Summoning The Terran Federal...

Por Anonymous55550

30.7K 786 744

The Eagle faltered as the world around it turned to Nuclear Ash. However, it would fly again. This time it wo... Más

Terran Federal Republic Bio (Update 3)
Character Bio's (Updated as of chapter 3)(Outdated)
The Terran Federal Republic History (Update Pending)
Chapter 1: Contact
Chapter 2: Tour
Chapter 3: The Meeting
Chapter 5: Louria's Downfall
Chapter 6: Visiting Mu
Chapter 7: Terran Diplomacy
Chapter 8: Demon Lords Army
Chapter 9: Emissaries
Chapter 10: Discovery
Chapter 11: Military Festival
Chapter 12: Parpaldia's Mistake
Chapter 13: Realization
Chapter 14: Glassing Operation
Chapter 15: Aftermath
Chapter 16: Human History
Chapter 17: The Gra Valkas Empire

Chapter 4: The Great Naval Battle (Massacre) of Rodenius

1.3K 44 42
Por Anonymous55550

Eshas, Elysia 
January 12th, 2400 / January 31st, 1639

In the days following the Qua-Toyne delegation's visit to The Terran Federal Republic's settlement things were going well. The treaties and agreements between the two were hammered out and everything regarding diplomatic relations had been sorted out. However, this time of peace would not last for long. However, Qua-Toyne got what they wanted out of the treaty. When Louria invades the Terrans will come to their aid. However, what they don't know is when Louria will invade. That day is approaching and fast.

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 
2400 / February 1st, 1639
Kingdom of Louria
Qua-Toyne Border

Thousands of Lourian troops can be seen all over standing at the border of Qua-Toyne. In front of all of them stands General Adem. He can be seen giving a speech to his men.

Adem: MEN! We will now rid this land of the filth! Take the land that is rightfully ours! kill all the filth you see!

Random Soldier 1: Sir Adem. What about the women?

Adem: Have your fun! But make sure to dispose of them Afterwards! Now, let us clear the filth from the ear-!

He would have finished what he said but before he could his head exploded.

Random Soldier 2: General Adem!?!? 

Random Soldier 3: General Adem!

Random Soldier 1: The General is Dead!

Random Soldier 4: Quick we must report this to lord Pandor!

???: <<Target neutralized. Returning to base.>>

 While the soldiers were in panic the mysterious person left the scene. 

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 2400 / February 1st, 1639
Great East
Light Carrier FSS Midway

On the bridge of FSS Midway Capitan Ralph Chaffin is taking in all the reports of what is going on, on the ground in Qua-Toyne.

Officer 1: Sir, Delta 576 has succeeded in his assignment to assassinate the Louria General.

Ralph: It seems that we will buy ourselves enough time to get there. It's unfortunate that these ships can't move any faster in a median. 

Runic 576 is not just a code name, it's the person's real name. In the Terran Federal Republic, Runics are the elite, of the elite when it comes to skill and power on the battlefield. They are super soldiers, more so than any other soldier in the country or even the galaxy. They are born to kill, quite literally. When they are still a fetus in the womb, they are genetically modified to be stronger and faster. This is different from normal genetic engineering for people in the country as normally it occurs after birth. However, in the case of Runics, it happens before and after birth. One does not choose to be a Runic. A Runic is decided by the Department of Defense before they are even born. Runics serve two purposes. The first is elite military operations or low-capacity operations. In this, they are known to be one-man armies and ruthless. Since their creation, not one has died in battle. Second, they are propaganda tools. This doesn't have as much effect as the other, but it is still a useful tool. Many children often look up to the Runics and want to be like them one day. As a result, many more people are willing to join the military when they come of age. So, for the government, it's a win-win. 

Officer 2: Indeed sir, we will arrive at the Qua-Toyne border town of Gim in a little under an hour. 

Officer 3: It is likely that the Lorians will still be reorganizing by then.

Officer 1: Hahaha! It seems the primitives were thrown off by their leader's head exploding all of a sudden!

Ralph: Indeed

Officer 2: Should we send fighters in for a preemptive strike?

Ralph: No, we will instill fear into their hearts by letting them see this ship.

Officer 3: I see then, it is intimidation tactics.

Officer 1: Sir, I believe FSS Hood should be engaging the enemy's navy momentarily. 

Ralph: It would seem that everything is going as planned.

