry more

"Father!" Kai shouts

"You and Kai will spar everyday" Your Father orders letting go

"O-ok" you whisper as you silently sob from the pain of him pulling your hair harshly

"How long does each spar have to last?" Kai questions rubbing your back as he watches his Father stand up straight

"Till one of you aren't able to continue...meaning you're either badly injured, unconscious...or dead" Your Father snickers as yours and Kai's eyes widen

"That's insane! She's 3 years younger than me!" Kai yells in anger at his Father only to receive a harsh slap across the face

"What did you say?!" Your Father yells back as he watches his son stumble back

"Nothing" He mumbles as your Father walks out of the room with heavy footsteps


You both would spar everyday. You'd always come out with your hands bloody, your knuckles scratched and bruised and your face bruised. Sometimes you'd even come out unconscious. He was told always to go full out on you. He was hesitant the first few days of sparing but eventually it was like a pattern

We'd go into the basement in a white square and he'd win. Every. Single. Time.

Now you're 16 and still losing against your brother, Kai. You've had one victory and that was only because you were more angered then usual.

The way your sadistic Father treated you and the way your mum wouldn't stop him made your heart grow cold...

You only cared for two things in this world. To protect your little sister that was now 9 and to always be there for your big brother that was now 19 and a high rank in the military so you barely got to see him but he'd always come down to the house to visit mainly you and Sakae

You'd take beatings from your Father to make sure he wouldn't make your sister turn out like you. Your father was a cold man that wanted his own gender bend and sadly he chose you for that and you fell into his trap.

You're a cold-hearted 16 yr old that's chosen to hang around with the wrong people so you don't get attached. Though you do have another friend group that you much prefer though you never show emotion towards them.

I wanted to give a background onto why your character is so cold. So here you go!

Y/n is 16 in the present
Sakae is 9 in the present
Kai is 19 in the present

Small chapter so yk the backstory

word count: 678

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