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 2400 / February 1st, 1639

The young officer Breweye can be seen staring out over the water at the port of Maihark. He is staring at the massive floating ship that can be seen a few miles out. This ship is FSS Hood. A battlecruiser of the Federal Navy. While the ship is not new, it was recently upgraded and retrofitted and has the latest technologies on board. 

Breweye: So, that is the ship I will be getting on.

The Lourians had sent a fleet of over 4,000 galleys to strike and take Maihark. The Terrans said they would handle the fleet. But when the Terrans sent only one ship, the Qua-Toyne government was skeptical. None the less they wanted to see the Terran military in action for the first time. So, they requested to send an observer, and the Terrans accepted their request. Breweye was sent because he was capable despite his age. So, if something went wrong, he would be the one with the highest survival chance.

Breweye's thoughts were cut short when he saw an object approaching. Soon it was above him and it had landed. Someone jumped out.

Random Solider: Officer Breweye, I presume?

Breweye: Oh, yes that is me.

Random Soldier: Please, hope on the Pelican dropship and we will take you aboard The Hood.

They got on the dropship and headed to the ship. Once on the ship, the soldier guided Breweye to the bridge. Once there a woman could be seen standing in the middle. Once she noticed their presence she turned around and walked toward them. 

???: Thank you soldier for bringing the observer here. Please return to your duties.

The soldier saluted and left. 

Sasha: Nice to meet you, I'm Admiral Sasha. I'm the one in charge of FSS Hood.

Breweye: Qua-Toyne 2nd fleet officer Breweye, nice to meet you as well.

They shook hands.

Breweye (Thoughts): A female in a high-ranking position of the military. Thats not something you see in Qua-Toyne.

Sasha: Now, since we have the observer on board we shall depart.

Officers: Sir!

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 2400 / February 1st, 1639
Great East
Battlecruiser FSS Hood

The Battlecruiser continues on its way towards the Lourian Fleet. Meanwhile, the Lourians pressed on towards Qua-Toyne, unaware of their impending doom. Admiral Sharkun can be seen sitting on a chair 

Sharkun: Ah, isn't it beautiful?

Random Sailor: Sir?

Sharkun: This fleet! Our great flee! It could invade the 3rd Civilized Area's Superpower Parpaldia! Truly a sight to behold!

Random Sailor: Indeed sir!

Watchmen: Admiral Sharkun! There is something approaching us!

Random Sailor: Holy Hell! What is that thing? it's massive!

Sharkun: M-men we must press on!

Sharkun was concerned, however, the object didn't show any signs of aggression. But it got closer and closer. Then a voice could be heard.

FSS Hood: <<This is the Terran Federal Navy's Battlecruiser FSS Hood! Turn back now! I repeat turn back now! If you press on toward Qua-Toyne we will open fire!>> 

Random Sailor: Did that thing just talk?

Sharkun: <<All vessels do not retreat! The pride of Louria is on the line! There is only one of them, while there are over 4,000 of us!>>

Sharkun sent the message out via mana com. To say he wasn't worried would be an understatement. 

Onboard the Hood the people on the bridge were watching as the galleys approached. Breweye was slightly nervous. However, he had faith in the Terrans, and soon he would learn that the faith was well-placed.

Officer 1: Sir, the enemy is not retreating.

Sasha: Alright then, use the particle lance, as a warning shot. Destroy a few of them.

Hood fired one of her particle lances and it vaporized a few hundred galleys instantly and cut a small island nearby in half. Breweye and the Louria's were shocked and sweating profusely.

Sasha: OK, who left the lance on 50% power!? Weapons Officer Jefferson?

Officer Jefferson: Uh, sorry?

Sasha walked up to him. She stopped in front of him and stared.

Sasha: You just graduated from officer training school, yes? Well, one thing they don't teach you is the power of DAMN PARTICLE LANCES! YOU KEEP THAT THINGS POWER UP TO HIGH IT WILL DO LOTS OF DAMAGE! IF IT WAS LEFT AT 100% POWER IT COULD HAVE TORN THROUGH THE PLANET AND CAUSED A MASS EXTINCTION BECAUSE HEAT FROM THE CORE WOULD SUPERHEAT THE ATMOSPHERE! *sigh* Listen, those things are dangerous, Hood has rather weak particle lances compared to battleships and titans. Just be careful, ok? Turn the power down to 10%.

Officer Jefferson: Y-y-yes s-sir!

Sasha: Sorry about that Mr.Breweye. I prioritize the discipline of those under my command.

Breweye: I-i-its o-ok.

The Louria's that were left were extremely scared. Some even jumped ship and started to swim away.

Sharkun: << M-men! We must fight! Call in Wyvern support! They will take that beast out of the sky!>>

A few minutes later the Hood picked up some anomalies on the sensors.

Officer 1: Sir, there are some unidentified aircraft approaching at low speed.

Sasha: Are they going at a similar speed as those the Qua-Toyne's had?

Officer 1: Yes sir.

Sasha: Mr.Breweye we aren't exactly familiar with these objects. Could you explain them to us?

Breweye: They are known as wyverns. Nearly every country uses them as their air units. A wyvern knight is said to be worth 100 normal knights.

Sasha: I see, so they are similar to flying birds that we have seen other primitives use on different planets. Officer, shoot them.

The Lourians who were watching saw bolts of light come out of the flying ship. At first, they did not know where they were going but when they saw explosions in the distance their eyes widened in horror. 

Sharkun: T-they shot the w-wyverns d-down before t-they could even h-have a c-chance to f-fight.

Sharkun fell to his knees in a state of shock and horror. Not knowing what he had witnessed. Everything he had seen these people do defies common logic.

Sharkun: Is this the Ancient Sorcerous Empire!?

 Back on the Hood Breweye was shocked yet again. Those wyverns were nowhere near them, and they were just shot out of the sky. 

Sasha: So, they tried to call in air support. However, their resistance is futile. Destroy the fleet.

The ship began to fire its ordinances at the Lourian fleet. 100, 200, 500, 1,000, and one by one ships were either vaporized or blown to bits. After only about 30 seconds there was nothing left of the once-great Lourian fleet. No one survived.

Breweye just watched as a massive fleet that could have left the coast of Qua-Toyne in ruin was obliterated. It only took the Terran's 30 seconds! Only a few of the weapons were active and on a lower power setting. 

Breweye *muttering*: It's a good thing that we did not make enemies with them.

Sasha: Well, it seems our work here is done. Mr.Breweye I believe you have seen what you came for yes?

Breweye: Y-y-yes!

Sasha: Excellent, one of the Pelicans will take you back to the port at Maihark.

Breweye: Your, not heading back?

Sasha: Not yet, we have a capital to take.

Instead of questioning Breweye just decided to stay quiet.  He knew questions wouldn't lead him anywhere. These people's technologies and understandings were far beyond there's. So, for now, he would head back to port. Once a soldier arrived to escort him, he left the bridge to report his findings.

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 2400 / February 1st, 1639
Kingdom of Louria
Qua-Toyne Border

Pandor: So, you're telling me that Adem was assassinated?

Random Solider: Y-yes s-sir.

Pandor: DAMN FILTH! Don't worry, we will make them pay, we will torture every last one of them to death! hahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! WE SHALL BEGIN THE INVASION OF QUA-TOYNE NOW! I SHALL LEAD US TO VICTORY!

Pandor had gone a bit insane. Nevertheless, Louria began its invasion of Qua-Toyne 

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 2400 / February 1st, 1639
Qua-Toyne Airspace
Light Carrier FSS Midway

Officer 1: Sir, it appears that the Lourians have begun their ground invasion of Qua-Toyne. Furthermore, the Hood destroyed the fleet of over 4,00 galleys.

Ralph: Good, have we bought ourselves enough time?

Officer 2: I do believe so sir. At the rate the Lourians are marching it will take them at least 12 hours to reach Gim. We should be there within the next 15 minutes. This will also give us enough time to talk with the person who is in charge of the defense. 

Officer 3: Once we arrive, I suggest we send some fighters out for scouting. Mainly because cavalry is a concern and could arrive faster than the regular infantry. If the scouts find cavalry, they kill them. 

Ralph: Agreed, we want no civilian casualties to improve our relations with Qua-Toyne. This way we will be able to get more information from them.

Ralph's face morphed into a smile.

Ralph: Let the fun begin!

(Thanks for reading! I'd like to thank everyone who has read my story so far. I never expected this many people to read my first story! Thank you so much for all the support!)

(The new names in this chapter will not get a bio. At least for now, maybe in the future if I end up having them appear more.)

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